What Influences Activity of Zonal Circulation over Eurasia in Periods of Arctic Amplification?

Monday, 15 December 2014
Euihyun Jung1, Baek-Min Kim2 and Gyu-Ho Lim1, (1)Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea, (2)KOPRI Korea Polar Research Institute, Incheon, South Korea
Since late 1990s, drastic increase of surface air temperature over the Arctic area has been observed. By the way, the surface air temperature increase of lower latitude region is weaker than the Arctic. The non-homogeneous heating affects zonal atmospheric circulation unfavorably and more wavy in meridional. Especially, increase of weather extremes, Heat waves, cold spells droughts prolonged wet periods are related to these amplification of atmospheric planetary waves.

 The thermal wind relationship is related to weakening north-south temperature gradient may cause larger amplitude planetary waves. In recent years, the north-south temperature gradient has been much weakened in Eurasia region (30E-90E) and intensification of waviness of zonal flow is shown. However, the waviness of Rossby wave intended from global warming is still disputable. More adequate methods need to understand under shortage of observation period.