The IODP-Ecord Seen By a Science Teacher

Tuesday, 16 December 2014
Jean-Luc Berenguer, GeoAzur, Valbonne, France
Since 2009, European teachers were invited to join IODP - ECORD expeditions. Such expeditions hosting teachers aboard the JOIDES Resolution are most successful in training high quality formation, to keep in touch with oceanographic research and researchers who run it.

The active participation of these ‘teachers at sea’ has already helped to disseminate Education tools such as online hands-on, broadcasts from the ship... One of the last IODP Expedition (IODP 345 – Hess Deep Plutonic Crust) was very efficient to discover life on board the JOIDES Resolution to the schools.

The program 'School of Rock' is also a great opportunity to build relationships within the educational community. Hundreds of teachers, including some Europeans have been able to participate in these schools, to share their teaching practices and to improve their training in marine geosciences. IODP France organized, last year, the first ‘European School of Rock’ edition with forty teachers.

A new way to bring geosciences into the classroom is 'ship to shore' live video broadcasts from the oceanographic vessel during the expeditions. Since 2010, thousand students in Europe were able to participate in a broadcast with the JOIDES Resolution, have a guided tour of the ship, included the labs, and ask to a scientist ... A magical moment that highlights geosciences in the classroom!.

Teaching Geosciences in French schools represent 30% of the national standard for Life Earth Science teaching. Many practical activities have been done with support as concrete as possible. Cores replicas from some expeditions complete successfully geological collections of tools available for the classroom. A lot of students have benefited in Europe from these cores in their classroom.

Some conclusions :
It is essential to maintain and provide teachers training with the multidisciplinary marine geosciences (biology, geology, physics, chemistry).

It remains essential as maintaining formations with the relationship between scientists and teachers through a better mutual understanding of each other's work. Participation of teachers in scientific expeditions aboard the JR is privileged moments.

We must also focus on the link 'science and society', especially as it involves many themes such as geosciences climate change, natural hazards...