What Controls the Hydrodynamics of the Central Congo River?

Friday, 19 December 2014: 9:15 AM
Fiachra O'Loughlin and Paul D Bates, University of Bristol, Bristol, United Kingdom
Despite being the second largest river basin in the world, with a drainage area greater than 3.7 million square kilometres, little is known about the hydraulics of the Congo River. This lack of knowledge is mainly due to a mixture of conflicts and the difficulty of accessing existing data.

We present results of studies which have focused primarily on the middle reach of the Congo River, located between Kisangani and Kinshasa, and its six main tributaries (Kasai, Ubangai, Sangha, Ruki, Lulonga and Lomami rivers). Through a combination of remotely sensed datasets and a hydrodynamic model we investigated what factors control the hydrodynamics of the middle reach.

From the analysis of the remotely sensed datasets, we discover that variability in river width of the middle reach of the Congo is large and cannot be represented by empirical equations which relate channel geometry to basin area and discharge. Water surface slopes vary from 3.5 cm/km to 9 cm/km, which is far more than previous studies suggest. The remote datasets indicate that there exist 5 large constrictions in the river width which may result in backwater affecting between 11 and 33 percent of middle reach at low and high water respectively. These results were corroborated by the hydrodynamic model. In fact, when all constrictions caused by a narrowing in width of 1 km or more are considered, water levels along 43 percent of the middle reach change by at least 0.5 m.

Using the hydrodynamic model we also investigated the importance of the wetlands to the attenuation of the flood wave through the system. Initial results suggest that for the Congo River, floodplains have far more impact on the peak magnitude than the timing of the flood wave. When the model was run with no floodplain interactions an increase in the magnitude of flood peak was observed, with the timing of the waves being consistent with observed measurements.