Author Index:
Author Index:
90632Submission Title: Spatial Distribution and Effects of Sewage in Coastal Hawaiian Waters
90132Submission Title: A First Look at Oxygen and Silicon Isotope Variations in Diatom Silica from a Pliocene Antarctic Marine Sediment Core
91478Submission Title: A comparative gene expression analysis of iron-limited cultures of Chaetoceros socialis and Pseudo-nitzschia arenysensis using newly developed iron assays
90613Submission Title: Characterization of vertical mixing in oscillatory vegetated flows
88715Submission Title: Forcing of global ocean ice models using an atmospheric boundary layer model: assessing consequences for the simulation of the AMOC
93219Submission Title: How Does Variability in Aragonite Saturation Proxies Impact Our Estimates of the Intensity and Duration of Exposure to Aragonite Corrosive Conditions in a Coastal Upwelling System?
89875Submission Title: Relationships between the Tropical Pacific and the Southern California Current productivity at different timescales
88055Submission Title: Probing the Timescales of Mesoscale Eddy Equilibration
PC002Submission Title: Assessing Ecosystem Variability from Paleoceanographic Archives
91156Submission Title: Iron binding ligands in the ocean are similar to humic substances
92540Submission Title: dataMares – An online platform for the fast, effective dissemination of science
89954Submission Title: Mixotrophy in the Winter Bloom-forming Heterocapsa rotundata: Quantifying Grazing Rates Using Two Methodologies
91234Submission Title: High resolution dissolved and dissolvable aluminum measurements along the GEOVIDE section (GEOTRACES section GA01)
CT003Submission Title: Kinetics: the force driving trace metal distributions in marine waters
93519Submission Title: The Effect of Collector Motion on Particle Capture Efficiency
88977Submission Title: Recent Trends in Suspended Sediment Load & Water Quality in the Upper Chesapeake Bay,
91402Submission Title: Suspended and Dissolved Matter in the Sacramento River and Delta Region Under Drought Conditions,
HI001Submission Title: Advancing Water Quality Monitoring and Forecasting in Urban Coastal and Inland Waters
89719Submission Title: Ice Types and Processes in the Advancing Chukchi Sea Ice Edge from Visual Observations and Digital Photos
89016Submission Title: Vertical Mixing of Desalination Reject Brine that Accumulates in Local Depressions in a Tidal Environment
91470Submission Title: Submesoscale In-Situ Observations Across the ACC during the Formation of a Mesoscale Eddy during SMILES
89763Submission Title: A positive-definite, down-gradient implementation of neutral diffusion
89891Submission Title: Why Pteropods Flap Their Wings, Periodically Pitch Their Shell, and Swim in a Sawtooth-like Trajectory
92811Submission Title: Fingerprinting Deepwater Horizon Oil in the northern Gulf of Mexico using biomarkers and Gas Chromatography-Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS/MS)
93559Submission Title: Potential climate change impacts on a tropical estuary: Hilo Bay, Hawaii
91871Submission Title: Jets and submesoscale eddies in baroclinically unstable flows on the beta-plane: Experiments with altimetry
87736Submission Title: U.S. GEOTRACES: Distribution of Mercury Species in the Western Arctic Ocean
91352Submission Title: Revising Empirical Swash Formulae for the Highly Energetic Wave Environment in Central Chile
90125Submission Title: Relationship between the Southeast Pacific Anticyclone and the upwelling favorable winds along the west coast of South America
91751Submission Title: Marine Microscale Interactions: Exploring the Ecological Relationships Between a Cosmopolitan Eukaryotic Diatom Thalassiosira rotula and its Associated Heterotrophic Bacterial Assemblage
91660Submission Title: Genome and metagenome enabled analyses reveal new insight into the global biogeography and potential urea utilization in marine Thaumarchaeota.,
92559Submission Title: The complete genome of a new marine Thaumarchaea strain contains evidence of previous virus infection and a possible defense mechanism from infection
89962Submission Title: Effect of Mineral Dust on Ocean Color Retrievals From Space: A Radiative Transfer Simulation Study
87751Submission Title: Remote Sensing Techniques Applying Neural Networks for Effective Retrieval of Harmful Algal Blooms in the West Florida Shelf from VIIRS Satellite Observations, without the need for a Fluorescence Channel, and their comparisons with other Techniques.
92979Submission Title: What Do We Know about DOM Chemical Composition Based on Its Optical Properties?
92247Submission Title: Predator Foraging in Response to the Mcmurdo Sound Preyscape
88136Submission Title: Stable isotope analysis of food-web system in subarctic to subtropical region of western North Pacific
92819Submission Title: Trophic and reproductive ecology of Red Snapper, Lutjanus campechanus, on natural and artificial reefs in the western Gulf of Mexico
89331Submission Title: Diatomaceous Ocean Weathering, a new gateway of dissolved silica to the oceans: new supportive evidence
93607Submission Title: Frontal Dynamics at the Mouth of the Columbia River
93074Submission Title: Reactive transport modeling of nitrogen in Seine River sediments
91548Submission Title: Dynamics of the Arctic Pacific Water
89621Submission Title: Geochemical and Sedimentary Record of Urbanization and Industrialization of the Galveston Bay Watershed
90150Submission Title: Distribution of Bioactive Trace Metals (Fe, Co, Ni, Cu and Zn) in the semiarid Kuwait Bay, stressed by natural and anthropogenic processes
89054Submission Title: Metabarcoding Baseline for the Sargasso Sea Zooplankton Community
90520Submission Title: Variability of Equatorward Transport in the Tropical Southwestern Pacific
89005Submission Title: Alkalinity Enrichment Enhances Calcification of a Coral Reef Flat
91166Submission Title: Inter-Ocean Exchange of Biogeochemical Tracers
90452Submission Title: Predicting the Presence of Scyphozoan Jellyfish in the Gulf of Mexico Using a Biophysical Model
92810Submission Title: Combining In Situ and Culture-based ‘Omic and Biogeochemical Measures to Identify the Physiological Ecology of a Blooming Diatom in the Amazon River Plume
93271Submission Title: Internal tide breaking processes at the Tasman Continental Slope
91951Submission Title: The Influence of Changes in Carbon and Nitrate Supply on Nitrogen Cycling in Marine Sediments.
88703Submission Title: Monitoring the effect of watershed development and climate on coral reefs in the US Virgin Islands using satellite based sensors
HE012Submission Title: Predicting changes in the Arctic Sea Ice cover using coupled atmosphere-ice-ocean-wave modelling systems.
89503Submission Title: Surface Current Skill Assessment of Global and Regional forecast models.
92439Submission Title: An assessment of optical and biogeochemical multi-decadal trends in the Sargasso Sea
92752Submission Title: Hydrologic Monitoring and Water Balance Modeling in West and Seven Palm Lake Drainages in the Florida Everglades
91401Submission Title: Evaluating Research Ethics Training in the Maryland Sea Grant REU Program
89956Submission Title: Point Sal Inner Shelf Experiment (PSIEX): Turbulent Mixing in a Wave-Current Bottom Boundary Layer
89180Submission Title: Accurate Modelling of Surface Currents and Internal Tides in a Semi-enclosed Coastal Sea
89136Submission Title: Lagrangian clustering detection of internal wave boluses
11232Submission Title: Synoptic Arctic Survey – A fundament for future arctic research
91127Submission Title: Behaviour-dependent Predation Risk in Marine Planktonic Copepods: an Experimental and Modelling Approach
92483Submission Title: Impacts of The New Thermodynamic Equation of Seawater (TEOS-10) in the South Atlantic Ocean’s Water Mass Mixing and Circulation.
92430Submission Title: Impact of Assimilation on Hindcast and Forecast Performance in Small Nearshore Domains
93467Submission Title: Nearshore Dynamics Around Outer Sebastián Vizcaíno Bay
88595Submission Title: The French Contribution to the Voluntary Observing Ships Network of Sea Surface Salinity
88209Submission Title: Surf Zone Sediment Size Variation, Morphodynamics, and Hydrodynamics During Sea/Land Breeze and El-Norte Storm in Sisal, Yucatan, Mexico
92011Submission Title: Geochemical indicators of sublethal hypoxia exposure in otoliths of a ubiquitous demersal fish species in the northern Gulf of Mexico
91041Submission Title: A hybrid downscaling approach for the analysis of coastline response to changing climate forcing in the period 1900-2010
91164Submission Title: SMOS Sea Surface Salinity in the North Atlantic Ocean: Signal of Douro and Gironde River Plumes.,
92423Submission Title: Evaluation of Ocean Syntheses: a new COST Action to Improve our Knowledge about Ocean Syntheses, from the Global to the Regional Scales,
EC006Submission Title: Coastal Oceanography through Integrated Data Analysis
90294Submission Title: Cross Surfzone/Inner-shelf Dye Exchange (CSIDE) Experiment: AUV Observations of Flow Structure
87599Submission Title: Effect of hydrostatic pressure on prokaryotic heterotrophic activity in the dark ocean
91286Submission Title: The Plastisphere "Microbiome"
93337Submission Title: Spatio-Temporal Extent of Dinoflagellate Blooms on the West Florida Shelf
89589Submission Title: Paradoxical Effects of Seawater Temperature and Solar Irradiance on the Photo-degradation State of Senescent Phytoplankton.
89192Submission Title: Mesoscale eddies in the North Atlantic subtropical gyre: characteristics, vertical structure, and associated transport from satellite altimetry and Argo profile data.
89416Submission Title: Distribution of Transparent Exopolymer Particles (TEP) and TEP-Carbon content in the North Sea in summer
89906Submission Title: Growth dynamics of Saffron cod (Eleginus gracilis) and Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) in the Northern Bering and Chukchi Seas
88643Submission Title: Arctic Surface Water Mass Variations from GRACE Gravimetry versus Combined Satellite Altimetry and Ocean Temperature.
93023Submission Title: On the Importance of Wave Simulation Techniques for Forecasting Shoreline Change
89068Submission Title: In Search of Submarine Groundwater Discharge into Seagrass Beds along the Gulf Coast of Northwest Florida
93475Submission Title: Upper-ocean Responses to Rainfall: Observations from Profiling Floats
90568Submission Title: Determining the Contribution of Non-Carbonate Alkalinity from Intertidal Salt Marshes to Coastal Buffering Capacity
89223Submission Title: Field Validation of Habitat Suitability Models for Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems in the South Pacific Ocean: Implications for the use of Broad-scale Models in Fisheries Management
88330Submission Title: Linking Movement to Feeding Behavior in Gyrodinium spirale: Does Prey Type Matter?
91778Submission Title: Airborne Optical Remote Sensing of Ocean Surface Current Variability
93385Submission Title: An Inverse Approach to Identifying Trends in Cross-Shore and Longshore Beach Behavior from Temporally Sparse Data
88356Submission Title: Increasing the Reliability of Circulation Model Validation: Quantifying Drifter Slip to See how Currents are Actually Moving
90575Submission Title: Winter weather in Japan Controlled by Large-Scale Atmospheric and Small-Scale Oceanic Phenomena
92346Submission Title: From SYNOP to AMOC: Stirring by deep cyclones and the evolution of Denmark Strait Overflow Water observed at Line W
92516Submission Title: CDOM Distribution and Dynamics in a Mangrove Ecosystem along the Shark River, Florida Everglades
88654Submission Title: Temperature and Salinity Long-term Variation Trend of Southern Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass
91727Submission Title: ICOADS: A Foundational Database with a new Release
91347Submission Title: Submesoscale bio-physical interactions observed with high-resolution airborne remote sensing
88795Submission Title: Radiometric Measurements of Whitecaps and Surface Fluxes
89474Submission Title: Using radium isotope fingerprinting to quantify iron release and distribution from different Celtic Sea shelf sediment types
91501Submission Title: Indirect Evidence for Substantial Damping of Low-mode Internal Tides in the Open Ocean
92310Submission Title: Transport through the Solomon Sea observed by Moorings and Inverted Echo Sounder with Bottom Pressures
89222Submission Title: Assessing Niger-Delta Wetland Resources: A Case-Study of Mangrove Ecosystem
89563Submission Title: Expanding OBIS beyond species occurrence data, with an extension for environmental data
87004Submission Title: Classification of Nortes in the Gulf of Mexico derived from wave energy maps
92722Submission Title: Characterization of diet using stomach contents and multivariate statistics of four Beaufort Sea eelpout species
93893Submission Title: One Decade Monitoring of Water Turbidity in the Wadden Sea Using Coupled Atmospheric-hydroptical Models and Remote Sensing Observations
87825Submission Title: Tracking the Mediterranean Abyss
93478Submission Title: Chemical fractionation-enhanced structural characterization of marine dissolved organic matter
93211Submission Title: Investigating the Evolution of Southern California Salt Marshes: A Facies Model to Understand the Influence of Seismic Events on Environmental Resiliency and Sustainability
92040Submission Title: Spatio-Temporal Variability of the Florida Current: HF Radar Observations in Stream Coordinates
91495Submission Title: Characterizing the Instantaneous Dissipation in Breaking Waves
92762Submission Title: Observation and parametrization of wave attenuation through the MIZ
88881Submission Title: Assessing Bulk Carbon and Biomarkers in Two Contrasting Bays: Blackwater River-Dominated and Particle-Dominated
89824Submission Title: Back-Barrier Water Level Response to Offshore Fluctuations
91808Submission Title: The contribution of oyster microbiomes to denitrification and nitrous oxide emissions in estuarine and coastal ecosystems
89378Submission Title: Major Seagrass Carbon Sinks Worldwide, Shark Bay, Western Australia
87624Submission Title: Seasonal and inter-annual changes in mesozooplankton community at Mombetsu Harbor, southern Okhotsk Sea during 1997 to 2012
93587Submission Title: Intermittency in the Diurnal and Semidiurnal Temperature Oscillations in the Santa Barbara Channel, California
87937Submission Title: Extraction of crustal deformation from seafloor hydraulic pressure gauges to estimate interplate coupling for subduction plate boundaries
89113Submission Title: The Sargassum Early Advisory System (SEAS)
90462Submission Title: Ocean Weather - Interaction of physical and bio-optical processes across a river plume dominated shelf in the Gulf of Mexico
11245Submission Title: Exploring Ocean Indicators: Coordinating Efforts to Better Study, Monitor, and Predict Ocean States, Changes, and Processes
92173Submission Title: Dissolved oxygen fluxes in frontal eddy systems along the Gulf Stream
88676Submission Title: Global Marine Productivity and Living-Phytoplankton Carbon Biomass Estimated from a Physiological Growth Model
88702Submission Title: On Anomalous Ocean Heat Transport toward the Arctic and Associated Climate Predictability
90042Submission Title: Local vs. Bulk Measures of the Mixing Efficiency in Breaking Internal Waves on Slopes
PC001Submission Title: Applications of Climate Data Records for the benefit of ocean sciences, marine ecosystems, and coastal communities
89560Submission Title: Diapycnal Mixing Deductions From the Large-Scale, Time-Mean, World Ocean Temperature-Salinity Distribution
93362Submission Title: Alongshore Momentum Budget Variations Over a Fringing Coral Reef
88381Submission Title: CDOM determines the ALB capability on the shallow water
91976Submission Title: Projecting the Effects of 21st Century Climate Change on the Distribution and Phenology of Reef Fish Spawning Aggregations
87963Submission Title: Observed Temporal and Spatial Variability in the Marine Environment at the Sub-Antarctic Prince Edward Islands – Evidence of a Changing Climate?
92870Submission Title: Current temporal asymmetry and the role of tides: Nan-Wan Bay vs. the Gulf of Elat
89183Submission Title: Modeling Motu: Using hydrodynamic modeling to parameterize morphodynamic interactions between reef flats and reef islands
89403Submission Title: Internal Tides in Whittard Canyon: Spatial Variability and Impacts on Habitat Heterogeneity
90850Submission Title: Hydrological Effects on the Biogeochemical Signatures of Dissolved Organic Matter In Estuaries
HE007Submission Title: Ice-ocean interactions and circulation around the Antarctic margins
91403Submission Title: Autonomous Observational Platforms for Ocean Studies: Operation, Advantages of Sensor Technology and Data Management
67244Submission Title: Use of homogeneity tests for the detection of inhomogeneities in climate data: Case of some meteorological stations throughout Cameroon
91312Submission Title: Dynamics of Fluorescent Organic Matter Compared between Three Contrasting Estuarine Environments
90894Submission Title: High resolution profiling of ammonium and carbonate with solid contact ion selective electrodes
89890Submission Title: Chemical Contaminants Found in the Gastrointestinal Tract of Loggerhead Sea Turtles (Caretta caretta)
PO010Submission Title: Evaluation, Design, and Optimization of Observing Systems using the Observing System Simulation Experiments framework
93353Submission Title: An OSSE for a Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter - Based Now-casting System of Biwa Lake, Japan
92501Submission Title: Eddy Effects on Biological Productivity in the Eastern South Pacific: a 3D Physical-Biogeochemical Modeling and Eddy Tracking Approach
92448Submission Title: Source to Sink: Broad and fine scale observations of terrestrial vs marine derived carbon in a Scottish sea loch (fjord).
92097Submission Title: The Helicopter Observation Platform for Marine and Continental Boundary Layer Studies
90881Submission Title: Functional & phylogenetic diversity of copepod communities
88467Submission Title: The Impacts of wetland restoration on Fish Productivity in Nigeria
92867Submission Title: Constraining a Coastal Ocean Model by Surface Observations Using an Ensemble Kalman Filter
90934Submission Title: Observations of Antarctic Slope Current Transport and Dense Water Flow in the Northwestern Weddell Sea
90845Submission Title: Altimeter Observations of Wave Climate in the Arctic Ocean
92394Submission Title: Engaging the Public in the 38th Voyage Of The Whaling Ship the Charles W. Morgan with Coastal Telepresence Technology
92316Submission Title: Assessing Coral Response to a Severe Bleaching Event Using Mulimolecular Biomarkers
92771Submission Title: Accumlating paradigm shifts on Arctic marine ecossytems
91242Submission Title: Inter-annual variability of physical and biogeochemical dynamics in the South-East Atlantic Ocean, focusing on the Benguela upwelling System: Remote versus local forcing
88888Submission Title: Mesoscale and Sub-mesoscale Variability in Phytoplankton Community Composition in the Sargasso Sea
90907Submission Title: Modelling Submesoscale Dynamics: A New Parameterization for Symmetric Instability
93386Submission Title: The Ice Ocean Sentinel System (IOSS): Working towards Ice and Ocean Observation Technologies for Remote and Harsh Environments
88964Submission Title: Biodegradation and photooxidation of crude oil under natural sunlight in the northern Gulf of Mexico
89604Submission Title: Most microbeads in a preliminary survey of personal care products are smaller than the typical 330µm trawl mesh size used in surface water surveys
89206Submission Title: Seasonality in calcification response of Hawaiian reef coral, Montipora capitata, under climate change projections
91553Submission Title: Direct measurements of the light dependence of gross photosynthesis and oxygen consumption in the ocean
89972Submission Title: Effects of nutrient input on phytoplankton productivity and community structure in the Grand Bay estuary in Mississippi
B006Submission Title: Marine silica cycle, silicification and silicifiers
90393Submission Title: Integrating observational and modelling systems for the management of the Great Barrier Reef
91632Submission Title: Ocean Tracking Network (OTN): Development of Oceanographic Data Integration with Animal Movement
92930Submission Title: Bacterial Associations with Diatoms Influence Host Health in a Xenic Model System
93622Submission Title: Creating Research/STEM Opportunities for Students – A Case for Collaboration
92126Submission Title: Pathfinder Sea Surface Temperature Climate Data Record
89522Submission Title: The Sea Surface Current Response to Wave and Wind: Numerical Modeling and Observations from Lagrangian Drifters
88932Submission Title: Effect of Tide and Wave Characteristics on Nearshore Morpho- and Hydro-dynamics
87144Submission Title: The future of the AMOC under global warming and Greenland Ice Sheet melt: AMOCMIP and probabilistic projections.
A012Submission Title: Tropical Cyclone-Ocean Interactions: from Weather to Climate
89804Submission Title: Scaling from Surface Satellite Measurements of PIC to Integrated Euphotic Estimates over the Global Ocean: Do Vertical Profiles of Coccolithophores Look Like Vertical Profiles of Chlorophyll?
92149Submission Title: Taking the Pulse of a Large Marine Ecosystem: An Inventory and Gap Analysis of Long-Term Recovery Monitoring Efforts in the Gulf of Mexico
89198Submission Title: Composition and extracellular enzymatic function of pelagic, particle-associated, and benthic bacterial communities in the central Arctic Ocean
92766Submission Title: Land Creation in the Pearl River Delta, Macau's Case
92051Submission Title: Potential vorticity and across ACC eddy transport in the Upper Circumpolar Deep Waters
90360Submission Title: 224Ra: 228Th Disequilibrium in Sediments as a Tracer for Solute Transfer Across the Sediment-Water Interface in Coastal Louisiana
93532Submission Title: Sedimentary and Palynological Indicators of Holocene Paleoenvironment in Okak Bay, Labrador
90745Submission Title: Stable isotopic study of northeast Indian Ocean during Miocene: An evidence of surface and deep water changes.
63448Submission Title: Near Real Time Operational Satellite Ocean Color Products From NOAA OSPO CoastWatch Okeanos System:: Status and Challenges
87567Submission Title: Preliminary Evaluation of Microbial Communities Isolated from the Calcifying Fluid of Oysters
87534Submission Title: Observing Propagating Ocean Features Using SMOS Surface Salinity data
90637Submission Title: Controls on Hydrodynamics, Suspended-Sediment Concentration and Sediment Flux in the Tidal River to Estuarine Reach of the Mekong River, Vietnam
88693Submission Title: Shoreline Measurement for 30 Years and Projection by the End of This Century
89958Submission Title: Use of a Blended Satellite and In situ Sea Surface Temperature Climate Data Record for Evaluating Long-term Impacts on Coral and Marine Mammal Communities
91430Submission Title: The effect of different acid-treatments on the age spectrum of organic matter in sediments determined by Ramped PyrOx/accelerator mass spectrometry
87834Submission Title: A modeling study on the Qiongzhou Strait westward current during summer
89405Submission Title: Effects of Brine Discharges on Benthonic Microbes
92181Submission Title: Air-Sea CO2 Fluxes in the Gulf of Mexico, a Data-Based Climatology
89452Submission Title: Inference and Biogeochemical Response of Vertical Velocities inside a Mode Water Eddy
92857Submission Title: Multi-decadal Variability of Large-scale Circulation and its Contribution to Extreme Hydroclimate in the Mediterranean region.
91212Submission Title: Evaluation of the Accuracy of an Offline Seasonally-Varying Matrix Transport Model for Simulating Ideal Age
92788Submission Title: Enhancement of Mesoscale to Submesoscale Transition and the Forward Energy Cascade by High Frequency Wind Forcing
92248Submission Title: Hydrodynamics of an Estuarine – Coral Reef System
92007Submission Title: The General NOAA Operational Modeling Environment (GNOME) – Development and Applications
93526Submission Title: Spatial and Temporal Changes in Coral Community Responses to Ocean Warming
92956Submission Title: A Comparison of Macrobenthic Organisms in Shallow-Water and Mesophotic Coral Reef Ecosystems of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands
88791Submission Title: A New Look at Subsea Gas Emissions from the Barbados Accretionary Complex
92879Submission Title: Hyperspectral radiometric device for accurate measurements of water leaving radiance from autonomous platforms for satellite vicarious calibrations
90769Submission Title: Recent Pacific Ocean basin coastal response to inter-annual climate variability with implications for future climate change impacts,
92963Submission Title: Development and Application of a Long-term Shoreline Change Model for Assessing Climate Change Impacts,
EC019Submission Title: Progress in modeling seasonal to multi-decadal coastal change: A summary of the state of the art
92341Submission Title: Sediment Plumes Resulting from the Port of Miami Dredging: Analysis and Interpretation Using Satellite Data and Long Term Monitoring Programs
93806Submission Title: Stable Isotopes (δ13C and δ15N) in Two Depth-Segregated Species of Deep-Sea Gorgonian Octocorals from the Eastern Pacific
90316Submission Title: Primary Production and Photophysiology of Phytoplankton Forming Subsurface Chlorophyll Maxima in a UK Summer Stratified Coastal Sea
60848Submission Title: Interactions between the Somali Current eddies during the summer monsoon: insights from a numerical study
90612Submission Title: Inorganic Nutrient Diffusion at the Base of the Nutricline and its Association with the Deep Chlorophyll a Maximum Layer
92273Submission Title: Ocean gliders as key component within the AORAC-SA
88457Submission Title: studying coastal geomorphological changes on beaches located near of the Rio Grande de Manatí Watershed, Puerto Rico (1977-2015): and its management implications.
89132Submission Title: Isotopic composition of dissolved and particulate Cu in the North Atlantic: Constraining the atmospheric deposition of aerosol Cu
92574Submission Title: Understanding microalgal species composition and contributions in Antarctic glacial melt water through rbcL high throughput sequencing
92145Submission Title: Does Habitat Structure Really Affects Macroinfaunal Benthic Assemblages?
90455Submission Title: Understanding Microplastic Distribution: A Global Citizen Monitoring Effort
87802Submission Title: An Absurdly Simple Model for Oceanic Export Efficiency's Temperature Dependence
92980Submission Title: The 1000-year Duration of the Middle-shelf Grounding Event of West Antarctic Ice Sheet
92423Submission Title: Evaluation of Ocean Syntheses: a new COST Action to Improve our Knowledge about Ocean Syntheses, from the Global to the Regional Scales
90852Submission Title: Jet-Topography Interactions: What Sets the Vertical Structure of Eddy Effects Around Topography?
90871Submission Title: In situ nitrification rates and activity of present nitrifiers in the bottom water layer of two Baltic coastal zones affected by different riverine nutrient loads
93273Submission Title: A Spatial Analysis of Calcium Carbonate Accretion Rates on South Pacific Reefs
93656Submission Title: Tissue-dependent stable isotope analysis of Arctic sculpin (Myoxocephalus scorpioides) to assess local seasonal variability in prey availability.
89399Submission Title: Comparisons of ADCP and Wave Buoy Collected Wave Measurements.
90768Submission Title: 210Po/210Pb Activity Ratios as a Possible ‘Dating Tool’ of Ice Cores and Ice-rafted Sediments from the Western Arctic Ocean – Preliminary Results
88002Submission Title: Delft3D Sensitivity and Uncertainty Snalysis for Hurricane Simulations in the North Atlantic
91698Submission Title: Oceanic Influences on Pacific Storm Track Activity and Southwest United States Precipitation from 1915-2011
89978Submission Title: Simulating Sea Ice Floes Using the Discrete Element Method
92080Submission Title: The Relationship of Ocean Heat Content by Density Level to Hiatus Decadaes within the CESM
93845Submission Title: Novel tool for d13C and d15N determination in aqueous samples
91228Submission Title: Evaluating temperature as a driver of changing coastal biodiversity
90953Submission Title: Probabilistic Estimates of Global Marine N2O Emissions within the Bern3D Earth System Model of Intermediate Complexity
89124Submission Title: Ecosystem Risk Assessment Using the Comprehensive Assessment of Risk to Ecosystems (CARE) Tool
87600Submission Title: Modification of Atlantic Water and Lower Halocline Water by Meteoric Water and Sea-Ice Processes along the Siberian Continental Slope
91934Submission Title: Leveraging Multidisciplinary Data & Research to Develop Spatio-Temporal Risk Assessment and Decision Support Tools for Evaluating Offshore Hazards
ME013Submission Title: Exploring the Spatial and Temporal Scales of Marine Animal Response to Global Change
88732Submission Title: Influence of Temperature and Nutrients on Coral Community Structure on Lagoonal Reefs in Belize
91814Submission Title: Do top predators cue on sound production by mesopelagic prey?
92655Submission Title: Historic and current carbon storage in four marsh habitats of coastal Louisiana: Insight into potential responses to future global climate change and coastal restoration
88445Submission Title: A Marriage Of Larval Modeling And Empirical Data: Linking Adult, Larval And Junvenile Scallops In An Estuary
93276Submission Title: Possible Role of Green Chemistry in Addressing Environmenal Plastic Debris: Scientific, Economic and Policy Issues
91175Submission Title: Variability and Uncertainty in Satellite Sea-surface Salinity Observations
91556Submission Title: ENSO non-linearity in a changing climate
92901Submission Title: Noble Gases Reveal Ocean-Glacier Interaction in Shallow and Deep-Silled Greenland Fjords
93283Submission Title: Salmon Life Cycle Models Illuminate Population Consequences of Disparate Survival and Behavior Between Hatchery- and Wild-Origin Fish
88938Submission Title: The Response of Western Boundary Currents to Intensifying Global Winds
93298Submission Title: The Role of Cell Morphotype in Protist Grazing on the Model Diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum
91211Submission Title: Regime Shifts in the Gulf of Alaska Simulated by Ocean Biogeochemical Models
90325Submission Title: Methane Seeps in the Gulf of Mexico: repeat acoustic surveying shows highly temporally and spatially variable venting
92470Submission Title: Characterizing The Microbial Lability And Isotopic (14C, 13C) Signatures Of Marine Organic Matter With A Novel Culture Vessel System
90044Submission Title: Connecting Oceanography and Music
89773Submission Title: An examination of double-diffusive processes in a mesoscale eddy in the Arctic Ocean
89918Submission Title: Climatological Effects on Extreme Shoreline Water Levels at Ipan Reef, Guam
91682Submission Title: Long-term, in situ measurements of CDOM spectral-absorption and fluorescence in estuarine and coastal environments,
IS007Submission Title: Technological Advancements in Phytoplankton Ecology: Observation Techniques and Platforms, Data Analysis and Interpretation, and Model Development
91035Submission Title: A Drift Model to Predict Where Marine Mammals Struck by Tidal Stream Turbines Might Strand
92575Submission Title: Pteropods as indicators for Cumulative Ocean Acidification Exposure
91056Submission Title: Robust Shallow Water Equation Model for Tsunami Disaster Management
87111Submission Title: Southern Ocean Deep Convection in Global Climate Models: A Driver of Sub-polar Gyre Strength and Drake Passage Transport Variability on Decadal Timescales
91724Submission Title: Thriving reefs in the Baltic? Diversity and small-scale variability of hard-bottom assemblages along natural and anthropogenic gradients in the German Baltic Sea
89938Submission Title: The Ocean Observatories Initiative: Data pre-Processing: Diagnostic Tools to Prepare Data for QA/QC Processing.
87628Submission Title: The role of particle associated microbial respiration in mesopelagic particle flux attenuation in the NE Atlantic
92481Submission Title: Beyond the Blue: C:N:P relationships across tidal and seasonal time-scales within a salt-marsh estuary
90710Submission Title: The Influence of Terrestrial Matter in Marine Food Webs of the Beaufort Sea Shelf and Slope
89893Submission Title: Meridional overturning circulations driven by surface wind and buoyancy forcing
91955Submission Title: Assessment of Giant Kelp Physiological State Using Airborne Hyperspectral Imagery
87142Submission Title: Sources and Transport of Surface Sediment and Metals in B.C. Fjord, Tahsis Inlet
11244Submission Title: Oh, the places we’ll go!: Exploring the ocean with technology
92534Submission Title: Oxygen Minimum Zones in Miniature: Microbial Community Diversity, Activity, and Assembly Across Oxygen Gradients in Meromictic Marine Lakes, Palau
90669Submission Title: Influence of Runoff and Subglacial Discharge on Heat Transport in a Subpolar Fjord (Godthåbsfjord, 64°N) in Contact with the Greenland Ice Sheet
89658Submission Title: Projected shifts in copepod surface communities in the Mediterranean Sea under several climate change scenarios
92315Submission Title: Analysis and Interpretation of Space-Time Extreme Waves
89095Submission Title: Freshwater Origin of the Upper Shelf and Slope Waters of Southern Labrador and Newfoundland
93671Submission Title: Extracting Tsunami and Short-Period Motions from HF Doppler Radar Data through Empirical Orthogonal Function Analysis
89550Submission Title: Impact of the assimilation of high-frequency altimetry data in a regional model
91584Submission Title: An Interaction between Light and Temperature on the Growth of Arctic Phytoplankton
89490Submission Title: Using Population Density and Size Class Frequency to Identify Recruitment Limitation and Saturation in Shellfishes
92232Submission Title: Evaluation of Parametric Wind Models for Wave and Storm Surge Modelling of Hurricane Sandy
88011Submission Title: Plastic Free Belize: People, Plastic, and Pollution in a developing Caribbean nation
91821Submission Title: On the modulation of wave-current interactions by horizontal mixing and spatial resolution
87556Submission Title: Presence, Absence, and Abundance in Publically Available Data: Advances in the Data Inclusion Paradigm in OBIS-USA
87920Submission Title: Cool, Near-Bottom Intrusions in the Central Great Barrier Reef
88095Submission Title: Hydrodynamic Controls on Muddy Sedimentary Fabric Development on Low-Gradient Shelves: Atchafalaya Chenier Plain Subaqueous Delta
11222Submission Title: The Future of Biogeochemical Ocean Time-series,
88901Submission Title: Advancing Ocean Science Through Coordination, Community Building, and Outreach,
AH008Submission Title: Updates, Advancements and Projections on the State of the Ocean Carbon Cycle (SOCC) - How the Ocean is "SOCC"ing it to us!
90610Submission Title: comparison of FDM and FVM model performance for tsunami wave propagation near east coast of Korea
89643Submission Title: CO2 Respiration/O2 Consumption in Response to Supplemental Organic Carbon: Implications for Natural DOC Composition in San Pedro Basin, CA
91288Submission Title: A comprehensive study of the origins of methane emission in the Black Sea
93316Submission Title: Nitrogen and organic carbon cycling processes in tidal marshes and shallow estuarine habitats
92191Submission Title: The effect of enhanced carbon dioxide on the sinking and swimming of the shelled pteropod Limacina retroversa
91879Submission Title: A Worldwide Web-portal for Aquatic Mesocosm Facilities: WWW.MESOCOSM.EU
88056Submission Title: In a warming climate, why do we see decreasing heat flux in the Arctic Ocean
HI010Submission Title: The impact of seawater desalination on the marine environment
86854Submission Title: Europe’s mild winters, due to offshore wind-farms, shipping and fishery?
93304Submission Title: Assessing Virulence and Transmission Rates of White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) in Two Ecologically Important Palaemonid Shrimp
90010Submission Title: The Volumetric Variability of Subtropical Mode Water in the South Atlantic
89097Submission Title: Morphological controls on barrier-island response and recovery following natural and anthropogenic perturbations, northern Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana
87057Submission Title: Nonlocal dispersion in the Gulf of Mexico
91406Submission Title: Planktonic Responses to Simulated Warming and Elevated Iron Availability in McMurdo Sound: Community Composition and Microbial Interactions
89791Submission Title: Exchange between the Slope Current and the West Shetland Shelf
88636Submission Title: Ensembles of Eddying Ocean Simulations for Climate : Modeling Techniques, Diagnostics, First Results.
