Eight Decades of the International Glaciological Society: A Small but Vibrant Partner to Agu

Friday, 19 December 2014
Magnús Már Magnússon1, Tim H Jacka2 and Douglas R MacAyeal1,3, (1)International Glaciological Society, Cambridge, United Kingdom, (2)International Glaciological Society, Ellendale, Australia, (3)University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States
The International Glaciological Society was founded in 1936 to provide a focus for individuals interested in practical and scientific aspects of snow and ice.

The objects of the Society enshrined in its Constitution are to stimulate interest in and encourage research into the scientific and technical problems of snow and ice in all countries and to facilitate and increase the flow of glaciological ideas and information through publishing the Journal of Glaciology, the Annals of Glaciology, ICE, the News Bulletin of the International Glaciological Society and other appropriate publications, such as books and monographs and also sponsored lectures, field meetings and symposia.

After 78 years the Society is entering a new phase to adapt to the new ways of publishing scientific work. The days of the printed word are all but over with the advent of the internet. Learned publishers are modifying their procedures, sometime a difficult thing to do when you have decades of traditions to live up to, such as an award for ‘Best Learned Journal’ as recently as 2007. All this has to be factored in when making the transition.