Tools for Engaging Scientists in Education and Public Outreach: Resources from NASA’s Science Mission Directorate Forums
Thursday, 18 December 2014
Sanlyn Buxner1, Jennifer Grier1, Bonnie K Meinke2, Nicholas A Gross3 and Morgan Woroner4, (1)Planetary Science Institute Tucson, Tucson, AZ, United States, (2)Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, MD, United States, (3)Boston University, Boston, MA, United States, (4)IGES, Arlington, VA, United States
The NASA Science Education and Public Outreach (E/PO) Forums support the NASA Science Mission Directorate (SMD) and its E/PO community by enhancing the coherency and efficiency of SMD-funded E/PO programs. The Forums foster collaboration and partnerships between scientists with content expertise and educators with pedagogy expertise. We will present tools to engage and resources to support scientists’ engagement in E/PO efforts. Scientists can get connected to educators and find support materials and links to resources to support their E/PO work through the online SMD E/PO community workspace (
http://smdepo.org) The site includes resources for scientists interested in E/PO including one page guides about “How to Get Involved” and “How to Increase Your Impact,” as well as the NASA SMD Scientist Speaker’s Bureau to connect scientists to audiences across the country. Additionally, there is a set of online clearinghouses that provide ready-made lessons and activities for use by scientists and educators: NASA Wavelength (http://nasawavelength.org/) and EarthSpace (
http://www.lpi.usra.edu/earthspace/). The NASA Forums create and partner with organizations to provide resources specifically for undergraduate science instructors including slide sets for Earth and Space Science classes on the current topics in astronomy and planetary science. The Forums also provide professional development opportunities at professional science conferences each year including AGU, LPSC, AAS, and DPS to support higher education faculty who are teaching undergraduate courses. These offerings include best practices in instruction, resources for teaching planetary science and astronomy topics, and other special topics such as working with diverse students and the use of social media in the classroom. We are continually soliciting ways that we can better support scientists’ efforts in effectively engaging in E/PO. Please contact Sanlyn Buxner (
buxner@psi.edu) or Jennifer Grier (jgrier@psi.edu) to give us feedback on these resources or others you would like to see.