89232Submission Title: The EMSO-ERIC Consortium: 12 Fixed Nodes around Europe Provide Coordinated Continuous Access to Deep Sea Environments.
88215Submission Title: Modeling the Hydrodynamic Effects of Seagrass Meadows in a Shallow, Back-barrier Estuary
93808Submission Title: On the Variability of Arctic-Subarctic Heat and Freshwater Exchanges from Ocean Reanalyses
88585Submission Title: Estimation of the Wavewatch III Model Performance for Pacific Ocean Wave: In the Perspective of Partitioned Wave Components and Wave-induced Transport
88900Submission Title: Determine Age-structure of Gelatinous Zooplankton Using Optical Coherence Tomography
88544Submission Title: Spatial and temporal variation in erosion and accumulation of the subaqueous Yellow River delta (1976-2004)
89933Submission Title: The Influence of Individual Variability on Zooplankton Population Dynamics under Different Environmental Conditions
89756Submission Title: Evaluating Changes in the Molecular Composition and Optical Properties of Pacific Ocean Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) caused by Borodeuteride Reduction
92892Submission Title: Wetland accretion rates along coastal Louisiana: Spatial and temporal variability in light of Hurricane Isaac’s impacts
88373Submission Title: Bioconstructor Guild Analysis to Assess Maldivian Reefs Following Ocean Warming and Coral Bleaching
90655Submission Title: Modeling anoxic aggregates in the ocean - implications for nitrogen, sulfur and trace metal cycling
88839Submission Title: Flooding of a Major Dry Waterway: Impacts of Flow Restoration on River-Carbon Composition and Fluxes in the Colorado River ,
90032Submission Title: Organic Carbon Dynamics in Fjords: A Case Study of Fiordland, New Zealand,
90687Submission Title: Alteration of Chemical Composition of Soil-leached Dissolved Organic Matter under Cryogenic Cycles,
CT005Submission Title: Linking Optical and Chemical Properties of Organic Matter,
EC012Submission Title: Geological and Biogeochemical Dynamics in Major Deltaic Coasts,
EC021Submission Title: The coastal carbon cycle: Understanding organic matter exchange and dynamics across terrestrial-marine boundaries
93641Submission Title: Coordinated motility of cyanobacteria favor mat formation, photosynthesis and carbon burial in low-oxygen, high-sulfur shallow sinkholes of Lake Huron; whereas deep-water aphotic sinkholes are analogs of deep-sea seep and vent ecosystems
89659Submission Title: Identifying Glacial Meltwater in the Amundsen Sea, Antarctica
92696Submission Title: Revisiting Sea State Dependent Surface Fluxes Parameterisations in a Fully Coupled Forecast System with Emphasis on Tropical Cyclone
88957Submission Title: Evaluating the Accuracy of MODIS Products in the Southern Scean Using Tagged Marine Predators, and Measuring Significant Change in 12 Years of [Chl-a], Zeu and Cloud Fraction Data.
87884Submission Title: Occurrence of Trichodesmium in south-southeastern Brazilian shelf slope: distribution, nutrient acquisition and coexistence with other microplanktonic organisms
90149Submission Title: Numerical Simulations of Arctic Surface Ocean Properties: Does Floating Ice Matter?
90477Submission Title: Modelling the 2013 Typhoon Haiyan Storm Surge: Effect of Waves, Offshore Winds, Tide Phase, and Translation Speed
88946Submission Title: In-situ Geotechnical Characterization of Wetland Channel Cross Sections in Coastal Louisiana Using a Portable Free-fall Penetrometer
92947Submission Title: Seasonal Cycle and Annual Destruction of Eighteen Degree Water
92254Submission Title: Large-Scale Microzooplankton Abundance and Diversity in the North Sea in Mid-Winter
90229Submission Title: Spatiotemporal & Ecological Processes Associated With Goliath Grouper Aggregations in Southeastern Florida
91482Submission Title: Characteristics of the South Pacific subtropical surface salinity maximum
90941Submission Title: Using Density Changes over Continental Slopes to Estimate Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Variability on Inter-annual to Decadal Timescales
89156Submission Title: Towards a Mobile Ecogenomic sensor: the Third Generation Environmental Sample Processor (3G-ESP).
91151Submission Title: The Celtic Sea Shelf System Acts as a Persistent Source of Iron to the North Atlantic
A007Submission Title: Linking the Ocean with the Atmosphere - Exploring the Importance of the Ocean-Atmosphere Interface and Near Surface Waters in Global Scale Processes
92487Submission Title: In Situ Absorbance and Fluorescence as Surrogate Data to Continuously Measure Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Carbon Concentrations in a Brackish Tidal Marsh
87665Submission Title: The Influence of Subtropical Mode Water in Nutrients in the South Atlantic
92805Submission Title: The effects of ocean circulation on ocean-ice interaction and potential feedbacks in an idealized shelf cavity
92171Submission Title: Satellite derived estimates of global export flux composition and attenuation in the mesopelagic
90785Submission Title: Persistence, Prevalence, and Load of Circoviruses in Marine and Lacustrine Amphipods
92551Submission Title: Effects of Low versus High Freshwater Discharge on the Concentration and Character of Dissolved Carbon, and on the Microbial Community Composition in the Skidaway River Estuary (Southeast USA).
90914Submission Title: Constraining the Biological Pump on Seasonal Scales through Autonomous Oxygen Observations from Profiling Floats
91626Submission Title: High-Frequency Wave Measurements in the Baltic Sea
92716Submission Title: Background Temperature Images of Mesoscale Ocean Features from Laplace and Laplace-Fourier Domain Seismic Waveform Inversion
ME008Submission Title: Ecosystem responses to climate variability in eastern boundary upwelling ecosystems
87606Submission Title: 234Th distribution along the Eastern Pacific GEOTRACES transect and implications for export and remineralization fluxes of carbon and TEIs
92652Submission Title: Community Composition and Metabolic Diversity of Deep-sea Lophelia pertusa Microbiomes and their Relatedness to the Local Environment
91540Submission Title: A New Coupled 4DVAR Assimilation System for Coupled Ocean-Wave Models
88835Submission Title: Sea-state Dependence of Sea Surface Temperature Cooling and its Feedback on Tropical Cyclone Intensity
91176Submission Title: The Contribution of Mesoscale Features to the Divergence of Numerical Ocean Model Ensembles
91771Submission Title: Tracking AAIW Properties, Transformations and Paths in the South Atlantic from Argo Floats Data and a Global Ocean Model
88666Submission Title: Microbial assemblages on a cold-water coral mound at the SE Rockall bank
86952Submission Title: Types and Origins of Debris Found on Maui Shorelines: Implications for Mitigation Policies and Strategies
92298Submission Title: Molecular probe measurements of photochemical production of one-electron reducing intermediates from chromophore dissolved organic matter: relation to O2- and H2O2 production
92291Submission Title: Effects of Multiple Stressors on Red Abalone (Haliotis rufescens) Fertilization Success
93069Submission Title: Developing Modern User Access Tools for Subsistence Mapping Data Resources
93551Submission Title: Wide Area 3D Visual Reconstructions to Survey the Distribution of Macrobenthos in Deep-sea Hydrothermal Vent Systems
93827Submission Title: Water Quality Monitoring of Texas Offshore Artificial Reefs
89974Submission Title: Arrest of Frontogenesis by Submesoscales and Turbulence
92520Submission Title: Effects of Anisotropy on Observation of Turbulent Dissipation in Bottom Boundary Layers
93901Submission Title: Four Years of Chemical Measurements from the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Define the Deep Sea Sediment footprint and Subsequent Recovery
89598Submission Title: Determining the presence of dipropylene glycol n-butyl ether (DPnB) in sediments and sands contaminated by the Deepwater Horizon (DWH) oil spill
92208Submission Title: Rapid variability of Antarctic Bottom Water transport inferred from GRACE
IS002Submission Title: Advancing Discovery, Observation, and Process Studies Throughout the Ocean with Robotic Technologies
91245Submission Title: Wind Influence on Gravitational Circulation in a Partially Mixed Estuary
91074Submission Title: Role of small-sized copepods in the lipid-driven Arctic marine food web
91993Submission Title: Revealing sources and chemical identity of iron ligands across the California Current System
93628Submission Title: Phytoplankton and nutrient dynamics in Winyah Bay, SC.
88179Submission Title: The Response of the North Atlantic to the Increasing Greenland Ice Sheet Melting: Simulations with a Very High Resolution Ocean Model,
88715Submission Title: Forcing of global ocean ice models using an atmospheric boundary layer model: assessing consequences for the simulation of the AMOC
91366Submission Title: Iron-Virus Interactions in the Oceans
88086Submission Title: Systematic Sub-Micron Na/Ca Banding in Orbulina universa and bilobata
87711Submission Title: Global marine isoprene emissions: A field, lab, and model study synthesis
90757Submission Title: The sedimentological response of the Nile Littoral Cell to the Aswan Dam construction and other coastal anthropogenic alterations
89960Submission Title: The Surface Storm Tracks in Three CMIP5 Global Climate Models
88680Submission Title: Estimate chlorophyll a and POC concentrations in the Southern Ocean,
90306Submission Title: Progress Report From PACE’s Science Team,
ME014Submission Title: Frontiers in Ocean Color Remote Sensing: Science and Challenges,
OD001Submission Title: Autonomous Observations of Coupled Physical-Biogeochemical Properties and Processes in the Open Ocean: From the Diel and Local Scales to Climate on the Global Scale
93191Submission Title: Autonomous Gliders Observed Physical and Biogeochemical Interplay at Submesoscale during Deep Convection in the Gulf of Lions (NW Mediterranean)
92113Submission Title: How bioavailable is highly weathered Deepwater Horizon oil?
90229Submission Title: Spatiotemporal & Ecological Processes Associated With Goliath Grouper Aggregations in Southeastern Florida,
93417Submission Title: Determining Timing and Magnitude of Dietary Shifts in Black Guillemots (Cepphus grylle) Using Stable Isotope Analysis of Flight Feathers,
93491Submission Title: Spatiotemporal Variation of Arctic Nearshore Fish Communities in Barrow, AK,
93656Submission Title: Tissue-dependent stable isotope analysis of Arctic sculpin (Myoxocephalus scorpioides) to assess local seasonal variability in prey availability.,
93725Submission Title: Generalists or Specialists: Stable Isotope Analysis of Humpback Whales (Megapteranoveangliae) to Infer Variation in Feeding Preferences,
HE001Submission Title: Biophysical processes at the Arctic-Subarctic interface
90153Submission Title: Temporal Variability in Nitrogen Fixation and Particulate Nitrogen Export at Station ALOHA
90026Submission Title: Project FLOSSIE: Marine Data Stewardship at the Waterline
86969Submission Title: Subseasonal to Interannual Variability of Tropical Cyclone Activity in the Eastern Pacific. Towards a Comprehensive Forecasting System with Significant Lead Time
90138Submission Title: Reproducing Sea-Ice Deformation Distributions With Viscous-Plastic Sea-Ice Models
92478Submission Title: Amino Acid Enantiomeric Ratios in Semi-Labile vs. Refractory Dissolved Organic Matter: Implications for a Microbial N Pump
11245Submission Title: Exploring Ocean Indicators: Coordinating Efforts to Better Study, Monitor, and Predict Ocean States, Changes, and Processes ,
11252Submission Title: Essential Ocean Variables: a Common Focus for Sustained Global Ocean Observing,
90054Submission Title: Investigating the Effect of Ocean Currents on the Surface Stress and Heat Fluxes over the Gulf of Mexico Using a Two-way Coupled Modeling System,
92132Submission Title: Evaluation of sea surface temperatures and wind fields in WRF coupled simuations
90960Submission Title: Evaluation of the atmospheric pressure effects in the future Mercator Ocean global 1/4° configuration.
87576Submission Title: Investigating eukaryotic fermentation as the likely source of unassigned dissolved inorganic carbon production in permeable sediments under anoxic conditions.
90834Submission Title: Seasonal and Spatial Variation of Particulate Cadmium and Phosphorous along Line P in the Northeast Pacific
88207Submission Title: Rainfall Imprint on Sea Surface Salinity in the ITCZ: new satellite perspectives
92105Submission Title: Effects of warming, acidification, and reef-zone on the calcification of four Caribbean scleractinian corals of the Belize Barrier Reef System
92731Submission Title: Structural Mapping and Geomorphology of Ireland’s Southwest Continental Shelf Using High Resolution Sonar
93550Submission Title: Technology Advances Enabling a New Class of Hybrid Underwater Vehicles
89815Submission Title: Fertilization Results in a Dramatic Decrease in Diversity of Active Denitrifying Bacteria
91044Submission Title: Submesoscale variability from satellite thermal imagery: preliminary results
93173Submission Title: Investigating the Effects of Variable Water Type for VIIRS Calibration
90478Submission Title: The Functional Implications of Bottom Up and Top Down Controls on Marine Bacteria in Arthur Harbor, a Highly Productive Coastal Setting on the West Antarctic Peninsula
86890Submission Title: Mercury in Deep Sea Hydrothermal Vent Fluids and Plumes from the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans
88673Submission Title: Comparison of Marsh Sediment Accumulation and Accretion Rates in Two Contrasting Estuaries
88030Submission Title: Physiological Diagnosis of a Southern Ocean Diatom’s Responses to Future Complex Ocean Conditions,
90398Submission Title: SOLAS Science and the Environmental Impacts of Geoengineering ,
AH002Submission Title: Assessing the Cumulative Effects of Complex Ocean Change on Marine Biota,
HE016Submission Title: Variability in Southern Ocean Productivity over Different Timescales
91158Submission Title: Coastal water optical properties from four Southeast Asian coastal environments ranging from relatively pristine to heavily impacted
91939Submission Title: Assessing the marine geological cycle of cobalt from its interactions with particles in the Black Sea
89483Submission Title: World Ocean Database and the Global Temperature and Salinity Profile Program Database: Synthesis of historical and near real-time ocean profile data,
93586Submission Title: Sensitivity of Global Upper Ocean Heat Content Estimates to Mapping Methods, XBT Bias Corrections, and Baseline Climatologies,
OD009Submission Title: Towards a Subsurface Ocean Climate Record and Applications that Improve Understanding of Climate Variability and Change
93114Submission Title: Phytoplankton productivity and microzooplankton grazing within planktonic thin layers in the northern Gulf of Mexico
89210Submission Title: Isotope Exchange: a Potential Mechanism Regulating the Natural and Anthropogenic Pb Isotope Budget in Coastal Waters,
92738Submission Title: Suspended Particulate Pb from the North Atlantic US GEOTRACES (GA-03) Section can be Estimated from Dissolved Pb Using a Two Phase Partition Coefficient Model,
CT009Submission Title: Trace Elements and Isotopes at the Interfaces of the Atlantic Ocean
92921Submission Title: Measurement of Near-Surface Salinity, Temperature and Directional Wave Spectra using a Novel Wave-Following, Lagrangian Surface Contact Buoy
92342Submission Title: Analysis of Particulate and Dissolved Metabolite Pools at Station ALOHA
88261Submission Title: Comparison of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation behaviors in HYCOM and POP within the CESM
87822Submission Title: Observed Eddy Dissipation In The Agulhas Current
88512Submission Title: Estimating mixed layer depth and heat content at the end of sea ice melt season in the western Arctic Ocean
89850Submission Title: Emergence of Anthropogenic Trends in California Current Upwelling in the Presence of Natural Climate Variability
92887Submission Title: Turbulent Flow Regimes of a Coastal Boundary Layer, Observations and Models.
89406Submission Title: Describing River Plume Interactions in the Northern Adriatic Sea Using High Resolution Satellite Turbidity And Sea Surface Temperature Observations
88788Submission Title: Parameterization of the Degree of Burial of Objects in the Coastal Ocean
90276Submission Title: Complete energetic description of hydrokinetic turbine impact on flow channel dynamics
93880Submission Title: Ensemble global ocean forecasting
93568Submission Title: Ross Sea Ecosystem Responses to Climatic Changes during the Mid-to-Late Holocene as Indicated by Bulk Stable Isotope Analyses of Antarctic Seals
90370Submission Title: Application of Directional Wave Spectra Method to Numerical Investigations of Internal Tide Reflection
90652Submission Title: The Upper Branch of the AMOC in the Subpolar North Atlantic in Model and Observation
88736Submission Title: Dynamic Seascapes Predict the Marine Occurrence of an Endangered Species
92553Submission Title: Iron partitioning between the dissolved and particulate phase within a rising hydrothermal plume: Beebe Vents, Piccard Hydrothermal Field, Mid-Cayman Rise.
91734Submission Title: How Does the Burial Rate of Soil Organic Matter Relate to Salinity and Productivity in the Coastal Everglades?
90649Submission Title: Examining the Utility of Coral Ba/Ca as a Paleo-Proxy for Interannual River Discharge Variability Along the Pacific Coast of Panamá
89676Submission Title: Looking Inside Internal Tides – A High Resolution Modelling Study
89411Submission Title: Remineralization and preservation of the Organic Matter (OM) in the Peruvian Oxygen Minimum Zone
92121Submission Title: Chaotic Tracer Transport: a Modeling Study of the Alboran Sea
87234Submission Title: Deep Ocean Oxygen Consumption Rates: Ocean Chemistry Clues from a van ‘t Hoff Based Formulation of the Speed of Sound in Seawater
92296Submission Title: Upper Ocean Heat Content Variability in the Pacific Ocean
89485Submission Title: Connecting K-12 Educators with Current Scientific Research Through the DataStreme Project
91586Submission Title: Super parameterization of ocean dynamics for tracer transport models
88717Submission Title: Overview of TAMU-CC Unmanned Aircraft Systems Coastal Research in the Port Mansfield Area, June 2015
89801Submission Title: Development of a Dual Solid-State pH-AT Sensor
92686Submission Title: Bio-Argo float data suggest that disaggregation is a major driver of flux attenuation during large phytoplankton blooms in the North Atlantic
87750Submission Title: Continental shelf eddies forced by cooling and modified by winds
91078Submission Title: Predictive Habitat Use of California Sea Lions and Its Implications for Fisheries Management
92828Submission Title: In situ High-resolution Optical Measurements of Taxon-specific Plankton Vertical Distributions: Evidence for Regulation by Water Density and Large Fluorescent Particles
92383Submission Title: The Global Coast: A View from the Open Ocean
90399Submission Title: The Effect of Oil Spills on Marine Microbes: The Importance of Where, When, and How
90084Submission Title: Lidar Observations of Wave Shape
90929Submission Title: Modeling the oceanic habitats of pelagic fish using recreational fisheries data
90337Submission Title: Leveraging GeoTIFF Compatibility for Visualizing a New EASE-Grid 2.0 Global Satellite Passive Microwave Climate Record
90464Submission Title: Targeted Isolation of Refractory and Semi-Labile DOM for Detailed Molecular Study: First Results from the Central North Pacific Subtropical Gyre.
89576Submission Title: Disentangling synergistic climate drivers on the evolution of two species of planktonic foraminifera on regional and global scales
91122Submission Title: Seasonal lipid dynamics of Calanus finmarchicus and C. helgolandicus in the Norwegian Sea: The role of energy for “decision making” in life-cycle events
93489Submission Title: Effect of increased temperature, CO2, and iron on nitrate uptake and primary productivity in the coastal Ross Sea
91417Submission Title: Linking the North Atlantic Carbon Sink to Southern Ocean Winds
92101Submission Title: Monthly Scale Resolution of Sedimentary Processes Using 234Th Inventories and Mass Accumulation Rates: Lessons from the 2010 DwH Event.
90626Submission Title: Seawater Carbonate Chemistry of Deep-sea Coral Beds off the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands
92090Submission Title: Development of Seawater Dissolved Gas Extraction and Laser-based DIC and δ13C-DIC Analysis System
91800Submission Title: Linking Satellite Observations with Coupled Bio-physical Models of Sargassum
67253Submission Title: Ultrahigh-Resolution 3-Dimensional Seismic Imaging of Seeps from the Continental Slope of the Northern Gulf of Mexico: Subsurface, Seafloor and Into the Water Column
87833Submission Title: Stationary Sea Surface Height Anomalies in Cyclonic Boundary Currents; the Role of PV-Conservation Along a Topographic Slope
89699Submission Title: Using Particle Size Distribution and Habitat Models to Predict Phytoplankton Functional Types in the Atlantic Ocean
93485Submission Title: Quantitative Targeted Proteomics and Electrochromic Shift for Measuring Photosystem Content of Marine Phytoplankton
88912Submission Title: Extracting Maximum Total Water Levels from Video “Brightest” Images
91794Submission Title: Temporal Variability of North Atlantic Carbon Fluxes and their Sensitivity to the Meridional Overturning Circulation
92889Submission Title: On Origins of the Cold Water Inflows to the Mid-Atlantic Bight Cold Pool in Late Spring
93725Submission Title: Generalists or Specialists: Stable Isotope Analysis of Humpback Whales (Megapteranoveangliae) to Infer Variation in Feeding Preferences
91967Submission Title: Airborne Remote Sensing for the ONR Sea State DRI Experiment
91104Submission Title: Quantification of Hydrodynamic Forcing on Spherical Objects in the Swash Zone
89671Submission Title: Tracing the Sinking of Dense Ocean Waters in the North Atlantic Ocean
93258Submission Title: Observations of whitecaps during HiWinGS, their dependence on wave field, and relation to gas transfer velocities
93828Submission Title: Regional Forecast of the Minimum Sea Ice Extent: a Lagrangian Approach
90007Submission Title: Physiological Response of Siderastrea siderea to Thermal Stress
88439Submission Title: Biannual Cycles in Intertidal Beach Volume Variations in New Zealand
CT004Submission Title: Linking marine microbes and the molecules of dissolved organic matter through data science
91153Submission Title: Intercomparison of Air-Sea Fluxes in the Bay of Bengal
91633Submission Title: Measurements of the Airflow Structure Above Waves.
93734Submission Title: Dynamics of wave setup across a steeply-sloping reef with large bottom roughness
93398Submission Title: The Importance of the Transition Zone to Decadal AMOC Variability
90359Submission Title: Transcriptomic Markers of Lipid Synthesis and Deposition in the Arctic Planktonic Copepod Calanus glacialis
90571Submission Title: A Comparison of Growth and Survival of Aquacultured Juvenile Florida Pompano fed Fishmeal and Plant-Based Diets
ME021Submission Title: Microbial Biogeochemistry of Hydrothermal Vents in Shallow and Deep Waters: Commonalities and Differences
89248Submission Title: From Proposal Writing to Data Collection to Presentation: Physical Oceanography Laboratory Class Students Explore the Fundamentals of Science ,
93684Submission Title: How to Improve Surface and Internal Tides in a Global Ocean Model? Use a Linear Wave Drag Parameterization!,
PO019Submission Title: Observing and predicting historic and future surface and internal tides
90691Submission Title: Connecting the Pacific and Indian Oceans, modelling the source pathways of the East Australian and Leeuwin Currents.
92546Submission Title: Differentiation of cyanophyte, algal and suspended sediment signatures in the 2015 CyanoHAB in Sandusky Bay, Lake Erie
93715Submission Title: Carbon Dioxide Emissions Associated with the Restoration of a Tidal Salt Marsh in Boston, MA
86892Submission Title: Dynamics of the Seychelles-Chagos Thermocline Ridge
91839Submission Title: Retrieving Mesoscale Vertical Velocities along the Antarctic Circumpolar Current from a Combination of Satellite and In Situ Observations
91529Submission Title: A New Mechanistic Model of Aggregation and Particle Export Flux Using Multiple Particle Types
91067Submission Title: Temporal Variability of N2O and CH4 in Coastal Sediments: Assessing the Impact of Organic Matter Inputs
90286Submission Title: Extra-tropical origin of equatorial Pacific cold bias in climate models
93117Submission Title: Thinking Strategically in the Aleutian Archipelago
87647Submission Title: Impacts of far field forcing on the Southern Ocean Residual Overturning Circulation.
87015Submission Title: Role of the Southwest Tropical Indian Ocean on the Modulation of Tropical Cyclones
92903Submission Title: Algal-bacteria Interactions and the Effects on Organic Matter Flux and Carbon Remineralization in the Ocean
88805Submission Title: Evolution of the 2011 Mississippi River Peak Flood Plume from Coincident Satellite and Airborne L-band Radiometer Surface Salinity Observations.
10124Submission Title: The 2017-2027 National Academy of Sciences Decadal Survey for Earth Science and Applications from Space
90518Submission Title: Icthyoplankton Assemblages and Distribution in the Chukchi Sea 2012-2013
88260Submission Title: Sub-meter sediment classification using 400 kHz multibeam acoustic backscatter
88985Submission Title: Eddy mixing in the subtropical surface salinity maximum regions
93279Submission Title: Seasonal Oxygen Supersaturation and Air-Sea Fluxes from Profiling Floats in the Pacific
92562Submission Title: Emerging Subsea Networks: SMART Cable Systems for Science and Society
93855Submission Title: Validation of Salinity Data from the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) and Aquarius Satellites in the Agulhas Current System
93095Submission Title: Models for U.S Fish Stock Assessment
90887Submission Title: Mesoscale Atmosphere-Ocean Coupling Enhances the Transfer of Wind Energy into the Ocean.
93058Submission Title: Optimal Mutagen Doses for Emiliania huxleyi
90338Submission Title: Global decadal climate variability driven by Southern Ocean convection,
92736Submission Title: A Latitudinally-Banded Phytoplankton Response to 21st Century Climate Change in the Southern Ocean across the CMIP5 Model Suite,
PC006Submission Title: Global teleconnections and Southern Ocean Variability on Decadal to Centennial Timescales
92112Submission Title: Early benthic successional processes at implanted substrates in Barkley Submarine Canyon affected by a permanent oxygen minimum zone
89449Submission Title: Wave Climate of the Philippines from Wavewatch III global model
92233Submission Title: Evolution of the Kuroshio in the East China Sea: 2010-2015
89569Submission Title: Spatial and Temporal Variability of Phytoplankton Communities in a Tidal Front Ecosystem: the Iroise Sea (N-E Atlantic).
89972Submission Title: Effects of nutrient input on phytoplankton productivity and community structure in the Grand Bay estuary in Mississippi,
92607Submission Title: Nitrogen Cycling in Seagrass Beds Dominated by Thalassia testudinum and Halodule wrightii: the Role of Nitrogen Fixation and Ammonium Oxidation in Regulating Ammonium Availability,
92658Submission Title: Response of Benthic Microalgae to Phosphorus Inputs in Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve
92023Submission Title: HF radar Lagrangian trajectory calculations accounting for Stokes’ drift and the nonlinear Bragg wave phase speed correction term
91572Submission Title: Nested Grid Modeling of Circulation on the Inner-shelf
88856Submission Title: Acidification at the oxic-anoxic boundary in Chesapeake Bay waters,
93909Submission Title: Recent Sea-ice Retreat Accelerated CO2 Uptake and Carbon Cycling in the Arctic Ocean,
AH006Submission Title: Nutrient Enhanced Coastal Acidification and Hypoxia,
EC012Submission Title: Geological and Biogeochemical Dynamics in Major Deltaic Coasts
92245Submission Title: Presence-only Species Distribution Modeling for King Mackerel (Scomberomorus cavalla) and its 31 Prey Species in the Gulf of Mexico
91208Submission Title: Dynamic investigation of formation process of long-lived anti-cyclonic eddy train in the South China Sea
90180Submission Title: Results from Observations Made by the Research Scanning Polarimeter During the Ship-Aircraft Bio-Optical Research (SABOR) Experiment
88257Submission Title: Short Term INT-Formazan Production as a Proxy for Marine Prokaryote Respiration
89889Submission Title: Observations of Morphodynamics During a Winter Storm at the Mouth of the Misa River
92178Submission Title: Patterns of Ocean Heat Uptake and Time Varying Climate Sensitivity
90928Submission Title: Hypoxia and Brittlestars: Linking Physiology and Behaviour to Ecosystem Function.
92799Submission Title: Simulation of Wind and Waves with Complex Land Topography
93392Submission Title: Seasonal effects on the population structure of Prochlorococcus in the North Pacific Ocean
93580Submission Title: Energetics of Arctic Zooplankton
91776Submission Title: Baroclinic Mixed Layer Instabilities in the Presence of Convection
92033Submission Title: Spatio-temporal variability of internal waves in the northern Gulf of Mexico studied with the Navy Coastal Ocean Model, NCOM
92958Submission Title: Spatio-temporal segregation of calling behavior at a multispecies fish spawning site in Little Cayman
90600Submission Title: Does body type really matter? Relating climate change, coral morphology and resiliency
86849Submission Title: The Development and Application of an Inversion Technique to Extract Vertical Current Profiles from X-Band Observations of the Wavefield in both Shallow and Deep Water Environments
90621Submission Title: Environmental drivers of spatial and temporal variation in infaunal communities at methane hydrates
92046Submission Title: Co-existence of Fisheries and Marine Renewable Energy: The Spotlight on Fishers and Fishers' Knowledge (FK)
91979Submission Title: Surface layer and bloom dynamics observed with the Prince William Sound Autonomous Profiler
93048Submission Title: Constrains On Regional Freshwater Fluxes From A Dynamically Consistent Bidecadal Ocean State Estimate
87546Submission Title: Interannual to Decadal Variability of Meridional Transports Across the SAMOC Basin Wide Array (SAMBA) in Simulations with an Eddy-resolving Global Ocean Model,
89840Submission Title: The Indonesian Throughflow as Represented in Climatological and Interannual Forcing Simulations of a High-Resolution Global Model
93659Submission Title: Advection and dispersion of pelagic Sargassum mats in the Mona Passage as a function of wind, wave and current forcing
91958Submission Title: Internal tide generation in the Gulf of Mexico and its impact on the Yucatan Channel and Florida Strait exchanges
86887Submission Title: No Evidence for Ocean Circulation Driving the Atlantic Multi-Decadal Oscillation
92872Submission Title: Investigating the Chemical Composition and Bioavailability of Artic River Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) Using Biomarkers
87446Submission Title: Rogoznica Lake – a Conceptual Framework to Study Sulfate-reducing Bacteria Across a Wide Range of Anoxic/hypoxic Marine Environments
91143Submission Title: Projected Sea Level Rise and Changes in Extreme Storm Surge and Wave Events During the 21st Century in the Region of Singapore
OD002Submission Title: Evolving Biologically-Enabled Ocean Observing Systems: Integrating Biological Observations with Physicochemical Measurements for Informed Ecosystem-Based Decision Making
90219Submission Title: A New Era of Multidisciplinary Expeditions: Recent Opportunities and Progress to Advance the Telepresence Paradigm
92596Submission Title: Seasonality and flux estimates of dissolved organic carbon in tidal wetlands and estuaries in the U.S. Mid- Atlantic Bight and Gulf of Mexico from ocean color
93245Submission Title: Baroclinic Effects on Tidal Propagation and Estuarine Circulation: an Idealized Modeling Analysis
93758Submission Title: Greenland Glacial Fjord Dynamics and Impacts on Nutrient Supply and Phytoplankton Community Structure
91275Submission Title: Seasonal Hypoxia on the Shelf and Shoaling of the Permanent Oxycline in the Open Sea: Two Faces of the Black Sea Deoxygenation
93844Submission Title: Identifying organism involved in new and regenerated production using TAG-SIP
89157Submission Title: Salt Marsh Ecosystem Responses to Restored Tidal Connectivity across a 14y Chronosequence
92607Submission Title: Nitrogen Cycling in Seagrass Beds Dominated by Thalassia testudinum and Halodule wrightii: the Role of Nitrogen Fixation and Ammonium Oxidation in Regulating Ammonium Availability
92308Submission Title: Investigating feedbacks between natural metal-binding organic ligands and particle dissolution in central California coast seawater
88834Submission Title: The Nazaré Wave: a trigger for learning
AH004Submission Title: Coral Reef Calcification in a Changing Ocean: from Microscale Mechanisms to Macroscale Responses
89043Submission Title: Remote Sensing Characterization of Two-dimensional Wave Forcing in the Surf Zone
91641Submission Title: Global Versus Regional Tidal Modelling: Tides and Sea-Level Rise Revisited
92858Submission Title: Detecting Habitats and Ecosystem Functions Considering the Mesozooplankton Size and Diversity Structures and Environmental Conditions in the Gulf of Lion, NW Mediterranean Sea
92622Submission Title: Persistent Alaska North Slope crude oil: a quarter century of weathering
87125Submission Title: Investigating Current Transport with Drifter and HF Radar Data and Applications to Marine Protected Areas and Fishery Management,
92058Submission Title: The Ship Tethered Aerostat Remote Sensing System (STARRS): Observations of Small-Scale Surface Lateral Transport During the LAgrangian Submesoscale ExpeRiment (LASER)
93206Submission Title: Mechanisms of ripple migration on a natural sand bed under waves
91978Submission Title: Recurrence of Seagrass Mortality in Florida Bay: The Role of Climate Change and Implications for Carbon Sequestration
HE008Submission Title: Macroecological Approaches to the Arctic Ocean System: Changes and Implications on Biogeochemical Cycles
11232Submission Title: Synoptic Arctic Survey – A fundament for future arctic research
90592Submission Title: Organic Stable Isotopes in Ancient Oyster Shell Trace Pre-colonial Nitrogen Sources
92231Submission Title: Future change in global fisheries biomass and harvest due to changes in temperature and primary production: A study with a simple global model
91119Submission Title: Distribution, Source and Fate of Dissolved Organic Matter in Shelf Seas
91562Submission Title: High Winds and the Vertical Structure of Chl-a in the Southern Ocean: Insights from Remote Sensing and Novel in situ Sensors
89749Submission Title: Zinc complexing ligands in rivers in pristine peatland areas in Borneo, and rivers with agricultural and industrial anthropogenic influence in Tropical South East Asia: Elucidating the connection to oceanic regional and global distributions of Zinc ligands and bioavailable Zinc
93769Submission Title: Ostracod Geochemistry as a Proxy for Paleoenvironmental Change
87770Submission Title: Impact of Assimilating Surface Velocity Observations on the Model Sea Surface Height using the NCOM-4DVAR,
88982Submission Title: Investigating the Potential Impact of the Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) Altimeter on Ocean Mesoscale Prediction,
89033Submission Title: Will the Advent of the Wide Swat Altimeter Contribute to Improving Ocean Analyses and Forecasts?
93754Submission Title: Identifying krill eggs in the central California current using novel multiplex PCR primers: Applications and limitations
89013Submission Title: The Impact of Fjord-Glacier Geometry on Circulation and Renewal in Tidewater Glacier Fjords
93830Submission Title: High sea surface temperatures driven by a strengthening current reduce foraging success by penguins
92138Submission Title: New Processing Methodologies for Cross Check Analysis and Observed Water LevelsCorrections in Surveying
90415Submission Title: Phosphorus Phase Associations in the Deep Ocean Particle Flux in the Sargasso Sea
92388Submission Title: Detecting Internal Wave Activity in Ocean Models
88401Submission Title: American Horshoe Crab (Limulus polyphemus) : Population Ecology within the Northern Gulf of Mexico
89753Submission Title: Investigating Source(s) and Structure of Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) in the North Pacific Ocean Using Optical Spectroscopy and Chemical Properties.
