Whillans Ice Stream from UpB to WGZ: Siliceous Microfossils, Palynomorphs, and Biomarker Evidence of Sub-glacial Processes and Ice Stream History
Jason James Coenen1, Prof. Reed P Scherer, PhD2, Sophie Warny3, Isla S. CastaƱeda4, Ross D Powell5, Slawek M Tulaczyk6, Rebecca Puttkammer2, Timothy O Hodson7, Jeremy Hu-Chin Wei8 and the WISSARD science team, (1)Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, United States, (2)Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL, United States, (3)Louisiana State University, Geology & Geophysics, and Museum of Natural Science, Baton Rouge, LA, United States, (4)University of Massachusetts Amherst, Department of Geosciences, Amherst, MA, United States, (5)Northern Illinois Univ., Geology and Environmental Geosciences, De Kalb, IL, United States, (6)University of California Santa Cruz, Earth and Planetary Sciences, Santa Cruz, CA, United States, (7)Illinois State Water Survey, Champaign, United States, (8)Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States