Carbon Processing in the Marine Subsurface: What Are They Doing Down There?
Tuesday, 16 December 2014: 2:55 PM
Jennifer Biddle1, Amanda Jean Martino2, Joseph A. Russell III3, Glenn Christman1 and Christopher H House2, (1)Univ of Delaware, Lewes, DE, United States, (2)Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, United States, (3)College of Marine and Earth Studies, Lewes, DE, United States
The deep marine subsurface is a place where small amounts of carbon are deposited, yet the majority of microorganisms appear to have heterotrophic lifestyles and carbon accumulates on a global scale. In this enviroment, how are heterotrophic organisms gathering their carbon and utilizing it? This talk will utilize subsurface metagenomics and amplicon data to discuss the interactions of deep microorganisms with buried sedimentary carbon. We will compare the Peru, Iberian and Costa Rica Margins to the abyssopelagic Equatorial Pacific. Specific organisms and their anticipated functions will be discussed. Additionally, we will discuss the potential for small scale trophic levels to form between bacteria and eukaryotes in deep basalts.