The Power of Many: Nanosatellites For Cost Effective Global Weather Data

Friday, 18 December 2015: 08:48
3004 (Moscone West)
Peter Platzer, Organization Not Listed, Washington, DC, United States
While weather processing technology through modeling and simulations has continued to advance, the amount of raw data available for analysis has dwindled. Most raw weather data is collected from satellites that are past their intended decommission date, and the likelihood of a catastrophic failure and diminishing reliability increases with each passing day. A United States government report released this year recognized the potential risk that this creates, citing a few alternatives to our aging satellite technology to at least maintain the level of raw weather data we currently have available. This report also highlighted nanosatellites as one of the most promising solutions, due in no small part to their standard form factor, translating into increased launch capabilities and better resiliency with fewer points of failure, rapidly advancing technology and low capital expenditure. Taking advantage of rapid advancements in sensor technology, these nanosatellites are replaced every two years or less and de-orbit quickly. Each new generation carries an improved payload and offers more network-wide resiliency. A constellation of just ten GPS-RO enabled nanosatellites taking measurements from every point on Earth, coupled with a globally distributed network of ground stations, can provide five times more radio occultation data than the combined efforts of current weather satellites. By the end of this year, Spire Global, Inc. will launch the world’s first network of commercial weather satellites using GPS-RO for raw data collection.