Using Sequential Kinematic and Thermochronometric Modeling to Temporally and Spatially Link Thrust Belt Exhumation with Basin Development in the Bolivian Fold-Thrust-Belt-Foreland Basin System.

Tuesday, 16 December 2014: 2:55 PM
Adam Rak, University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Campus, Department of Geology and Planetary Sciences, Pittsburgh, PA, United States and Nadine McQuarrie, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United States
Applying isostasy and erosion to sequentially deformed balanced cross sections links the growth of hinterland structures to the developing foreland basins (FB) adjacent to fold-thrust belts (FTB), adding geologic constraints to modeled exhumation pathways. We sequentially deform the Rio Beni cross section in northern Bolivia (McQuarrie et al., 2008) with kinematic modeling software Move. In our model, topography evolves and basins develop for each model step as deformation, erosion, and isostasy are applied; and are a direct function of the geometry and kinematics of the cross section. The model is constrained by the depth of the foreland and hinterland basins, geology present at the surface, the depth and angle of the decollement, and the shape of the modern observed topography. Topography develops as thrusting occurs and loads the crust, producing a flexural wave and creating accommodation space in adjacent basins. Erosion of material above a newly generated topographic profile unloads the section while basin space is filled. Once the model sufficiently duplicates geologic constraints, a 0.5 km X 0.5 km grid of unique points is deformed with the model and used to determine displacement vectors for each 10 km shortening step. These displacement vectors, in conjunction with a prescribed time interval for each step, determine a velocity field that can be used in a modified version of the advection diffusion modeling software Pecube. Cooling ages predicted using this method are based on deformation rates, geometry, topography, and thermal parameters, and offer insight into possible rates of deformation, erosion, and deposition throughout FTB and FB development. Incorporating erosion, deposition, and isostasy in sequentially deformed balanced cross sections highlights the spatiotemporal aspects of sedimentary wedge propagation, identifies necessary external negative buoyancy affects, and provides additional geologic constraints to modeled exhumation pathways.