Boron desorption in subduction forearcs: Systematics and implications for the origin and transport of deeply-sourced fluids

Thursday, 17 December 2015
Poster Hall (Moscone South)
Demian M Saffer, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, United States and Achim Kopf, MARUM - University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany
At many subduction zones, pore water geochemical anomalies at seafloor seeps and in shallow boreholes indicate upward fluid flow and chemical transport from depths of several km. Identifying the source regions and flow pathways of these fluids is a key step toward quantifying volatile fluxes through forearcs, and in understanding their potential connection to loci of excess pore pressure along the plate boundary. Here, we focus on observations of pore water freshening (reported in terms of [Cl]), elevated [B], and light δ11B. Pore water freshening is generally thought to result from clay dehydration, whereas the B and δ11B signatures are interpreted to reflect desorption of isotopically light B from pelitic sediments with increasing temperature.

We develop a model to track the coupled effects of B desorption, smectite dehydration, and progressive consolidation within the underthrusting sediment section. Our model incorporates established kinetic models of clay dehydration, and experimental data that define the temperature-dependent distribution coefficient (Kd) and fractionation of B in marine sediments. A generic sensitivity analysis demonstrates that the relative timing of heating and consolidation is a dominant control on pore water composition. For cold slabs, freshening is maximized because dehydration releases bound water into low porosity sediment, whereas B concentrations and isotopic signatures are modest because desorption is only partially complete. For warmer slabs, [B] and [Cl] signals are smaller, because heating and desorption occur shallower and into larger porosities, but the predicted δ11B signal is larger. The former scenario is typical of non-accretionary margins where the insulating sediment layer on the subducting plate is commonly <1 km thick. This result provides a quantitative explanation for the global observation that [Cl] depletion and [B] enrichment signals are generally strongest at non-accretionary margins. Application of our multi-tracer approach to the Costa Rica, N. Japan, N. Barbados, and Mediterranean Ridge subduction zones illustrates that clay dehydration and B desorption are viable mechanisms for the generation of observed geochemical signatures, including pore water freshening of over 50%, [B] up to 10x seawater values, and δ11B as low as 17‰.