Impact of Orbit Position Errors on Future Satellite Gravity Models
We present the results of a study of the impact of orbit positioning noise (OPN) caused by incomplete knowledge of the Earth’s gravity field on gravity models estimated from satellite gravity data.The OPN is simulated as the difference between two sets of orbits integrated on the basis of different static gravity field models. The OPN is propagated into ll-SST data, here computed as averaged inter-satellite accelerations projected onto the Line of Sight (LoS) vector between the two satellites.
We consider the cartwheel formation (CF), pendulum formation (PF), and trailing formation (TF) as they produce a different dominant orientation of the LoS vector. Given the polar orbits of the formations, the LoS vector is mainly aligned with the North-South direction in the TF, with the East-West direction in the PF (i.e. no along-track offset), and contains a radial component in the CF.
An analytical analysis predicts that the CF suffers from a very high sensitivity to the OPN. This is a fundamental characteristic of this formation, which results from the amplification of this noise by diagonal components of the gravity gradient tensor (defined in the local frame) during the propagation into satellite gravity data. In contrast, the OPN in the data from PF and TF is only scaled by off-diagonal gravity gradient components, which are much smaller than the diagonal tensor components.
A numerical analysis shows that the effect of the OPN is similar in the data collected by the TF and the PF. The amplification of the OPN errors for the CF leads to errors in the gravity model that are three orders of magnitude larger than those in case of the PF. This means that any implementation of the CF will most likely produce data with relatively low quality since this error dominates the error budget, especially at low frequencies. This is particularly critical for future gravimetric missions that will be equipped with highly accurate ranging sensors.