Dawn: A Simulation Model for Evaluating Costs and Tradeoffs of Big Data Science Architectures

Tuesday, 16 December 2014: 2:20 PM
Luca Cinquini1, Daniel J Crichton1, Amy J Braverman1, Lee Kyo1, Thomas Fuchs1 and Michael Turmon2, (1)NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, United States, (2)JPL, Pasadena, CA, United States
In many scientific disciplines, scientists and data managers are bracing for an upcoming deluge of big data volumes, which will increase the size of current data archives by a factor of 10-100 times. For example, the next Climate Model Inter-comparison Project (CMIP6) will generate a global archive of model output of approximately 10-20 Peta-bytes, while the upcoming next generation of NASA decadal Earth Observing instruments are expected to collect tens of Giga-bytes/day. In radio-astronomy, the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) will collect data in the Exa-bytes/day range, of which (after reduction and processing) around 1.5 Exa-bytes/year will be stored. The effective and timely processing of these enormous data streams will require the design of new data reduction and processing algorithms, new system architectures, and new techniques for evaluating computation uncertainty. Yet at present no general software tool or framework exists that will allow system architects to model their expected data processing workflow, and determine the network, computational and storage resources needed to prepare their data for scientific analysis.

In order to fill this gap, at NASA/JPL we have been developing a preliminary model named DAWN (Distributed Analytics, Workflows and Numerics) for simulating arbitrary complex workflows composed of any number of data processing and movement tasks. The model can be configured with a representation of the problem at hand (the data volumes, the processing algorithms, the available computing and network resources), and is able to evaluate tradeoffs between different possible workflows based on several estimators: overall elapsed time, separate computation and transfer times, resulting uncertainty, and others. So far, we have been applying DAWN to analyze architectural solutions for 4 different use cases from distinct science disciplines: climate science, astronomy, hydrology and a generic cloud computing use case. This talk will present preliminary results and discuss how DAWN can be evolved into a powerful tool for designing system architectures for data intensive science.