Water Resources and Groundwater in a Glaciated Andean Watershed (Cordillera Blanca, Peru)
Monday, 15 December 2014: 9:30 AM
Jeffrey M McKenzie1, Ryan Gordon2, Michel Baraer3, Laura Lautz2, Bryan G Mark4, Oliver Wigmore4, Daniel Chavez1 and Caroline Aubry-Wake1, (1)McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada, (2)Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, United States, (3)Ecole de Technologie Superieur, Montreal, QC, Canada, (4)OSU-Byrd Polar Rsrch Ctr, Columbus, OH, United States
It is estimated that almost 400 million people live in watersheds where glaciers provide at least 10% of the runoff, yet many questions remain regarding the impact of climate change and glacier recession on water resources derived from these high mountain watersheds. We present research from the Cordillera Blanca, Peru, an area with the highest density of glaciers in the tropics. While glacier meltwater buffers stream discharge throughout the range, groundwater is a major component of dry season runoff, contributing up to 50-70% of outflow in some tributaries. In order to predict future changes to water resources it is critical to understand how groundwater can offset future hydrologic stress by maintaining stream baseflow, including recharge mechanisms, subsurface pathways, storage, and net fluxes to rivers. We present a synthesis of results based on hydrologic modeling, drilling/piezometers, geophysics, and artificial and natural hydrologic tracers. Our findings show that ‘pampas’, low-relief mountain valleys, are critical for baseflow generation by storing groundwater on interannual timescales. Pampas have a total area of ~65 km2 and are comprised of unconsolidated glacial, talus, lacustrine and wetland (bofedales) deposits. The valleys commonly have buried talus aquifers that are overlain by low permeability, glaciolacustrine deposits. Glaciofluvial outwash deposits and small wetlands also act as unconfined aquifers. These groundwater systems appear to be primarily recharged by wet season precipitation, and at higher elevations also by glacial meltwater. Additionally a ubiquitous feature in the valleys are springs, often located at the base of talus deposits, which generate a large hydrologic flux within the hydrologic systems. While glaciers are the most visible and vulnerable component of the Andean waterscape, we argue that it is crucial to understand the complete mountain hydrologic cycle, including groundwater, in order to understand the ongoing transitions in a post peak-water setting.