Surface loading effects for precise geodetic observations: models and error estimates
Surface loading effects for precise geodetic observations: models and error estimates
Wednesday, 16 December 2015
Poster Hall (Moscone South)
The precision reached by modern geodetic techniques requires an accurate modeling of surface loading processes in order to reach the millimeter-level for displacements, the nanogal-level for surface gravity observations. Over the past decade, many operational loading services have been established, allowing researchers to access atmospheric, tidal and non-tidal oceanic, hydrological loading models and correct geodetic observations.We present here an overview of the EOST loading service (http://loading.u-strasbg.fr) providing different products of atmospheric, non-tidal oceanic and hydrological loading effects on displacements and surface gravity.
We also investigate and assess the different sources of errors in loading computations:
- The choice of the reference frame for displacement computations (Center-of-Figure versus Center-of-Mass).
- The differences between different atmospheric (reanalysis versus operational models), non-tidal oceanic (low resolution versus eddy-resolving models) and hydrological models.
- The model of ocean response to pressure forcing (inverted barometer versus a dynamic model).
- The resolution of the land/sea mask used for the loading computations.
- The choice of an Earth model to compute Green’s functions.
- The differences between interpolated loading grids and station computations.