Characteristics of CDOM Optical Properties in Two Mississippi River Influenced Estuaries

Wednesday, 17 December 2014
Eurico J. D'Sa, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, United States
Absorption and fluorescence properties of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) are investigated in two estuarine systems, the Barataria Basin and the Breton Sound, Louisiana, USA. These two estuarine systems located directly west and east of the Mississippi River delta have experienced significant wetland loss and have man-made freshwater diversion structures used to divert water and associated constituents from the Mississippi River into the two estuaries. In the Barataria Basin, water samples were obtained along an axial transect from the marine end member to the upper basin while in the Breton Sound, sampling was conducted along two major routes dominated by wetlands through which diverted water travels. An assessment of CDOM absorption and excitation-emission matrix (EEMs) fluorescence properties along with parallel factor analysis of the EEMs data acquired under different river discharge conditions will be presented.