Anomalously Strong Vertical Magnetic Fields from Distant Lightning
Monday, 15 December 2014
Israel Silber1, Colin Gregory Price1, Eli Galanti2 and Abraham Shuval3, (1)Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel, (2)Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel, (3)Rafael Advanced Defense Systems LTD, Haifa, Israel
At distances of thousands of kilometers from lightning the vertical component of the magnetic field in the Very Low Frequencies (VLF –
3-30 kHz) and Extremely Low Frequencies (ELF –
3-3000 Hz) is expected to be very weak and several orders of magnitude lower than the horizontal magnetic components. However, measurements in Israel show a relatively strong vertical magnetic component in both the ELF and VLF bands, at the same order of magnitude as the horizontal components. Our measurements suggest that the real Earth-ionosphere waveguide might often be very different from the theoretical waveguide used in model calculations.