91753Submission Title: Impact of uncertainty in surface forcing on the new SODA 3 global reanalysis
92224Submission Title: Deciphering the Temporal and Spatial Complexity in Submarine Canyons in Antarctica: the Role of Mixed Layer Depth in Regulating Primary Production
92569Submission Title: Data Mining of Satellite-Based Measurements to Distinguish Natural From Man-Made Oil Slicks at the Sea Surface in Campeche Bay (Mexico)
92145Submission Title: Does Habitat Structure Really Affects Macroinfaunal Benthic Assemblages?
91317Submission Title: Scientists and Classroom Teachers Working Together, a Win-win Scenario Demonstrated Over a Ten Year Period of Collaboration Through Arctic Research
91995Submission Title: Artificial Radionuclides (236U and 129I) in the Arctic and North Atlantic Ocean
90736Submission Title: Nitrite isotopes as tracers for marine N cycle processes
90490Submission Title: A Prochlorococcus proving ground for constraint-based metabolic modeling and multi-‘omics data integration
91812Submission Title: Temporal variability of the Circumpolar Deep Water inflow onto the Ross Sea continental shelf
89840Submission Title: The Indonesian Throughflow as Represented in Climatological and Interannual Forcing Simulations of a High-Resolution Global Model
91110Submission Title: Operational Oceanograhy System for Oil Spill Risk Management at Santander Bay (Spain)
89842Submission Title: Production of Dissolved Organic Matter During Doliolid Feeding
89377Submission Title: Arctic Ice Algae Distribution as Function of Large Scale Sea Ice Variables
87092Submission Title: Initiate Paper 87092 - Effects of variability in the Agulhas Leakage on the western boundary systems of the South and tropical Atlantic Ocean,
88617Submission Title: Anomalies in the western boundary system of the tropical Atlantic ocean associated with the inter-ocean exchanges variability
90979Submission Title: The Role of Sub-mesoscale Processes in the Vorticity Balance Derived by HFDR
91913Submission Title: Atlantic Multidecadal Variability climate impacts: Idealized Experiments with NCAR and GFDL coupled climate models
87695Submission Title: Deep time ocean hypoxia: The impact on Jurassic marine ecosystems
91866Submission Title: The Efficiency of Deep and Abyssal Ocean Turbulent Mixing
93014Submission Title: Rhodolith holobionts in a changing ocean: Ocean Acidification effects on the free-living coralline algae and their associated microbiota
88962Submission Title: Microbial degradation on POC flux in the eastern tropical Pacific oxygen minimum zone
92973Submission Title: SeeStar: an open-source, low-cost imaging system for subsea observations
91845Submission Title: Can functional equivalency between seagrasses and other coastal habitats offset loss of ecosystem health with reduced seagrass abundance?
92324Submission Title: The Role of Fjord Topography on Submarine Melting of Greenland’s Glaciers: a Laboratory Study
ME029Submission Title: Plankton diversity: patterns, processes, and methods
90441Submission Title: The spatiotemporal structure of diabatic processes governing the evolution of Subantarctic Mode Water in the Southern Ocean
92116Submission Title: A Numerical Modeling Study of Mesodinium Bloom Formation and Retention in a River-Dominated Mesotidal Estuary
89343Submission Title: Size matters: another reason why the Atlantic is saltier than the Pacific
90673Submission Title: Tracking episodes of nitrate depletion that lead to productivity using Lagrangian particles: application to the Great Australian Bight
91375Submission Title: Future Changes of Nutrient Dynamics and Biological Productivity in California Current System
89666Submission Title: Assessment of Simulated and Aquarius-Observed Sea Surface Salinity Using Salinity Measurements in Dry Tortugas National Park, Florida, U.S.A.: Application for Pseudocoral δ18O
89362Submission Title: Decadal Trends in Red Sea Maximum Surface Temperature
90715Submission Title: Wave Interaction with Emergent Vegetation: A Stem Scale Large Eddy Simulation Investigation
91769Submission Title: Winter time co-variability of thermal and chlorophyll fronts in the North Bay of Bengal using high resolution satellite data
90877Submission Title: Response of the Bay of Bengal Circulation characteristics to the interannual forcing using Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS)
89880Submission Title: Photophysiology and Light Absorption Properties of the Phytoplankton Community in the Northern Gulf Of Mexico
92372Submission Title: Accuracy of Thorpe scale dissipation estimates during mixing driven by internal tide breaking
90278Submission Title: Rapid Progradation and Land Creation by a Major River Subdelta
90336Submission Title: Observing the Southern Ocean circulation in sea ice regions with profiling floats: position uncertainties and correlation statistics
93658Submission Title: Nitrous oxide production from temperate and tropical oyster species in response to nutrient loading
90515Submission Title: Multicentennial Record of North Atlantic Primary Productivity and Sea-Ice Variability Archived in Coralline Algal Ba/Ca
93400Submission Title: Role of continental discharge in ocean and climate dynamics through influence on ocean salinity
89333Submission Title: Implementation of PLUTO Buoy for Monitoring Water Quality in Indonesia, Reflection and Future Plans
93029Submission Title: Flow Mapping Based on the Motion-Integration Errors of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
93005Submission Title: Transport in a Dynamic Quadrupole
90648Submission Title: Temporal variation of deep water transport in the southwestern East/Japan Sea
91350Submission Title: Large Kelvin-Helmholtz Billow Trains Observed in the Kuroshio above a Seamount
88354Submission Title: Effect of mesoscale eddies on the Taiwan Strait Current
92094Submission Title: The three-dimensional structure of the nose of a buoyant coastal current.
91485Submission Title: High resolution modeling of tropical cyclones-ocean interactions in the South-West Indian Ocean.
91914Submission Title: Profiling floats and gliders/AUVs powered by ocean temperature differential
92650Submission Title: Genetic Variation in Populations of a Tropical Mysid, Mysidium gracile
88724Submission Title: The Deep 3D Overturning Circulation in the Southern Ocean from ARGO Floats
91880Submission Title: Combining ‘OMIC tools and other targeted molecular methods to evaluate iron limitation of diatoms in the Northeast Pacific Ocean.
89966Submission Title: Field Observations of Swash-Zone Dynamics on a Sea-Breeze Dominated Beach at the Yucatán Peninsula, México
92677Submission Title: Dynamic of primary producers at a receding ice edge during early summer in the Canadian High Arctic
10124Submission Title: The 2017-2027 National Academy of Sciences Decadal Survey for Earth Science and Applications from Space
92013Submission Title: Production of high quality hydrographic data
89217Submission Title: Towards Improved Constitutive Laws for Two-Phase Flow Sediment Transport Models: Application to Sheet-Flow Under Unidirectional Flow Forcing.
92135Submission Title: Contrasting decadal and centennial timescale warming patterns aroundGreenland in CMIP5 models
91092Submission Title: Trapping of Momentum due to Low Salinity Water in the north Bay of Bengal
88270Submission Title: Quasi-Geostrophic Diagnosis of Mixed-Layer Dynamics Embedded in a Mesoscale Turbulent Field
91394Submission Title: Uncertainty of Ocean Color Algorithms: A Monte Carlo Approach
92860Submission Title: From Microbes to Whales: Using Genomics to Track Changing Marine Biodiversity
90062Submission Title: NWS wave modeling Suites : Recent upgrades and Future Plans
87417Submission Title: Assessment of Canyon Wall Failure Process and Disturbance Gradients from Multibeam Bathymetry and Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) Observations, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Atlantic Continental Margin,
ME011Submission Title: Exploration and Research of Complex Deep-Sea Environments: A Holistic Approach to Understanding Submarine Canyons and Seamounts
88341Submission Title: Making Real Life Connections and Engaging High School Students as They Become Climate Detectives using data obtained through JOIDES Resolution Expedition 341
89037Submission Title: Contribution of Resuspended Sediments to the Dissolved Trace Metal Pool (Fe, Mn): An Experimental Study
93408Submission Title: Spatial Patterns in Biogeochemical Processes During Peak Growing Season in Oiled and Unoiled Louisiana Salt Marshes: A Multi-Year Analysis
90772Submission Title: The Latitudinal Dependence of the Oceanic Barotropic Eddy Kinetic Energy and Macro-Turbulence Energy Transport
93909Submission Title: Recent Sea-ice Retreat Accelerated CO2 Uptake and Carbon Cycling in the Arctic Ocean
88453Submission Title: Estimating half-saturation constants of microzooplankton grazing in the sea
73635Submission Title: Influences of Ice Embedding on the Ice-Sea Interaction in the Arctic Ocean: Experiments with AO-FVCOM
89358Submission Title: Nutrient flux and transport in the upper ocean of the Kuroshio east of Taiwan
90816Submission Title: Wavenumber Dependence of the Response Time of Mean-Square Slope to Wind Forcing
88537Submission Title: Westward Intensification In Marginal Seas
90698Submission Title: Observations of turbulent energy dissipation rate in the upper ocean of the central South China Sea
92837Submission Title: Mechanistic explanation of the imbalance between the net community production and nutrient supply in the North Atlantic subtropical gyre
90069Submission Title: The Role of Reversed Equatorial Zonal Transport in Terminating an ENSO Event
91564Submission Title: Shared Roles of Halobacteriovorax and Viruses in Bacterial Mortality: The Environment Dictates the Winner
90788Submission Title: Organic nitrogen and carbon in atmospheric dry and wet depositions in the southern East China Sea: its implication for new production in coastal region
93685Submission Title: Characteristics of Wind Generated Waves in the Delaware Estuary
93739Submission Title: Real-Time monitoring of the eutrophication and hypoxia off the Changjiang Estuary
93411Submission Title: Variation of Diatoms in the Sinking Particles and the Paleoceanographic Implication in the northern South China Sea: One-year Sediment Trap Mooring Observation,
93561Submission Title: Summer nutrient dynamics and biological carbon uptake rate and their indications to hypoxia in the Changjiang River Estuary
89279Submission Title: Role of Eastern Indian Ocean and Atlantic Ocean SST on the intensity of interannual variability in summer rainfall over southern China
87056Submission Title: Heat Balance in the Northwest Atlantic Coastal Ocean: the Role of Atmospheric Forcing versus Ocean Advection during an Extreme Warming
89210Submission Title: Isotope Exchange: a Potential Mechanism Regulating the Natural and Anthropogenic Pb Isotope Budget in Coastal Waters
92242Submission Title: The multi-level Monte Carlo method for computing quantities of interest
88700Submission Title: Can "Ozzie" the Ostrich Prepare the Public for Better Learning about Climate Change?,
88704Submission Title: Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) Export from Watersheds to Coastal Oceans,
EC005Submission Title: Carbon Fluxes in Coastal Environments: Research and Education,
ED006Submission Title: Innovations in Environmental and Ocean Science Education
91284Submission Title: Total and Scale-specific Eddy Diffusivities in Energetic Regions with Jets: Spatio-temporal Patterns and Theories.
90774Submission Title: Along-shore Variation of Freshwater Transport in a Buoyant Coastal Current
92747Submission Title: The Kuroshio Extension Front from Satellite Sea Surface Temperature Measurements
93858Submission Title: Predictability of Tropical Cyclone Intensity in Coupled Atmosphere-Wave-Ocean Model Stochastic Ensembles
92114Submission Title: Sensitivity of Tropical Cyclone Induced Ocean Response to Wind Stress
88504Submission Title: Whether metal (Pb, Cd, Zn) binding property of natural organic matter is source-dependent--A study based on spectroscopy, potentiometry, and voltammetry
88183Submission Title: Multidecadal Variability of Global Ocean and its Relationship to Recent Global Warming Slowdown
89370Submission Title: Distinct ENSO Evolution Regimes Mirrored in the 1990s Periodicity Shift of Pacific-Japan Pattern
87070Submission Title: Seasonal Variation of the North/South Equatorial Current Bifurcation
89351Submission Title: Anthropogenic sea level rise and adaptation in the Yangtze estuary
92619Submission Title: Shelf-basin Exchange in the Bering Canyon in Southeastern Bering Sea: Role of Unimak Pass
89268Submission Title: Interannual-to-decadal variability of sea level in the South China Sea
91444Submission Title: Propagation of vent CO2 in a subtropical shallow-water ecosystem assessed by stable carbon isotopes
90479Submission Title: Investigating the relationship between Agulhas leakage and Southern Hemisphere westerlies in a coupled system
88355Submission Title: Effect of Kuroshio Intrusion and Eddy Variability on the Luzon Strait
90156Submission Title: On modeling heterogeneous coastal sediment transport - A numerical study using multiphase Eulerian and Euler-Lagrangian approaches
90396Submission Title: Inferring Upper Ocean Dynamics from Horizontal Wavenumber Spectra in the Southern California Current System
88499Submission Title: Cross-Isobath Transport of Shelf/Slope Water Driven by Offshore Eddies
87299Submission Title: Temporal Patterns of Coral Reef Benthic Community Structure on Tinian, Commonwealth of Northern Marianas Islands.
86807Submission Title: Wave Transformation over a Fringing Coral Reef and the Importance of Low-Frequency Waves and Offshore Water Levels to Runup and Island Overtopping
93743Submission Title: Research Ethics with Undergraduates in Summer Research Training Programs
90064Submission Title: Uncertainty in future projections of global and regional marine fisheries catches
87660Submission Title: Surface Mixed Layer Salinity Budget in the Tropical Indian Ocean
89367Submission Title: Impact of ocean variability on super-typhoon during 1990-2014
92003Submission Title: Investigation of Petroleum and Wastewater Contaminants in Blue Crab, Callinectes sapidus, Megalopae in the Northern Gulf of Mexico using GC-MS
91568Submission Title: Evaluating Energy Flows Through Jellyfish and Forage Fish and the Effects of Fishing on the Northern Humboldt Current Ecosystem
88858Submission Title: Satellite Observations of SST-Induced Wind Speed Perturbations at the Submesoscale
88969Submission Title: Intraseasonal to Interannual Variability of the Brazil Current Transport Measured at 34.5°S - Baroclinic and Barotropic Contributions,
PO018Submission Title: Observing and Modeling the Meridional Overturning Circulation in the South Atlantic: Causes of variability and impacts on climate, weather, and ecosystems
90607Submission Title: Sedimentation of the mud belt along the coast of China from the mouth of the Yangtze (Changjiang) River to northern Taiwan Strait: An Source-to-Sink Perspective
11232Submission Title: Synoptic Arctic Survey – A fundament for future arctic research
90712Submission Title: A multi-scale and ungridded representation of data products
93849Submission Title: FluidCam 1&2 - UAV-based Fluid Lensing Instruments for High-Resolution 3D Subaqueous Imaging and Automated Remote Biosphere Assessment of Reef Ecosystems
91649Submission Title: Modern and Interglacial Marine Ostracode Species Diversity Patterns off Eastern North America
86842Submission Title: Seasonal Variation of Speed and Width of Nonlinear Internal Waves in the Northern East China Sea
93439Submission Title: Spring-neap and spatial variability of horizontal density gradient in Sumjin River Estuary, Korea
90727Submission Title: A numerical study on the evolution of the wind-driven circulation in the Yellow Sea in winter,
90773Submission Title: Leakage of the YSBCW into the Korea Strait due to Strong Southerly Wind during summer in 2013,
91192Submission Title: Residual circulation in tidally dominated bay with asymmetric lateral depth variation
87438Submission Title: Tsunami Defense Efforts at Samcheok Port, Korea
92382Submission Title: Wave and Wind Model Performance Metrics Tools
90602Submission Title: The Effects of Nourishments Using the Grain-Size Trend Analysis on the Intertidal Zone at a Sandy Macrotidal Beach
93266Submission Title: Near-surface energy transfers from internal tide beams to smaller vertical scale motions
93851Submission Title: Increasing trend of storm surge along East China Coast and its causes
87591Submission Title: A Comparison Between Field and Laboratory pH Measurements for Seawater on the East China Sea Shelf
88610Submission Title: Role of Gravity Waves in the Dissipation of Mesoscale Eddies
93542Submission Title: Distinct pathways of redox changes from settling to burial in contrasting marine environments of the Gulf of California: Alfonso, La Paz and Pescadero basins
89016Submission Title: Vertical Mixing of Desalination Reject Brine that Accumulates in Local Depressions in a Tidal Environment
90077Submission Title: Using multispectral, multiangle polarimetric remote sensing observation for ocean color retrievals: Studies performed for the Pre-Aerosol, Clouds, and ocean Ecosystem (PACE) mission.
88705Submission Title: Investigating sea bed morphology of an estuary located in the western coast of India
92821Submission Title: Regional Comparisons of Oceanic Food Web Structure Using Stable Isotopes
90885Submission Title: Seamount ecology and dynamics: A multidisciplinary data set from repeated surveys at different seamounts in the Northeast Atlantic and Mediterranean (2003 - 2013).
91995Submission Title: Artificial Radionuclides (236U and 129I) in the Arctic and North Atlantic Ocean
90208Submission Title: Bed surface and ripple migration observations in a small oscillatory flow tunnel
89197Submission Title: Development of Ocean Spectral Data Analysis/Assimilation without Background and Observational Error Covariance Matrices
88549Submission Title: Evaluating Alkalinity Export From Intertidal Salt Marshes
91030Submission Title: The Footprint of ENSO on an Oceanic Eddy Dipole
88554Submission Title: Comparison of seawater CO2 system in summer between the East China Sea shelf and the Peter the Great Bay of the Japan (East) Sea
92529Submission Title: The integration of a high-resolution baroclinic hydrodynamic model with multibeam echosounder data reduction: Examining depth uncertainty and model skill assessment
91101Submission Title: Improving the knowledge about dissolved oxygen and chlorophyll variability at ESTOC by using autonomous vehicles.
89459Submission Title: Five years from the great 2010 Tsunami in Chile: learning from multi-hazard disasters and improving resileincy
90618Submission Title: The Wave Boundary Layer Depth and Actively Coupled Wind-driven Wave Scales
88247Submission Title: Climate-driven Sympatry does not Lead to Foraging Competition Between Adélie and Gentoo Penguins
90902Submission Title: Effects of Variable Oxygen Concentrations on the Sinking Fluxes and Composition of Organic Matter in The Baltic Sea
93472Submission Title: Portrait of a viral infection: The infection cycle of Vibrio vulnificus phage VvAW1 visualized through plaque assay, electron microscopy, and proteomics
90406Submission Title: Potential Fish Production Impacts from Partial Removal of Decommissioned Oil and Gas Platforms off the Coast of California
92127Submission Title: Sensory Processes Around Ocean Fronts: Insights from Seabird Bio-Logging in Three Dimensions
92417Submission Title: Atmospheric forcing and marsh dissolved organic matter fluxes: Modeling and observations from a Chesapeake Bay tidal marsh-estuary ecosystem
88782Submission Title: Pelagic Nitrogen Cycle Observations In The Arctic Ocean – How Might They Change In Response To Ocean Acidification?
91521Submission Title: Relationships between High River Discharge, Upwelling Events, and Bowhead Whale (Balaena mysticetus) Occurrence in the Central Alaskan Beaufort Sea
92355Submission Title: Using Autonomous Technologies to Expand Observations of Fish, Invertebrates, and their Associated Habitats.
89975Submission Title: Sediment Delivery and Vertical Accretion in Salt Marsh Wetlands of Jamaica Bay, Gateway National Recreation Area, New York, USA.
88894Submission Title: A Research Experiences for Undergraduates program (REU) Program Designed to Recruit, Engage and Prepare a Diverse Student Population for Careers in Ocean Sciences.
89937Submission Title: Observed spectral kinetic energy fluxes at mesoscale and submesoscale in the St. Lawrence maritime estuary
92703Submission Title: Underwater Glider Terrain Relative Navigation for use in Surface Denied Regions
88710Submission Title: The Summer Deep Phytoplankton Bloom, the one Missed by Satellites.,
89548Submission Title: Merging Ocean Color and physical Argo data to extend bio-optical properties to depth using neural networks: A global 3D view of phytoplankton biomass and phytoplankton communities composition,
OD001Submission Title: Autonomous Observations of Coupled Physical-Biogeochemical Properties and Processes in the Open Ocean: From the Diel and Local Scales to Climate on the Global Scale
93631Submission Title: Diurnal warming impacts on atmospheric and oceanic evolution during the suppressed phase of the Madden Julian Oscillation
92932Submission Title: Uncovering regional variations in the balance of physical and biological controls on phytoplankton ecology with underway flow cytometry
10170Submission Title: Towards a standard, user-friendly chemical speciation model for seawater and estuarine waters
10131Submission Title: MPOWIR – Past, Present and Future
92528Submission Title: Spatial variability of deep mixing in a Mid-Ocean Ridge fracture zone in the Brazil Basin
88262Submission Title: Functional Morphology of Eunicidan (Polychaeta) Jaws
87669Submission Title: Sorting of Terrestrial and Marine Organic Matter along a Marginal Submarine Canyon: Radiocarbon and Biomarker Signatures of Surface Sediments
93764Submission Title: Genomic Characterization of a Novel Phage Found in Black Abalone (Haliotis cracherodii) Infected with Withering Syndrome
93539Submission Title: The Effects of Temperature and CO2-induced Acidification on Skeletal Morphology of the Tropical Reef-building Coral Siderastrea siderea
91912Submission Title: Changing Course: navigating the future of the Lower Mississippi River
90239Submission Title: Comparison of Sea Floor Character in Two Areas Mapped by the California Seafloor and Coastal Mapping Program.
90846Submission Title: Long-term Changes in Habitat Provision by a Temperate Benthic Bioconstructor Threatened by Extreme Events
87378Submission Title: Spatial and temporal dynamics of commercial reef-fish fisheries on the West Florida Shelf: Understanding drivers of fleet behavior and the implications for future management
92480Submission Title: Environmental High-content Fluorescence Microscopy (e-HCFM) of Tara Oceans Samples Provides a View of Global Ocean Protist Biodiversity
90307Submission Title: First Autonomous Recording of in situ Dissolved Oxygen from Free-ranging Fish
91395Submission Title: Role of Unchannelized Flow in Determining Bifurcation Angle in Distributary Channel Networks
AH004Submission Title: Coral Reef Calcification in a Changing Ocean: from Microscale Mechanisms to Macroscale Responses
87747Submission Title: Iron Storage Capacity and its Ecological Role within Phylogenetically Distinct Marine Diatoms
89919Submission Title: Predicting Water, Sediment and Nutrient Flux Dynamics to Global Oceans with a Spatially and Temporally Explicit Modeling Framework
87437Submission Title: Exploring Nearshore-Beach-Dune Interaction through a Coupled Modeling Framework
93871Submission Title: Net ecosystem calcification and net primary production in two Hawaii back-reef systems
90564Submission Title: Heterologous Expression of Gene of Interest Using the Marine Protozoan Perkinsus marinus
92525Submission Title: Salt and Nutrient Fluxes in the Chester River Estuary
93405Submission Title: Seasonal Variability in Phytoplankton Responses to Water Accommodated Petroleum Hydrocarbons in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
88919Submission Title: Internal Waves and Mixing in the Marginal Ice Zone from Ice-Tethered Profilers with Velocity
93479Submission Title: Microbial Composition and Adaptations in Oligotrophic Inland Seas
92625Submission Title: Modeling the nitrogen cycle one gene at a time
89560Submission Title: Diapycnal Mixing Deductions From the Large-Scale, Time-Mean, World Ocean Temperature-Salinity Distribution
93195Submission Title: The effects of in situ turbulence on the behavior of the predatory ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi
92480Submission Title: Environmental High-content Fluorescence Microscopy (e-HCFM) of Tara Oceans Samples Provides a View of Global Ocean Protist Biodiversity
92251Submission Title: Searching for Potential Silicon-associated Genes in Cyanobacteria
91050Submission Title: First Step Towards a Coastal Modelling System for South Africa: a St. Helena Bay Case Study
91805Submission Title: A Large Surface Wave Event Observed in Arctic Sea Ice
93538Submission Title: Adaptive Changes in the Inferred Proteomes of Dominant Bacterial Clades in the Global Ocean
92616Submission Title: Putting the Oxylipidome to Work: A Novel Lipidomics Pipeline Reveals Candidate Biomarkers for Photooxidative Stress in Phytoplankton
93810Submission Title: Detection of phosphohydrolytic enzyme activity through the oxygen isotope composition of dissolved phosphate
93374Submission Title: Observations of thermohaline sound speed structure in the Beaufort Sea in the summer of 2015
92158Submission Title: Interannual Variability of the Patagonian Shelf Circulation and Cross-Shelf Exchange
AH004Submission Title: Coral Reef Calcification in a Changing Ocean: from Microscale Mechanisms to Macroscale Responses
92773Submission Title: Assessment of Sea Surface Temperatures in the Caribbean Sea Associated with Hurricane Tracks Using GOES-East Infrared Measurement
90216Submission Title: Absolute velocity and transport across the Extended Ellett Line in the subpolar North Atlantic
93712Submission Title: Sea level variability in the coastal ocean induced by atmospheric forcing for the period 1871-2012
92038Submission Title: The Use of Landsat 8 for Monitoring Case 2 Waters
89604Submission Title: Most microbeads in a preliminary survey of personal care products are smaller than the typical 330µm trawl mesh size used in surface water surveys
11117Submission Title: NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) Town Hall: Revealing the Past, Interpreting the Present, and Informing the Future
87992Submission Title: Modeling High Resolution Nearshore Flow Patterns Along the Eastern Coast of Maine
88877Submission Title: Microbial Mortality Rates in Support of Model Development in Three Distinct Ocean Regimes
93160Submission Title: Stratification and the vertical structure of wave-driven cross-shelf circulation over the inner shelf
88548Submission Title: Generation of Free Infragravity Waves by Time-Varying Breakpoint with Real Wave and Bathymetry Conditions
93426Submission Title: A Decadal Record of Elemental Composition of the Particle Flux in the Deep Sargasso Sea
88073Submission Title: Tracing anthropogenic aerosol Fe sources in the North Atlantic Ocean using dissolved Fe isotope ratios
91400Submission Title: Investigating the Response of a Density Field to Variable Forcing Conditions in a River-Dominated, Microtidal Estuary, Mobile Bay, AL.
91549Submission Title: The Dynamics of Vertical Migration in the Oceanic Gulf of Mexico after Deepwater Horizon: Active Linkage of Large Vertebrates and Deep-Pelagic Nekton
88905Submission Title: Broader Impact Guidance for Florida Ocean Scientists: Process, Products and Outcomes
91450Submission Title: Rapid Return of Nitrogen but not Phosphorus to Ecosystem Nutrition During Decomposition of Quagga Mussel Tissue in Sand, Mud, or Water During Oxic or Anoxic Incubation: Implications for Phytoplankton Bioenergetics.
91915Submission Title: Geomorphic Analysis of Deep Coral Habitat in the Kaiwi Channel, Hawaiian Islands
91072Submission Title: Sedimentation Deposition Patterns on the Chukchi Shelf Using Radionuclide Inventories
11242Submission Title: The Distributed Biological Observatory in the Pacific Arctic: A Community Status Report
92328Submission Title: Environmental Factors Influencing Antarctic Krill Recruitment along the Western Antarctic Peninsula
88971Submission Title: Determining the Importance of Food Quality and Temperature on the Growth and Condition of Juvenile Southern Tanner crab (Chionoecetes bairdi) Using Complimentary Field and Laboratory Based Approaches. ,
90000Submission Title: Temperature-Dependent Lipid Storage of Juvenile Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) and Co-Occurring North Pacific Gadids ,
CT012Submission Title: Using trophic tracers (e.g. fatty acid or stable isotope signatures) to study oceanic interfaces
87055Submission Title: Salinity Variations in the Equatorial Pacific during the 2014-15 El Niño
90425Submission Title: Naturally-Occurring DMSP Analogs as Potential Precursors of Dimethyl Sulfide (DMS) and Methanethiol (MeSH) in Coastal Seawater
91994Submission Title: Vertical phytoplankton distribution and water column stability in Philippine waters
11238Submission Title: Deep Ocean Stewardship Initiative (DOSI) Town Hall,
89849Submission Title: Strategies for restoration of deep-water coral ecosystems based on a global survey of oil and gas regulations,
HI002Submission Title: Continuing Perspectives on Restoration in the Gulf of Mexico: From Coastal Habitats to the Deep Sea
87208Submission Title: Closing the Mass Budget between Bering Strait and the Arctic Basin: The Chukchi Slope Current
92376Submission Title: Influences of oceanographic features on the distribution and abundance of yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares, larvae in the Gulf of Mexico
89980Submission Title: Spatial Correlations: A Measure of the Relationship Between SST Fronts and Bottom Topography.
92302Submission Title: Sub-diurnal Variation of SST Gradients in Infrared Satellite Data
93352Submission Title: Time of Emergence of Ocean Interior Acidification and De-oxygenation in a Water Mass Framework
88911Submission Title: The Use of PIES Data to Observe South Atlantic Subtropical Mode Water
90431Submission Title: Data Management and Preservation: It Starts in the Field
93731Submission Title: Coastal Landforms and Accumulation of Mangrove Peat Increase Carbon Sequestration and Storage
92914Submission Title: Turning Mechanics During Swimming by Oblate Hydromedusae
88377Submission Title: An Integrative Approach to Understand a Rich Ecosystem in the Southern Ocean From Carbon to Top Predators
93011Submission Title: Improved Oceanographic Measurements with Cryosat SAR Altimetry: Application to the Coastal Zone and Arctic
89618Submission Title: On which timescales do gas transfer velocities control North Atlantic CO2 flux variability?
93807Submission Title: Grazer Impacts on Synechococcus Populations in the Coastal Gulf of Maine; Identifying Specific Microbial Interactions to Understand Bloom Dynamics
90152Submission Title: Distribution of Upper Circumpolar Deep Water on the warming continental shelf of the West Antarctic Peninsula
89945Submission Title: Investigation of Antarctic Marine Metazoan Biodiversity Through Metagenomic Analysis of Environmental DNA
93115Submission Title: Bridging Scales: A Model-Based Assessment of the Technical Tidal-Stream Energy Resource off Massachusetts, USA
90639Submission Title: Producing a Climate-Quality Database of Global Upper Ocean Profile Temperatures - The IQuOD (International Quality-controlled Ocean Database) Project.,
90682Submission Title: Towards Reducing Uncertainty in Historical XBT Data: An International Effort from the XBT Science Team.
90362Submission Title: Blue Carbon for How Long? Lability of Buried Salt Marsh Carbon Released via Erosion.
93175Submission Title: Plankton verses the blob: Impact of the 2014/15 warm water anomaly on the Northern Gulf of Alaska Shelf
92359Submission Title: Rigorous Characterisation of a Novel, Statistically-Based Ocean Colour Algorithm for the PACE Mission
93445Submission Title: Particle Size, Composition, and Ocean Temperature Govern the Global Distribution of Particle Transfer Efficiency to the Mesopelagic
11232Submission Title: Synoptic Arctic Survey – A fundament for future arctic research
92386Submission Title: Sound levels from a 3D seismic survey in the Porcupine Basin: Validation and Calibration of a Sound Propagation Model using Observed Data
89055Submission Title: A Laboratory Study of River Discharges into Shallow Seas
92770Submission Title: “Using Satellite Remote Sensing to Derive Numeric Criteria in Coastal and Inland Waters of the United States”
91896Submission Title: Climate Variability in the California Current System from a 31-year (1980-2010) Historical Analysis Computed using the ROMS 4D-Var Data Assimilation System
93200Submission Title: Seasonal and Regional Variability in North Pacific Upper-Ocean Turbulence
93850Submission Title: The Fate of Terrestrial Dissolved Organic Matter in Ocean Margins Investigated through Coupled Microbial-Photochemical Incubations of Vascular Plant Leachates
89541Submission Title: The RITMARE Ocean Observing System for the Italian Seas
87183Submission Title: Costs and benefits of multidisciplinary fixed-point ocean observations
93397Submission Title: Decadal Variability of Total Alkalinity in the North Pacific Ocean
93888Submission Title: Assessing Deep Sea Communities Through Seabed Imagery
93424Submission Title: Outcrop Geomorphology and Sediment Characterization in Killary Harbour, Ireland
92335Submission Title: The Ocean Observatories Initiative: Data, Data and More Data
92778Submission Title: Iron sources to the Fe-poor northern Gulf of Alaska: insights from water column and atmospheric dust time series
92306Submission Title: Population Structure of the Coral-eating Fireworm Hermodice carunculata in the Wider Caribbean, Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea
93649Submission Title: Alterations in Location, Magnitude, and Community Composition of Discrete Layers of Phytoplankton in Cold, Deep Waters Near the 1% Isolume of the Laurentian Great Lake Michigan Among Years With Dramatically Different Meteorological Conditions
90032Submission Title: Organic Carbon Dynamics in Fjords: A Case Study of Fiordland, New Zealand
88066Submission Title: High-resolution Atmospheric pCO2 Reconstruction across the Paleogene Using Marine and Terrestrial δ13C records
11186Submission Title: Southern Ocean Town Hall: SOCCOM and other progress
88866Submission Title: Are Methods for Estimating Primary Production and the Growth Rates of Phytoplankton Approaching Agreement?
88590Submission Title: Development of the Sri Lanka Dome and Links to Air-Sea Interaction
88834Submission Title: The Nazaré Wave: a trigger for learning
A007Submission Title: Linking the Ocean with the Atmosphere - Exploring the Importance of the Ocean-Atmosphere Interface and Near Surface Waters in Global Scale Processes
92720Submission Title: Linking metatranscriptomic to bioremediation processes of oil contaminated marine sediments
88980Submission Title: Energetics of Eddy-Mean Flow Interactions in the Gulf Stream Region
93169Submission Title: Air-Sea Momentum and Enthalpy Exchange in Coupled Atmosphere-Wave-Ocean Modeling of Tropical Cyclones
91721Submission Title: Are existing size-fractionated primary production models appropriate for UK shelf Seas?
87086Submission Title: Optimizing Oceanographic Big Data Browse and Visualization Response Times by Implementing the Lambda Architecture
HE003Submission Title: Dynamics on the edge: shelf-sea and continental slope processes of the Arctic and subpolar Arctic
89120Submission Title: Measurements of a Lee Wave in the Southern Ocean: Energy and Momentum Fluxes and Mixing
90368Submission Title: Genomic and Transcriptomic Analyses to Identify Pathways Involved in Nanoparticle Generation in the Ubiquitous Marine Bacterium Alteromonas macleodii Under Elevated Copper Conditions
11213Submission Title: Opportunities to Strengthen your Science (and Proposals) using GEOTRACES Data
91961Submission Title: Coral reef sediment dissolution: Insights from chamber incubations around the globe
89432Submission Title: Turbulent Entrainment and Excitation of Internal Gravity Waves at the Base of the Surface Mixed Layer
86839Submission Title: Seasonal Variability of Salt Transports in the Northern Indian Ocean
91585Submission Title: Why Does the Bay of Bengal have a Strong Shallow Stratification?
