Smartphone MEMS accelerometers and earthquake early warning

Friday, 18 December 2015: 14:40
309 (Moscone South)
Qingkai Kong1, Richard M Allen1, Lou Schreier2 and Young-Woo Kwon3, (1)UC Berkeley Seismological Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, United States, (2)Deutsche Telekom Silicon Valley Innovation Center, Mountain View, United States, (3)Utah State University, Computer Science Department, Logan, CA, United States
The low cost MEMS accelerometers in the smartphones are attracting more and more attentions from the science community due to the vast number and potential applications in various areas. We are using the accelerometers inside the smartphones to detect the earthquakes. We did shake table tests to show these accelerometers are also suitable to record large shakings caused by earthquakes. We developed an android app – MyShake, which can even distinguish earthquake movements from daily human activities from the recordings recorded by the accelerometers in personal smartphones and upload trigger information/waveform to our server for further analysis. The data from these smartphones forms a unique datasets for seismological applications, such as earthquake early warning. In this talk I will layout the method we used to recognize earthquake-like movement from single smartphone, and the overview of the whole system that harness the information from a network of smartphones for rapid earthquake detection. This type of system can be easily deployed and scaled up around the global and provides additional insights of the earthquake hazards.