X-Ray Tomography of the Most Diamondiferous Peridotite: A Unique Xenolith from Udachnaya, Siberia
The Udachnaya kimberlite pipe is dominated by ultramafic xenoliths; however, it is the diamondiferous eclogites that are most recovered, with precious few diamondiferous peridotites. A truly unique diamondiferous garnet-peridotite xenolith was recovered, consisting of equal amounts of enstatite (Mg# 92.7) and lherzolitic garnet (Mg# 83.8), with lesser unaltered olivine (Mg# 92-95).The δ13C isotopic composition in these crystals has a value of -22 ‰, not typical for diamonds of ultramafic paragenesis, which are usually in the narrow range in δ13C (-2 to -8 ‰), characteristic of the mantle (Cartigny, Elements, 2005). Diamonds with such light-isotopic carbon, as low as -44 ‰ typical for eclogitic diamonds, are considered as indicative of subduction of oceanic crust (Sobolev & Sobolev, Russ. G & G, 1980). The majority of diamonds are Type IIa; others are Type IaB. Nitrogen impurity is of the B form indicating a high-aggregation state, considered evidence for long mantle residence times at high temperatures.
In some Ds, nano-size inclusions were discovered using TEM techniques and composed of Mg-Al silicate-rich phases, a Ca-carbonate phase, graphite, and fluid. These micro-inclusions represent mantle fluid that had been captured in the diamond growth process, as described by Logvinova (Eur. J Min, 2008). The non-mantle δ13C values to the myriad of diamonds, combined with their nitrogen-aggregation states, are considered as supporting evidence for the formation of the diamonds from metasomatic fluids with crustal signatures.