Climate Literacy: Climate Education and Outreach Utilizing Ocean Observations Posters
Climate Literacy: Climate Education and Outreach Utilizing Ocean Observations Posters
Climate Literacy: Climate Education and Outreach Utilizing Ocean Observations Posters
Session ID#: 8858
Session Description:
Many education and public outreach (EPO) efforts focus on climate literacy, aimed at helping individuals and communities understand Earth’s climate and impacts of climate change. A principle of climate literacy is that the ocean exerts major control on climate by dominating Earth’s energy and water cycles. Key resources, then, for EPO efforts around climate education, are the available ocean climate data and products from platforms like the drifting buoy, Argo, satellites, and buoy arrays that provide fundamental observations that contribute towards climate understanding, predictions, and projections. Integrating these into climate EPO efforts can engage students and the public around innovative technology, communicate core principles of scientific observing, and underscore the importance of the global ocean to climate science and society. We invite presentations on all aspects of ocean climate communication, including formal and informal EPO activities that use ocean observations, and outreach efforts around ocean observing systems and scientific projects.
Primary Convener: Emily A. Smith, NOAA Washington DC, OAR, Washington, DC, United States; NOAA Climate Program Office, Silver Spring, MD, United States
Conveners: Jennifer Saleem Arrigo1,2, Diane Stanitski3 and Emily A. Smith2,4, (1)NOAA Washington DC, Washington, DC, United States(2)NOAA Climate Program Office, Silver Spring, MD, United States(3)NOAA, ESRL Global Monitoring Division, Boulder, CO, United States(4)NOAA Washington DC, OAR, Washington, DC, United States
Chairs: Emily A. Smith, NOAA Climate Program Office, Silver Spring, MD, United States; NOAA Washington DC, OAR, Washington, DC, United States and Jennifer Saleem Arrigo, NOAA, ESRL Global Monitoring Division, Boulder, CO, United States; NOAA Climate Program Office, Silver Spring, MD, United States
OSPA Liaison: Emily A. Smith, NOAA Climate Program Office, Silver Spring, MD, United States; NOAA Washington DC, OAR, Washington, DC, United States
- OS - Ocean Sciences
Index Terms:
0805 Elementary and secondary education [EDUCATION]
0825 Teaching methods [EDUCATION]
0845 Instructional tools [EDUCATION]
Abstracts Submitted to this Session:
See more of: Education