92278Submission Title: Future Earth Coasts: The Mississippi and Yangtze Rivers as Examples
91180Submission Title: Phytoplankton traits over an annual cycle in the NW Mediterranean
92404Submission Title: CDOM Optical Properties and Connectivity in the Western Gulf of Alaska, the Unimak Pass and the Southeastern Bering Sea in the Spring During a Cold Year
93261Submission Title: Changes in Microbial and Phytoplankton Communities in Response to Oil and Nutrients in the Northern Gulf of Mexico: Correlating Experiments With Field Observations.
93299Submission Title: Sea Level Anomaly Assimilation in an Eddy Resolving Model of the South Atlantic
92989Submission Title: The Santos Basin Ocean Observing System: From R&D to Operational Regional Forecasts
90923Submission Title: Lipid Content in Arctic Calanus: a Matter of Season and Size
89800Submission Title: Tidal Energy Dissipation over long Geological Time Scales
91863Submission Title: Will Climate Change Help New York Hard Clams Fight Disease?
91035Submission Title: A Drift Model to Predict Where Marine Mammals Struck by Tidal Stream Turbines Might Strand
87557Submission Title: The Seasonal Mixed-Layer Pump is a Major Source of Energy for the Mesopelagic Ocean
88831Submission Title: Parameterization of Beach and Dune Recovery to Inform Decadal Scale Prediction of Barrier Island Evolution
90137Submission Title: Nitrification from the Pacific Ocean to the Sacramento River: Do Distinct Microbial Communities Affect Biogeochemical Nitrogen Cycling in the Waters of a Large Urban Estuary?,
B008Submission Title: Nitrogen at the Interface: The N-Cycle across Physical and Disciplinary Boundaries
91435Submission Title: Historic Shipwrecks as Ecosystem Monitoring Platforms in the Wake of Deepwater Horizon? Results of the Gulf of Mexico Shipwreck Corrosion, Hydrocarbon Exposure, Microbiology, and Archaeology (GOM-SCHEMA) Project
11226Submission Title: Ocean Sciences in the Sixth Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6),
11258Submission Title: Diapycnal mixing in the ocean: Newly available data and parameterizations from the Climate Process Team,
88910Submission Title: North Atlantic Simulations in Coordinated Ocean-ice Reference Experiments phase II (CORE-II): Inter-Annual to Decadal Variability,
PC012Submission Title: Representation of Physical Processes in Global Climate Models,
PO003Submission Title: Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation: Past, Present, and Future
91012Submission Title: Interaction of Anticyclonic Eddies and Cyclones in the Bay of Bengal
90838Submission Title: Investigation of Labrador Sea Dynamics with the High-Resolution Finite Element Sea Ice - Ocean Model FESOM
91425Submission Title: Marine Snow ― A Hotspot Microenvironment for Microbial Horizontal Gene Transfer and Enhanced Metabolism
91033Submission Title: Iron Uptake in a Shelf Sea: Seasonality and Stoichiometry
89982Submission Title: Ecological Forecasting of Vibrio sp. in U.S. Coastal Waters Using an Operational Platform, a Pilot Project of the NOAA Ecological Forecasting Roadmap. Development of Web based Tools and Forecasts to Help the Public Avoid Exposure to Vibrio vulnificus and Shell Fish Harvesters Avoid Dangerous Concentrations of Vibrio parahaemolyticus.
92902Submission Title: A Comparison Between Late Summer 2012 and 2013 Water Masses, Macronutrients, and Phytoplankton Standing Crops in the Northern Bering and Chukchi Seas
EC011Submission Title: From watersheds to oceans – physical, ecological, and population models that cross boundaries
87247Submission Title: Tropical Storms Control the Pulse of Fluvial Sediment Supplied to the Mekong Delta
92831Submission Title: Ocean Health X-Prize testing of a Simplified Spectrophotometric pH Sensor
93572Submission Title: Spatial Dynamics of the Blue Crab Spawning Stock in the Gulf of Mexico: Local Processes Driving Regional Patterns.
91273Submission Title: Projecting key benthic processes – new options by species distribution models?
88387Submission Title: Abundance and antibiotic susceptibility of Vibrio spp. isolated from microplastics
90592Submission Title: Organic Stable Isotopes in Ancient Oyster Shell Trace Pre-colonial Nitrogen Sources
88414Submission Title: Integration of oceanographic data with fin whale calling presence in the Bering Sea
93774Submission Title: Are there Benefits to Combining Regional Probabalistic Survey and Historic Targeted Environmental Monitoring Data to Improve Our Understanding of Overall Regional Estuary Environmental Status?
92321Submission Title: Eddy-mixing Entropy as a Measure of Mesoscale Turbulent Disorder in the Southern Ocean.
92154Submission Title: Validation and Inter-comparison Against Observations of GODAE Ocean View Ocean Prediction Systems
89896Submission Title: Density vs. disease: Crustaceans in a temperate marine protected area
91246Submission Title: Combined technology for observing, understanding and predicting suspended particle transport and fate from anthropogenic discharges in coastal waters
91730Submission Title: Baleen whale ecology and feeding habitat use in the Bay of Fundy, Canada
88845Submission Title: Three-Dimensional Distribution of Larval Fish Habitats in the Shallow Oxygen Minimum Zone in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean off Mexico
87685Submission Title: Resolution-dependent interannual Gulf Stream, heat content, and AMOC variability in the CMIP5
92734Submission Title: Nonlinear Internal Waves on the Inner Shelf: Observations Using a Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) System.
91909Submission Title: Comparison of Euphausia superba, Euphausia crystallorophias, Pleuragramma antarcticum and Environmental Distributions in the Western Ross Sea
11212Submission Title: Atlantic Sharpnose Shark (Rhizoprionodon terraenovae) Rangewide Genetic Stock Structure
89151Submission Title: Zooglider - an Autonomous Vehicle for Optical and Acoustic Sensing of Marine Zooplankton
92057Submission Title: The Structure and Interannual Variability of the Global Subtropical Underwater from 1950 to 2014 in the EN4 Data Product
11251Submission Title: The European Union-Canada-United States of America Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance: Implementing the Galway Statement - Progress, Next Steps, and Opportunities for Collaboration
89087Submission Title: Beach slope effects on sand suspension and transport rate by infragravity waves
87468Submission Title: Rhythms of Methane Emission: Long-term Observations on Mud-volcano Eruptions
AH005Submission Title: Effects of Ocean Acidification on Carbonate Dissolution Processes and Rates in Reef, Bank and Shelf Sediments
89567Submission Title: Record deep convection in the Irminger Sea: Observations from the LOCO mooring during winter 2014-2015
89364Submission Title: Remote Sensing of Coastal and Inland Waters
92992Submission Title: Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion: The Potential Impact of Bottom Water Discharge at Subsurface on Microphytoplankton in the Caribbean Sea
91084Submission Title: Is the Abyssal Branch of the Overturning Driven by Breaking Internal Waves?
89081Submission Title: From Grazer Control to Carbon Export: Contrasting the Role of Synechococcus and Prochlorococcus in the Sargasso Sea.
89803Submission Title: Foundations of Wind Turbines as Stepping Stones for Non-Indigenous Species in the Southern North Sea
88841Submission Title: Exploring Effects of Hypoxia on Fish and Fisheries in the Northern Gulf of Mexico using a Dynamic Spatially-Explicit Ecosystem Model
92004Submission Title: Prevalence of Vibrio vulnificus and Vibrio parahaemolyticus in the Maryland Coastal Bays
91022Submission Title: Nearshore Velocity Fluctuations at a Mega Scale Nourishment
91174Submission Title: Silicon stable isotope constraints on the role of the subpolar North Pacific in the marine Si cycle
90114Submission Title: Transport variability of the Irminger Current: First year-round results from a mooring array on the Reykjanes Ridge.
92512Submission Title: Improving model biases in an ESM with an isopycnic ocean component by accounting for wind work on oceanic near-inertial motions.
93215Submission Title: Freshwater Lenses, Double Diffusion, and Cabbeling in the Near-Surface Layer of the Ocean
93894Submission Title: Impact of hydropower complex implantation on primary production of the Estuary of the romaine river, Québec, Canada
88169Submission Title: Seasonal variation of tidal-scale patterns of groundwater-seawater interactions in a micro-tidal coast adjoining Bay of Bengal, India
88482Submission Title: A New Family of Compact High Order Coupled Time-Space Unconditionally Stable Vertical Advection Schemes
92854Submission Title: New Constraints on Post-LGM WAIS Retreat from the Whales Deep Paleo-ice-stream Trough in Eastern Ross Sea
88045Submission Title: Online Course Model that Fosters Interdisciplinary Collaboration Among Graduate Students
92777Submission Title: Storm-induced geomorphological changes in a shallow, back-barrier estuary
90242Submission Title: Sea Surface pCO2 in the Beaufort Sea and Canada Basin during Marginal and Extensive Ice-cover, 2012 and 2013
MM006Submission Title: Oceans and Human Health: Improving Ecological Forecasting of Marine Microbes
90962Submission Title: Mesopelagic carbon remineralization along the GEOVIDE transect in the North Atlantic (GEOTRACES GA01).
88966Submission Title: Characterization of a New Ferritin Protein from the Polychaete Chaetopterus Sp.
92807Submission Title: Quasi Real Time Cruise Deployment Guidance to Coherent Regions Using Lagrangian Methods
90001Submission Title: --> Air entrainment and bubble statistics in three-dimensional breaking waves
93495Submission Title: Carbonate saturation state of surface waters in the Ross Sea and Southern Ocean: controls and implications for the onset of aragonite undersaturation
92894Submission Title: Single-cell measurement of archaeal and bacterial carbon assimilation in dark Pacific Ocean waters
89784Submission Title: Further Insights on the Chemical Structure of Humic Substances (HS) and Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) in Relation to their Optical/Chemical Properties
93179Submission Title: A First: Detailed Tracking of an Erupting Undersea Volcano and its Impacts on the Overlying Ocean via a Submarine Electro-Optical Sensor Network.
87341Submission Title: Variations of the Tropical Atlantic and Pacific SSS Minimum Zones and Their Relations to the ITCZ and SPCZ Rain Bands (1979-2009)
90248Submission Title: Spatiotemporal Distribution of DOC and DIC in the Atchafalaya River, the Largest Distributary of the Mississippi River
91588Submission Title: Assessing Oil Spill Impacts to Cold-Water Corals of the Deep Gulf of Mexico
93330Submission Title: The Trophic Ecology of Porcelain Crabs Petrolisthes Spp. on Oyster Reefs
87641Submission Title: The status of marine and coastal EBM among a large sample of U.S. federal programs: a social network approach
93418Submission Title: Extreme Events on a Low-Gradient River and Delta: Evidence for Sediment Mass Movements on the Subaqueous Delta and a Mechanism for Creating Hyperpycnal Flow onto the Shelf,
MG006Submission Title: Response of Coastal Sedimentary Systems to Anthropogenic Alterations and Climate Change
93026Submission Title: SST cooling along coastal Java and Sumatra during positive Indian Ocean Dipole events
93222Submission Title: Assessment of Coral Sr/Ca Variations in Orbicella faveolata Colonies in Veracruz, Mexico
91107Submission Title: A SensorML-based Metadata Model and Registry for Ocean Observatories: a Contribution from European Projects NeXOS and FixO3
91801Submission Title: Ocean response to decadal shifts in the air-sea interaction over the North Atlantic
90139Submission Title: Benthic Macrofaunal Communities at Newly Explored Caribbean Seamounts in the Greater/Lesser Antilles Transition Zone and a Comparison to Nearby Habitats,
ED001Submission Title: Accessing the Deep Ocean From Higher Ground: New Advances in Telepresence-Enabled Research.,
HI002Submission Title: Continuing Perspectives on Restoration in the Gulf of Mexico: From Coastal Habitats to the Deep Sea
91910Submission Title: Marine Synechococcus Aggregation
88095Submission Title: Hydrodynamic Controls on Muddy Sedimentary Fabric Development on Low-Gradient Shelves: Atchafalaya Chenier Plain Subaqueous Delta
88927Submission Title: Satellite Monitoring of Lead Motion in the Ice Pack of the Beaufort Sea – A Case Study with High Resolution Imagery
90302Submission Title: Characterization of bathymetric constraints on deep ocean circulation in the Kauai Deep region around Station ALOHA
92585Submission Title: The Adaptive Ecosystem Climatology (AEC): Design and Development
88380Submission Title: The South Indian Ocean Shallow Overturning
93903Submission Title: Response of the Southern Benguela Upwelling System to Fine-scale Modifications of the Coastal Wind
87346Submission Title: Global and Full-depth Oceanic Heat Uptake from Argo and Repeat Hydrography
91241Submission Title: Trichodesmium slicks associated with environmental conditions of continental shelf-break at the southwestern of the Atlantic Ocean
90481Submission Title: An In situ Study of Seasonal Dissolved Organic Carbon and Nutrient Fluxes from a Spartina alterniflora Salt Marsh in North Carolina
91232Submission Title: Molecular and Isotopic Characterization of DOM on the East Siberian Shelf, Arctic Ocean.
B001Submission Title: Beyond Redfield - Elemental Ratios as Tracers and Drivers of Biodiversity and Biogeochemical Function in a Changing Ocean
89732Submission Title: Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Mixotrophic Protists Within a Protected Glacial Lake
90538Submission Title: Linkage Between Coastal Conditions and Migratory Patterns and Behavior of Atlantic Salmon Smolts Along the Halifax Line,
90552Submission Title: Characterization of the Nova Scotia Coastally-Trapped Current and Monitoring of the Associated Density Front Using Underwater Gliders
91274Submission Title: Estimating Production and Consumption of Solid Reactive Fe Phases in Marine Sediments from Concentration Profiles
90789Submission Title: Atlantic Plate Production Mechanisms over the last 120Ma: A Geological map of the Vema Fracture Zone Region
92075Submission Title: Decadal changes in the ocean CO2 sink driven by ocean circulation variability
92944Submission Title: An Edge-Referenced Surface Fresh Layer in the Seasonal Ice Zone
90893Submission Title: Characteristics of Upper Surface of the Bay of Bengal to Indian Summer Monsoon Deficit in June
93386Submission Title: The Ice Ocean Sentinel System (IOSS): Working towards Ice and Ocean Observation Technologies for Remote and Harsh Environments
93674Submission Title: Numerical Study on the influence of Kuroshio Intrusion on Coastal upwelling off Coasts of China
92216Submission Title: Turbulent properties of a deep-sea hydrothermal plume in a time-variable cross flow using anisotropic mixing parameterizations in LES,
92363Submission Title: A high-resolution hydrodynamic model of the Duplin River Estuary, Sapelo Island GA with groundwater as the major buoyancy forcing
89109Submission Title: Suspended Sediment Character in the Tidal Mekong River: Observations from LISST Profiling
91393Submission Title: A Null-hypothesis to explain the El Niño-like Pacific Decadal Variability
90703Submission Title: Assessment of the application and efficacy of the FlowCam for zooplankton analysis.
89045Submission Title: A spectral multidomain penalty method model for the simulation of internal solitary wave shoaling and breaking over gentle slopes
91786Submission Title: Structure and formation of the South Yellow Sea water mass in spring
CT006Submission Title: Sources and Sinks of Reactive Oxygen Species in the Ocean: “Is seawater a radical solution?” (Zafiriou, 1987) Revisited.
89387Submission Title: Seismic Oceanography of the Gulf of Mexico
HE013Submission Title: Sea ice biogeochemistry and ecology: observation, patterns, and changes at the interfaces of ice and ocean
88188Submission Title: Lecture No More! Creative Ways to Engage New Audiences and Encourage Dialogue
93831Submission Title: Marine Aggregates – Natural and Oiled Material Transport in the Deep Gulf of Mexico
92351Submission Title: Improving methods for assessing reflectance due to whitecaps and foam from ocean color imagery
88655Submission Title: Mapping the Oceans: Progress in Semi-Automated Seabed Classification Required
91888Submission Title: Improving the Numerical Accuracy of the k-ε Model by a Transformation to the k-τ Model
92630Submission Title: Estimations of heat content in the upper Arctic Ocean from observations and climate models.
92865Submission Title: Genetic Manipulation of Competition for Nitrate between Heterotrophic Bacteria and Diatoms
89872Submission Title: Modeling Morphological Changes in the Danshui River Estuary during Typhoon Season in 2008
87611Submission Title: A Modelling Study of the Coastal Current in the Northwestern South China Sea: Response to Strong and Weak Southwest Monsoon
91325Submission Title: Receding ice cover and Arctic decadal climate variability
92221Submission Title: Transport of ice shelf basal meltwater around Antarctica
90720Submission Title: Controls on Water Column Nitrification Over the Chukchi Shelf, Arctic Ocean During the SUBICE Campaign (May - June, 2014)
92364Submission Title: A Nonlinear Model for Infragravity Waves Trapped Around Circular islands
90282Submission Title: Validation and Analysis of MW_IR OI SST product over the Indian Ocean
90439Submission Title: The Effect of Recent Decreases in Sea Ice Extent and Increases in SST on the Seasonal Availability of Arctic Cod (Boreogadus saida) to Seabirds in the Beaufort Sea
59719Submission Title: Sand Compaction Impact On Burrowing Preferences of the Atlantic Ghost Crab in Padre Island National Seashore, Texas.
88968Submission Title: Estimating Diversity of Florida Keys Zooplankton Using New Environmental DNA Methods
87762Submission Title: Shelfbreak Current over the Canadian Beaufort Sea Continental Slope: Wind-driven Events in January 2005
90285Submission Title: Waves in the Beaufort Sea MIZ observed with a dense and persistent array of wavebuoys from spring to autumn 2014
91221Submission Title: Plastic and evolutionary responses of plankton to environmental change are influenced by drift in ocean currents
91702Submission Title: Eddy Compensation in Wind-Driven Subtropical Gyres and Implications for Biological Productivity
93244Submission Title: Challenges in Capturing Wind-Driven Motions in Satellite-Derived OSCAR Surface Currents
87444Submission Title: An interdecadal regime shift in rainfall predictability related to the Ningaloo Nino in the late 1990s
89597Submission Title: Declines in Both Redundant and Trace Species Characterize the Latitudinal Diversity Gradient in Tintinnid Ciliates of the Microzooplankton
92769Submission Title: A History of Futility and The Trajectory for Promise, on the Southern Ocean Radiocarbon Problem ,
HE016Submission Title: Variability in Southern Ocean Productivity over Different Timescales,
MG005Submission Title: Rates of ice retreat and insights into a warming Earth from Antarctic sedimentary and ice records - Dating, chronology, regional correlations, and environmental change
91196Submission Title: The Life-Cycle of High Frequency Internal Waves in a Continental Shelf Sea: Generation, Propagation and Dissipation”.
OD009Submission Title: Towards a Subsurface Ocean Climate Record and Applications that Improve Understanding of Climate Variability and Change
89553Submission Title: Upper-ocean Response to Hurricane Gonzalo (2014): Salinity Effects Revealed by Targeted and Sustained Underwater Glider Observation
91604Submission Title: High-Resolution Simulation of Sea Ice and circulation in the West Antarctic Peninsula (WAP)
92693Submission Title: The impact of 1D and 3D ocean model to tropical cyclone forecasts with the HWRF-HYCOM coupled model
90471Submission Title: Altimetry-derived Gulf Stream Property Changes: Is the Sea Level Rise Along the U.S. Eastcoast Linked to the Gulf Stream Slow Down?
88301Submission Title: Kinetics of Inorganic Calcite Dissolution in Seawater under Pressure
91489Submission Title: Variability in the Composition of Floating Microplastics by Region and in Time
90153Submission Title: Temporal Variability in Nitrogen Fixation and Particulate Nitrogen Export at Station ALOHA
89619Submission Title: Multi-parameter instrumentation to understand interactions of physical, biological and chemical processes in marine ecosystems
92200Submission Title: New Ways of Delivering Marine Scientific Evidence for Policy Needs in the UK
91236Submission Title: BIOMETORE Project – Studying the Biodiversity in the Northeastern Atlantic Seamounts
92393Submission Title: Response of the Arctic Ocean Near-Inertial Internal Wave Field to Changing Sea-Ice Conditions
90984Submission Title: Experimental description of turbulent energy fluxes associated with the parametric subharmonic instability
92323Submission Title: A Geographical Information System to Manage the Endeavour Hydrothermal Vents Marine Protected Area
89015Submission Title: Persistance and Propagation of Eddies in High-Resolution Data-Assimilating Models
93578Submission Title: Using participatory agent-based models to measure flood managers' decision thresholds in extreme event response
91457Submission Title: Crystallization by Particle Attachment: New Paradigm for Predicting Influences of Environmental Change on Calcification Processes
89272Submission Title: Transient Response of Geothermal Heating in the Southern Ocean in a Global Climate Model
92367Submission Title: Understanding and Applying Landscape Simulation Models to Predict Sea-Level Rise and Ecosystem Impacts under Climate Change
89505Submission Title: Lagrangian Upwelling Pathways of Deep Waters in the Southern Ocean
91215Submission Title: Exploring The Effective Resolution Of Copernicus Marine Service Eddy Resolving Systems With Spectral Analysis: A Metric To Evaluate High Resolution Forecasts
93796Submission Title: Can agent based models effectively reduce fisheries management implementation uncertainty?
91448Submission Title: Biophysical Processes at the Boundary between the Arctic and Subarctic in the Barents Sea
90364Submission Title: Bomb and Natural Dissolved Organic Radiocarbon in the Atlantic Ocean
PO023Submission Title: Ocean salinity and water cycle variability and change
92659Submission Title: Small-Scale Salinity Variability from Thermosalinographs: A Global Perspective
89533Submission Title: The seasonal distribution of freshwater from meteoric sources and sea ice melt in Svalbard fjords
88786Submission Title: Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) Measurements of Suspension-Feeding Velocities
91519Submission Title: Long-term simulation of vertical transport process and its impact on bottom DO in Chesapeake Bay
89608Submission Title: Decadal trends of the upper ocean salinity in the tropical Indo-Pacific since mid-1990s
90730Submission Title: Long-term POC Trend and Variability in a Eutrophic Inland Waters from MODIS Imagery: Human-induced or Climate-driven?
90856Submission Title: Distributions and Sources of Heavy Metals and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Surface Sediments of Luan River Estuary, North China.
92174Submission Title: The Smithsonian-led Marine Global Earth Observatory (MarineGEO): Proposed Model for a Collaborative Network Linking Marine Biodiversity to Ecosystem Processes
90448Submission Title: Silicate Pumping of Excess Carbon in Coastal Upwelling Ecosystems
ED006Submission Title: Innovations in Environmental and Ocean Science Education
92627Submission Title: Mechanisms for Variation of Cellular P Stoichiometry: Diverse Cellular Phosphorus Allocation Strategies Across Microbial Groups from the Sargasso Sea
90874Submission Title: Implementing the New JCOMM Marine Climate Data System
92255Submission Title: Linear theory of roll instabilities in the ocean surface layer
88249Submission Title: Systemic to Microscale Response of Orbicella faveolata to Future Ocean CO2 Conditions.
87379Submission Title: Reproductive biology of the female Jonah crab from the Maryland-Virginia Coastal Zone
89905Submission Title: Trophic relationships and infaunal community structure of the Beaufort Sea Shelf
91340Submission Title: Long-Term Trends and Variability in Spring Development of Calanus finmarchicus in the Southeastern Norwegian Sea during 1996-2012
91475Submission Title: Exploring image data assimilation in the prospect of high-resolution satellite data
91898Submission Title: Body mass and anaerobic tolerance influence vertical habitat selection in meso- and bathypelagic foraging toothed whales of the Bahamas
91309Submission Title: Monitoring of Hydrocarbons in Sediment and Biota Related to Oil and Gas Development in Near- and Off-Shore Areas of the Arctic Beaufort Sea, Alaska
88176Submission Title: The Indian Ocean as a Connector
89488Submission Title: Rapid age determination of oysters using LA-ICP-MS line scans of shell Mg/Ca ratios
90254Submission Title: Spiciness and dissolved oxygen variability in Oregon shelf, slope and offshore waters, from a 25-year model simulation
86946Submission Title: Seasonal effects on estuarine tidal currents and implications for prediction
88093Submission Title: Future Projection of the California Current System Using a Downscaled Coupled Bio-physical Model.
90030Submission Title: Mechanisms Leading the Decadal Variability of the Oxygen Concentration in the Tropical Pacific Ocean
HE007Submission Title: Ice-ocean interactions and circulation around the Antarctic margins
93003Submission Title: A Synthesis and Comparison of Approaches for Quantifying Coral Reef Structure
86855Submission Title: Winter Oceanic Response During Strong Wind Events Around Southeastern Greenland in the Regional Arctic System Model (RASM) for 1990-2010
90002Submission Title: Near Real-Time Collection, Processing, and Publication of Beach Morphology and Oceanographic LIDAR Data
91683Submission Title: WAVEWATCH III Supports Arctic Operations
93562Submission Title: Lagrangian Observations of an Ebb Tidal Plume under Low Discharge Conditions, Main Pass, Mobile Bay, AL
88268Submission Title: A Crucial Time for Reefs: Climate Change, El Niño, and the 2014-16 Global Bleaching Event
91624Submission Title: Disentangling Mesoscale Strain and Internal Waves Using Surface Drifters
87254Submission Title: Meta-Cresol Purple Reference Material® (RM) for Seawater pH Measurements
91907Submission Title: Analysis of Complex Sand Waves in Raccoon Strait, San Francisco Bay
88743Submission Title: Trace Elements in the Sea Surface Microlayer: Results from a Two Year Study in the Florida Keys
92584Submission Title: Intra- and interannual dynamics of dinoflagellate bloom species in the James River, an urban tidal estuary in Virginia, USA
ME036Submission Title: Biological-physical interactions at organismal scales from sediments to the water column
92864Submission Title: Effects of Salinity on Oil Spill Dispersant Toxicity in Estuarine Organisms
93841Submission Title: The Influence of Natural Climate Variabilty on the Relation Between Air-sea Oxygen and Heat Exchange
92314Submission Title: A Comparison of Fish and Invertebrate Catch from Two Small Demersal Beam Trawls in the Beaufort Sea
89963Submission Title: Chemoautotrophy: Discerning the Key Perpetrators from the Cariaco Redoxcline Lineup of Suspects
88211Submission Title: Accounting for Wetting and Drying in the NCOM Operational Ocean Model
89465Submission Title: Modelling Ecosystem Dynamics of the Oxygen Minimum Zones in the Angola Gyre and the Northern Benguela Upwelling System.
90205Submission Title: Growth of the shallow Mekong clinoform and the impact of seasonal variability in fluvial and shelf processes
88793Submission Title: Do Climate Models Simulate the Right Sea Ice Trends for the Wrong Reasons?
89256Submission Title: Effects of Wood Pollution on Pore-Water Sulfide Levels and Eelgrass Germination
91563Submission Title: Efficient Ensemble State-Parameters Estimation Techniques in Ocean Ecosystem Models: Application to the North Atlantic
93433Submission Title: An Ecometric Study of Recent Microfossils using High-throughput Imaging
92290Submission Title: A new global surface drifter dataset at hourly resolution
93036Submission Title: The Future of Nearshore Processes Research: U.S. Integrated Coastal Research Program
ME011Submission Title: Exploration and Research of Complex Deep-Sea Environments: A Holistic Approach to Understanding Submarine Canyons and Seamounts
91383Submission Title: Cobalamin-Independent Methionine Synthase Distribution and its Influence on Vitamin B12 Growth Requirements in Marine Diatoms
92054Submission Title: An analysis of wetland productivity and biomass in Coastal Louisiana: Current base line data and knowledge gaps for the development of spatially explicit models for restoration and rehabilitation programs
90355Submission Title: Distinguishing one-way from coupled dynamical interactions in nearshore morphodynamics
A002Submission Title: Computational Oceanography - New Knowledge, Capabilities and Challenges
B001Submission Title: Beyond Redfield - Elemental Ratios as Tracers and Drivers of Biodiversity and Biogeochemical Function in a Changing Ocean
88615Submission Title: In Situ Observations of the Brazil-Malvinas Confluence in March 2015
89142Submission Title: Using Noble Gases to Constrain the Impact of Water-Mass Formation Processes on Dissolved Gases,
93072Submission Title: Annual Net Community Production in the Western Subtropical North Pacific Determined from Argo-O2 Measurements,
93279Submission Title: Seasonal Oxygen Supersaturation and Air-Sea Fluxes from Profiling Floats in the Pacific
90118Submission Title: Oil Spill Trajectories from HF Radars: Applied Dynamical Systems Methods vs. a Lagrangian Stochastic Model
88660Submission Title: Changes in optical characteristics of surface microlayers in the Peruvian upwelling region hint to photochemically and microbially-mediated DOM turnover,
89437Submission Title: Wind speed dependent accumulation patterns of organic matter in the sea surface microlayer: Results from the 2014 AEOLOTRON experiment,
A007Submission Title: Linking the Ocean with the Atmosphere - Exploring the Importance of the Ocean-Atmosphere Interface and Near Surface Waters in Global Scale Processes
EC020Submission Title: Records of Carbon Burial and Biogeochemical Cycling in Coastal Wetlands: Response to Past, Present, and Future Sea-Level Rise and Global Climate Change.
93028Submission Title: The Sedimentary Consequence of Coastal Coconut Plantations
91023Submission Title: Observations of Waves and Currents on an Inundated Barrier Island: the Role of the Back-Barrier Basin
88815Submission Title: Ice-atmosphere feedbacks dominate the response of the climate system to Drake Passage closure
89600Submission Title: Volcanic Acidification of a Coral Reef at Maug Island: Influences on Biological Processes and Ecosystem Structure
90183Submission Title: Contribution of Cell Mortality to the Decline of a Toxic Dinoflagellate Bloom
91962Submission Title: Integrating Ecosystem-Based Management Principles of Adaptive Management and Stakeholder Engagement in California Fisheries,
P003Submission Title: Making National Policy Work Locally: Approaches For Implementing The National Ocean Policy At Regional, State, And Local Levels Through Ecosystem-Based Management
90258Submission Title: Connectivity Between Surface and Subsurface Phytoplankton Blooms from High-Resolution Ocean Glider Transects in Southern Drake Passage
91905Submission Title: Resuspension and Shelf-Deep Ocean Exchange in the Northern California Current: New Insights From Underwater Gliders
92169Submission Title: Oregon Washington Coastal Ocean Forecast System: Real-time Modeling and Data Assimilation
91950Submission Title: Heat Transport Through the Eastern Fram Strait from Satellite Altimetry and in situ Hydrograpy
90646Submission Title: Dissolved oxygen variability off Eastern Luzon, Philippines during the last millennium
89781Submission Title: Efficient Retention of Mud for Land Building on the Mississippi Delta Plain
93601Submission Title: Foraging in Turbulent Flow: Bridging Individual Motility and Meter-Scale Phytoplankton Patchiness
91320Submission Title: Spatiotemporal Variability in Particulate Organic Carbon Export Observed Using Bio-Optical Profiling Floats
91996Submission Title: Evaluation of Scaling Approaches for the Oceanic Dissipation Rate of Turbulent Kinetic Energy in the Surface Ocean
91844Submission Title: Insight into metabolic potential of carbon-poor pelagic sediments derived from the abundance and composition of organic carbon
92487Submission Title: In Situ Absorbance and Fluorescence as Surrogate Data to Continuously Measure Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Carbon Concentrations in a Brackish Tidal Marsh
88426Submission Title: Numerical Modelling and Analysis of Flow through Aquatic Canopies
91338Submission Title: Measuring Habitat Quality for Deep-Sea Corals and Sponges to Add Conservation Value to Telepresence-Enabled Science and Technology
90226Submission Title: Effects of Tidally Driven Variation on the Response of Coralline Algae to Ocean Acidification
PO021Submission Title: Ocean Circulation and Biogeochemistry in a Water Mass Framework
87900Submission Title: Using Ramped Pyrolysis – Gas Chromatography – Mass Spectrometry to Evaluate Petroleum Hydrocarbons Following the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
93574Submission Title: Engaging stakeholders in coastal adaptation planning in light of climate change in the Pacific Northwest: Comparing Knowledge to Action Networks for two coastal communities
92679Submission Title: Summer ice melt influence on net community production along the Western Antarctic Peninsula
87879Submission Title: Gulf Stream’s Induced Variations in Coastal Sea Level: Can the Same Mechanism Work From Daily to Decadal Time-Scales?
91255Submission Title: Monitoring the European Marine Environment: The Copernicus Operational Marine Service
88370Submission Title: Ocean Acidification Differentially Affects the Photosynthesis of Key New England Macrophytes
60546Submission Title: Dynamics of a fringe mangrove forest detected by Landsat images in the Mekong delta, Vietnam
91672Submission Title: Interannual and interseasonal variability of the surface circulation in the Gulf of Naples (Southern Italy) derived by HF radar observations and comparison with model results.,
91812Submission Title: Temporal variability of the Circumpolar Deep Water inflow onto the Ross Sea continental shelf
93461Submission Title: Using an ecosystem service decision support tool to support ridge to reef management: An example of sediment reduction in west Maui, Hawaii
92227Submission Title: Controls on suspended particle properties and water clarity along a partially-mixed estuary, York River, Virginia, USA.
90980Submission Title: Climate-driven variations in thermal forcing across a nearshore reef system during a marine heat wave and its potential impact on coral calcification
88080Submission Title: Late summer and fall wave climate in the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas, 2000-2014
92542Submission Title: Correcting Bidirectional Effects in Remote Sensing Reflectance from Coastal Waters
88930Submission Title: Effects of Crude Oil on Growth Rate and Variable Fluorescence of Marine Cyanobacteria
91031Submission Title: Modulation of cloud radiative effect on the strength asymmetry in two types of El Niño events
88033Submission Title: The Circulation Structure Around Hanna Shoal on the Northeastern Chukchi Sea Shelf
89356Submission Title: Integrated science in the European network of coastal marine infrastructure JERICO
89614Submission Title: Zinc and Sulfur Distributions and Bonding Environments in Scleractinian Corals
92157Submission Title: Assessment of the Great Lakes Marine Renewable Energy Resources: Characterizing Lake Erie Surge, Seiche and Waves
90700Submission Title: Species-Specific Associations Between Bacterioplankton and Photosynthetic Picoeukaryotes
92027Submission Title: Airborne Remote Sensing of Inner Shelf Sub-mesoscale Processes
91479Submission Title: Long-range Radiation of Barotropic Rossby Waves from an Unstable Current
92498Submission Title: A Real-Time California Coastal Ocean Nowcast/Forecast System: Skill Assessment, User Products, and Transition from Research to Operations
90524Submission Title: Estimating Total Alkalinity in the Coastal Zone: Considerations, Complexities, and the Surprising Utility for Ocean Acidification Research
CT004Submission Title: Linking marine microbes and the molecules of dissolved organic matter through data science
92332Submission Title: Exploring Phytoplankton Fluid Dynamics using Computational Models.
