Photosynthetic Response of Poplars (Populus) to Climatic Stressors: Investigating Isoprene's Role in Increasing Tolerance to Temperature and Atmospheric Water Stress in Arizona

Wednesday, 17 December 2014
Andrew Walker Pfeiffer1, Rebecca L. Minor2, Maggie M. Heard2 and Greg Barron-Gafford2, (1)Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, United States, (2)University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, United States
The southwestern United States is expected to become warmer and drier under future climate projections. The way in which plant and ecosystems respond to these changes is valuable for predicting carbon and water cycling, ecosystem resilience, phenology, and future agriculture, including biofuel production. We examined the interacting effects of dominant climate stressors--vapor pressure deficit (VPD) and temperature--on photosynthesis. Specifically, we tested whether or not plant production of the terpene isoprene imparts heat and water-stress tolerance. Within an experimental common garden of poplars (Populus) at University of Arizona’s Biosphere 2 we measured four separate genetic lines - two that retained isoprene production capacity and two that had this gene “knocked out”. VPD was altered at temperatures of 30, 35, and 40C to present both heat and aridity stresses. Maximum photosynthetic capacity (Amax), the VPD at which Amax occurred (VPDopt), and the VPD range between Amax and ninety percent of Amax90) were calculated to quantify how VPD differentially affected the lines. Amax was significantly lower in knockout lines than in control lines. Moreover, the difference in Amax between lines increased from 19.3% at 30C to 28.4% at 35C to 39.0% at 40C, indicating that trees without isoprene production are less equipped to handle hot and dry conditions. Ω90 and VPDopt response were not the same, though. Isoprene knockouts had significantly higher VPD optimums (1.9749 kPA vs. 1.6451 kPa) compared to isoprene-producing lines. Although maximum photosynthesis is diminished without isoprene production under water and heat stress, isoprene knockout lines were still fairly active at a high VPD and under a wide range of VPD conditions. Beyond advancing our basic understanding of plant ecophysiology, these results will inform the potential use of poplars as a source of biofuel production across a range of current and projected climate conditions.