The Megha-Tropiques Mission: Review and Status after 3 Years in Orbit
The Megha-Tropiques Mission: Review and Status after 3 Years in Orbit
Monday, 15 December 2014: 8:30 AM
The Megha-Tropiques satellite is the indo-french contribution to the Global Precipitation Mission constellation.The operation of the MT mission has recently been formally extended for 2015 and 2016 after reaching in october
this year its original 3 years duration. While the MADRAS instrument stopped data acquisition in January 2013,
the SAPHIR multichannel 183 GHz sounder is up and running nominally. Real time distribution of SAPHIR is performed
by EUMETSAT via the EUMETcast system since mid-2014.
In this presentation, I will review the performances of the microwave radiometers on-board MT and illustrate the
scientific outcome of the mission as well as the results of the extensive validation exercices which have been finalized.
I will put the emphasis on the impact of the low inclinaison orbit on assimilation, convective systems monitoring and
estimation of precipitation. In particular, I will show how the SAPHIR radiometer data are used
in our GPM multiple platforms merged 1°-1day accumulated rainfall product to mitigate the loss of MADRAS.