87559Submission Title: 20 Years of Reprocessed Lyapunov Exponents from Altimetry Available on AVISO+
91087Submission Title: Nutrient-Poor, Slowly Sinking Organic Matter in the Sargasso Sea – A Hypothesis and Supporting Evidence
90075Submission Title: Updated Southern Ocean Carbon Trends and their Sensitivity to Methods
90752Submission Title: The Cross Surfzone/Inner-shelf Dye Exchange (CSIDE) Experiment Overview: Binational Dye Tracer Releases to Study Pollution Transport and Dilution.
91606Submission Title: A 3D fully coupled wave-current-sediment model
92017Submission Title: The Role of Westerly and Easterly Wind Bursts in El Niño Diversity: Contrasting Warm Events of 2014 and 2015
93217Submission Title: BisQue: cloud-based system for management, annotation, visualization, analysis and data mining of underwater and remote sensing imagery
89162Submission Title: Determination of the Anthropogenic Carbon Signal to the Total Change in Dissolved Carbon in the Coastal Upwelling Region Along the Washington-Oregon-California Continental Margin,
B004Submission Title: From WOCE through CLIVAR to GO-SHIP: Results from Global Repeat Hydrographic Surveys
91351Submission Title: Net community production from autonomous oxygen observations in the Sargasso Sea
93194Submission Title: Contribution of Climate Feedbacks and Ocean Heat Uptake to Tropical Atmospheric Circulation Variability
92175Submission Title: Deglaciation Changes the North Atlantic Seasonality
B002Submission Title: Biogeochemistry of resuspended sediments in aquatic and coastal marine environments
91570Submission Title: A Late Holocene Record of Precipitation Changes from Western Guatemala Inferred from Lacustrine Carbonate-Based Stable Isotopes
89389Submission Title: Intraseasonal Kelvin wave along the equatorial Pacific in the two flavors of El Nino
89080Submission Title: Improving chlorophyll-a retrievals and cross-sensor consistency through the OCI algorithm concept
87371Submission Title: Tide-storm surge interaction at the apex of the South Atlantic Bight
90469Submission Title: The response of the biogeographic distribution of the copepod Calanus glacialis to a changing Arctic marine environment
88723Submission Title: Proximate and Ultimate Limiting Nutrients in the Mississippi River Plume: Implications for Hypoxia Reduction Through Nutrient Management,
89664Submission Title: The Role of Model Complexity in Determining Patterns of Chlorophyll Variability in the Coastal Northwest North Atlantic,
EC001Submission Title: Advances in Coastal Hypoxia Modeling: From Physics to Fish ,
EC017Submission Title: Physical and biogeochemical processes and the support of shelf sea primary productivity and carbon cycling.
88402Submission Title: Ontogenetic shifts in energetic content and diet of juvenile Yukon River Chinook Salmon
89326Submission Title: Plastics in the Ocean: Engaging Students in Core Competencies Through Issues-Based Activities in the Science Classroom.
93639Submission Title: Supply-Side Ecology of Meroplanktonic Larvae, with a Focus on Crabs and Barnacles, Forced by the Internal Tide in Baja California
89318Submission Title: Exploring the functional side of the Ocean Sampling Day metagenomes
90982Submission Title: Impacts of Sea-ice Dynamics and Snow Cover on Arctic Algal Biomass and Production during the N-ICE2015 Drift Expedition.
93278Submission Title: Brief Exposure to Turbulence Permanently Alters Development of Sand Dollar Larvae
89653Submission Title: Teaching Young People to Be Curious, to Observe the Environment, to Think Critically
88641Submission Title: Why Can't We Resolve Recruitment?
89622Submission Title: OceanVideoLab: A Tool for Exploring Underwater Video
88906Submission Title: Drifter-Based Predictions of the Spread of Surface Contamination Using Iterative Statistics: A Local Example with Global Applications
87245Submission Title: Mean structure of the North Atlantic subtropical pycnocline from in-situ observations
91937Submission Title: Understanding Regional Wind Forcings and Surface Heat Fluxes that cause Sea-Surface Temperature Anomalies during US West Coast Wind Relaxations,
93483Submission Title: The Effect of Jet Stream Position on Wind Relaxations off Central and Southern California, U.S.A.,
A009Submission Title: Advances in Understanding the Physical Processes at the Air-Sea interface
88326Submission Title: A New Perspective on the Foraging Ecology of Apex Predators in the California Current: Results from a Fully Coupled Ecosystem Model
89495Submission Title: Biogeochemistry of Recently Discovered Oxygen-Depleted Mesoscale Eddies in the Open Eastern Tropical North Atlantic
90472Submission Title: Parameterizing wave runup with an effective peak frequency
88038Submission Title: Warm events in the California Current: El Niño or not
11207Submission Title: Undergraduate Research in Marine and Aquatic Sciences - Poster Session
91743Submission Title: Response of Southern Ocean Phytoplankton Communities to Trace Metal (including Iron) and Light Availability
91876Submission Title: XBeach and CSHORE Numerical Model Assessment of the Beach and Foredune Morphodynamic Response of a Barrier Island during Hurricane Storm Surge Inundation – Folletts Island Case Study
92319Submission Title: Characterizing the Mechanisms Underlying Southern Ocean Diatom Community Composition Shifts
89096Submission Title: Warming and Acidification Induced Mass Mortality of a Coastal Keystone predator
90565Submission Title: Microstructure Observations of Upward Turbulent Heat Fluxes in the Beaufort Gyre
89001Submission Title: Century-long acidification reveals possible consequences of coral reef sediment dissolution
93177Submission Title: Prasinoviruses reveal a complex evolutionary history and a patchy environmental distribution
91304Submission Title: Phylogenetic differences in the macromolecular composition of microalgae
93190Submission Title: Dissolution Rates of Biogenic Carbonate Sediments from the Bermuda Platform
91163Submission Title: ANALYSIS OF THYRRENIAN SEAMOUNTS ATTRACTIVENESS ON STRIPED DOLPHIN AND SEATURTLE.C. Fiori1,2, J. Alessi1, A. Mandich1, C. Paoli1, P. Vassallo1 (1) University of Genoa, DISTAV; Europa 26 16132 Genoa (2) MENKAB: il respiro del mare; Lungomare Matteotti 17100 Savona *
11208Submission Title: Implementing Basin scale in-situ Ocean Observing Systems (OOS): Enhancing the efficiency and overall information content of integrated OOS for the Atlantic (EU project AtlantOS), the Southern Ocean (SOOS, OOI, SOCCOM), the Pacific (TPOS2020), the pan-Arctic (SAON) and the Indic (IndOOS),
11252Submission Title: Essential Ocean Variables: a Common Focus for Sustained Global Ocean Observing,
OD006Submission Title: Regional and Thematic Innovation Supporting Global Sustained Ocean Observing
90094Submission Title: Why was the 2012 bloom so early? Using chilling and warming metrics to resolve interannual variability in the timing of Alexandrium fundyense bloom initiation
92606Submission Title: Inclusion of surface gravity wave effects in vertical mixing parameterizations with application to Chesapeake Bay, USA
93654Submission Title: Soundscape studies in Montreal's Biodome: using enclosed ecosystems to explain biodiversity to the public
91543Submission Title: The Statistical State Dynamics of Stacked Jet Formation from Stratified Turbulence
90168Submission Title: On the Relationship between Antarctic Sea Ice Extent and the Southern Ocean Overturning Circulation.
90411Submission Title: Seasonal and Interannual variability in Surface Temperature and Salinity across the ACC in the Drake Passage from 2002 to 2014
93592Submission Title: Monitoring Coastal Dune Variations through Remote Sensing on the Southern Coast of Brazil
89725Submission Title: Partitioning of Dissolved Metals (Fe, Mn, Cu, Cd, Zn, Ni, and Pb) into Soluble and Colloidal Fractions in Continental Shelf and Offshore Waters, Northern California
90979Submission Title: The Role of Sub-mesoscale Processes in the Vorticity Balance Derived by HFDR
90008Submission Title: Development of a GSI-Based, 2D-VAR Data Assimilation System for Operational Wave Guidance at the National Weather Service
92008Submission Title: Variable responses in marine community structure to changes in temperature
93322Submission Title: Effects of light conditions and temperature gradients on vertical migration behavior of larval Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) and walleye pollock (Gadus chalcogramma)
89643Submission Title: CO2 Respiration/O2 Consumption in Response to Supplemental Organic Carbon: Implications for Natural DOC Composition in San Pedro Basin, CA
93447Submission Title: Assessing the Impacts of Coastal Erosion, Passive Inundation, and Dynamic Wave Inundation under Higher Sea Level in Hawaii
91718Submission Title: Hidden diversity: Resolving annual and seasonal community composition of a diatom genus in Narragansett Bay through long-term data and molecular analysis
88920Submission Title: Picoeukaryotes have their map: Global abundance in present and future climates
HE013Submission Title: Sea ice biogeochemistry and ecology: observation, patterns, and changes at the interfaces of ice and ocean
92543Submission Title: Processes affecting suspended sediment transport in the mid-field plume region of the Rhine River, Netherlands.
91882Submission Title: Power extraction calculation improvement when local parameters are included
87905Submission Title: The Acid Test: Calcium Signaling in the Skeletogenic Layer of Reef-Building Coral
91256Submission Title: In situ Oceanographic LiDAR as a Tool for Retrieving and Characterizing Particle Distributions in the Ocean
91937Submission Title: Understanding Regional Wind Forcings and Surface Heat Fluxes that cause Sea-Surface Temperature Anomalies during US West Coast Wind Relaxations
91968Submission Title: All Microorganisms Must Die, But How Many Get Lysed By Viruses? - Approaches to Assessing the Significance of Nano-Sized Agents of Mortality Among Communities of Phytoplankton
90666Submission Title: Temperature as a Tracer for Calculating Advective Porewater Fluxes in Permeable Nearshore Sediments
90143Submission Title: The Effect of Eelgrass on the Air-Sea Heat Flux and Vertical Temperature Profile in a Shallow Embayment
93629Submission Title: Do Seasonal Nutrient Fluctuations Induce Blooms of Diatom-Diazotroph Associations in the Oligotrophic Pacific Ocean?
88289Submission Title: A simple metabolic model of phytoplankton physiology: quantifying energetic trade-offs for diatoms.
MG004Submission Title: Physical and Biogeochemical Processes at the Sediment-Water Interface in Estuaries, Coastal Oceans and Shelf Seas
91544Submission Title: Nitrate isotopic composition across a North-South transect in the Eastern Atlantic Ocean: Significance of nitrogen input through N2 fixation
89170Submission Title: Nitrous Oxide (N2O) cycling in the Equatorial Tropical South Pacific (ETSP) Oxygen Deficient Zone (ODZ) - evidence for production, consumption and N2O transport.
88547Submission Title: Is the Oceanography of the New Zealand Subantarctic Region Responding to the Tropics?
91503Submission Title: Upper Ocean Heat Content Variability in East Pacific Hurricane Genesis and Duration
93520Submission Title: Current surges and sediment erosion near the shelf edge in the Canadian Beaufort Sea: the role of wind and ice motion stress
93761Submission Title: Empirical statistical models of the longitudinal record of Summer Hypoxic area in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
93816Submission Title: Long-range transport of hydrothermal iron facilitated by dissolved-particulate exchange
92500Submission Title: Improving Data Discovery, Access, and Analysis to More Than Three Decades of Oceanographic and Geomorphologic Observations
92994Submission Title: Evaluating North-Atlantic-driven variations in precipitation sources throughout the Holocene using oxygen isotopes from Lake Nuudsaku in Southern Estonia
92225Submission Title: Imaging eubacteria and archaean cell abundance and nitrification activity on marine snow particles collected from the South Pacific using microscopy and nanoSIMS
87679Submission Title: Vector Sky Glint Corrections for Above Surface Retrieval of the Subsurface Polarized Light Field
93695Submission Title: Windy Wetlands: The Movement of Emergent Vegetation Facilitates Gas Transfer
91944Submission Title: Variability in Lagrangian-derived throughput from the subtropical to the subpolar gyres in the North Atlantic and its impact on inter-gyre heat transport
87867Submission Title: Polarized Imaging Lidar Using Underwater Range Gating in a Multifunctional Remote Sensing System.
88817Submission Title: Monitoring the biophysical properties along Lagrangian advection pathways in the Amazon River plume
92265Submission Title: Long-term Changes in a Spatially Subsidized Insular Ecosystem in the Archipelago of Bahía de los Ángeles, Mexico
91106Submission Title: Forereef and backreef corals exhibit different responses to anthropogenic stressors in Belize
92968Submission Title: Physical, chemical and biological controls of nutrient fluxes from fine-grained, organic-rich sediments in the Indian River Lagoon, Florida
90176Submission Title: Structure Function Statistics to Detect Submesoscale Cascades,
90668Submission Title: Parameterization for Submesoscale-Permitting Simulations: From Ideal to Traditional to Novel Including Symmetric Instabilities,
92395Submission Title: Geometry of Advection, Diffusion, and Viscosity,
93436Submission Title: Effects of Submesoscale Eddies and Small-Scale Langmuir Turbulence on Multi-Scale Fluxes, Flow Instabilities, and Spectra in the Oceanic Mixed Layer,
93742Submission Title: Anisotropic Shear Dispersion Parameterization for Mesoscale Eddy Transport,
A011Submission Title: The Ocean Surface Boundary Layer: Physical Processes and Roles in Weather, Climate and Biogeochemistry
92911Submission Title: Deep Coral Habitat Characterization of the North End of Raita Bank, Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands
93834Submission Title: Operationalizing Surface Piercing Profilers
87584Submission Title: Tropical Indian Ocean Wind Circulation- A Shift?
ME023Submission Title: Multi-model approaches to ecosystem-based management of aquatic ecosystems
91534Submission Title: Effect of Interannual Variability on the Ocean Acidification-induced Habitat Restriction of the Humboldt Current System.
88821Submission Title: Sand Transport Under Oscillatory Flows With Phase-Separated Particle Image Velocimetry
92721Submission Title: Vision and Bioluminescence in the Deep-sea Benthos
91711Submission Title: Distinguishing Between the Atmospheric Response to the Variability of the Kuroshio and the Oyashio Extensions in the Cold Season and the Impact of the Main Extratropical and Tropical SST Modes, and Sea-Ice Concentration Changes
89675Submission Title: Role of Temperature and Depth in Atlantic Reef Fish Habitat Selection
93805Submission Title: Biogeochemical Properties of Eddies in the California Current System
88809Submission Title: Constraints on the Global Marine Iron Cycle from a Simple Inverse Model
92698Submission Title: Microzooplankton abundance, composition and trophic interactions with phytoplankton and pelagic copepods in the ice-covered and open waters of the Eastern Fram Strait.,
92792Submission Title: The diatom-produced polyunsaturated aldehydes can induce trophic cascades in the planktonic food web in productive coastal waters.
89532Submission Title: Impact of variable fjord/shelf exchange on glacial dynamics in SE Greenland.
92405Submission Title: The Development and Application of a Molecular Assay to Detect In situ Predation of the Pelagic Tunicate, Dolioletta gegenbauri in the South Atlantic Bight (Continental Shelf, USA).
88050Submission Title: A case study of rhodolith beds associated with offshore NW Gulf of Mexico hard banks: viewing rhodoliths as diversity-rich holobionts
92923Submission Title: Deep-Sea Coral Image Catalog: Northeast Pacific
91396Submission Title: ICOADS: Lessons Learned and Oceanographic Data Linkages
88977Submission Title: Recent Trends in Suspended Sediment Load & Water Quality in the Upper Chesapeake Bay
88275Submission Title: Temporal Variability in the Antarctic Polar Front (2002-2014)
87573Submission Title: Combining soundscape analysis with in situ observations and oceanographic data for future ecosystem evaluation techniques.
92400Submission Title: Patterns of phytoplankton diversity and mortality due to grazing across trophic gradients in the Southern California Current
93358Submission Title: Pt. Sal Inner Shelf Experiment (PSIEX): The Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Solitons form the Deep to the Beach
90965Submission Title: Reduced Ocean Carbon Storage in a Changing Climate due to the Ocean Mesoscale
11242Submission Title: The Distributed Biological Observatory in the Pacific Arctic: A Community Status Report
89628Submission Title: Asymmetric progradation of a coastal mangrove forest, Cù Lao Dung, Vietnam: sediment dynamics to stratigraphy
90954Submission Title: Influence of Pacific trade winds on recent changes in SST and ocean heat content: external forcing and internal variability
88941Submission Title: What Controls Bed Erodibility in Muddy, Partially-Mixed Estuaries? Insights from the York River, Virginia
88075Submission Title: Molecular Quantification of Zooplankton Gut Content: The Case For qPCR
90890Submission Title: ENSO related Changes in Offshore Transport and Biological Productivity within the California Current System from 1979 to 2014
93660Submission Title: Benthic Food Web Structure across the Canadian Arctic Ocean: Insights from stable isotopes and the IP25 biomarker
89355Submission Title: Middle Adriatic Study of the Sea Surface Films as a Sink and Source of Trace Organics of Marine Aerosols
91942Submission Title: Record deep convection in the Irminger Sea in winter 2014-15
88100Submission Title: Challenges and algorithmic solutions for data assimilation in coupled systems
92595Submission Title: Comparing growth rates of Arctic Cod Boreogadus saida across the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas
92890Submission Title: Atmospheric Correction Based on Principal Component Analysis in Highly Turbid Waters of the Río de la Plata Estuary
87531Submission Title: Analysis of longitudinal variations in North Pacific alkalinity
93171Submission Title: Microbial Ecological Niche Partitioning Affects N2 gas Production in the Largest Marine Oxygen Minimum Zone
91386Submission Title: The Ecology and Feeding Habits of Fish Assemblages Closely Associated with Offshore Oil and Gas Platforms in the North Sea
90440Submission Title: Pathway of the Kuroshio water traveling to the Bering Sea in a western North Pacific eddy-resolving model analyzed with the tangent linear and adjoint models
88126Submission Title: Seasonal variability of phytoplankton community structure in the subtropical western North Pacific
88155Submission Title: Biophysical Modeling of Cross-Shore Plankton Transport
89200Submission Title: Response of the Tropical Pacific Ocean to El Niño versus Global Warming
90446Submission Title: Multiple Steady Solutions of a Model Subpolar Ocean Forced by Localized Wind
93070Submission Title: The Nautilus Exploration Program: Utilizing Live Ocean Exploration as a Platform for STEM Education and Outreach
91811Submission Title: What Lagrangian Trajectories Reveal about Deep Circulation in the Western Gulf of Mexico
PO015Submission Title: Mesoscale and submesoscale processes: Characterization, dynamics, and representation
88145Submission Title: A large-eddy simulation study on the tidal bottom boundary layer and the behavior of suspended particulate matter on the Okinawa Trough, Japan
93515Submission Title: Vortex formation downstream of a cape: an analysis of anticyclone formation off Hawaii.
87358Submission Title: Mechanisms ssocitates with Subsurface Temperature Bias and Warm Water Trap in The tropical Indian Ocean in a Coupled Model
91423Submission Title: Isfjorden in West Spitsbergen; a High-Arctic Model System for Studying Hydrographical and Ecological Changes
93619Submission Title: Feeding Currents generated by Cassiopea jellyfish
88353Submission Title: Applications of Ecophylogenetics to Benthic Communities in the Northern Gulf of Mexico: Do Functional Traits Follow Phylogeny?
89583Submission Title: Terrestrial Particulate Organic Matter Degradation in Estuarine and Coastal Areas: Coupling Lipid Tracers and Molecular Tools to Better Understand Deltaic Biogeochemical Cycles
88660Submission Title: Changes in optical characteristics of surface microlayers in the Peruvian upwelling region hint to photochemically and microbially-mediated DOM turnover
89529Submission Title: OceanSITES: Sustained Ocean Time Series Observations in the Global Ocean.
93046Submission Title: OceanCubes: An Affordable Cabled Observatory System for Integrated Long-Term, High Frequency Biological, Chemical, and Physical Measurements for Understanding Coastal Ecosystems,
93121Submission Title: The Continuous Plankton Imaging and Classification Sensor (CPICS): A Sensor for Quantifying Mesoplankton Biodiversity and Community Structure
91965Submission Title: Predictions of Bedforms in Steady, Tidal and Oscillatory Flows
93228Submission Title: Study of the Formation and Evolution of Precipitation Induced Sea Surface Salinity Minima in the Tropical Pacific Using HYCOM
89111Submission Title: Evolution of an Arctic Ice-Ocean Boundary Layer across a developing Thermodynamically Forced Marginal Ice Zone
88936Submission Title: What a difference a beach makes. Hydrodynamic modeling and validation of wave overtopping flooding at two southern California beaches.
89986Submission Title: Different Trophic Tracers Give Different Answers for the Same Bugs – Comparing a Stable Isotope and Fatty Acid Based Analysis of Resource Utilization in a Marine Isopod
93599Submission Title: Introducing Ocean Science Research to Two-Year College (2YC) Students Through Inquiry-Based Experiences
87325Submission Title: Feedbacks of Sea Surface Temperature to Wintertime Storm Tracks in the North Atlantic
89393Submission Title: Southwest Pacific Ocean Circulation and Climate Experiment (SPICE) scientific advances and future west pacific coordination
91098Submission Title: Influence of ENSO Decadal Variations on the PDO and Indian Ocean SST in Observations and CMIP Models
87248Submission Title: Quantifying organic matter fluxes in an era of wetland instability
87375Submission Title: Water Mass Property Associations with Juvenile Chinook Salmon in the Northern Bering Sea; a Look at Warm and Cold Years
89689Submission Title: Water leaving reflectance retrievals from MODIS, VIIRS, and Landsat8 data acquired over coastal waters
93554Submission Title: Mixed Layer Salinity Budget in the Fresh Pool of Western Pacific
92250Submission Title: Net Community Production in the East Coastal waters of the United States from Oxygen to Argon Ratios
89923Submission Title: Mass-size distributions of selected nutrient elements in aerosols and their air-to-sea fluxes to the Arctic Ocean: Preliminary results from the US GEOTRACES Arctic Cruise in summer 2015.
87426Submission Title: Remote Sensing of Plastic Debris
91903Submission Title: A Discussion on Diapycnal Mixing Efficiency in Stably Stratified Geophysical Flows
93609Submission Title: The SMORE Project: A Model for Transforming Authentic Research Into Classroom Curricula
ED009Submission Title: Teacher-Researcher Partnerships: working at the interface of science and education to enhance student learning
93904Submission Title: Spectral Characterization of the Wave Energy Resource for Puerto Rico (PR) and the United States Virgin Islands (USVI)
92499Submission Title: Observations of near-inertial kinetic energy inside mesoscale eddies.
88245Submission Title: Variability in cellular elemental stoichiometry among several major lineages of marine eukaryotic phytoplankton
91826Submission Title: Retrieval of Inherent Optical Property in Optically Shallow Waters
88424Submission Title: Contrasting Relationships between Functional and Species Diversity in Subarctic and Subtropical Copepod Communities across the western North Pacific
88640Submission Title: Seasonal variability of microplankton community respiration in the Celtic Sea, UK
90454Submission Title: Unusually Large Runup Events
88771Submission Title: Anthropogenic inputs of dissolved organic matter in New York Harbor
90829Submission Title: Incongruent genetic connectivity patterns for VME indicator taxa: implications for the management of New Zealand’s vulnerable marine ecosystems
90614Submission Title: The Effect of Various Species of Macroalgae on the Growth, Survival, and Toxicity of Karenia brevis
87873Submission Title: Global Distribution and Intensity of Deep-Water Benthic Nepheloid Layers
90912Submission Title: The use of an optical method to evaluate prokaryotic oxygen consumption under high pressure condition
87740Submission Title: Necessary Conditions for the Langmuir Supercell Events That Dominate Sediment Transport on Shallow Shelves
88021Submission Title: Surface Heat Flux Corrections for Global Ocean Forecasts
89436Submission Title: Where do we need abyssal ocean observations to estimate planetary energy imbalance from ocean heat content?
89166Submission Title: Modeling Plankton Aggregation and Transport by Nonlinear Internal Waves Propagating Onshore.
88894Submission Title: A Research Experiences for Undergraduates program (REU) Program Designed to Recruit, Engage and Prepare a Diverse Student Population for Careers in Ocean Sciences.,
92155Submission Title: Scale Dependent Drivers of MPA Performance: A Case Study of the Spiny Lobster (Panulirus interruptus) on Santa Catalina Island
89703Submission Title: The Ocean Observatories Initiative: Data Access and Visualization via the Graphical User Interface
91635Submission Title: The seasonal march in upper-ocean temperature, salinity, steric height and sea surface height in the equatorial Pacific
87020Submission Title: Landlab: A numerical modeling framework for evolving Earth surfaces from mountains to the coast
91090Submission Title: How Phytoplankton Membranes Cope With Steep Ionic Strength (Salinity) Gradient?
88280Submission Title: Kleptoplast Regulation by an Antarctic Dinoflagellate
AH002Submission Title: Assessing the Cumulative Effects of Complex Ocean Change on Marine Biota
ME015Submission Title: Hot or Not? Interdisciplinary investigations of the drivers and variability of marine biodiversity and productivity: how do we detect and model change?
93642Submission Title: Glacial Sequence Stratigraphy and Channel Evolution in the Yakutat Margin, Southeastern Gulf of Alaska
92357Submission Title: TEMPESTS: A Rapid Response Storm Study for the Northeast U.S.
93897Submission Title: A Model-based Regional Wave Climatology
92647Submission Title: The Effects of Glacial and Oceanic Advection on Spatial Patterns of Freshwater Contents and Temperatures of Small Fjords and Major Basins in Prince William Sound, Alaska
EC004Submission Title: Blue Carbon: Response and Mitigation Potential of Kelp, Seagrasses and Other Vegetated Habitats to Coastal Climate Change and Acidification
91988Submission Title: Algal Turf Recruitment and Early Growth did not Differ Across Sites that Varied Greatly in Herbivore and Coral Community Structure.
91133Submission Title: From science to policy; A road map for a sustainable resource management in Turkey’s marine EEZs
87206Submission Title: Estimation of Critical Shear Stress for Erosion in the Changjiang Estuary: A Synergy Research of Observation, GOCI Sensing and Modeling
87791Submission Title: Linking Monsoon Activity with River-Derived Sediment Deposition in the northern South China Sea
91315Submission Title: Why Do Water Masses Successfully Describe a Spatially-Complex, Process-Rich Ocean?
90851Submission Title: Transport and storage of anthropogenic C across the Greenland-Portugal OVIDE section: Observations vs NEMO-PISCES
90038Submission Title: Monitoring Land Based Sources of Pollution over Coral Reefs using VIIRS Ocean Color Products
89903Submission Title: Probabilistic calculation of near-field tsunami edge waves
91841Submission Title: Different Levels of Hypoxia Tolerance during Early Life History Stages of Key Fish Species from the Northern Benguela Upwelling Ecosystem Inferred from the Comparison of Eco-Physiological Traits
90179Submission Title: Impact of Changing Boundary Current Properties on Deep Water Formation in the Central Labrador Sea
MG003Submission Title: Morphological Evolution of Coastal Environments - Crossing the Land/Water Interface
89826Submission Title: Recommendations of the National Academies' Study: A Strategic Vision for NSF Investments in Antarctic and Southern Ocean Research
87609Submission Title: Chlorophyll Dynamics in the Southern California Bight
91270Submission Title: Dynamic Sinking Behavior in Diatoms: Rapid Changes in Sinking Rates May Aid in Nutrient Uptake
89817Submission Title: Surface Wave Properties at the Marginal Ice Zone – Observed with TerraSAR-X
89442Submission Title: Predation Rates of Zooplankton by Fish Quantified with a Novel Acoustic and Optic System
88309Submission Title: Do Southern Hemisphere Winds Cause Significant AMOC Variability?
92654Submission Title: Observations and Models of Oceanic Diurnal Warming
92915Submission Title: Hypoxia interface behavior of the ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi
92843Submission Title: Submarine Groundwater Discharge to the Continental Shelf in the South Atlantic Bight
90052Submission Title: Observations of flow and sediment transport at Pt. Dume, Malibu
93611Submission Title: Damage Assessment of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: Using Species Distribution Models to Estimate the Number of Affected Cold-Water Coral Sites
92287Submission Title: Effects of behavioral responses on vertical distributions of snail larvae (Ilyanassa obsoleta and trivittata)
ED001Submission Title: Accessing the Deep Ocean From Higher Ground: New Advances in Telepresence-Enabled Research.
88208Submission Title: Circulation and water mass transformations in the southwest Pacific Low Latitude Western Boundary Currents
91029Submission Title: Effects of Southern Hemispheric Wind Changes on Global Oxygen and the Pacific Oxygen Minimum Zone
93412Submission Title: Small-Scale Spatial Dynamics of Phytoplankton in Apalachicola Bay, Florida, a River-Dominated Estuary
92238Submission Title: The stability of the Norwegian Atlantic Current east of the Lofoten Basin
91539Submission Title: CH4 and CO2 production relative to carbon burial in wetlands undergoing sediment loss and accretion in coastal Louisiana
91287Submission Title: Ensemble Data Assimilation and Downscaling in the Bay of Biscay
91310Submission Title: Impact of Environmental Parameters on Sea Surface Radar Backscatter and Air-Sea CO2 Fluxes in the Western Baltic
MG009Submission Title: Soil Mechanical and Hydrodynamic Processes of the Seabed Surface
93688Submission Title: Field Testing of a New Self-contained Fluorescence Oxygen Probe with a Fast Response Time for Continuous In-situ Monitoring
90751Submission Title: The Effect of Mixing Locality on Overturning Circulation
90717Submission Title: CISDE Experiment: Nearshore-Estuarine Connectivity & Dispersion
93665Submission Title: Characterizing Microbial Water Quality of Extreme Tide Floodwaters Discharged from an Urbanized Subtropical Beach: Case Study of Miami Beach with Implications for Sea Level Rise and Public Health
11149Submission Title: PO.DAAC: Discover and Utilize NASA Physical Oceanographic Data
93668Submission Title: Nutrient Interactions of Deep Phytoplankton Biomass Layers in Lake Michigan and Modeling of Layer Conditions
93779Submission Title: Dominating diatoms: investigating the coupling between biogenic silica dynamics, primary production and nitrate uptake in a highly productive coastal fjord
87380Submission Title: Structure and Variability of Water Properties between Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) and North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) in the South Atlantic Ocean.
91302Submission Title: Temporal Sampling of White Band Disease Infected Corals Reveals Complex and Dynamic Bacterial Communities
88917Submission Title: Habitat-based Density Models for a Marine Predator - the Harbour Porpoise in the North Sea
88152Submission Title: Eddy Generation and Shedding in a Tidally Energetic Channel
87424Submission Title: Location and continuity of the annual northern Gulf of Mexico hypoxic zone influences microbial diversity
92047Submission Title: Storm Surge Modeling of Typhoon Haiyan at the Naval Oceanographic Office Using Delft3D
93432Submission Title: Modeling Diffusion as a Result of Observing Salinity, Water Temperature and Mixing of the Norwalk River into Long Island Sound
90240Submission Title: Preliminary Study on Distribution and Abundance of Chaetognaths (Arrow Worms) in the Gulf of Mexico.
89601Submission Title: Effects of acidifying ocean conditions on growth and survival of two life stages of the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus.,
ME018Submission Title: Integrating research on the blue crab (Callinectes sapidus): interdisciplinary approaches to investigating a widespread and commercial important marine species.
91456Submission Title: Marine Technology for Teachers and Students: A Multi-modal Approach to Integrate Technology and Ocean Sciences Instruction
93346Submission Title: Physical Control of the Spatial and Temporal Diversity of Microbial Mats at a Shallow-Water Hydrothermal Vent
ME004Submission Title: Big Data In Marine Ecology: Advances and Applications
89420Submission Title: A Phosphate Minimum in the Oxygen Minimum Zone (OMZ) off Peru
89175Submission Title: Effect of Global Warming and Increased Freshwater Flux on Northern Hemispheric Cooling
93151Submission Title: New Multi-Season Measurements of Currents and Hydrography from Profiling Floats and Altimetry in the Amundsen Sea: Implications for Antarctic Shelf-Slope Exchange and Sea-Ice Thermodynamics,
PO008Submission Title: Deep and abyssal ocean mixing: from small scale turbulence to the large scale MOC
89853Submission Title: Historical Population Estimates For Several Fish Species At Offshore Oil and Gas Structures in the US Gulf of Mexico
90989Submission Title: The Buoyancy-Driven Ocean Circulation with Realistic Bathymetry
89851Submission Title: Seabird Community Responses in the Northern California Current to the 2014-2015 NE Pacific Warm Anomaly
90233Submission Title: High resolution ocean fronts product from JPSS VIIRS for improved composite mapping
92806Submission Title: An alternative pathway for marine nitrous oxide production at oxic-anoxic interfaces from coupled biotic-abiotic reactions
90753Submission Title: Margalef revisited: A new phytoplankton mandala incorporating twelve dimensions, including nutrient ratios and forms
88970Submission Title: Exploring the Eastern United States Continental Shelf with the NOAA Cooperative Institute for Ocean Exploration, Research, and Technology
93314Submission Title: Investigating the Trophic Ecology of the Fish Genus Cyclothone in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre Using Stable Isotope Techniques
MM006Submission Title: Oceans and Human Health: Improving Ecological Forecasting of Marine Microbes
90401Submission Title: A Global Evaluation of Model Parameterizations for Carbon Export and Remineralization
90444Submission Title: High-resolution Records of Proteinaceous Deep-Sea Coral δ13C and δ15N Values in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre Suggest Major Shifts in Nutrient and Phytoplankton Dynamics over the last 5000 years
88990Submission Title: How ocean lateral mixing changes Southern Ocean variability in coupled climate models,
89833Submission Title: Impact of Lateral Mixing in the Ocean on El Nino in Fully Coupled Climate Models,
90012Submission Title: Impact of space dependent eddy mixing on large ocean circulation
92387Submission Title: Regional patterns of labile organic carbon flux in North American Arctic Margin (NAAM) as reflected by redox sensitive-elements distributions in sediments
92252Submission Title: Multigenerational Effects of Acidification on Early Life-Stage Mercenaria mercenaria (=hard clam)
87385Submission Title: CO2–Induced Ocean Climate Change around Antarctica in GFDL CM2.5 and CM2.6
86858Submission Title: Indian Ocean Dipole Effects on the Wave Climate of New Zealand
93030Submission Title: Ocean impact on the South American summer precipitation
91614Submission Title: Size Variation and Recruitment of Macoma sp. in the Southern Chukchi Sea and Possible Implications of Seasonal Ocean Acidification in the Pacific Arctic
93737Submission Title: SeaSketch: Implementation of a Decision-Support Platform for a Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary Multi-sector Working Group
93356Submission Title: Plastid proteomics for elucidating iron limited remodeling of plastid physiology in diatoms
92502Submission Title: Functional Traits and Community Assembly in Deep-Sea Octocorals Along a Depth Gradient in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
93277Submission Title: Warm Anomaly Effects on California Current Phytoplankton
89271Submission Title: Prolonged Decline of Jumbo Squid (Dosidicus gigas) Landings in the Gulf of California is Associated with Chronically low wind Stress and Decreased Chlorophyll a after El Niño 2009–2010
89429Submission Title: Sources and Fate of Dissolved Organic Sulfur at the Redox Interface of Marine Shallow Hydrothermal Systems
89146Submission Title: Shipboard observations of a mesoscale eddy pair in the California Current System off the northern Baja California coast
91306Submission Title: Understanding the Steric Height Long Term Variability at the Bermuda Atlantic Time-Series Study (BATS) Site with a Neutral Density Approach
87889Submission Title: Quantifying Uncertainty in an Oil Fate Model Using a Polynomial Chaos Surrogate
89554Submission Title: Characterization and Fate of Dissolved Organic Matter in the Lena Delta Region, Siberia
91999Submission Title: Quantifying Inflows and Outflows to/from Barrow Canyon using Shipboard and Glider Data
88696Submission Title: Molecular Insights Into a Dinoflagellate Bloom Imply Bacterial Cultivation
93390Submission Title: Steady-state solutions of nitracline with the evolution of subsurface chlorophyll maximum in typical stable water columns
87265Submission Title: Temporal Variability of the South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation between 20°S and 35°S
89062Submission Title: Time-resolved and Depth-dependent Photo-Degradation of Marine Dissolved Organic Matter Analyzed by Semi-continuous EEM Fluorescence Monitoring
93700Submission Title: Assessing the Role of Dissolved Organic Phosphate on Rates of Microbial Phosphorus Cycling
87824Submission Title: Persistence of Fe(II) in Seawater Due to the Effect of Organic Exudates from D. tertiolecta
89744Submission Title: Predicting global oceanic net primary productivity with reduced-dimension, linear dynamical spatiotemporal models
91005Submission Title: Studying the impact of different climate engineering techniques on ocean acidification with the Max Planck Institute Earth System Model
89955Submission Title: Geologic Setting and Preservation of a Late Pleistocene Bald Cypress Forest Discovered on the Northern Gulf of Mexico Continental Shelf
90450Submission Title: Hydrodynamic Environment and Ecosystem Diversity at two Deep-Sea Marine Protected Areas in Southern Biscay
93008Submission Title: Engaging Ocean Grads As Interdisciplinary Professional Problem Solvers: Why Preparing Our Future Ocean Leaders Means Inspiring Them to Look Beyond Their Academic Learning.
