Results and Analysis of ITRF2013

Monday, 15 December 2014: 9:45 AM
Zuheir Altamimi, Xavier Collilieux, Laurent Metivier, Paul Rebischung and Daphné Lercier, IGN Institut National de l'Information Géographique et Forestière, Paris Cedex 13, France
The paper will address key questions regarding the ITRF2013
elaboration: frame specifications (origin, scale, orientation
and their time evolution) and how they relate to ITRF2008;
non-linear station motions (seasonal signals and post seismic
deformations) and how they are modeled; local ties and station
co-motions and how they are weighted, taking into account
technique discrepancies at co-location sites. A particular
emphasis will be given to assess the stability of SLR origin as
well as SLR and VLBI scales over the entire observation history
of both techniques. Major results of the ITRF2013 will be
presented and discussed.