Trace Element and Isotope Cycling in the Coastal Environment: Forty Years of Innovations I

Tuesday, 16 December 2014: 8:00 AM-10:00 AM
Chairs:  Gregory A Cutter, Old Dominion University, Department of Ocean, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Norfolk, VA, United States and Peter Neil Sedwick, Old Dominion University, Department of Ocean, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Norfolk, VA, United States
Primary Conveners:  Gregory A Cutter, Old Dominion University, Department of Ocean, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Norfolk, VA, United States
Co-conveners:  Peter Neil Sedwick, Old Dominion University, Department of Ocean, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Norfolk, VA, United States
OSPA Liaisons:  Gregory A Cutter, Old Dominion University, Department of Ocean, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Norfolk, VA, United States

Abstracts Submitted to this Session:

8:00 AM
Dissolved Mn Speciation and Ligand Characteristics in a Coastal Waterway
Veronique Oldham, College of Marine and Earth Studies, Lewes, DE, United States, Laramie Jensen, Carleton College, Chemistry, Northfield, MN, United States and George W Luther III, University of Delaware, Lewes, DE, United States
8:15 AM
How U-Th series radionuclides have come to trace estuarine processes
Thomas M Church, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, United States
8:30 AM
Sedimentary input of trace metals from the Chukchi Shelf
Ana M Aguilar-Islas1, Marie Seguré1, Robert Rember1 and Shigeto Nishino2, (1)University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK, United States, (2)JAMSTEC Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Kanagawa, Japan
8:45 AM
The Role Of Coastal Management In Regulating Estuarine Fluxes
Timothy D Jickells, University of East Anglia, Norwich, NR4, United Kingdom
9:00 AM
Concentrations, size-distributions and air-to-sea fluxes of bio-active trace elements on the New Jersey coast
Yuan Gao, Guojie Xu, Tianyi Xu and Pami Mukherjee, Rutgers Univ, Newark, NJ, United States
9:15 AM
Natural Pb Fluxes to the Southern Ocean from Accelerated Weathering in Antarctica
Arthur Russell Flegal Jr1, Kuria Ndungu2, Cheryl M Zurbrick3, Celine Gallon3 and Sharon Elisabeth Stammerjohn4, (1)University of California Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA, United States, (2)Norwegian Institute for Water Research, Bergen, Norway, (3)UCSC, Santa Cruz, CA, United States, (4)University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO, United States
9:30 AM
The Nd isotopic composition of Adélie Coast Bottom Water – insights from GIPY6 cruise along 140°E
Tina van de Flierdt1, Myriam Lambelet2, Edward C.V. Butler3,4, Andrew R Bowie3,5, Stephen R Rintoul3,6, Roslyn J. Watson7, Tomas Remenyi3 and Delphine Lannuzel3,5, (1)Imperial College London, London, SW7, United Kingdom, (2)Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom, (3)Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre (ACE CRC), Hobart, Australia, (4)Australian Institute of Marine Sciences, Darwin, Australia, (5)Institute for Marine and Antarctic studies (IMAS), Hobart, Australia, (6)CSIRO Wealth from Oceans National Research Flagship, Hobart, Australia, (7)CSIRO National Research Collections Australia, Hobart, Australia
9:45 AM
Missed Steps on the Road to the Radium-SGD Connection
Willard S Moore, University of South Carolina Columbia, Columbia, SC, United States
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