Parallel and Preemptable Dynamically Dimensioned Search Algorithms for Single and Multi-objective Optimization in Water Resources
We introduce asynchronous parallel implementations of the Dynamically Dimensioned Search (DDS) family of algorithms including DDS, discrete DDS, PA-DDS and DDS-AU. These parallel algorithms are unique from most existing parallel optimization algorithms in the water resources field in that parallel DDS is asynchronous and does not require an entire population (set of candidate solutions) to be evaluated before generating and then sending a new candidate solution for evaluation. One key advance in this study is developing the first parallel PA-DDS multi-objective optimization algorithm. The other key advance is enhancing the computational efficiency of solving optimization problems (such as model calibration) by combining a parallel optimization algorithm with the deterministic model pre-emption concept. These two efficiency techniques can only be combined because of the asynchronous nature of parallel DDS. Model pre-emption functions to terminate simulation model runs early, prior to completely simulating the model calibration period for example, when intermediate results indicate the candidate solution is so poor that it will definitely have no influence on the generation of further candidate solutions. The computational savings of deterministic model preemption available in serial implementations of population-based algorithms (e.g., PSO) disappear in synchronous parallel implementations as these algorithms.In addition to the key advances above, we implement the algorithms across a range of computation platforms (Windows and Unix-based operating systems from multi-core desktops to a supercomputer system) and package these for future modellers within a model-independent calibration software package called Ostrich as well as MATLAB versions. Results across multiple platforms and multiple case studies (from 4 to 64 processors) demonstrate the vast improvement over serial DDS-based algorithms and highlight the important role model pre-emption plays in the performance of parallel, pre-emptable DDS algorithms. Case studies include single- and multiple-objective optimization problems in water resources model calibration and in many cases linear or near linear speedups are observed.