Spatial distribution of δ15N of chlorophyll-a in surface sediment of the northern Benguela Upwelling System
Paired δ15NChl-a and bulk sediment δ15N (δ15Nsed) data of 27 surface sediment samples lack a significant correlation (R2 0.19, P=0.012). This insignificant correlation and the spatial discrepancies between δ15Nsed and δ15NChl-a suggest a varying post-depositional bias of diagenetic processes on the δ15Nsed. The onshore-offshore difference (∆) of δ15NChl-a in the northern sector of the studied area (17°-19°S,11°–14°E) is created mainly by fractionation effects of progressive plankton assimilation, because here the OMZ is weak and water-column denitrification is insignificant. In the southern sector (19°-23°S, 11°–14°E) where the OMZ is prominent, additional nitrate loss through denitrification causes most of the ∆ of δ15NChl-a. Along the inner shelf (17°-23°S), the southward increase of δ15NChl-a along the inner shelf mirrors an increase of δ15NNO3 from 17°S to 23°S, from which an annual denitrification rate of ~0.6 Tg yr-1 is calculated based on the south-north difference in δ15NChl-a of 11.3‰. In coastal upwelling zones where OMZ intensity is coupled to the upwelling dynamics over the shelf, the δ15NChl-a in surface sediment captures the spatial patterns of integrated N-loss intensity.