Protein Stable Isotope Fingerprinting (P-SIF): A New Tool to Understand Natural Isotopic Heterogeneity of Mixed Microbial Ecosystems

Friday, 19 December 2014: 2:25 PM
Ann Pearson, Wiebke Mohr, Tiantian Tang, Sarah Sattin and Roderick Bovee, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States
Protein stable isotope fingerprinting (P-SIF) is a method to measure the carbon isotope ratios of whole proteins separated from complex mixtures, including cultures and environmental samples. The goal of P-SIF is to expose the links between identity and function in microbial ecosystems by (i) determining the ratios of 13C/12C (values of δ13C) for different taxonomic divisions, and (ii) using those values as clues to the metabolic pathways employed by the respective organisms, while (iii) not perturbing the system, i.e., not adding exogenous substrates or isotope labels. To accomplish this, we employ two-dimensional HPLC to resolve a sample containing ca. 5-10 mg of mixed proteins into 960-1440 fractions. Each fraction then is split in two aliquots: The first is digested with trypsin for peptide sequencing, while the second is measured in triplicate using an isotope-ratio mass spectrometer interfaced with a spooling wire microcombustion device. Data from pure cultures show that bacteria have a narrow distribution of protein δ13C values within individual taxa (±0.7-1.2‰, 1σ). This is moderately larger than the mean precision of the triplicate isotope measurements (±0.5‰, 1σ) and may reflect heterogeneous distribution of 13C among the amino acids. When cells from different species are mixed together prior to protein extraction and separation, the results can predict accurately (to within ±1σ) the δ13C values of the original taxa. The number of data points required for this endmember prediction is ≥20/taxon, yielding a theoretical resolution of ca. 10 taxonomic units/sample. Initial tests on environmental samples suggest the approach will be useful to determine the overall trophic breadth of mixed microbial ecosystems.