Controls on OIB and MORB Geochemical Variabilty
The geochemical variability preserved in Ocean Island and Mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) is a key tracer of the magmatic storage and transport processes they experience during their ascent through the mantle and crust. The effect of these processes is to collapse the huge diversity of melt compositions predicted to form during polybaric fractional melting of a lithologically heterogeneous mantle, into the narrow range we see expressed in most ocean island and mid-ocean ridge settings. Magma mixing can therefore be seen as contaminating the variance structure of primitive mantle melts, akin to the way in which wall-rock assimilation contaminates melts by chemical addition.The key observation from the melt inclusion and whole-rock records from ocean islands such as Iceland, is that as crystallisation proceeds mixing in magma chambers progressively reduces geochemical variability, until by ~5wt% MgO almost all primary chemical diversity has been lost. These chemical systematics allow us to extend the observations made at ocean islands to make predictions about how mixing processes should operate in MORB generally and the key factors controlling mixing efficiency: melt flow out of the mantle, crustal thickness, magma supply rate, and by extension spreading rate, and mantle potential temperature.
However, with its low sampling density, the global MORB database does not easily allow testing of these hypotheses. We have developed a novel geospatial statistical analysis to bridge the gap between observations made on a small scale – at single ocean islands and ridge segments – to the entire global dataset of MORB chemistry. By analysing the geochemical variance in MORB over a range of bandwidths we have captured the ~200km lengthscale at which the simple relationships between geochemical variability and MgO appear.
Our results demonstrate that on short lengthscales mantle chemical structure and magmatic processes operate coherently in destruction of geochemical variability. That the physical conditions promoting magma mixing during transport and storage may change from setting to setting has significant implications for how we should view the heterogeneity expressed in suites of basalts, as mixing affects both the range of basalt compositions erupting and the apparent composition of isotopic endmembers.