Numerical simulations of multiple X-line reconnection in the dayside magnetopause

Monday, 14 December 2015
Poster Hall (Moscone South)
Koji Kondoh, Ehime University, Matsuyama, Japan
We study about the magnetic reconnection evolutions in the dayside geomagnetopause using the MHD numerical simulations on the basis of the spontaneous fast magnetic reconnection model. In this spontaneous reconnection model, the diffusion region is localized and the magnetic reconnection drastically evolves by the positive feedback between the growths of the macroscopic plasma flow and the microscopic resistivity. The localized diffusion region eventually becomes longer in the directions of the reconnection outflow. Then, the secondary reconnection occurs to divide into the two diffusion regions before forming the Sweet-Parker type diffusion region. In this term, background sheath flow helps stretching of the diffusion region and causes the difference of the strength of the reconnection rate at the each x-line.