Deriving a Core Magnetic Field Model from Swarm Satellite Data

Thursday, 18 December 2014: 2:20 PM
Vincent Lesur, Martin Rother and Ingo Wardinski, Helmholtz Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany
A model of the Earth’s core magnetic field has been built using Swarm satellite mission data and observatory quasi-definitive data. The satellite data processing scheme, which was used to derive previous satellite field models (i.e. GRIMM series), has been modified to handle discrepancies between the satellite total intensity data derived from the vector fluxgate magnetometer and the absolute scalar instrument. Further, the Euler angles, i.e. the angles between the vector magnetometer and the satellite reference frame, have been recalculated on a series of 30-day windows to obtain an accurate model of the core field for 2014. Preliminary derivations of core magnetic field and SV models for 2014 present the same characteristics as during the CHAMP era. The acceleration (i.e. the field second time derivative) has shown a rapid evolution over the last few years, and is present in the current model, which confirms previous observations.