Combining Remote Sensing with in situ Measurements for Riverine Characterization
Thursday, 18 December 2014: 5:45 PM
Joseph Calantoni1, Margaret L Palmsten1, Julian Simeonov1, David W Dobson1, Kinsey Zarske1, Jack Anthony Puleo2 and K. Todd Holland1, (1)Naval Research Laboratory, Stennis Space Center, MS, United States, (2)Univ of DE-Civil & Envir Engrg, Newark, DE, United States
At the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory we are employing a wide variety of novel remote sensing techniques combined with traditional in situ sampling to characterize riverine hydrodynamics and morphodynamics. Surface currents were estimated from particle image velocimetry (PIV) using imagery from visible to infrared bands, from both fixed and airborne platforms. Terrestrial LIDAR has been used for subaerial mapping from a fixed platform. Additionally, LIDAR has been combined with hydrographic surveying (multibeam) in mobile scanning mode using a small boat. Hydrographic surveying (side scan) has also been performed using underwater autonomous vehicles. Surface drifters have been deployed in combination with a remotely operated, floating acoustic Doppler current profiler. Other fixed platform, in situ sensors, such as pencil beam and sector scanning sonars, acoustic Doppler velocimeters, and water level sensors have been deployed. We will present an overview of a variety of measurements from different rivers around the world focusing on validation examples of remotely sensed quantities with more traditional in situ measurements. Finally, we will discuss long-term goals to use remotely sensed data within an integrated environmental modeling framework.