92073Submission Title: Enhancing Teacher and Student Engagement and Understanding of Marine Science Through Classroom Citizen Science Projects
87926Submission Title: Physiological Responses of Oxyrrhis marina to the Altered Fatty Acid Composition of Virally Infected Emiliania huxleyi
86918Submission Title: Multiscale Modelling of the Turbulence Induced Biodynamical Interaction (TIBI) Effect
90916Submission Title: Multi-Decadal Coastal Behavioural States From A Fusion Of Geohistorical Conceptual Modelling With 2-D Morphodynamic Modelling
92370Submission Title: State Estimation of the Northern Philippine Sea Circulation
89493Submission Title: Can carbon export in the North Atlantic Ocean be quantified by combining bio-optical Argo observations with a simple model?
ED004Submission Title: Ethical principles and practices in the Ocean Sciences
90921Submission Title: Reducing Uncertainties in Anthropogenic Carbon Budget Projections for the Subpolar North Atlantic
88850Submission Title: EMODnet Physics: open and free marine physical data for science and for society
93310Submission Title: Bathymetric Analysis of St. Croix Ridge, U.S. Virgin Islands
92834Submission Title: Coastal locations and environmental influence on uptake of mercury and methylmercury into phytoplankton
92890Submission Title: Atmospheric Correction Based on Principal Component Analysis in Highly Turbid Waters of the Río de la Plata Estuary
87395Submission Title: Performance of microstructure measurements using fast-response thermistors attached to a CTD-frame
93409Submission Title: Spatiotemporal Variability of Near-Inertial Oscillations in the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico
87657Submission Title: Investigation of the UK37’ – SST relationship for Atlantic Ocean suspended particulate alkenones: An alternative regression model with implications for UK37’ paleothermometry
90225Submission Title: Differences Between Ground-Based, Satellite, and Model-Derived Photosynthetically Available Radiation (PAR) and Impacts on Modeled Phytoplankton Biomass and Primary Production
89379Submission Title: LLWBCS changes through surface mesoscale activity and baroclinic tides in the Solomon Sea
93159Submission Title: Improved Statistical Method For Hydrographic Climatic Records Quality Control
92845Submission Title: CORA 4.2: A Delayed Mode Validated Temperature and Salinity Dataset Available for Copernicus Marine Service Reanalysis
91512Submission Title: Physical-biogeochemical Interactions in Northwestern Mediterranean, using the Glider "Sea Explorer" fitted with a Newly Developed Fluorescence Sensor, the MiniFluo-UV.
92471Submission Title: Cross-shore and Vertical Distributions of Invertebrate Larvae Using Autonomous Sampling Coupled with Genetic Analysis
89652Submission Title: Dazzled by ice and snow: improving medium ocean color images in Arctic waters
87936Submission Title: Characterizing seasonal contribution of particles from the surface ocean to the mesopelagic food web through amino acid compound specific isotopic analysis and 234Thorium measurements
89609Submission Title: Increase in ocean stratification reduces the aggregation power of fine-scale physical structure
93584Submission Title: Environmental Controls of Shellfish-Toxigenic Vibrio Bacteria in Oregon’s Coasts and Estuaries
87322Submission Title: Many Species, Many Threats: A Composite Risk Assessment of Climate Impacts for Salmonids in the Pacific Northwest
91048Submission Title: Inferring Source Regions and Supply Mechanisms of Iron in the Southern Ocean from Satellite Data
91155Submission Title: Development of a High-Sensitivity Lab-On-Chip Sensor for In Situ Determinations of Phosphate in Coastal and Open-Ocean Environments
87993Submission Title: Effect of Arctic Sea-Ice Melt on Inherent Optical Properties and Vertical Distribution of Solar Radiant Heating - Possible Feedbacks on Ice Melt
88609Submission Title: The OSMOSIS Model of the Wind-Driven Ocean Surface Boundary Layer.
92037Submission Title: Vertical profiles of the wave-coherent airflow over ocean surface waves
92088Submission Title: Coupling molecules and morphology to discover new clades of ciliates.
92087Submission Title: Meteo-tsunami disintegration and soliton forerunners on Atchafalaya shelf, Lousiana
91582Submission Title: Observations of the Southern Ocean Meridional Overturning Circulation from Argo Data
88070Submission Title: Annual and Seasonal Changes in POC, PON, and Total Particulate Matter in the Gulf of Mexico
AH006Submission Title: Nutrient Enhanced Coastal Acidification and Hypoxia
11232Submission Title: Synoptic Arctic Survey – A fundament for future arctic research,
11242Submission Title: The Distributed Biological Observatory in the Pacific Arctic: A Community Status Report,
91985Submission Title: The Bering Strait Region: A Window into Changing Benthic Populations in Response to Varying Subarctic-Arctic Connectivity and Ecosystem Dynamics
88718Submission Title: Explicitly Modelled Deep-Time Tidal Dissipation and its Implications for Lunar History,
89487Submission Title: Quantifying the bias in estimates of the baroclinic energy flux in shelf seas,
91641Submission Title: Global Versus Regional Tidal Modelling: Tides and Sea-Level Rise Revisited
90561Submission Title: Dynamics of Tidally Driven Nutrient Transport into a Semi-Enclosed Isolated Coral Reef Atoll
OD002Submission Title: Evolving Biologically-Enabled Ocean Observing Systems: Integrating Biological Observations with Physicochemical Measurements for Informed Ecosystem-Based Decision Making
93192Submission Title: Simulating PACE Ocean Observing Capabilities
91275Submission Title: Seasonal Hypoxia on the Shelf and Shoaling of the Permanent Oxycline in the Open Sea: Two Faces of the Black Sea Deoxygenation
90482Submission Title: Increased Sediments, but not Nutrients, may Facilitate Dominance of Halimeda Opuntia Through Interactions with Light on Fringing Reefs in the South Pacific
87125Submission Title: Investigating Current Transport with Drifter and HF Radar Data and Applications to Marine Protected Areas and Fishery Management
11226Submission Title: Ocean Sciences in the Sixth Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6),
11258Submission Title: Diapycnal mixing in the ocean: Newly available data and parameterizations from the Climate Process Team,
67639Submission Title: Impacts on Ocean Heat from Transient Mesoscale Eddies in a Hierarchy of Climate Models,
A004Submission Title: Impact of the Ocean on Forecasting the Earth System from Weather to Climate Scales
92252Submission Title: Multigenerational Effects of Acidification on Early Life-Stage Mercenaria mercenaria (=hard clam)
91491Submission Title: Do Skeletal Density Changes Within the Tissue Layer of Corals Affect Paleoclimate Reconstructions?
89562Submission Title: Down by the CSIDE: Aerial Hyperspectral and In Situ Measurements of a Nearshore Dye Release.
88684Submission Title: When Does the Warmest Water Reach Greenland?
91321Submission Title: Interannual salinity north of the Gulf Stream
87467Submission Title: Global Ocean Circulation in Thermohaline Coordinates and Small-scale and Mesoscale mixing: An Inverse Estimate.
92495Submission Title: High-Frequency Observations of Phytoplankton Spring Bloom Dynamics in Baffin Bay Using Imaging Flow Cytometry
88820Submission Title: Central tropical Pacific corals constrain anthropogenic influence on recent ENSO extremes
11251Submission Title: The European Union-Canada-United States of America Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance: Implementing the Galway Statement - Progress, Next Steps, and Opportunities for Collaboration
91303Submission Title: Differential methane oxidation activity and microbial community composition at cold seeps in the Arctic off western Svalbard
90121Submission Title: Quantifying Radiometric Sensitivity to Ranges of CDOM Absorption, Spectral Slope and Phytoplankton Composition in Arctic and sub-Arctic Waters
87796Submission Title: Assessing the 21st century shift of ENSO variability
89245Submission Title: Evaluation of Sea Surface Temperature from FY-3C VIRR Data in the Arctic
88350Submission Title: Internal Tides Modulated Typhoon-Ocean Interaction in the Northern South China Sea
90645Submission Title: Ocean Striations Detecting and Its Features
87910Submission Title: Molecular characterization of dissolved organic matter during the Arctic spring melt period
90379Submission Title: The Sea Floor: A Living Learning Residential Community
91532Submission Title: A coral record of seawater barium concentration recording variations in continental freshwater input to the Gulf of Panama
88864Submission Title: Ambient and Wake Turbulence Measurements at Marine Energy Sites from a Five Beam AD2CP
91162Submission Title: Coccolithophore export production and seasonal variation from a trans-Atlantic array of sediment trap moorings (NW Africa to Caribbean)
92406Submission Title: Transport processes and exchange of materials and properties between shallow and deep waters in the Gulf of Mexico
89876Submission Title: Quantifying the Impact of Background Atmospheric Stability on Air-Ice-Ocean Interactions the Arctic Ocean During the Fall Freeze-Up
91364Submission Title: Plankton networks driving carbon export in the oligotrophic ocean
87748Submission Title: Short Stories About The Ocean, an Art Integrated Project Into the Elementary Curriculum, Using Shadow Theatre and Video.
91095Submission Title: Largest SSS Anomalies of the last decade in 2012 and 2014 of the Eastern Tropical Pacific Fresh Pool as detected by SMOS and other EO data
89223Submission Title: Field Validation of Habitat Suitability Models for Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems in the South Pacific Ocean: Implications for the use of Broad-scale Models in Fisheries Management,
89830Submission Title: Advances in regional-scale predictions of VMEs in the New Zealand region and their use in decision-support tools for spatial management planning.
90349Submission Title: Surface Turbulent Heat Fluxes Over the Gulfstream and the NAC and Cyclone Activity in the North Atlantic Extratropics
88630Submission Title: Seismic Imaging of Circumpolar Deep Water Exchange across the Shelf Break of the Antarctic Peninsula
93035Submission Title: Coastal Meringues: Are Salt Marshes Inflated with Excess Void Spaces?
92109Submission Title: Respiration and carbon dynamics of free-living and particle-attached bacteria in coastal waters of NE Pacific
87882Submission Title: A Numerical Study on the Breaking of Internal Solitary Waves in the Southern Red Sea
89478Submission Title: Reversing process of the South China Sea western boundary current in autumn 2011
93843Submission Title: Variations in abundance, composition and sources of dissolved organic matter in Green Bay, Lake Michigan
88722Submission Title: Impact of the Kuroshio Intrusion and Mesoscale Eddies on the Dynamics of Fluorescent Dissolved Organic Matter in the Northern South China Sea
86923Submission Title: Distribution, deposition flux and budget of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the Yangtze River estuarine-inner shelf of the East China Sea
92538Submission Title: Thermohaline Staircases in the Amundsen Basin: possible disruption by shear and mixing.
92420Submission Title: The Role of the Plant Hormone Benzyl Adenine to Promote Growth for the Diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana
91371Submission Title: Characterization of the sea surface salinity interannual variability in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean through Satellite Observations and Numerical Modeling
91132Submission Title: Quantification of Aerosol Derived Particulate Matter and Trace gases in the Coastal Belt of Kochi, Kerala, India
88333Submission Title: Saving Humanity from Catastrophic Cooling with Geo-Engineering
90200Submission Title: Evaluating Tidal Energy Resource Assessment Guidelines
90361Submission Title: A Simple Technique to Increase Sensitivity for Fluorometric Determination of Chlorophyll-a in Oligotrophic Environments
93504Submission Title: Oceanographic Research Capacity in the US Virgin Islands
88680Submission Title: Estimate chlorophyll a and POC concentrations in the Southern Ocean
93404Submission Title: DNS and Measurements of Scalar Transfer Across an Air-water Interface During Inception and Growth of Langmuir Circulation
93207Submission Title: Non-Redfield Stoichiometry and the Carbon Cycle.
90735Submission Title: CHANS: The Spatial-Temporal Distribution of Karenia brevis on the West Florida Coast and its Relationship to Precipitation and River Discharge.,
92601Submission Title: Oceanographic Determinants of Bycatch Patterns in the California Drift Gillnet Fishery: Building an EBFM Tool for Sustainable Fisheries.
91191Submission Title: Determining Upper Ocean Vertical Mixing from Surface Chlorophyll-a Concentrations
89651Submission Title: Combined Ocean and Atmospheric Lidar Profile Results during the Ship-Aircraft Bio-Optical Experiment.
90265Submission Title: Time and tide: examining the potential for sediment delivery to a heavily modified tidal delta plain
93262Submission Title: Ocean Surface Mixed Layer Property Quantification: A Comparison And Evaluation Of Results From Different Ocean State Estimates And Numerical Simulations,
A011Submission Title: The Ocean Surface Boundary Layer: Physical Processes and Roles in Weather, Climate and Biogeochemistry
93063Submission Title: Single-cell genomics reveals co-metabolic interactions within uncultivated Marine Group A bacteria
90310Submission Title: An Integrated Energetics Approach to Modeling Oceanic Planetary Boundary Layer Mixing
90426Submission Title: On the imaging of rip currents in X-band radar
87134Submission Title: OSSE Assessment of Ocean Observing System Enhancements to Improve Coupled Tropical Cyclone Intensity Prediction,
90170Submission Title: Ocean Model Impact Study for Coupled Hurricane Forecasting: An HFIP Initiative,
A013Submission Title: Understanding Air-Sea Coupling in Tropical Cyclones for Improving Model Intensity Forecasts,
PO010Submission Title: Evaluation, Design, and Optimization of Observing Systems using the Observing System Simulation Experiments framework
87550Submission Title: Forced Atlantic Multidecadal Variability Over the Past Millennium
89303Submission Title: On the Collapse of the Surface Easterly Wind in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific in the 2015 El Nino
89754Submission Title: The Influence of Nutrient Availability on Trophic Energy Transfer Using Two-Stage Continuous Cultures
92779Submission Title: Promoting Climate And Data Literacy: University Courses Engaging Students In Effective Teaching, Learning, Communication And Outreach Practices.,
93157Submission Title: Ocean Sciences Sequence for Grades 6–8: Climate Change Curriculum Developed Through a Collaboration Between Scientists and Educators
92877Submission Title: Effects of mudflats and stratification on surface tidal currents near the outflow of the Fraser River, British Columbia
90272Submission Title: Observations of Nonlinear Internal Tides and Turbulence in a Steep Submarine Canyon
88051Submission Title: Microbial stowaways: Addressing oil spill impacts and the artificial reef effect on deep-sea microbiomes
89914Submission Title: Deep Lagrangian Trajectories Under the Loop Current in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico
88825Submission Title: An Integrative, Multi-Scale Computational Model of a Swimming Lamprey Fully Coupled to Its Fluid Environment and Incorporating Proprioceptive Feedback
93436Submission Title: Effects of Submesoscale Eddies and Small-Scale Langmuir Turbulence on Multi-Scale Fluxes, Flow Instabilities, and Spectra in the Oceanic Mixed Layer
88966Submission Title: Characterization of a New Ferritin Protein from the Polychaete Chaetopterus Sp.
87730Submission Title: Flux of Total and Methyl Mercury to the Northern Gulf of Mexico from U.S. Estuaries
92402Submission Title: 227Ac in the Deep South Pacific along the Peru-Tahiti GEOTRACES Transect: Mixing and Transport Rates
91360Submission Title: Westward and downward migration of the Western Pacific Warm Pool during recent global surface warming slow-down and its implications
90378Submission Title: Modeling the Residence Time of Mobile Bay in Alabama
93711Submission Title: Dynamics of bacterial community structure during blooms of Cochlodinium polykrikoides (Gymnodiniales, Dinophyceae) in Korean coastal waters
88570Submission Title: Multi-model ensemble combinations of the water budget in the East/Japan Sea
91790Submission Title: Decadal-Multidecadal Variability of the Indian and Pacific Walker Cells: Do They Co-Vary with the Warm Pool Convection on these Timescales?
90944Submission Title: North Atlantic Deep Western Boundary Current Dynamics as Simulated by the VIKING20 Model Compared with Labrador Sea Observations
93401Submission Title: Modeling Interactions between Backbarrier Marshes, Tidal Inlets, Ebb-deltas, and Adjacent Barriers Exposed to Rising Sea Levels
92768Submission Title: Langmuir Turbulence and Symmetric Instabilities in Submesoscale Fronts
90025Submission Title: Ocean acidification effects on calcification in Caribbean scleractinian coral exposed to elevated pCO2: a potential for acclimation
92859Submission Title: Distribution of Recent Benthic Foraminifera on Varying Substrates on the Southeast Florida Reef Tract
91970Submission Title: A priming effect of benthic gastropod mucus on sedimentary organic matter remineralization
89762Submission Title: Midwater Zooplankton Response to Seasonality in Export Flux in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre
CT006Submission Title: Sources and Sinks of Reactive Oxygen Species in the Ocean: “Is seawater a radical solution?” (Zafiriou, 1987) Revisited.
91602Submission Title: What's Happening on the West Coast? The National Ocean Policy, EBM and Ocean Governance on the West Coast of the U.S.
88420Submission Title: Looking for Larvae Above an Erupting Submarine Volcano, NW Rota-1, Mariana Arc
88770Submission Title: Langmuir turbulence and its parameterization in tropical cyclone conditions
91613Submission Title: Evaluating Different Natural Phytoplankton Communities: a Comparison Between Flow Cytometry and Microscopy
89091Submission Title: Climate change science education across schools, campuses, and centers: strategies and successes
93086Submission Title: Parameterization of Langmuir Turbulence in Second Moment Closure Models and the Prediction of Near-surface Dispersion for Buoyant Tracers.
93800Submission Title: IMOS: How seals are changing the way we monitor the Southern Ocean
87430Submission Title: Upstream Sources of the Denmark Strait Overflow: Observations from a High-Resolution Mooring Array
93899Submission Title: Relating plastic in the ocean to ecological harm, a review of recent progress in risk analysis
91309Submission Title: Monitoring of Hydrocarbons in Sediment and Biota Related to Oil and Gas Development in Near- and Off-Shore Areas of the Arctic Beaufort Sea, Alaska
90284Submission Title: Structure of Infaunal Communities on the Beaufort Sea Shelf and Slope: Insights from Morphological and Environmental DNA Sequencing Approaches
92682Submission Title: Evaluating Effects of Marine Energy Devices on the Marine Environment – A Risk-Based and In-Water Testing Approach
92908Submission Title: Coupled ocean-shelf ecosystem modelling of northern North Atlantic
11236Submission Title: Discussion on the future of ocean models in the U.S.
93134Submission Title: Climate Coping: Investigating Metabolic Responses in Crocosphaera watsonii
92841Submission Title: The impact of resolving mesoscale eddies on the biological pump and the associated planktonic community structure in an earth system model.
90813Submission Title: Culture Bottle Investigations of Nutrient Enriched Oligotrophic Phytoplankton Communities Challenge Contemporary Beliefs
93241Submission Title: Bi-polar freshwater flux see-saw anomalies impacting the north atlantic thermohaline circulation
93650Submission Title: Exploring microbial and hydrocarbon dynamics along a surface transect of a persistent oil slick at Taylor Energy
87201Submission Title: In-Situ Observations of Cross-Shore Sediment Transport in Response to Waves Along the Inner-Continental Shelf Offshore from Fire Island, NY
89911Submission Title: Modeling of Subsurface Lagrangian Sensor Swarms for Spatially Distributed Current Measurements in High Energy Coastal Environments
92379Submission Title: Projections of Ocean Acidification Under the U.N. Framework Convention of Climate Change Using a Reduced-Form Climate Carbon-Cycle Model
90810Submission Title: Connecting the dots in the Gulf of the Farallones: linking physical ocean conditions and nutrients to the ecological success of planktivorous predators
90707Submission Title: Observations of Wave, Current, and Wave-Current Induced Sediment Transport in the Inlet of a Small, Shallow Estuary
87693Submission Title: Relationship between Ocean Bottom Pressure Variations and Baroclinic Eddy off Kushiro-Tokachi
93285Submission Title: Biogeochemical provinces in the global ocean based on phytoplankton growth limitation
88629Submission Title: Linking Ecological, Environmental and Biogeochemical Data with Multi'omics Analysis
89249Submission Title: Intraseasonal Sea Surface Salinity Variations in the Northeastern Tropical Pacific Fresh Pool
91625Submission Title: Impacts of shrimp farming cultivation cycles on benthic assemblages and chemistry of sediments
91339Submission Title: Role of lipids for the reproductive success of the Arctic copepod Calanus glacialis
87023Submission Title: Dissolved Fe and Mn During the A16S CLIVAR Repeat Hydrography Transect in the South Atlantic
88285Submission Title: Labrador Sea convection blows life towards the northeastern Atlantic
89634Submission Title: Internal Acoustic Transceivers Reveal the Annual Social Network Patterns in a Coastal Top Predator
91872Submission Title: Strengthening of the Southern Ocean Carbon Sink through Recent Changes in Freshwater Forcing
91767Submission Title: Integration of Cloud Technologies for Data Stewardship at the NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)
92457Submission Title: Surface mixed-layer modulation by mesoscale eddies in the Southern Ocean
87895Submission Title: Structure and variability of the shelf break East Greenland Current
92530Submission Title: Tracing Cobalt Uptake and Allocation in Prochlorococcus with Metalloproteomics
93174Submission Title: The connectivity of temperate reef fish along the east Australian coast and the effects of ontogenetic vertical migration
89423Submission Title: Molecular Alteration of Marine Dissolved Organic Matter under Experimental Hydrothermal Conditions
93063Submission Title: Single-cell genomics reveals co-metabolic interactions within uncultivated Marine Group A bacteria
90688Submission Title: Coastline Protection by a Submerged Breakwater
88266Submission Title: Isotopic accounts of mineral dust deposition in the northwestern subtropical Atlantic from seasons to recent millennia
90111Submission Title: Hydrodynamic Mediation of Killifish Predation on Infaunal Polychaetes
89740Submission Title: Observing System Simulation Experiments in the Southern Ocean for the SOCCOM Project.
89785Submission Title: Influence of the Amazon River on the composition of particulate organic carbon in the western tropical Atlantic Ocean
88008Submission Title: Diagnosing large Gulf Stream meanders in the South Atlantic Bight using adjoint sensitivity analysis,
90345Submission Title: Numerical Investigations of Subduction of Eighteen Degree Water in the Subtropical Northwest Atlantic Ocean,
90657Submission Title: Age and residence time of terrestrial source water in the northwest Atlantic shelf seas,
92326Submission Title: Development of the Coupled Northwest Atlantic Prediction System (CNAPS)
90932Submission Title: Rainband Feature Tracking for Wind Speeds around Typhoon Eye Using Multiple Sensors
87749Submission Title: Dissolved Strontium and Barium in Fresh and Saltwater: a 2-year Study in the Calcasieu River to the Gulf of Mexico
91268Submission Title: Observed Features of Temperature, Salinity and Current in Central Chukchi Sea during Summer, 2012
90318Submission Title: Cobalamin and Cobalamin-like Compounds in the Sunlit Ocean: Inter-Phyla Mutualism or Competition?
90005Submission Title: Evaluation of a Regional, High-Resolution, Arctic Sea Ice forecasts in support of 2015 Summer and Autumn U.S. Coast Guard and Office of Naval Research Operations.
87323Submission Title: Coastal Residents Perception of Seawater Desalination and Its Impacts on Coastal Ecosystems
91492Submission Title: Identification and Preservation of a Rapid Depositional Event: 2010 BP Oil Spill
91397Submission Title: Determining Causation of Hiatuses in a Large Ensemble
89178Submission Title: A High-Resolution Model of the Beaufort Sea Circulation
11251Submission Title: The European Union-Canada-United States of America Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance: Implementing the Galway Statement - Progress, Next Steps, and Opportunities for Collaboration
92763Submission Title: Analysis of Gorda Escarpment Geomorphology, Mendocino Fracture Zone
90387Submission Title: Southern California coastal response to CMIP5 projected 21st century wave conditions
88280Submission Title: Kleptoplast Regulation by an Antarctic Dinoflagellate
91829Submission Title: Mercury in the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans - results of the 2014 GEOTRACES GEOVIDE & 2015 GEOTRACES TransArc II cruises
93348Submission Title: Modeling Historic Salinity Intrusion in the Lower Columbia River Estuary
89977Submission Title: Direct Sea Surface Height Data Assimilation
91972Submission Title: Methods for and Insights from Phosphoproteome Analysis in Marine Microbes
89906Submission Title: Growth dynamics of Saffron cod (Eleginus gracilis) and Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) in the Northern Bering and Chukchi Seas
93745Submission Title: Building a Pre-Competitive Knowledge Base to Support Australia's Wave Energy Industry
89690Submission Title: Determination of primary production as part of OSMOSIS using vertically profiling gliders
90650Submission Title: Surface Waves as Major Controls on Particle Backscattering in Southern California Coastal Waters
CT009Submission Title: Trace Elements and Isotopes at the Interfaces of the Atlantic Ocean
92186Submission Title: Depth-Dependence of Surfzone Eddies: Generation and Destruction of Vertical Shear
92726Submission Title: Conducting Coastal and Oceanographic Research at the Lone Star UAS Center of Excellence and Innovation
EC011Submission Title: From watersheds to oceans – physical, ecological, and population models that cross boundaries
90135Submission Title: Silicon isotope fractionation by marine siliceous sponges
90024Submission Title: Satellite and in situ observations of eddies and biological implications.
91659Submission Title: Phytoplankton Modeling with an Imaging FlowCytobot: More Than Just HABs
90377Submission Title: Spatial Distribution and Biogeographical Patterns of Bacteria the Water Column and Sediments of the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico
91760Submission Title: Modeling Global Relationships Between Climate and Scyphozoan Jellyfish Blooms
91527Submission Title: Towards Defining the Ecological Niches of Novel Coastal Gulf of Mexico Bacterial Isolates
87816Submission Title: Observing climate change trends in ocean biogeochemistry: when and where,
87818Submission Title: Variability in efficiency of particulate organic carbon export: A model study,
B005Submission Title: How do the carbon pumps pump? Mechanisms of the solubility and biological pumps
90111Submission Title: Hydrodynamic Mediation of Killifish Predation on Infaunal Polychaetes
90855Submission Title: Do Climate Feedbacks in the Tropical East Pacific Impact Emissions of Biogenic Halocarbons?
89711Submission Title: Changes in Reef Fish Abundances Associated with the Introduction of Indo-Pacific Lionfish to the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary: a Twenty Year Time Series.
88887Submission Title: Specialist Individuals, Generalist Populations, and Gentoo Penguin Foraging Ecology Across the Scotia Arc During a Time of Rapid Environmental Change
92610Submission Title: Biophysical uncertainty in the Bering Sea as a function of space, time, and trophic scale
92399Submission Title: Ocean observing systems support operational forecasts for the timing of Maine’s lobster fishery
ME025Submission Title: Observations of Climate Change and Marine Ecosystem Biodiversity
91069Submission Title: Regional Assessment of Sea Level Variability from the ORA-IP multi-reanalyses ensemble study
88733Submission Title: Using high-resolution bottom albedo images and object-based classification to improve benthic habitat maps.
89733Submission Title: Meridional Overturning Transports at 30°S in the Indian and Pacific Oceans in 2002-2003 and 2009
92920Submission Title: Deep-Sea Microbes: Linking Biogeochemical Rates to –Omics Approaches
HI009Submission Title: The Emerging Science of Marine Debris: From Assessment to Knowledge that Informs Solutions
93769Submission Title: Ostracod Geochemistry as a Proxy for Paleoenvironmental Change
92313Submission Title: First System-Wide Estimates of Air-Sea Exchange of Carbon Dioxide in the Chesapeake Bay
88582Submission Title: The role of viable airborne microorganisms deposition in the southeastern Mediterranean Sea
90028Submission Title: Mesoscale Circulation Variability from Five years of Quasi-continuous Glider Observations and Numerical Simulation at a Key Sub-basin 'Choke' Point.
92855Submission Title: Influence of Gridded Standoff Measurement Resolution on Numerical Bathymetric Inversion
93785Submission Title: Hyperspectral remote sensing and long term monitoring reveal watershed-estuary ecosystem interactions
87603Submission Title: Ocean Forcing of San Francisco Bay: Intrusion of Upwelled Water
86989Submission Title: Spatial Correlation Analysis of Niño3.4 SST with Western North America Hydroclimate
93413Submission Title: Composition, Distribution and Abundance of Anthropogenic Marine Debris in Northwest Atlantic Submarine Canyons
90908Submission Title: Evolution of the Ocean Surface Boundary Layer during 2012-2013 as observed by the OSMOSIS Glider Array; a Challenge for Model Simulations
11247Submission Title: Launch of the Second International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE-2)
90975Submission Title: Estimates of the Attenuation Rates of Baroclinic Tidal Energy Caused by Resonant Interactions Among Internal Waves based on the Weak Turbulence Theory,
91039Submission Title: Dynamical Analysis of the Enhanced Turbulent Mixing Over a Rough Ocean Bottom,
93733Submission Title: Eikonal Simulations for the Energy Transfer in the Deep Ocean Internal Wave Field near Mixing Hotspots
89402Submission Title: The Seasonal Contribution of Different Celtic Sea Shelf Sediments to Benthic Carbon Cycling
88138Submission Title: Energy and variance budgets of a diffusive staircase with implications for heat flux scaling
92136Submission Title: Validation and Analysis of Ocean Variability in the North Atlantic Subpolar Gyre Simulated by a High-resolution CONCEPTS Regional Model
93286Submission Title: Design and analysis of a global sub-mesoscale and tidal dynamics admitting virtual ocean.
92060Submission Title: Evaluation of Bias Correction Methods for Nearshore Wave Modeling
92797Submission Title: Towards a Tropical Pacific Observing System for 2020 and Beyond.
11245Submission Title: Exploring Ocean Indicators: Coordinating Efforts to Better Study, Monitor, and Predict Ocean States, Changes, and Processes
EC004Submission Title: Blue Carbon: Response and Mitigation Potential of Kelp, Seagrasses and Other Vegetated Habitats to Coastal Climate Change and Acidification
88043Submission Title: Assessing the role of solar radiation in heating, photosynthesis, and photo-oxidation in upper Arctic Ocean waters via autonomous buoys
90952Submission Title: Dating glacimarine sediments from the continental shelf in the Amundsen Sea using a multi-tool box: Implications for West Antarctic ice-sheet extent and retreat during the last glacial cycle
91438Submission Title: A Driver Pressure State Impact Response (DPSIR) framework applied to an interdisciplinary coastal zone management workshop along the eastern Gulf of Thailand.
93667Submission Title: New Inlet in Great South Bay: Changes in Circulation Dynamics, Residence Time, and Salt Balance in Response to Low Frequency Forcing from Observations and FCVOM Simulations
92850Submission Title: Contrasting Physiological and Proteomic Adaptations to Iron and/or Copper Limitation in Two Strains of the Same Open Ocean Diatom Thalassiosira oceanica
89094Submission Title: Changing Course - The Moffatt & Nichol Team Solution- A “Systems Approach” to a consolidated and sustainable Lower Mississippi River Delta.
92791Submission Title: Evaluation of an eddy resolving global model at the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study site
88670Submission Title: Effects of tides on the cross-isobath movement of the low-salinity plume in the western Yellow and East China Seas in winter
93682Submission Title: Relationship between upper ocean heat content in the Japan Sea and volume transport through the Tsushima Strait
90658Submission Title: Estimation of the Physical Environments Influenced by Seagrasses in a Shallow Coastal Water Using a Numerical Model
89020Submission Title: Coupled Biogeochemical and Hydrodynamic Measurements over a Palauan Seagrass Bed: Can Seagrasses Mitigate Local Acidification Stress?
90735Submission Title: CHANS: The Spatial-Temporal Distribution of Karenia brevis on the West Florida Coast and its Relationship to Precipitation and River Discharge.
