Mid Latitude Thermospheric and Ionospheric Observations during the Stratospheric Warming in 2013

Friday, 19 December 2014
Qian Wu1, Astrid I Maute2, Valery A Yudin3, Larisa P Goncharenko4, John Noto5 and Robert B Kerr5, (1)NCAR, Boulder, CO, United States, (2)NCAR/HAO, Boulder, CO, United States, (3)NCAR/NESL, Boulder, CO, United States, (4)MIT, Pepperell, MA, United States, (5)Scientific Solutions Inc, North Chelmsford, MA, United States
Stratospheric warming is related to the strong planetary wave activities in the polar region. In recent years, observations have shown noticeable ionospheric signatures in the mid and lower latitudes during stratospheric warming events. In this report, we present mid latitude lower and upper thermospheric wind observations from Boulder and Millstone Hill Fabry Perot interferometers and incoherent scatter radar ionosphere observations from Millstone Hill during the Jan 2013 stratospheric warming event. We also compare the observation with various simulations from TIEGCM, TIMEGCM, and WACCM to examine the stratospheric influence and geomagnetic effects on the mid latitude thermospheric winds and ionosphere density.