Anisotropy of Atmospheric Surface Layer Turbulence During the MATERHORN Experiment

Friday, 19 December 2014
Cheryl L Klipp, US Army Research Laboratory, White Sands Missile, NM, United States
LES models are capable of capturing anisotropic turbulence, however little is currently known about the actual anisotropy in the atmospheric surface layer. It is known that atmospheric motion is anisotropic at large scales and becomes more isotropic as the scales of motion diminish in size, but quantifiable analysis has not been extensively carried out. Multiresolution decomposition of MATERHORN sonic anemometer data is used to separate the turbulence into different scales of motion. Reynolds stress tensor analysis is then used to determine the anisotropy characteristics of each scale. Flow from some directions exhibits a narrow range of anisotropy characteristics, while the anisotropy for flow from other directions not predictable.