92723Submission Title: An ensemble approach to reconstructing mid-20th century climate using young fossil corals: pitfalls and opportunities
88475Submission Title: Frequent Water Levels Fluctuations Drive Exchange Between a System of Coastal Embayments and a Large Lake
90798Submission Title: LANDSAT-derived 28-year history of phytoplankton blooms in Western Lake Erie shows changes in peak bloom timing and challenges due to phytoplankton species variability
87373Submission Title: Contributions to Hypoxia Development in Mississippi Bight Waters as Revealed by Tracer Distributions During a 4-year Time Series
87338Submission Title: Particulate Trace Metal Composition in the Western Philippine Sea: the importance of anthropogenic aerosol deposition,
88478Submission Title: The fate of aerosol Fe in the surface water of the northwestern Pacific Ocean,
90467Submission Title: Processes controlling Cadmium isotopic fractionation in the surface water of the northern South China Sea,
91428Submission Title: Taiwan GEOTRACES Process Study: the Importance of Aerosol Deposition on the Seasonal Transformation of Trace Metal Distribution in the Western Philippine Sea
92005Submission Title: Differential thermal response within inshore vs. offshore congeneric scleractinian coral species in Palau.
90493Submission Title: Changing Course: The STUDIO MISI-ZIIBI Team_ NEW MISI-ZIIBI LIVING DELTA
92067Submission Title: Strong Effects of a Shelfbreak Jet on Microbial Enzyme Activities
93638Submission Title: Bacterioplankton Community Dynamics and Nutrient Availability in a Shallow Well Mixed Estuary of the Northern Gulf of Mexico.
92002Submission Title: Coral Reef Color: Remote and In-Situ Imaging Spectroscopy of Reef Structure and Function
89160Submission Title: Emergent connectivity patterns on the Great Barrier Reef
93804Submission Title: Multiple Ships and Multiple Media: A Flexible Telepresence Program
87463Submission Title: Transport and Degradation of Dissolved Organic Matter and Associated Freshwater Pathways in the Laptev Sea (Siberian Arctic)
92690Submission Title: Consider a source: Microplastic in rivers is abundant, mobile, and selects for unique bacterial assemblages
91620Submission Title: Particulate Iron Speciation and Transport in the East Pacific Rise 15oS Hydrothermal “Mega” Plume
91643Submission Title: Marine and Human Systems: Addressing Multiple Scales and Multiple Stressors
90334Submission Title: Influence of internal waves on the dispersion and transport of inclined gravity currents
89029Submission Title: Linking phytoplankton and bacterioplankton community dynamics to iron-binding ligand production in a microcosm experiment
93473Submission Title: Hydrogen Limitation, Competition and Syntrophy Among Thermophiles in the Hot Subseafloor
93637Submission Title: Using Integrated Ecosystem Observations from Gulf Watch Alaska to Assess the Effects of the 2014/2015 Pacific Warm Anomaly in the Northern Gulf of Alaska
93066Submission Title: Consistency of Bottom Fish Communities in the Beaufort Sea Within and Between Years
89681Submission Title: Recent Advances in Bathymetric Surveying of Continental Shelf Regions Using Autonomous Vehicles
92586Submission Title: Enhanced Data Throughput from Animal-Borne Tags via Land Based Argos-Style Receivers
90829Submission Title: Incongruent genetic connectivity patterns for VME indicator taxa: implications for the management of New Zealand’s vulnerable marine ecosystems
90865Submission Title: The AMOC and subpolar gyre circulation at the OSNAP section in summer 2014
90394Submission Title: The National Ocean Sciences Bowl: An Effective Model for Engaging High School Students in Ocean Science
88224Submission Title: Nearshore Measurements From a Small UAV.
89130Submission Title: Evidence for Seafloor-Intensified Mixing by Surface-Generated Equatorial Waves
ME023Submission Title: Multi-model approaches to ecosystem-based management of aquatic ecosystems
87757Submission Title: Sea Ice Floe Size Distribution Observations – First Results from the Sea State Campaign 2015
90809Submission Title: Iron Source Attribution and the Age of Dissolved Iron in the Ocean
91429Submission Title: Dissolved Organic Phosphorus In Shelf Sediment Pore-waters
93651Submission Title: Intratidal to Interseasonal Variability of Oblique, Internal Hydraulic Jumps at a Stratified Estuary Mouth
90622Submission Title: Influence of wind and river discharge on the vertical exchange process in the Pearl River Estuary
11247Submission Title: Launch of the Second International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE-2),
88064Submission Title: Physical forcing of Air-Sea Carbon Flux in the Bay of Bengal from the Bay of Bengal Ocean Acidification Mooring (15oN, 90oE),
91546Submission Title: Understanding Aggregation and Estimating Seasonal Abundance of Chrysaora quinquecirrha Medusae from a Fixed-station Time Series in the Choptank River, Chesapeake Bay,
PO011Submission Title: From monsoons to mixing: coupled ocean-atmosphere processes and biogeochemical response in the Indian Ocean
92206Submission Title: State-of-the-Art Optical Data Collection using the Compact-Propulsion Option for Profiling Systems (C-PrOPS)
89683Submission Title: How Tides and Waves Enhance Aeolian Sediment Transport at The Sand Motor
91552Submission Title: Tracking Macondo Oil in the Marsh: Sampling directly via sediment and indirectly via ants
92842Submission Title: Mechanical and scaling considerations for efficient jellyfish swimming
93175Submission Title: Plankton verses the blob: Impact of the 2014/15 warm water anomaly on the Northern Gulf of Alaska Shelf
90172Submission Title: Inter-annual Variability in Global Suspended Particulate Inorganic Carbon Inventory Using Space-based Measurements
89334Submission Title: Unravelling the Physical Drivers behind Initiation and Patchiness of the Spring Bloom in a Temperate Shelf Sea
64347Submission Title: Freshwater Variability in the Arctic Ocean and Subpolar North Atlantic: a Comparison from the 1990s to Present
92165Submission Title: Investigation of Surface Waves in Deep and Shallow Water using Coherent Radars at Grazing Incidence
93100Submission Title: Horizontal Structure of Turbulence on Decimeter to 10m Scales in Fast Tidal Flows
92009Submission Title: Submesoscale dynamics at the Subantarctic Front in the Scotia Sea: Implications for vertical exchange and water mass transformation
90640Submission Title: Downward Heat Penetration below Seasonal Thermocline and its Impact on Sea Surface Temperature Variation Affected by Net Heat Flux during Summer Season
63283Submission Title: Characterization of Organic Matter in Sediment Cores of the Bay of Bengal, Andaman Sea and Indian Ocean
88679Submission Title: Polynomial Chaos-based Bayesian Inference of K-Profile Parametrization in a General Circulation Model of the Torpical Pacific,
90843Submission Title: GPU-Based Interactive Exploration and Online Probability Maps Calculation for Visualizing Assimilated Ocean Ensembles Data,
PO009Submission Title: Developments and Ocean Applications of Data Assimilation, Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analyses
11186Submission Title: Southern Ocean Town Hall: SOCCOM and other progress
90113Submission Title: Observed inter-annual variability of volume transport in the transect of 120°E in the northeast of South China Sea
93311Submission Title: Anaerobic Ammonium Oxidation and its Contribution to Nitrogen Removal in China’s Coastal Wetlands
91680Submission Title: New K2 Temperature Sensor for Ocean Mobile Platforms
91858Submission Title: Using Fluorescence to Determine the Fate and Bio-reactivity of Dissolved and Particulate Organic Nitrogen in the Neuse River Estuary, North Carolina, USA
90977Submission Title: Glider Observations of the Properties, Circulation and Formation of Water Masses on the Rockall Plateau in the North Atlantic.
92591Submission Title: Biological Oxygen Production Across 8000 km of the South Atlantic: Basin Scale Similarity but Mesoscale Variability,
92898Submission Title: Boat-Based Education for Boston Area Public Schools: Encouraging Marine Science and Technology Literacy and Awareness of the Coastal "Backyard"
90494Submission Title: Continuing and New Measurements at the Abyssal ALOHA Cabled Observatory
93208Submission Title: Evidence of Submesoscale Variability in the Solomon Sea: a Glider/Model Study
90667Submission Title: Interannual changes of the upwelling off the southern Vietnam in the South China Sea in summers of 1990-2013
92274Submission Title: Improved regional sea-level estimates from present day mass fluxes from Ice Sheets, Glaciers and land water using GRACE
88041Submission Title: Measurements of Surface Gravity Waves under Typhoon Megi 2010
93590Submission Title: Study of the warm Kuroshio Current intruding into the cold Zhemin Coastal Currents through multidiscipline approach including satellite, mooring, and shipboard profiling data
93111Submission Title: Quantifying the ability of green infrastructure to reduce coastal zone pollution
93797Submission Title: Recent Progress in the Study of Ocean Circulation and Warm Pool in the Western Pacific
87459Submission Title: Simulation of Phytoplankton Distributions and Variations in the Bering-Chukchi Sea with a 3-D Physical Biological Model
92205Submission Title: Performance of a Fiber Optic Spectrofluorometer with Applications for In Situ Sensing and Eddy Correlatio
90778Submission Title: Dynamics of wind-driven upwelling off the northeastern coast of Hainan Island
89705Submission Title: Hurricane-induced Sediment Transport and Morphological Change in Jamaica Bay, New York
87968Submission Title: Permian to Triassic provenance record of Paleo-Tethys closure and Paleo-Pacific subduction beneath South China
88248Submission Title: Interannual Variability of the Indonesian Throughflow: Importance of Salinity Effect
88701Submission Title: Development and Validation of the CALIPSO Ocean Subsurface Data Record
87640Submission Title: Coastal bluffs, dunes and the future of New York’s ocean shoreline
91990Submission Title: Field Observations of Cohesive Sediment Flocculation in a Partially Stratified Estuary
93391Submission Title: A novel method for concurrent measurements of dissolved inorganic carbon concentration and its carbon isotope composition δ13C
89506Submission Title: Estimation of methane flux from fish ponds of southwestern Taiwan
93604Submission Title: Right-side cooling and phytoplankton bloom in the wake of a tropical cyclone
89302Submission Title: Spatial and temporal variation in the prokaryotic community in the Australian Tropical Ocean
93347Submission Title: Comparison of storm surges in eastern and western Louisiana lake estuaries
91476Submission Title: Spatial and Temporal Distributions of Carbonate Saturation State on the Mississippi River Dominated Northern Gulf of Mexico
88747Submission Title: Direct microstructure observation in the northern South China Sea
93910Submission Title: Calcification and Reef Building: Lessons from Recent History and The Holocene
90945Submission Title: Quantifying the impact of wind-stress and heat flux variability on simulated and observed ocean heat uptake
88718Submission Title: Explicitly Modelled Deep-Time Tidal Dissipation and its Implications for Lunar History
89953Submission Title: Fluvial impacts on tidal range, salinity intrusion, and the fresh–saltwater interface.
91861Submission Title: Using Foraminifera Shell Geochemistry to Test Proxies for Paleoclimate Reconstruction
93677Submission Title: Modeling of Complexometric Titration Data: Applications and Implications of New Computational Tools and Thermodynamic Data
91642Submission Title: Multpile Drivers of Hypoxia in a Central California Coastal Ecosystem Influence Fish Diversity and Estuarine Nursery Function
93643Submission Title: Vorticity Dynamics of Cross-isobath Geostrophic Transport in the Stratified Steep and Concave Shelves
93319Submission Title: Variable Molecular Weight Distribution and Bioavailability of DOP from Coastal and Open Ocean Waters Suggests Compositional Heterogeneity
93433Submission Title: An Ecometric Study of Recent Microfossils using High-throughput Imaging
86955Submission Title: Carbon and Nutrient Dynamics and Fluxes in the Northwest European Continental Shelf Sea
89064Submission Title: Vulnerability of Oyster Resource Users to Ecological Change: Case Study from Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana
88981Submission Title: Enhanced organic carbon fluxes at mesoscale eddies near the Kuroshio
91590Submission Title: 210Pb and 210Po distributions and disequilibrium in the water column of the Gaoping Submarine Canyon
90906Submission Title: Active and Passive Fluxes of Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorus in the Northern South China Sea
92418Submission Title: The ARCtic Tracer Release EXperiment (ARCTREX): Initial results from the release of passive tracers in the Chukchi Sea.
93146Submission Title: Seasonal Diversity Patterns of a Coastal Synechococcus Population
90514Submission Title: Tides, Krill, Penguins, Oh My!: Scientists and Teachers Partner in Project CONVERGE to Bring Collaborative Antarctic Research, Authentic Data, and Scientific Inquiry into the Hands of NJ and NY Students
90155Submission Title: Seasonality of the Surface Circulation in the Northern Gulf of Mexico: Insights from Two Large-Scale Drifter Deployments
89686Submission Title: Ammonia Oxidation Rate is a Fundamental Control on Thaumarchaeal Lipid Composition and the TEX86 Proxy
11171Submission Title: EarthCube’s Oceanography and Geobiology Environmental ‘Omics (ECOGEO) Research Coordination Network: A community focused on identifying technical challenges and developing plans for federated cyberinfrastructure that will enable ocean and geobiology environmental ‘omics research.,
86878Submission Title: Ocean Sciences meets Big Data Analytics
87945Submission Title: The Distribution of dinoflagellates cysts in surface sediment samples from Failaka Island has been examined from 30 samples. Emphasis has been placed in ellipsoidal cysts of the genus Alexandrium. Results show two concurrent cyst distribution trends in latitudinal and longitudinal directions.
89384Submission Title: Losing Track of Time: Is Hypoxia In Part To Blame For Baltic Cod Aging Problems?
AH002Submission Title: Assessing the Cumulative Effects of Complex Ocean Change on Marine Biota
89418Submission Title: Interhemispheric Asymmetry of Warming in an Eddy Permitting Coupled Sector Model
89451Submission Title: Transports along and across the north-west European shelf edge
88689Submission Title: The Changing Microbial Community Along the Orca Basin Pycnocline
88226Submission Title: Using satellite derived size-fractionated primary production estimates to estimate fisheries production potential in the Northeast US Continental Shelf
86992Submission Title: Similarities in Photodegradation of Cyanobacteria-Derived and Marine Fluorescent Dissolved Organic Matter
89235Submission Title: Effect of internal tides in the distribution and abundance of microzooplankton in Todos Santos Bay (Ensenada, B.C.)
88235Submission Title: Hyperspectral Atmospheric Correction using L2gen
88161Submission Title: Operational Prediction of the Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) Distribution for Neon Flying Squid in Central North Pacific by Using FORA Dataset and a New Data Assimilation System SKUIDS
88416Submission Title: Change of marine ecosystem in the Japan Sea predicted by numerical experiments based on by global warming
86862Submission Title: JPSS and GOES-R SST Products at NOAA
93733Submission Title: Eikonal Simulations for the Energy Transfer in the Deep Ocean Internal Wave Field near Mixing Hotspots
88442Submission Title: Effective transport of event sediments from shelf to deep-sea through submarine canyon: Examples from the Japan and Ryukyu trench forearc
88863Submission Title: Atlantic forcing of Pacific decadal variability
87362Submission Title: Complexity Increases Predictability in Allometrically-Constrained Food Webs
PO015Submission Title: Mesoscale and submesoscale processes: Characterization, dynamics, and representation
88897Submission Title: Effects of Elevated CO2 and Decreased Dissolved Oxygen on Phototactic Behaviors of Juvenile Dungeness Crab (Cancer magister)
PO017Submission Title: New Insights on Continental Shelf and Slope Processes from the use of Autonomous Platforms
93233Submission Title: Response of ammonia oxidizing archaea to environmental change and implications for the TEX86 proxy
90436Submission Title: Small swimmers and sinkers structure the microenvironment by deforming ambient chemical gradients
88289Submission Title: A simple metabolic model of phytoplankton physiology: quantifying energetic trade-offs for diatoms.
88586Submission Title: Diel vertical migration of zooplankton at the S1 biogeochemical mooring revealed from acoustic backscattering strength
88540Submission Title: Challenges associated with modeling low-oxygen waters in Chesapeake Bay: a multiple model comparison
93645Submission Title: Adaptive Management Approach to Oil and Gas Activities in Areas Occupied by Pacific Walrus
92886Submission Title: Seasonal Variation in Copepod Community Structure in the Central Red Sea
89687Submission Title: E/V Nautilus Detection of Isolated Features in the Eastern Pacific Ocean: Newly Discovered Calderas and Methane Seeps
91120Submission Title: Estimating the uncertainty in the modelling of magnetic fields induced by ocean general circulation
92442Submission Title: Aspects of the Surface Circulation of the Chukchi Sea: A Lagrangian Perspective
93438Submission Title: Geographic Patterns in Intertidal Communities and Taxon Richness in Glacier Bay, Alaska: The Complex Spatial Interaction of Time since Deglaciation and Environmental Variables
91265Submission Title: Ecological equivalence of species within phytoplankton functional types
HE002Submission Title: Dynamics of the Arctic Ocean and Sea Ice System in a Changing Climate
88473Submission Title: Effect of oceanic mesoscale eddy merger on primary production
87790Submission Title: Tidal interaction of stratified flow in a drowned valley on the Sanriku ria coast
93516Submission Title: Theoretical analysis of vertical mode internal waves affected by a vortex.
88120Submission Title: Geographic variation in Pacific herring growth in response to regime shifts in the North Pacific Ocean.
87794Submission Title: Mixed layer depth and chlorophyll a: profiling float observations in the Kuroshio-Oyashio Extension region
11236Submission Title: Discussion on the future of ocean models in the U.S.
88386Submission Title: NABOS-II Observational Program in the Arctic Ocean: New Perspectives and New Challenges
90955Submission Title: Water mass transformation rates as a climate model evaluation methodology
92084Submission Title: Diel, Seasonal, and Interannual Variability in Abundance of Major Mesozooplankton Taxa in the Sargasso Sea as Related to Changing Environmental Parameters
87203Submission Title: The Controls on Cross-Shelf Transport of Terrestrially-Derived Material in River Plumes
92102Submission Title: Long-term simulations of dissolved oxygen concentrations in Lake Trout lakes
92816Submission Title: High-Resolution Numerical Modeling of Short-Crested Waves through Mangrove Pneumatophores
92587Submission Title: Development of a 28-Year (1987-2014) Climatology of Single and Multi-sensor Satellite-based Retrievals of Near-surface Humidity and Temperature
92237Submission Title: Characterization of Circular ssDNA Viruses within the Echinoderm Nanobiome
87614Submission Title: Nitrifier Diversity and Distribution Controls in the Chukchi Sea Shelf sediments
89599Submission Title: Nitrogen Form Impacting Phytoplankton Across Scales in China’s West Lake: from Nitrogen-metabolism to Community Composition
92432Submission Title: The impact of shelf, local wind, and glacial forcings on the circulation in a Greenlandic fjord
93747Submission Title: An Example of Comprehensive Research on Little-Known Cetaceans: The Irrawaddy dolphin (Orcaella brevirostris) in the Eastern Gulf of Thailand
90449Submission Title: SMAP Salinity Artifacts Associated With Presence of Rain
92687Submission Title: Sea surface height relations from mesoscale to submesoscale
89337Submission Title: Contrasting responses of the extended Gulf Stream to intense air-sea exchange
90163Submission Title: A high resolution and quasi zonal transect of dissolved Ba in the Mediterranean Sea
92343Submission Title: Long-Term Stability of a Moored Optical Oxygen Sensor in an Estuary
91140Submission Title: A micro-fluidic treadmill for observing suspended plankton in the lab
91102Submission Title: Modern dispersal patterns of fine and coarse-grained sediments on the continental shelf off the Mekong River delta, South China Sea - insights from mineralogy, geochemistry and sediment budget
90016Submission Title: A Positive Feedback Mechanism for Tropical Cyclone Intensification Over Warm Oceanic Mesoscale Features
92573Submission Title: Influence of Tropical Instability Waves on the Pacific Equatorial Undercurrent and Topographic Upwelling West of the Galápagos Archipelago
93782Submission Title: Nereid Under Ice (NUI): A Hybrid Remotely Operated Vehicle for Under Ice Telepresence
91855Submission Title: Let the oyster reefs tell their story- a novel approach to reconstructing coastal environmental histories
90199Submission Title: Participatory Sensing Marine Debris: Current Trends and Future Opportunities,
HI009Submission Title: The Emerging Science of Marine Debris: From Assessment to Knowledge that Informs Solutions
90091Submission Title: Elevated pCO2 Decreases the Role of DOC in Vertical Export
88403Submission Title: Supporting Current Energy Conversion Projects through Numerical Modeling
92398Submission Title: Impact of the pixel size on the estimation of the marine reflectance
93446Submission Title: Responses of the Kuroshio to Typhoons Observed by Moored Instruments off Taiwan
93387Submission Title: Projected Changes in the upper ocean in the North Pacific Ocean
91542Submission Title: Quantifying Mississippi Delta Wetland Resilience Using Large-Scale Regional Monitoring Data
89082Submission Title: Flow Variability within the Alaska Coastal Current in winter
91272Submission Title: Ship-based Observations of a Salinity-dominated Density Front in the Bay of Bengal during August-September 2015
89556Submission Title: Disentangling Nonlinear and Nonstationary River-Tide Dynamics with CWT_Multi
91759Submission Title: Air-Deployable Profiling Floats for Tropical Cyclone Research
89935Submission Title: Mobile, stationary and mixed phase tracers: consequences to sea ice biogeochemistry
92374Submission Title: Improved quantification of SST dynamics from a new inverse method
92179Submission Title: Chasing plumes at the Endeavour Segment
HE009Submission Title: Marginal Ice Zone Processes
91433Submission Title: Current Approaches to Improving Marine Geophysical Data Discovery and Access
92117Submission Title: Nitrogen Fixation by Anaerobes is Stimulated by Low Oxygen and Insensitive to Combined Nitrogen in Coastal Sediments
93854Submission Title: Modelling Extreme Events (Hurricanes) at the Seafloor in the Gulf of Mexico:
93815Submission Title: Global Seabed Materials and Habitats Mapped: The Computational Methods
87495Submission Title: Community composition, biomass and photosynthetic competency of phytoplankton associated with microscale features and frontal zones of the Gulf Stream
93741Submission Title: The use of Saildrones as Long Endurance, Ocean Research Platforms in Remote and Extreme Environments.
88916Submission Title: Optimization of a TOC/DOC analyzer with nM precision
91070Submission Title: The interaction between sea ice and salinity-dominated ocean circulation: implications for halocline stability and rapid changes of sea-ice cover
90100Submission Title: Vertical mixing of high salinity and low salinity in the Bay of Bengal: Results from a coupled high-resolution atmosphere-ocean-wave model.
93703Submission Title: Assessment of MODIS-Aqua sea surface temperature in the Yellow Sea and East China Seas
93616Submission Title: Mercury profiles in the Arctic Ocean near the Lomonosov Ridge
92086Submission Title: On verifying currents, eddies, and other features in the Hawaiian Islands region using fully Coupled Ocean/Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System COAMPS-OS compared to the global ocean model, stand-alone models, and ocean observations.
89873Submission Title: Infrared Remote Sensing of Cooling Whitecap Foam to Quantify Wave Breaking Dissipation
91202Submission Title: Assessing Marine Species Exposure to Ocean Acidification
89161Submission Title: 15N tracer incubations and natural abundance isotopes reveal nitrification and denitrification production of nitrous oxide in the oxygen minimum zone
90567Submission Title: Testing a new hypothesis on the persistence of Calanus finmarchicus in the Gulf of Maine: Coastal Amplification of Supply and Transport (CAST)
87581Submission Title: Global Warming Attenuates the Tropical Atlantic-Pacific Teleconnection
92272Submission Title: Variations of Connecticut River Water Pathways and Its Water Age: A Coupled Modeling Study
87800Submission Title: Seasonal Variation of Eddies and Their Impact on Heat and Salinity Fields in the Mindanao Dome Region
92891Submission Title: The role of physical processes in the Southern Ocean CO2 sink
90372Submission Title: Tethered by Self-Generated Flow: Mucus String Augmented Feeding Current Generation in Larval Oysters
91442Submission Title: Surface currents in the Bohai Sea derived from the Korean Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI)
93620Submission Title: Meso-scale eddies and the impacts on variability of carbonate chemistry over deep coral reefs in the Florida Straits
89252Submission Title: Winter Bloom and Associated Upwelling Northwest of the Luzon Island: a Coupled Physical-Biological Modeling Approach
89340Submission Title: Particulate Trace Metal Composition in Coastal Waters Surrounding Taiwan
92761Submission Title: An Idealized Study of the Seasonality of Frontal Instabilities with Implications for the Polar Front over the Iceland Faroe Ridge.
93794Submission Title: Paticulate Organic Carbon and Its Role in Nutrient Biogeochemical Cycles under Anthtropogenic Activity Effects in The East China Sea
90609Submission Title: Arctic Ecosystem Changes from Gloal Community Earthc System Model (CESM) and Regional Arctic System Model (RASM)
93792Submission Title: Decadal change and variability of Ocean Surface Heat, Freshwater, and Momentum Fluxes Revealed from Satellite-based High-resolution Analysis
91107Submission Title: A SensorML-based Metadata Model and Registry for Ocean Observatories: a Contribution from European Projects NeXOS and FixO3
93327Submission Title: A low-cost and reliable technique to monitor the spread of an invasive seagrass in the Caribbean Sea
93504Submission Title: Oceanographic Research Capacity in the US Virgin Islands
90269Submission Title: Are Estimates of Blue Carbon Sequestration by Seagrass Sediments Biased High?
88741Submission Title: Hydrocarbon Migration from the Micro to Macro Scale in the Gulf of Mexico
87734Submission Title: A More Productive, But Different, Ocean After Mitigation
91784Submission Title: Interannual variability of meridional ocean heat transport at 26.5°N and impacts on North Atlantic heat content
89820Submission Title: A Spatial Method to Calculate Small-Scale Fisheries Extent
92982Submission Title: The Interaction of Homogeneous Isotropic Turbulence with Solid and Sediment Boundaries: An Experimental Investigation
91525Submission Title: Modeled Swash and Runup on Natural Beach
92974Submission Title: Sedimentary Features of the Coastal Wetlands of Breton Sound and Barataria Bay in the Mississippi River Delta and their Implications for Sediment Transport and Coastal Restoration
86893Submission Title: Informing Deep Argo Array Design Using Argo and Full-Depth Hydrographic Section Data
91225Submission Title: Meta-Omics Analysis Demonstrates the Weathering and Biodegradation of MC252 Oil in Sand Patties Originating from the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
92050Submission Title: Tracing Carbon Flow from Primary Production to a Gulf Coast Salt Marsh Consumer, the Seaside Sparrow (Ammodramus maritimus)
93705Submission Title: Paleohydraulics of Extreme Coastal Events: Using Laboratory Experiments To Evaluate Suspended Sediment Inverse Models
11186Submission Title: Southern Ocean Town Hall: SOCCOM and other progress,
93186Submission Title: Contrasting views of the annual carbon cycle observed with SOCCOM profiling floats in the Pacific and the Atlantic sectors of the Southern Ocean: A glimpse of future views provided by global observing systems
93756Submission Title: Tertiary structure and surface orientation influences on barnacle settlement, contrasted with larval supply
91575Submission Title: A Stratifying Submesoscale Mixed Layer Front: Observations, Dynamics and Implications
93127Submission Title: Molecular characterization of acquired phototrophs and their plastids in marine communities,
93298Submission Title: The Role of Cell Morphotype in Protist Grazing on the Model Diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum,
PP001Submission Title: All microorganisms must die: mechanisms of mortality in the planktonic environment,
PP004Submission Title: Protistan Mixotrophs: Jacks of all trades or masters of none?
93738Submission Title: Dimethylmercury: A Source of Monomethylmercury in Fog Mechelle Johnson, BS in progress, Math and Science, Kirkwood Community College, Cedar Rapids, IA and Kenneth Coale, PhD, Chemical Oceanography, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, Moss Landing, CA
92138Submission Title: New Processing Methodologies for Cross Check Analysis and Observed Water LevelsCorrections in Surveying
92986Submission Title: A Latitudinal Metabolome of the Atlantic Ocean
93332Submission Title: The effect of temperature on carbon uptake and its fate in diverse strains of Prochlorococcus
93267Submission Title: Geo-processing Technology Trends in the Context of Ocean Mapping and Hydrographic Surveys that Support Future Marine Spatial Planning & Management.
90519Submission Title: Influence of Coral Community Structure and Thermal Stress Exposure on Observed Patterns of Bleaching across the Northern Mariana Islands
89206Submission Title: Seasonality in calcification response of Hawaiian reef coral, Montipora capitata, under climate change projections
88998Submission Title: Towards an integrated understanding of buoyancy fluxes, bio-optics, and coastal circulation: Results from the interdisciplinary PlumeCASE experiment
89648Submission Title: Trait-based Modeling of Larval Dispersal in the Gulf of Maine
91019Submission Title: A weak AMOC in a cold climate: Causes and remedies for a bias in the low-resolution version of the UK Earth System Model
P004Submission Title: Marine Renewable Energy Policy, Assessment, Research and Development in the USA.
87253Submission Title: How Does Southern Ocean Mode Water Ventilate the Subtropics?
89281Submission Title: Seven persistent misconceptions about Ocean Nourishment
92884Submission Title: Shell color polymorphism in the marine gastropod Mitrella fusiformis
90109Submission Title: Intraseasonal SST-precipitation coupling during the Indian Summer Monsoon, and its modulation by the Indian Ocean Dipole
90833Submission Title: Hierarchical state-space models improve estimation of behavioural states from animal movement data
93317Submission Title: Using O2/Ar ratios to to assess biological production and near-surface vertical vertical mixing in global general circulation models on daily to seasonal timescales.
93712Submission Title: Sea level variability in the coastal ocean induced by atmospheric forcing for the period 1871-2012
HE010Submission Title: North Atlantic warming and its impact on the Greenland Ice Sheet and Arctic glaciers
91567Submission Title: Assessing CDOM from VIIRS satellite ocean color data in an estuarine environment – initial results from Apalachicola Bay
92571Submission Title: Assessment of Long-Term Changes in River Stage of the Lowermost Mississippi River
91589Submission Title: TURBulence Ocean Lidar (TURBOL): preliminary results of laboratory experiments
89858Submission Title: Photoinhibition of phytoplankton and ice algae in the West Antarctic Peninsula
91898Submission Title: Body mass and anaerobic tolerance influence vertical habitat selection in meso- and bathypelagic foraging toothed whales of the Bahamas
92289Submission Title: Sedimentation of oil-derived material to the seabed is an unrecognized fate for oil derived from natural seepage.,
ME020Submission Title: Microbial and geochemical dynamics of deep, hypersaline anoxic basins,
MG001Submission Title: Hydrocarbon seepage as a conduit connecting deep subsurface sediments, shallow sediments, the water column, and atmosphere
92137Submission Title: Phytoplankton Microcosm: An Oceanic Study on Algal Blooms and Ciliate Community Composition
90963Submission Title: Developing INFOMAR’s Seabed Mapping Data to Support a Sustainable Marine Economy
11219Submission Title: Marine Industries Science & Technology (MIST) Cluster Industry Town Hall
87120Submission Title: Correlation of Fault Size, Moment Magnitude, and Tsunami Height to Proved Paleo-tsunami Data in Sulawesi Indonesia,
87551Submission Title: The Analysis of Earthquake Rupture Length and Tsunamis Run Up Based on Information of Time Duration (Case Study: 11 April 2012’s Aceh Twin Earthquakes)
90863Submission Title: Mediterranean Water mass variability in Θ-S coordinates
90773Submission Title: Leakage of the YSBCW into the Korea Strait due to Strong Southerly Wind during summer in 2013
90059Submission Title: Laboratory-Scale Internal Wave Apparatus for Studying Copepod Behavior
89431Submission Title: The relation between AMOC, gyre circulation, and meridional heat transports in the North Atlantic in model simulations of the last millennium
92661Submission Title: Seasonal to Inter-annual Variability of the Advection along the Southwest African Coast
93537Submission Title: Late Season Community-level Production in the Western Arctic as Constrained by High-resolution Observations of Dissolved O2/Ar,
ME015Submission Title: Hot or Not? Interdisciplinary investigations of the drivers and variability of marine biodiversity and productivity: how do we detect and model change?
91052Submission Title: Impacts of Stochastic Parametrizations of Ocean Mixing on Seasonal to Decadal Timescales
88816Submission Title: Remobilization of Metals from Tidal Flats of the Changjiang (the Yangtze River) Estuary during Simulated Sediment Resuspension
93646Submission Title: The relevance of frontal mixing to the evolution of an energetic tidal river plume
90275Submission Title: Latitudinal Trends in Abundant and Rare Bacterioplankton Community Structure and Diversity in Surface Waters of the Pacific Ocean
90935Submission Title: Specificity of Atmosphere Correction of Satellite Ocean Color Data in Far-Eastern Region
92161Submission Title: Occurrence of pathogenic Vibrio species from the biotic and abiotic components of Andaman Islands, India
93702Submission Title: Nonlinear interaction of internal and acoustic-gravity waves in continuously-stratified ocean
88987Submission Title: Basin-scale SST and Chl-a anomalies in the North Pacific in 2014-2015
92899Submission Title: The fate of terrestrial dissolved organic matter in the Eurasian basin of the Arctic Ocean
90486Submission Title: Assessment and application of AirMSPI high-resolution multiangle imaging photo-polarimetric observations for atmospheric correction
92433Submission Title: Comparative Sedimentology Between Caribbean and North Pacific Seagrass Beds
88263Submission Title: Comparison of different tracer advection schemes and estimation of their numerical mixing properties
89894Submission Title: Initial results in the development of a highly portable sensor for multi-faceted studies of ocean acidificatio.
87453Submission Title: A time series of nitrogen speciation and nitrogen isotope fractionation during nitrification in a eutrophic coastal embayment
PC011Submission Title: Physical and Biogeochemical Processes in the Southern Ocean: Observations, State Estimation and Modeling
87397Submission Title: Effect of Submesoscale Eddies on Oceanic Dispersion of Materials in a Coastal Area off Fukushima Analyzed with a Downscaling System
89828Submission Title: Instability and Mixing of Stratified Shear Layers Forced by Internal Wave Strain
88007Submission Title: Proper Orthogonal Decomposition Applied to Numerically Modeled and Measured Ocean Surface Wave Fields Remotely Sensed by Marine Radar
88442Submission Title: Effective transport of event sediments from shelf to deep-sea through submarine canyon: Examples from the Japan and Ryukyu trench forearc
92366Submission Title: Collapse of an oyster fishery during a historic drought may provide insight into future effects of climate change on estuaries
89292Submission Title: Evolution and modulation of a poleward-propagating anticyclonic eddy along the Japan and Kuril-Kamchatka trenches
88980Submission Title: Energetics of Eddy-Mean Flow Interactions in the Gulf Stream Region
90096Submission Title: High Resolution Forecasts in the Florida Straits: Predicting the Modulations of the Florida Current and Connectivity Around South Florida and Cuba
87048Submission Title: Temporal and spatial differentiation of the climate change at the East-South China Seas and Northwest Pacific for last 140 years
93149Submission Title: Sea Surface Salinity Variations Under the ITCZ on Synoptic Time Scales
93429Submission Title: Say what? Coral reef sounds as indicators of community assemblages and reef conditions
92857Submission Title: Multi-decadal Variability of Large-scale Circulation and its Contribution to Extreme Hydroclimate in the Mediterranean region.
