Carbonate Cements and Veins as a Proxy for Paleotemperature and Fluid Evolution in the Deep Accretionary Prism, IODP Expedition 348, Nankai Trough, Japan

Sarah Weeks1, James C Sample1, Pierre Henry2, Takehiro Hirose3, Demian M. Saffer4, Harold J Tobin5, Yusuke Kubo6, Lena Maeda7, Sean Toczko8 and Expedition 348 Scientists, (1)Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ, United States, (2)CNRS, Paris Cedex 16, France, (3)JAMSTEC Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Kanagawa, Japan, (4)Penn State University, Department of Geosciences, University Park, PA, United States, (5)University of Washington Seattle, Earth and Space Sciences, Seattle, WA, United States, (6)JAMSTEC, KCC, Nankoku, Japan, (7)JAMSTEC, Yokohama, Japan, (8)JAMSTEC Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Institute for Marine-Earth Exploration and Engineering (MarE3), Kanagawa, Japan