Investigation into MIS 11 in the U.S. Great Basin Using Trace Elements and Stable Isotopes from two Lehman Caves Stalagmites
Tuesday, 15 December 2015
Poster Hall (Moscone South)
Ashling Neary, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, Cambridge, MA, United States
Marine Isotope Stage 11 (MIS 11) represents a long interglacial period of high temperatures and muted orbital variability that occurred around 424-374 kya, and is referred to as a ‘super-interglacial’. MIS 11 is marked by especially pronounced high latitude warming in the Northern Hemisphere from 410-400 ka and thus presents a natural experiment for investigating the response of Great Basin precipitation to high latitude temperatures.
MIS 11 is recorded by stalagmites LC3 and BT1 from Lehman Caves in Great Basin National Park, Nevada. LC3 represents 378-413 ka, while BT1 has a bottom age of 410 ka. Ongoing U-Th dating will refine chronologies from these samples. We will present stable isotope (δ13C and δ18O) and trace element (Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca) data from these stalagmites to study changes in precipitation recorded in them. Previous studies have shown a relationship between Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca, δ13C and prior calcite precipitation, and thus infiltration rates, in the cave system (Cross et al., 2015; Steponaitis et al., 2015). Meanwhile, δ18O has been shown to reflect larger scale atmospheric circulation.
We will compare the records to previously published trace element and stable isotope data from more recent interglacials (Lachniet et al., 2014; Cross et al., 2015; Steponaitis et al., 2015) to test whether extensive high-latitude warming during MIS 11 was marked by anomalous precipitation patterns in the Great Basin. As they are coeval, we will also test the reproducibility between the stalagmites.
References cited:
Cross M., et al. (2015) Great Basin hydrology, paleoclimate, and connections with the North Atlantic: A speleothem stable isotope and trace element record from Lehman Caves, NV. Quaternary Science Reviews, in press.
Steponaitis E., et al. (2015) Mid-Holocene drying the U.S. Great Basin recorded in Nevada speleothems. Quaternary Science Reviews, in press.
Lachniet M. S., et al. (2014) Orbital control of western North America atmospheric circulation and climate over two glacial cycles. Nature Communications 5, 1–8.