Grain velocity of bedload movement in an armored non-uniform mobile bed

Wednesday, 16 December 2015
Poster Hall (Moscone South)
Chunjing Liu, IWHR Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, CAS, Beijing, China
The velocity of bedload particles, which directly reflects the interaction between flow and sediment, is one of the important parameters to predict sediment transport rate, is also one of the fundamental problems for sediment transport. Many excellent works have been accomplished in this filed. However, the existing researches are mostly based on the artificial fixed bed, few moveable bed studies are focus on uniform sediment bed, these boundary conditions are different from a real river. In this research, an experiment on non-uniform sediment with an armored, moveable bed were carried out in a flume, the range of bed material is from 0.2mm to 20mm. With a special hanging glass and illumination system, the motion particles in the bed were clearly shoot on top of the flume by a video camera, avoiding the interference of waves at the flow surface. The speed of the camera is 50 frames per second. About 7000 unique coordinates of moving particles were determined from 3000 frames of successive pictures, the particle velocity of longitudinal and crosswise directions were obtained from the coordinates. The results show that, the probability density distribution of grain velocities of both directions are similar to that in the uniform sediment, which have an exponent decay trend, whereas the value of cross velocity of particles is clearly greater than that in the uniform sediment condition. Negative particle velocity was recognized in the experiment, it is shown that these negative may occur at two conditions, one is the backflow of fine particles behind the coarser particles, and the other is a state of movement change, such as a particle from static state to motion or vice versa. Furthermore, the particle movement was strongly affected by the arrangement of local coarse particles. The influence of coarser particles to the movement of fine particles also identified by two opposite effects, one is the acceleration effects in a ‘tunnel’ between pair of series particles, the other is the deceleration effects out of the tunnel, or fine particles captured by the backwater flow just behind a coarse particle. In addition, ensemble particle velocity in the armored bed is distinctly less than which in the fixed bed and uniform bed condition with same particle Reynolds number and Shields parameter.

(Supported by(2012BAB04B01;NSFC(11472310))