BLACK Carbon Emissions from Diesel Sources in the Largest Arctic City: Case Study of Murmansk

Friday, 19 December 2014: 11:50 AM
Meredydd Evans1, Nazar Kholod1, Svetlana Tretyakova2, Vladimir Malyshev2, Evgeny Gusev2, Sha Yu1 and Evgeny Barinov2, (1)Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA, United States, (2)Murmansk State Technical University, Murmansk, Russia
Russia has very little data on its black carbon (BC) emissions. Because Russia makes up such a large share of the Arctic, understanding Russian emissions will improve our understanding of overall BC levels, BC in the Arctic and the link between BC and climate change. This paper provides a detailed, bottom-up inventory of BC emissions from diesel sources in Murmansk, Russia, along with uncertainty estimates associated with these emissions. The research team developed a detailed data collection methodology. The methodology involves assessing the vehicle fleet and activity in Murmansk using traffic, parking lot and driver surveys combined with an existing database from a vehicle inspection station and statistical data. The team also assessed the most appropriate emission factors, drawing from both Russian and international inventory methodologies. The researchers also compared fuel consumption using statistical data and bottom-up fuel calculations. They then calculated emissions for on-road transportation, off-road transportation (including mines), diesel generators, fishing and other sources. The article also provides a preliminary assessment of Russia-wide emissions of black carbon from diesel sources.