Boulder Ozone Sonde Data Analyses for Multiple Tropopause Origins

Tuesday, 16 December 2014
Irina V Petropavlovskikh1, Gloria L Manney2, Bryan Johnson3, Ken Minschwaner4, Luis Torres4 and Zachary D Lawrence5, (1)Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, Boulder, CO, United States, (2)NorthWest Research Associates, Inc, Socorro, NM, United States, (3)NOAA Boulder, ESRL/GMD, Boulder, CO, United States, (4)New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Dept of Physics, Socorro, NM, United States, (5)New Mexico Tech, Socorro, NM, United States
Boulder ozone profile measurements tend to feature structures with multiple layers in the troposphere, so called laminae. These have been shown to be related to several phenomena, including stratospheric air intrusions that are transported to the location of measurements and local gravity wave perturbations (Boulder is located near the Rocky Mountain range where gravity waves are prevalent). In addition, observations indicate that air from the tropical tropopause layer can be transported into regions with multiple tropopauses over the middle latitudes in the vicinity of the subtropical jets. We use GMAO's GEOS-5 data assimilation system products, including Modern-Era Retrospective analysis for Research and Applications (MERRA), interpolated to Boulder, Colorado, USA (40N, 105W) to assess incidence of upper tropospheric jets that influence UTLS ozone distribution. The proximity of the subtropical jet to Boulder results in frequent observations of multiple tropopauses. We analyze ozonesonde data launched in June-July 2014 to determine the origins of laminae observed in the upper troposphere/lower stratosphere (UTLS). Our tools include back trajectory analysis coupled with 4D satellite ozone profile data, including those from NASA's Aura Microwave Limb Sounder instrument. Filaments causing laminae in ozone profiles observed at Boulder will be tracked to origins in either stratospheric or tropospheric intrusions using reverse domain-filling (RDF) trajectory methods. Detailed studies of several ozone profiles collected over Boulder in June/July 2014 will help determine techniques for future analysis of a larger dataset that goes back to 1978. Ozone variability in the UTLS over Boulder is of importance for studies of local climatological ozone conditions, their causes/attribution, and with regard to EPA ozone regulations at the mountain sites across the USA.