Development of an Analytical Method for Quantitative Determination of Atmospheric Particles By Laap-TOF Instrument

Friday, 19 December 2014
Rachel Gemayel, Brice Temime-Roussel, Stig Hellebust, Sasho Gligorovski and Henri Wortham, Aix Marseille University, Marseille Cedex 03, France
A comprehensive understanding of the chemical composition of the atmospheric particles is of paramount importance in order to understand their impact on the health and climate. Hence, there is an imperative need for the development of appropriate analytical methods of analysis for the on-line, time-resolved measurements of atmospheric particles.

Laser Ablation Aerosol Particle Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry (LAAP-TOF-MS) allows a real time qualitative analysis of nanoparticles of differing composition and size. LAAP-TOF-MS is aimed for on-line and continuous measurements of atmospheric particles with the fast time resolution in order of millisecond. This system uses a 193 nm excimer laser for particle ablation/ionization and a 403 nm scattering laser for sizing (and single particle detection/triggering). The charged ions are then extracted into a bi-polar Time-of-Flight mass spectrometer.

Here we present an analytical methodology for quantitative determination of the composition and size-distribution of the particles by LAAP-TOF instrument.

We developed and validate an analytical methodology of this high time resolution instrument by comparison with the conventional analysis systems with lower time resolution (electronic microscopy, optical counters…) with final aim to render the methodology quantitative. This was performed with the aid of other instruments for on-line and off-line measurement such as Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer, electronic microscopy...

Validation of the analytical method was performed under laboratory conditions by detection and identification of the targeted main types such as SiO2, CeO2, and TiO2