Nitrous Oxide Emissions at Ecosystem to Global Scales: Processes, Measurement, and Modeling I

Monday, 15 December 2014: 4:00 PM-6:00 PM
Chairs:  Jianwu Tang, The Ecosystems Center, MBL, Woods Hole, MA, United States, Timothy J Griffis, Univ Minnesota, Saint Paul, MN, United States, John M Baker, USDA ARS, Saint Paul, MN, United States and Rebecca Ryals, Brown University, Providence, RI, United States
Primary Conveners:  Timothy J Griffis, Univ Minnesota, Saint Paul, MN, United States and Jianwu Tang, The Ecosystems Center, MBL, Woods Hole, MA, United States
Co-conveners:  Rebecca Ryals, Brown University, Providence, RI, United States and John M Baker, USDA ARS, Saint Paul, MN, United States
OSPA Liaisons:  Rebecca Ryals, Brown University, Providence, RI, United States

Abstracts Submitted to this Session:

4:00 PM
Temporal dynamics of direct N2O fluxes from agro-ecosystems in cold climates: importance of year-round measurements in multiple cropping systems
Claudia Wagner-Riddle, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, Canada and Mario Tenuta, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada
4:15 PM
Spatial and Temporal Variations in the Isotopic Composition of Atmospheric Nitrous Oxide
Kristie A Boering, University of California Berkeley, Chemistry and Earth & Planetary Science, Berkeley, CA, United States
4:30 PM
Daycent Model Development and Testing Using High Frequency N2o Sampling Data
Stephen J Del Grosso1, William J Parton2, Emma Suddick3, Peter Grace4, Peter Thorburn5, Massimiliano De Antoni Migliorati4, Clemens Scheer4, Melannie Hartman2, Rebecca L Phillips6 and Kathleen E Savage7, (1)USDA ARS SPNR, Fort Collins, CO, United States, (2)Colorado State Univ, Fort Collins, CO, United States, (3)Woods Hole Research Center, Falmoutn, MA, United States, (4)Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia, (5)CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences Precinct, Brisbane, Austria, (6)Landcare Research, Hamilton, New Zealand, (7)Woods Hole Research Center, Falmouth, MA, United States
4:45 PM
Regional to national constraints on US N2O emissions using atmospheric data
Scot M Miller1, Bin Xiang1, Eric A Kort2, Anna M Michalak3, Steven C Wofsy1, Arlyn E Andrews4 and Edward J Dlugokencky5, (1)Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States, (2)University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI, United States, (3)Carnegie Institution for Science, Washington, DC, United States, (4)NOAA Boulder, Boulder, CO, United States, (5)NOAA, Boulder, CO, United States
5:00 PM
Ability of the current global observing network to constrain N2O sources and sinks
Dylan B Millet1, Kelley C Wells1, Sreelekha Chaliyakunnel1, Timothy J Griffis1, Daven K Henze2 and Nicolas Bousserez2, (1)Univ Minnesota, Saint Paul, MN, United States, (2)University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO, United States
5:15 PM
Evaluating uncertainties in nitrous oxide emission inventories with multi-scale observations for an agriculture-dominated region
Xin Zhang, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, United States, Xuhui Lee, Yale University, New Haven, CT, United States, Timothy J Griffis, Univ Minnesota, Saint Paul, MN, United States and John M Baker, USDA ARS, Saint Paul, MN, United States
5:30 PM
Relative Importance of Nitrous Oxide Vs. Nitric Oxide Emissions from Soils Across a Management Intensity and Biodiversity Gradient.
Ilya Gelfand1, Cait Gallagher2, Brigitte Cecelia Garo Moneymaker3 and G. Philip Robertson1, (1)Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, United States, (2)University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, Urbana, IL, United States, (3)SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse, NY, United States
5:45 PM
Nitrous oxide emissions from streams within the US Corn Belt scale with stream order
Peter A Turner1, Timothy J Griffis1, Xuhui Lee2, John M Baker3, Rodney T Venterea3 and Jeffrey D Wood1, (1)Univ Minnesota, Saint Paul, MN, United States, (2)Yale University, New Haven, CT, United States, (3)USDA/ARS-Soil & Water Mgmt, Saint Paul, MN, United States
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