Building the Global Talent Pool in Earth and Space Science I

Session ID#: 9118

Session Description:
Developing, educating, and nurturing future geoscientists around the world is an essential part of AGU’s mission to promote discovery in Earth and space science for the benefit of humanity.  While both geoscience and education are international enterprises, we face different challenges in different parts of the world.  Access to education, the shape of the workforce, barriers to inclusivity, and resources can all play a role.   This session will showcase the diversity of ways that AGU and its members are working to build the global talent pool in Earth and Space sciences.
Primary Convener:  Cathryn Allen Manduca, Carleton College, SERC, Northfield, MN, United States
Convener:  Carlos A Dengo, Texas A & M University College Station, College Station, TX, United States
Chairs:  Cathryn Allen Manduca, Carleton College, SERC, Northfield, MN, United States and Carlos A Dengo, Texas A & M University College Station, College Station, TX, United States
OSPA Liaison:  Cathryn Allen Manduca, Carleton College, SERC, Northfield, MN, United States
Index Terms:

0810 Post-secondary education [EDUCATION]
6630 Workforce [PUBLIC ISSUES]

Abstracts Submitted to this Session:

Sharon Mosher, Univ Texas, Austin, TX, United States
Eric M Riggs, Texas A&M University, College of Geosciences, College Station, TX, United States
Billy M Williams1, Pranoti M. Asher2, Harry Furukawa2, Bethany Holm Adamec2, Erik R Hankin3, Margo Lee2 and Paul Cooper2, (1)American Geophysical Union, Executive Vice President, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Science, Washington, DC, United States, (2)American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC, United States, (3)American Geophysical Union, Meetings and Learning, Washington, DC, United States
Susan Jane Webb1, Musa Siphiwe Manzi2, Stephanie Elizabeth Scheiber-Enslin1, Raymond J Durrheim1, Michael Q W Jones1 and Andrew Nyblade3, (1)University of the Witwatersrand, School of Geosciences, Johannesburg, South Africa, (2)University of Witwatersrand, School of Geosciences, Wits, South Africa, (3)Pennsylvania State University Main Campus, University Park, PA, United States
Jess Pelaez and Carlos Pelaez, Blueprint Earth, Walnut, CA, United States
Jacquelyn Bolman, Organization Not Listed, Washington, DC, United States
David W. Mogk, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT, United States
Cathryn Allen Manduca, Carleton College, SERC, Northfield, MN, United States, Heather Macdonald, College of William & Mary, Geology, Williamsburg, VA, United States, John Robert McDaris, University of Minnesota Twin Cities, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Minneapolis, United States and Gary S Weissmann, University of New Mexico, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Albuquerque, NM, United States

See more of: Education