Using Ncl to Visualize and Analyse of NASA/NOAA Satellite Data in Format of Netcdf, Hdf, Hdf-Eos
Using Ncl to Visualize and Analyse of NASA/NOAA Satellite Data in Format of Netcdf, Hdf, Hdf-Eos
Friday, 19 December 2014
The NCAR Command Language (NCL,, a product of National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) and sponsored by the National Science Foundation, is a free interpreted language designed specifically for scientific data processing and visualization.NCL has robust file input of NetCDF, HDF, HDF-EOS, and can be OPenDAP-enabled. NCL team has developed examples to handle some of NASA data and posted at: The HDF group has used developed more examples at:
In order to serve the community better, and to handle future NASA/NOAA data, such as: AIRS, TRMM, MERRA, TOMS, OMI, HIRDLS, BUV, SWDB, GSSTF, GOSAT/ACOS, MOD, MYD, NPP, VIIRS, MCD, VIP, WELD, GED, CALIPSO, CERES, MISR, MOPITT, etc., better, the NCL team is willing to share source code, and examples used to visualize and analyze the above data, and want to hear from the community to improve our work.