Feedback of balanced cross sections and gravity modeling: numerical estimation of horizon mislocations. A case study from the Linking Zone (Northeastern, Spain)

Emilio L Pueyo1, Esther Izquierdo-Llavall2, Conxi Ayala3,4, Belén Oliva-Urcia5, Félix M Rubio6, Adriana Rodríguez-Pintó7, Antonio María Casas7 and Jesús García Crespo6, (1)IGME, Madrid, Spain, (2)Universitat de Barcelona, Departament de Geodinàmica i Geofísica, Barcelona, Spain, (3)IGME-CSIC, Research and Geoscientific Prospective, Madrid, Spain, (4)Geo3Bcn, CSIC, Barcelona, Spain, (5)Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Dpto. de Geología y Geoquímica, Madrid, Spain, (6)IGME-CSIC, Madrid, Spain, (7)University of Zaragoza, Dpto. Ciencias de la Tierra, Zaragoza, Spain