Uplift Around the Geothermal Power Plant of Landau (Germany) Observed from InSAR Monitoring
Thursday, 18 December 2014: 9:40 AM
Christine Heimlich1, Frederic Masson1, Noel Gourmelen2, Jean Schmittbuhl1, Jérôme Azzola3 and Sang-Wan Kim4, (1)University of Strasbourg, Strasbourg Cedex, France, (2)University of Edimburgh, Edimburgh, United Kingdom, (3)École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Nancy, Nancy, France, (4)Sejong University, Seoul, South Korea
Modern geodetic measurements provide information on surface deformation at high accuracy. Using radar remote sensing techniques, we image an uplift of several centimeters over a square kilometer area around the geothermal site of Landau (Germany). We process the Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data from TerraSAR-X satellite using two different data processing: synthetic aperture radar interferometry (InSAR) and permanent scatterer (PS). The geothermal production plant is located South of Landau city and the surface deformation affects a large part of the city. Time evolution of the deformation shows that the displacement initiates in the summer 2013 and increases during the whole production time, until March 2014. Results from modeling suggest that a significant injection of fluid occurred between 400 and 500 m depth below the geothermal plant during the production phase.