Root Water Uptake and Soil Moisture Pattern Dynamics – Capturing Connections, Controls and Causalities

Tuesday, 15 December 2015: 15:10
3020 (Moscone West)
Theresa Blume1, Ingo Heidbuechel1, Sibylle K Hassler1, Sonia Simard1, Andreas Guntner1 and Markus Weiler2, (1)GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany, (2)Chair of Hydrology, Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany
We hypothesize that there is a shift in controls on landscape scale soil moisture patterns when plants become active during the growing season. Especially during the summer soil moisture patterns are not only controlled by soils, topography and related abiotic site characteristics but also by root water uptake. Root water uptake influences soil moisture patterns both in the lateral and vertical direction.

Plant water uptake from different soil depths is estimated based on diurnal fluctuations in soil moisture content and was investigated with a unique setup of 46 field sites in Luxemburg and 15 field sites in Germany. These sites cover a range of geologies, soils, topographic positions and types of vegetation. Vegetation types include pasture, pine forest (young and old) and different deciduous forest stands. Available data at all sites includes information at high temporal resolution from 3-5 soil moisture and soil temperature profiles, matrix potential, piezometers and sapflow sensors as well as standard climate data. At sites with access to a stream, discharge or water level is also recorded. The analysis of soil moisture patterns over time indicates a shift in regime depending on season. Depth profiles of root water uptake show strong differences between different forest stands, with maximum depths ranging between 50 and 200 cm. Temporal dynamics of signal strength within the profile furthermore suggest a locally shifting spatial distribution of root water uptake depending on water availability. We will investigate temporal thresholds (under which conditions spatial patterns of root water uptake become most distinct) as well as landscape controls on soil moisture and root water uptake dynamics.