Identification of Atmospheric Mercury Input to Ecosystems From Precipitation Using Coupled Δ200Hg and Δ204Hg Fractionation

Monday, 14 December 2015: 13:55
2010 (Moscone West)
Joel D Blum and Marcus W Johnson, Univ Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United States
Mercury has seven stable isotopes, and during most biogeochemical reactions all of the isotopes fractionate mass dependently (MDF; relative to δ202/198Hg). The odd isotopes also fractionate mass independently (MIF) during reactions involving the magnetic isotope and nuclear volume effects. In 2010 we first reported MIF of 200Hg in precipitation (Gratz et al), and in 2013 we reported MIF of 204Hg in precipitation (Demers et al). Measurements of Δ200Hg are becoming more common and several studies have now used Δ200Hg as a tracer of Hg(II) deposited from the atmosphere (Chen et al, 2012; Strok et al 2015). Δ204Hg is much less commonly measured and reported, but sheds additional light on the mechanisms that might cause even isotope MIF. We observe Δ204Hg to be of opposite sign and ~2x the magnitude of Δ200Hg. The presence of coupled Δ200Hg and Δ204Hg is most useful for detecting precipitation inputs of Hg to ecosystems. We have measured Δ200Hg and Δ204Hg in hundreds of samples of precipitation, invertebrates, fish, moss, lichen, ice crystals and GEM at many locations in North America and Hawaii. When average values for each sample type at each study location are plotted as Δ200Hg versus Δ204Hg they fall on a linear array with slope=0.57 and R2=0.92. Samples of sediment, coal, various rock-types, and point-source contaminants have contrasting Δ200Hg and Δ204Hg indistinguishable from zero. We also use combined Δ200Hg and Δ204Hg to explore mechanisms leading to even isotope MIF. Ghosh et al (2012) measured nuclear volume fractionation and found even MIF to be undetectable. Mead et al (2013) calculated even mass MIF from nuclear self-shielding and it does not fit our observations of Δ200Hg/Δ204Hg in natural samples; they also measured MIF caused by implantation of Hg into glass in compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) and this is consistent with Δ200Hg/Δ204Hg in atmospheric Hg(II), suggesting the possibility of a common fractionation mechanism.