BCO-DMO: Supporting the Management and Sharing of Marine Trace Metal Data
Friday, 18 December 2015
Poster Hall (Moscone South)
Shannon Rauch1, Molly D Allison2, Cynthia L Chandler1, Nancy J Copley2, Stephen R Gegg1, Robert C Groman3, Danie Kinkade1, Adam Shepherd4, David M Glover1 and Peter H Wiebe2, (1)Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA, United States, (2)Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst, Woods Hole, MA, United States, (3)Woods Hole Oceangraphic Inst, Woods Hole, MA, United States, (4)Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Computer and Information Services, Woods Hole, MA, United States
The U.S. GEOTRACES program seeks to identify processes controlling the distribution of trace elements and isotopes in the world's oceans. Quantifying marine trace elements and understanding their role in biogeochemical cycles is important for predicting the ocean's response to environmental changes, such as a changing climate and the release of elements into the ocean due to human activities. This research program is collaborative in nature and only one component within the broader International GEOTRACES program. An important part of the collaborative scientific process is having access to trustworthy, well-documented data from colleagues. The Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO) serves as the U.S. GEOTRACES Data Assembly Center, and facilitates the management, sharing, and long-term preservation of trace element and isotope data not only from U.S. GEOTRACES researchers, but from marine biogeochemists across the United States. The BCO-DMO data managers work closely with investigators contributing their data to ensure quality and completeness of documentation to foster data discovery and re-use by potential collaborators. The BCO-DMO system provides free and open access to data and tools for discovery, mapping, visualization, and download. Trace element and isotope datasets from the recent U.S. GEOTRACES North Atlantic Transect and Eastern Pacific Zonal Transect cruises, as well as other GEOTRACES-related projects are now available from BCO-DMO. Related data from legacy programs, including the U.S. Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS), are also freely available for use by investigators seeking to further the understanding of trace metal cycling in the oceans. This presentation will highlight relevant trace metal data managed by BCO-DMO as well as the tools and features that aid in data discovery, access, and visualization.