89421Submission Title: A numerical investigation of the interaction between a horizontal density gradient and an oscillating turbulent flow
93772Submission Title: A Biophysical Model for Hawaiian Coral Reefs: Coupling Local Ecology, Larval Transport and Climate Change
92484Submission Title: A Monte-Carlo Based Approach for Estimating Remote Sensing Reflectance Uncertainty
91409Submission Title: 3-D Export Pathways from the Southern Ocean
90653Submission Title: Next-generation modeling for buoyancy driven coastal ocean flows
91964Submission Title: Comparison of AMOC variability in ocean reanalysis products back to 1960
91998Submission Title: Determining Marine Renewable Energy Areas in the Bay of Fundy
90844Submission Title: Seasonality of Red Sea Mixed-Layer Depth and Density Budget
90772Submission Title: The Latitudinal Dependence of the Oceanic Barotropic Eddy Kinetic Energy and Macro-Turbulence Energy Transport
93845Submission Title: Novel tool for d13C and d15N determination in aqueous samples
90287Submission Title: Drifter measurements of turbulence and mixing in the Snohomish River Plume
89827Submission Title: Dynamics of Methane Bubbles in the Sediment in the Presence of Intense Internal Waves in a Stratified Ocean.
92202Submission Title: Unexpected biodiversity of ciliates in marine samples from below the photic zone.
89783Submission Title: Environmental Drivers of Biogeochemical Variability in the Southern Ross Sea: Results from a 1D Modeling Study
92071Submission Title: Communicating ecological importance in a risk-based world: linking numeric nutrient criteria to waterbody expectations
HI001Submission Title: Advancing Water Quality Monitoring and Forecasting in Urban Coastal and Inland Waters
93156Submission Title: A Hierarchical and Dynamic Seascape Framework for Scaling and Comparing Ocean Biodiversity Observations,
93198Submission Title: Ocean Color Reveals Multi-scale Responses of Phytoplankton to Changing Sea Ice and Ocean Temperatures along the Western Antarctic Peninsula.,
ME015Submission Title: Hot or Not? Interdisciplinary investigations of the drivers and variability of marine biodiversity and productivity: how do we detect and model change?
87397Submission Title: Effect of Submesoscale Eddies on Oceanic Dispersion of Materials in a Coastal Area off Fukushima Analyzed with a Downscaling System
87625Submission Title: The role of the cold Okhotsk Sea in the strengthening the Pacific subtropical high and Baiu precipitation
91526Submission Title: Interannual variability of Atlantic Water inflow and modification in the Barents Sea
90276Submission Title: Complete energetic description of hydrokinetic turbine impact on flow channel dynamics
93576Submission Title: Quality Assurance of Real-Time Oceanographic Data from the Cabled Array of the Ocean Observatories Initiative
IS001Submission Title: Advances in Lidar for the Detection of Layers and Physical Processes in Aquatic Environments
90301Submission Title: Visualizing Ecosystem Energy Flow in Complex Food Web Networks: A Comparison of Three Alaskan Large Marine Ecosystems
92197Submission Title: Long-term Stability and Erosion in Marshes of Three Large Estuarine Basins in Louisiana
92111Submission Title: Physicochemical Constraints on the Distribution of Benthic Foraminiferal Cell Morphology in the Modern Ocean
90967Submission Title: Interannual and Intraseasonal Variability of Mixed Layer Depth in Tropical Indian Ocean
92800Submission Title: Zooplankton Distribution and Species Composition Along an Oxygen Gradient in Puget Sound, WA
92566Submission Title: Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of New England Coastal Waters to Predict Seagrass Distribution
91536Submission Title: Geochronology of Mudflow Deposits on the Mississippi River Delta Front, Louisiana, USA
92377Submission Title: Growth and Proteome Response of Temperate and Polar Diatoms Thalassiosira pseudonana and Chaetoceros sp. to variations in Cobalt and Zinc: Identification of the High-Affinity Zinc Transporter and Potential for Use as a Biomarker
92690Submission Title: Consider a source: Microplastic in rivers is abundant, mobile, and selects for unique bacterial assemblages
88223Submission Title: Sources of Meridional Heat and Freshwater Transport Anomalies in the Atlantic Ocean
89909Submission Title: The Effects of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on Blue Crab Embryos
11203Submission Title: Utilizing online streaming data from the National Science Foundation’s Ocean Observatories Initiative
92028Submission Title: Uncertainties in Internal Tide Generation and Energy Flux in the Tasman Sea
91185Submission Title: The importance of diel vertical migrations of mesozooplankton for supporting a mesopelagic ecosystem: an Inverse Modeling Approach in the California Current
EC020Submission Title: Records of Carbon Burial and Biogeochemical Cycling in Coastal Wetlands: Response to Past, Present, and Future Sea-Level Rise and Global Climate Change.
89216Submission Title: Extreme Runup and Clifftop Boulder Transport During Super Typhoon Haiyan
90351Submission Title: Unraveling the Mysteries of Océano Profundo: New organisms, ecosystems and geohazards in deep water around Puerto Rico
92150Submission Title: Seasonal-Scale Sedimentology and Restoration Potential in a Diversion-Fed Coastal Louisiana Wetland
91843Submission Title: Predicting the spatial and temporal distributions of marine fish species utilizing earth system data in a MaxEnt model framework
88703Submission Title: Monitoring the effect of watershed development and climate on coral reefs in the US Virgin Islands using satellite based sensors
93885Submission Title: Poleward along-shore current pulses on the inner shelf of the Bay of Biscay
91157Submission Title: Origin, transport and burial of organic matter in the Whittard Canyon, North East Atlantic
91062Submission Title: The smallest Gliders in the Ocean- Temperature Recordings from Pteropods using SIMS
93182Submission Title: Identification of Methanogens and Geochemical Controls on the Production of Methane in Cape Lookout Bight, NC
87638Submission Title: Observations of an unstable submesoscale front
92705Submission Title: Comprehensive Sediment Management to Improve Wetland Sustainability in Coastal Louisiana
A002Submission Title: Computational Oceanography - New Knowledge, Capabilities and Challenges
90578Submission Title: Identifying Genes Involved in the Iron Metabolism Pathway Through Transcriptomic Analysis
88294Submission Title: Microbial contributions to suspended POM accumulation in an ultraoligotrophic water column, investigated using intact polar diacyglycerol biomarker lipids
89570Submission Title: Natural variability of bio-optical properties in an ultra-oligotrophic region: backscattering, attenuation and absorption coefficients as observed in the Red Sea
89211Submission Title: Seasonal δ13C and δ15N variations of sediment-trap particles in the Japan Basin and Yamato Basin (the East/Japan Sea)
89655Submission Title: A New Long-Term Atlantic Surface Salinity Record Reveals An Intensification Of The Mean Salinity Field
91518Submission Title: Investigating long-term interactions between phytoplankton and zooplankton in the NE Atlantic and North Sea
88541Submission Title: Inter-model differences in the amplitude of Ningaloo Niño in the CMIP5 models
92975Submission Title: Skeletal carbonate on the continental shelf: SEM evidence of early diagenetic alteration of the 1% of shells that persist for millennia in the mixed layer and thus enter the permanent record
92907Submission Title: Defining the Habitat of Pacific Tuna of the Eastern Tropical Pacific from Satellite Imagery, Climatologies, and a Global Circulation Model
90925Submission Title: The spreading of Labrador Sea Water from the Labrador Sea to the Newfoundland Basin
11117Submission Title: NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) Town Hall: Revealing the Past, Interpreting the Present, and Informing the Future
93871Submission Title: Net ecosystem calcification and net primary production in two Hawaii back-reef systems
92270Submission Title: Modulation of zooplankton-mediated fluxes in oxygen minimum zones
11232Submission Title: Synoptic Arctic Survey – A fundament for future arctic research,
11242Submission Title: The Distributed Biological Observatory in the Pacific Arctic: A Community Status Report,
91011Submission Title: Mooring-based monitoring at the mouth of Barrow Canyon and Hope Valley in the Pacific sector of the Arctic Ocean
89741Submission Title: The Importance of Coral Growth Environment for Coral Strontium/Calcium-Based Ocean Temperature Reconstructions
92220Submission Title: Turbulence Measurements From Moored Acoustic Doppler Velocimeters (ADVs): Removing Mooring Motion Using Inertial Motion Sensors
91192Submission Title: Residual circulation in tidally dominated bay with asymmetric lateral depth variation
88114Submission Title: Reduced efficiency of biological pump in the western tropical Pacific
89347Submission Title: KISAP: Acquisition of In situ Acoustic Properties
87857Submission Title: Climate-Biogeochemical Coupling in an Antarctic Coastal Ecosystem: Chlorophyll, Nutrient, and Bacterial Production
87801Submission Title: Applications of Color Index Ring Method for Cloud Screening
87118Submission Title: Skill assessment of Korea operational oceanographic system (KOOS)
90549Submission Title: spatial and temporal variability of hydrodynamics by the artificial discharge near the inlet of tidal power plant
87565Submission Title: Nutrient - Salinity Ratios as Tracers for Mixing in the Gulf of Mexico (GOM)
93723Submission Title: The new reports on life cycle of Heterosigma akashiwo (Raphidophyceae)
89352Submission Title: Nitrate utilization and stratification changes during the early and late Pleistocene in the Bering Sea
88143Submission Title: Distribution of dissolved zinc in the western and central subarctic North Pacific
90642Submission Title: Evaluation of Wave-Dependent Surface Roughness Parameterization Using a Coupled Atmosphere-Wave Model
91118Submission Title: Detection of rip current using camera monitoring techniques
92916Submission Title: On the Multidecadal SST Variability in the Tropical North Atlantic
89886Submission Title: Turbulent coherent structure under dam-break driven swash – A 3D numerical study
91071Submission Title: Localized sea surface temperature variability in the Yellow and East China Seas
90516Submission Title: Ocean Climate Reanalysis of KIOST and its application to ENSO prediction system
93024Submission Title: Continuous, high-resolution spatial mapping of water isotopes in oceanic environment using a CRDS analyzer combined with a continuous water sampler.
89947Submission Title: Polychaete Tubes, Turbulence, and Erosion of Fine-Grained Sediment
11171Submission Title: EarthCube’s Oceanography and Geobiology Environmental ‘Omics (ECOGEO) Research Coordination Network: A community focused on identifying technical challenges and developing plans for federated cyberinfrastructure that will enable ocean and geobiology environmental ‘omics research.
91263Submission Title: Autochthonous Optical Signals in CDOM from Phytoplankton Culture and Open Ocean Observations
86910Submission Title: Radium isotopes as tracers of hydrothermal inputs and plume dynamics in the deep ocean: results from Atlantic and Pacific US GEOTRACES cruises
93395Submission Title: Waves and Strongly Sheared Currents: Extensions to Coastal Ocean Models
88972Submission Title: Structuring of bacterial communities by phytoplankton and DOM in the Delaware estuary
ME017Submission Title: Integrated Assessments of Vulnerable Deep-Sea Ecosystems: Methods, Recent Advances and Future Challenges
88190Submission Title: Upwelling of Atlantic water along the Canadian Beaufort Sea continental slope: favourable atmospheric conditions, seasonal, and interannual variations
93670Submission Title: The importance of lateral variability on exchange across the inner shelf.
89577Submission Title: iTAG: Integrating a Cloud Based, Collaborative Animal Tracking Network into the GCOOS data portal in the Gulf of Mexico,
OD002Submission Title: Evolving Biologically-Enabled Ocean Observing Systems: Integrating Biological Observations with Physicochemical Measurements for Informed Ecosystem-Based Decision Making
93836Submission Title: Nonlinear Mechanisms of Low-Frequency Variability in Unstable Western Boundary Currents Under Variable Atmospheric Forcing
90920Submission Title: Turbulence intensification of marine winds at mid-latitude in the southern hemisphere; comparison with the northern hemisphere
92449Submission Title: Otolith chemistry discriminates natal signatures of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) in the Atlantic Ocean
91097Submission Title: Impact of climate change on storm surge for future Typhoon Haiyan-like storms with robust bottom friction parametrization
87009Submission Title: Reliable radiocarbon evidence for the maximum extent of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet in the easternmost Amundsen Sea Embayment during the Last Glacial Maximum
93417Submission Title: Determining Timing and Magnitude of Dietary Shifts in Black Guillemots (Cepphus grylle) Using Stable Isotope Analysis of Flight Feathers
88604Submission Title: Dissolved Fe and Fe binding ligand concentrations at the hydrothermal vent fields in the Coriolis Troughs, New Hebrides Island Arc
92964Submission Title: Influence of tropical atmospheric variability on Weddell Sea deep water convection
91354Submission Title: Disease Transmission by Free-drifting Infectious Particles in Sessile Filter Feeders: a Theoretical and Model Analysis
92575Submission Title: Pteropods as indicators for Cumulative Ocean Acidification Exposure
86851Submission Title: Wave-turbulence-mean flow interaction in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current
90805Submission Title: Evaluating Ecosystem effects of oyster restoration in the Mississippi Sound
90266Submission Title: Diffraction and Reflection of the Internal Tide on the Tasman Continental Slope
89250Submission Title: Surface ocean dissolved organic nitrogen concentration and isotopic composition in the eastern tropical South Pacific
89825Submission Title: Temporal Analysis of Bacterioplankton Community Structure in the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico
92069Submission Title: Comparisons Between In Situ Profiles And The Arctic Cap Nowcast/Forecast System
88535Submission Title: The updated geodetic mean dynamic topography model – DTU15MDT
92123Submission Title: The Ocean Observatories Initiative: Unprecedented access to real-time data streaming from the Cabled Array through OOI Cyberinfrastructure
92100Submission Title: Equilibrium Ocean Warming Patterns Depend Non-linearly on Forcing History
90093Submission Title: Study of Circulation in the Apalachicola Bay and the Surrounding Wetland Applying Triple-Nested Models Downscaling from Global Ocean to Estuary
90220Submission Title: Prediction of Surface M2 Tidal Currents by a Global Ocean Model and Evaluation Using Observed Drifter Trajectories
88826Submission Title: Dissolved Methane and Carbon Dioxide Fluxes in Subarctic and Arctic Regions: Assessing Measurement Techniques and Spatial Gradients
87324Submission Title: Swimming in an Unsteady World
93634Submission Title: 16 Years of Deep Western Boundary Current measurements in the MOVE array
89808Submission Title: How diverse is the oxygen consumption during the life cycle of the pelagic tunicate Dolioletta gegenbauri?
89463Submission Title: Impact of the North Atlantic Subpolar Front on Near-Inertial Wave Propagation
89741Submission Title: The Importance of Coral Growth Environment for Coral Strontium/Calcium-Based Ocean Temperature Reconstructions
92141Submission Title: Project CONVERGE: Impacts of local oceanographic processes on Adélie penguin foraging ecology,
92199Submission Title: Toward Dynamic Ocean Management: Fisheries assessment and climate projections informed by community developed habitat models based on dynamic coastal oceanography
90389Submission Title: How European Climate Changes When You Include Ocean Tides in Regionally Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Model Simulations.
92862Submission Title: From Buried Bayous to Global Biogeochemical Fluxes: Submarine Groundwater Discharge in North America's Largest Delta.
89995Submission Title: Intrusion of Subarctic Currents into a Perpetual Sub-zero Cold Pool Allows Recruitment and Export of Snow Crabs in the Northern Bering Sea
87893Submission Title: Impact of isopycnal transport of nitrate along the Kuroshio on the high productivity in the Kuroshio-Oyashio interfrontal zone
91917Submission Title: Ensemble-based Experimental Atmospheric Reanalysis using a Global Coupled Atmosphere–Ocean GCM
92640Submission Title: Plant-mediated Sediment Oxygenation in Coastal Wetlands
87708Submission Title: Micro- and Mesozooplankton Distribution Related to an Upwelling Filament in the Northern Benguela Current Region
92012Submission Title: The Amazon estuary as an interface for trace metal fluxes from the river into the Atlantic – a study along a salinity gradient in the mixing zone
ME021Submission Title: Microbial Biogeochemistry of Hydrothermal Vents in Shallow and Deep Waters: Commonalities and Differences
88713Submission Title: Microfossil Record of the Tropical Cyclone Pam Deposit from Vanuatu: Implications for Documenting Long-Term Records of South Pacific Storms
87650Submission Title: Mapping Error in Southern Ocean Transport Computed from Satellite Altimetry and Argo
87372Submission Title: Ichthyoplankton Time Series: A Potential Ocean Observing Network to Provide Indicators of Climate Impacts on Fish Communities along the West Coast of North America
91177Submission Title: Spatio-temporal Variability of the SST from Drifters and Satellites
88721Submission Title: Dissolved gaseous Hg and mercury speciation in the Mediterranean Sea: temporal and spatial trends over 15 years of observations
89985Submission Title: Nature Run for the North Atlantic Ocean Hurricane Region: System Evaluation and Regional Applications,
PO001Submission Title: Advances in Coastal Ocean Modeling, Observations, and Prediction,
PO010Submission Title: Evaluation, Design, and Optimization of Observing Systems using the Observing System Simulation Experiments framework
88410Submission Title: Bubble Stripping as a Tool to Reduce High Dissolved CO2 in Coastal Marine Ecosystems
89625Submission Title: Quantification of Swash-Zone Velocities in the Sheet Flow Layer Using Particle Image Velocimetry
90624Submission Title: Determining phytoplankton community structure from ocean color at the Martha's Vineyard Coastal Observatory (MVCO)
92706Submission Title: Evaluating the Potential for Marine and Hydrokinetic Devices to Act As Artificial Reefs or Fish Aggregating Devices
11228Submission Title: GO-SHIP update of the current decadal (2012-2023) Hydrographic survey and activities
92539Submission Title: Unravelling Salt Fluxes: Development of a Diagnostic Instrument for Online Decomposition of Salt Flux Components and Dispersion Rates from 3D Model Results
88833Submission Title: Antarctic Phytoplankton down-regulate Their Carbon-Concentrating Mechanisms under High CO2 with no Change in Growth Rates
88425Submission Title: Picoplankton contribution to biogenic silica stocks and production rates in the Sargasso Sea
87988Submission Title: On the Influence of Wind Forcing and Resolution on the Modelled Warm Bias of the Benguela Upwelling System
92490Submission Title: Variation in the Adaptive Capacity of Plankton Alters Marine Ecosystem Responses to Climate Change.
88606Submission Title: A modeling approach to investigate the sensitivity of plankton phenology to global change since the Last Glacial Maximum
87248Submission Title: Quantifying organic matter fluxes in an era of wetland instability,
92425Submission Title: Salt Marsh Net Ecosystem Carbon Balance: Improving Methods to Quantify the Role of Lateral (Tidal) Exchanges,
EC008Submission Title: Coastal Wetlands as an Important Interface Between Land, Sea and Atmosphere: Capturing Temporal and Spatial Variability in Chemical Fluxes
91788Submission Title: Ocean Acidification in a Complex, Dynamic Coastal Zone: Consequences of Overlapping Environmental Mosaics on Mussel Performance and Species Interactions,
AH007Submission Title: Predicting the ecological effects of multiple environmental changes: insight through the lens of existing natural gradients and proxy records
92980Submission Title: The 1000-year Duration of the Middle-shelf Grounding Event of West Antarctic Ice Sheet
87645Submission Title: Properties of the Agulhas Current's Inshore Front During The Shelf Agulhas Glider Experiment (SAGE)
HI003Submission Title: Evaluating Ecologic and Social Impacts of Changes Occurring in Both Natural and Modified Coastlines: A Global Perspective
87014Submission Title: When El Nino Rages: How Satellite Data Can Help Water-Stressed Islands
88293Submission Title: Increasing coccolithophore abundance in the subtropical North Atlantic from 1990 to 2014
90768Submission Title: 210Po/210Pb Activity Ratios as a Possible ‘Dating Tool’ of Ice Cores and Ice-rafted Sediments from the Western Arctic Ocean – Preliminary Results
93061Submission Title: Limits to the Positive Effect of Ocean Acidification on Macroalgal Primary Production, Interactions with Light and Temperature
89219Submission Title: The impacts of a massive harmful algal bloom along the US west coast in 2015
88416Submission Title: Change of marine ecosystem in the Japan Sea predicted by numerical experiments based on by global warming
87547Submission Title: Heat uptake in the Southern Ocean in a warmer, windier world: a process-based analysis using an AOGCM with an eddy-permitting ocean
89664Submission Title: The Role of Model Complexity in Determining Patterns of Chlorophyll Variability in the Coastal Northwest North Atlantic
92628Submission Title: Multi-Omics Profiling of Phytoplankton Community Metabolism: Linking Meta-Transcriptomics and Metabolomics to Elucidate Phytoplankton Physiology in a Model Coastal System
93916Submission Title: Utilization of Geospatial Techniques for Extraction of Suitable River Islands for Construction of Eco–Friendly Tourism Places
93753Submission Title: Coastal Bays and Sea Level Rise: a long term analysis of Chincoteague Bay Barrier Island System.
87786Submission Title: Parameterizing the Effects of Finite Crested Wave Breaking in Wave-Averaged Models
88400Submission Title: Oil Spill Detection and their Impact on Climate in Shallow Coastal Areas in the Persian Gulf using Microwave Sensors
90539Submission Title: Characteristic and Variation of the High Frequency Variability (HFV) in the South China Sea (SCS)
87128Submission Title: Internal-Wave-Driven Turbulence and the Meridional Overturning Circulation
91860Submission Title: Toxicity of Desalination Brine of Varying Ionic Compositions on Embryonic Development of Japanese Medaka (Oryzias latipes)
91577Submission Title: Anomalous ocean conditions along the US Pacific coast in 2014: analyses using the West Coast Operational Forecast System (WCOFS)
89039Submission Title: Using Interactive eBooks To Educate Children About Sub-seafloor Science
89519Submission Title: The Science of Serious Gaming: Exploring the Benefits of Science-Based Games in the Classroom
88658Submission Title: Potential Increasing Dominance of Heterotrophy in the Global Ocean
62930Submission Title: Contrasts in the Sensitivity of Community Calcification to Temporal Saturation State Variability Within Temperate and Tropical Marine Environments
87709Submission Title: The North Pacific Oxygen Uptake Rates Over the Past Half-Century
91523Submission Title: Low-frequency Variability of Kuroshio and Oyashio Extensions and Associated Ocean-Atmosphere Coupling
A001Submission Title: Air-Sea Exchange Processes in Western Boundary Current Systems and Marginal Seas: Their Local and Remote Climatic Implications
88989Submission Title: Modeling the Effects of Hypoxia on Fish Movement in the Gulf of Mexico Hypoxic Zone
93740Submission Title: Fronts and Fine-Scale Distribution of Three Cetacean Species within the Dynamic Mid-Atlantic Bight Shelf Break System
92684Submission Title: Under the Sea Ice: Exploration of the Relationships Between Sea Ice Patterns and Foraging Movements of a Marine Predator in East Antarctica.
90970Submission Title: Effects of mesoscale eddies on suboxia and hypoxia in the Arabian Sea
88174Submission Title: Does winter physical intermittency support a biological preconditioning of the spring phytoplankton bloom?
88308Submission Title: Wave Attenuation in the Shallows of San Francisco Bay
87513Submission Title: Atlantic Water and the Chukchi Polynya
89819Submission Title: Recent bathymetric variability of sandbars at Duck, NC
92463Submission Title: Evaluation of SNPP VIIRS Ocean Color Products on the Louisiana Shelf (PlumeCASE Experiment)
91745Submission Title:
Short term forecasting for HFSWR sea surface current mapping using artificial neural network
EC013Submission Title: Moving the Mississippi River Delta towards Long-Term Sustainability: Opportunities and Limitations
93196Submission Title: Using Radar Remote Sensing to Map Wetlands in the Chesapeake Bay
87964Submission Title: Investigating the chemical preferences of marine microbes in situ at organismal scales
89473Submission Title: On the Freshwater Sensitivity of the Arctic-Atlantic Thermohaline Circulation
86895Submission Title: Dissolved Low-Molecular Weight Thiol Concentrations from the U.S. GEOTRACES North Atlantic Ocean Zonal Transect
ME025Submission Title: Observations of Climate Change and Marine Ecosystem Biodiversity
91278Submission Title: Optimizing Observation Networks Combining Ships of Opportunity, Gliders, Moored Buoys and FerryBox in the Bay of Biscay and English Channel
MM008Submission Title: The hitchhiker’s guide to the aquatic realm: Microbial life on particles
91535Submission Title: NOAA activities in support of in situ validation observations for satellite ocean color products and related ocean science research
93369Submission Title: Physical Habitat and Energy Inputs Determine Freshwater Invertebrate Communities in Reference and Cranberry Farm Impacted Northeastern Coastal Zone Streams
92496Submission Title: Diving Behaviors and Habitat Use of Adult Female Steller Sea Lion (Eumetopias jubatus), A Top Predator of the Bering Sea and North Pacific Ocean Ecosystems
PC013Submission Title: US CLIVAR Session on Oceanic Heat Uptake, Earth's Energy Imbalance, and the Global Warming 'Hiatus'
88001Submission Title: Quantifying the Fluxes of Atmospherically Derived Trace Elements in the Arctic Ocean/Ice System using 7Be
90742Submission Title: Baselines and null hypotheses for climate change: Phytoplankton biomass structure in the California Current
89365Submission Title: Decadal variability and trends in the global ocean carbon sink
87931Submission Title: Parameterising Gas-Transfer Velocity Using Momentum Flux or Wind Speed? Implications for the Reporting of Measurements from Ships at Sea.
91493Submission Title: Autonomous Observations of Coupled Physical-Biological Processes in the Ice-covered Arctic Ocean over Diel to Annual Scales
92173Submission Title: Dissolved oxygen fluxes in frontal eddy systems along the Gulf Stream
P004Submission Title: Marine Renewable Energy Policy, Assessment, Research and Development in the USA.
92962Submission Title: Boundary Current Observations from Moorings in the Southern California Current
90022Submission Title: A time series of urea degradation, nitrification, and nitrous oxide concentrations off the coast of Southern California
91382Submission Title: Highly efficient boundary mixing near sloping topography in a non-tidal basin
92754Submission Title: Mapping the Juan Fernandez Ridge (Pacific SW): geomorphogy for understanding volcanic evolution and environmental protection
90052Submission Title: Observations of flow and sediment transport at Pt. Dume, Malibu,
93690Submission Title: Surface Circulation off California: a Decade of HF Radar Observations.,
93714Submission Title: Placing Marine Protected Areas Within a Broader Marine Landscape: the Role of Science in the Northward Expansion of Two West-Coast National Marine Sanctuaries,
EC015Submission Title: New Insights in Coastal Oceanography from High-Frequency Radar Observations
91085Submission Title: Increased Oceanic Heat Transport in the Main Atlantic Inflow Branch to the Nordic Seas 1993-2013
91499Submission Title: 7Be as an Indicator of Terrigenous Sediment Input to Coastal Environments: St. John, US Virgin Islands
92510Submission Title: Sand Needs and Resources Offshore New York
91697Submission Title: It takes guts to locate elusive crustacean prey
90872Submission Title: Spreading of Polar Water Masses into the Nordic Seas – Analyses of hydrographic measurements from Seagliders and Argo floats
PO003Submission Title: Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation: Past, Present, and Future
90536Submission Title: Salish Sea Nowcast: A Real-time High-Resolution Model for Forecasts and Research Support
93862Submission Title: Drone Use in Monioring Open Ocean Surface Debris, Including Paired Manta and Tucker Trawls for Relateing Sea State to Vertical Debris Distribution
89998Submission Title: What Drives Regional Variation in Global Ocean-Atmosphere CO2 Fluxes?
91756Submission Title: The Role of Temperature and Oxygen for the Remineralization of Sinking Organic Matter
91262Submission Title: Growth of Coccolithophores Controlled by Internal Nutrient Stores in Light- and Nutrient-Limited Batch Reactors: Relevance for the BIOSOPE Deep Ecological Niche of Coccolithophores.
90000Submission Title: Temperature-Dependent Lipid Storage of Juvenile Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) and Co-Occurring North Pacific Gadids ,
93322Submission Title: Effects of light conditions and temperature gradients on vertical migration behavior of larval Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) and walleye pollock (Gadus chalcogramma)
92014Submission Title: Tidal and subtidal interaction between riverine and ocean forcings in a subtropical estuary
91531Submission Title: Shedding light on the Global Ocean microbiome with algorithms and data collection
91474Submission Title: Differences in Size Selectivity and Catch Composition Between Two Bottom Trawls Used in High-Arctic Surveys of Bottom Fishes, Crabs and Other Demersal Macrofauna
92918Submission Title: Sediment Transport and Vegetative Controls on Delta Channel Networks
92216Submission Title: Turbulent properties of a deep-sea hydrothermal plume in a time-variable cross flow using anisotropic mixing parameterizations in LES
91853Submission Title: Broadband Acoustic Mapping of Physical Processes, Bubbles, Suspended Sediment, and Fish in Highly Stratified Estuaries
89525Submission Title: How Winter Vertical Mixing Affects the Seasonal Surface Chlorophyll-a Signal in Oligotrophic Regions?
91336Submission Title: Insights Into Intermediate Ocean Barium Cycling From Deep-Sea Bamboo Coral Records on the California Margin
92698Submission Title: Microzooplankton abundance, composition and trophic interactions with phytoplankton and pelagic copepods in the ice-covered and open waters of the Eastern Fram Strait.
89110Submission Title: Effects of Sediment Concentration on Removal Rate and Settling Velocity of Particles in the Minas Basin, Bay of Fundy, Canada,
91574Submission Title: Temporal and Spatial Changes in Grain Size on a Macro-Tidal Channel-Flat Complex: Results from Kingsport, Nova Scotia, Bay of Fundy.
90398Submission Title: SOLAS Science and the Environmental Impacts of Geoengineering
89462Submission Title: Phytoplankton Response to an Ice Free Arctic
HI003Submission Title: Evaluating Ecologic and Social Impacts of Changes Occurring in Both Natural and Modified Coastlines: A Global Perspective
91502Submission Title: Pteropod Ecology and Physiology in Relation to Natural Variability in Carbonate Chemistry
91197Submission Title: A New Insight on the Indo-Atlantic Exchange Achieved by Indian Ocean Eddies Assessed by Satellite Altimetry and Argo Profiling Float Data.
91140Submission Title: A micro-fluidic treadmill for observing suspended plankton in the lab
91551Submission Title: Why is no Near-Inertial Peak Observed in the Luzon Strait, a Major Internal Tide Generation Region?
92670Submission Title: Integrating Climate Science, Marine Ecology, and Fisheries Economics to Predict the Effects of Climate Change on New England lobster Fisheries
91252Submission Title: Trace metal bioaccumulation in marine fish from Senegal: influence of trophic ecology.
93145Submission Title: Ecosystem Services: a Framework for Environmental Management of the Deep Sea
90824Submission Title: Past climates primary productivity changes in the Indian Ocean
91799Submission Title: Variability of submesoscale dynamics in the North Atlantic from a 1/60° ocean model simulation.
91819Submission Title: Determining the uncertainty of the North Atlantic CO2 uptake using CMIP5 models
92486Submission Title: Loop Current Metrics for Skill Assessment of Numerical Ocean Models in the Gulf of Mexico
90447Submission Title: Current and Wind-driven Upwelling Events Inshore of the Agulhas Current
PO008Submission Title: Deep and abyssal ocean mixing: from small scale turbulence to the large scale MOC
90958Submission Title: Effects of increasing seawater circulation by tidal power plant operation on the water quality in the Shihwa coastal reservoir, Republic of Korea
90634Submission Title: Comparison of Analysis Methods for Propagation Direction of Pressure jump in Yellow Sea and East China Sea
91294Submission Title: Methylmercury Bioaccumulation, Transformation, and Trophic Transfer in Marine Plankton Assemblages
88534Submission Title: Concurrent Diurnal Variations of High-molecular-weight Dissolved Arsenic and Organic Phosphorus in the Upper Euphotic Zone
93755Submission Title: Application synergies between the NASA Pre- Aerosol Cloud and ocean Ecosystem (PACE) and Hyperspectral Infrared Imager (HyspIRI) missions,
93787Submission Title: The role of NASA's Water Resources applications area in improving access to water quality-related information and water resources management
61107Submission Title: A Conservative High-Order Characteristic Discontinuous Galerkin Advection Scheme for MPAS-Ocean
93812Submission Title: Global SST forecast using empirical model: causality based non-linear modeling
90530Submission Title: Rates of total oxygen uptake of sediments and benthic nutrient fluxes measured by an in situ autonomous benthic chamber in the sediment of the slope off the southwestern part of Ulleung Basin, East Sea
89987Submission Title: Particle Cycling in the Ocean based on Titanium and Particle Concentration Data from the US GEOTRACES North Atlantic Transect
90445Submission Title: Applications of Low Altitude Remote Sensing Platform for Monitoring Coastal Environmental Changes
93827Submission Title: Water Quality Monitoring of Texas Offshore Artificial Reefs
88767Submission Title: Climatic Variability and Extremes, Interacting with Nitrogen Storage, Amplify Risks of Coastal Eutrophication
88383Submission Title: Are Seagrass effective Sentinels of Ecosystem Health in Port Phillip Bay, Australia?
93354Submission Title: The Effect of Sea Level Rise on Tidal Dynamics in Chesapeake and Delaware Bays
90280Submission Title: Characterization of the variability of the South Pacific Convergence Zone using satellite and reanalysis wind product
11235Submission Title: CLIVAR- Climate and Ocean - the next 10 years of CLIVAR science as part of the World Climate Research Programme
89546Submission Title: Modeling Salinity Changes in the Persian Gulf
91669Submission Title: Modeling and analyzing the statistics of sonar echoes from marine organisms
89870Submission Title: An assessment of net primary productivity estimates using coupled physical-biogeochemical/earth system models in the Arctic Ocean
93071Submission Title: Non-invasive 3D geometry extraction and robotic modeling of a Sea lion foreflipper
88681Submission Title: Sea Surface Chlorophyll Signature in the Tropical Pacific: Eastern and Central Pacific El Niño Events
88520Submission Title: Coordination and Integration of Global Ocean Observing through JCOMM
89834Submission Title: Data support during an Arctic research cruise – lessons learned
92951Submission Title: Data Stewardship in the Ocean Sciences Needs to Include Physical Samples
92765Submission Title: Wind growth and wave breaking in higher-order spectral phase resolved wave models
89537Submission Title: Evaluating Future Flooding Risks by Including Wave Height Distributions in Short- and Long-Term Sea Level Variations
91894Submission Title: Annual Variability across a Decade of Observations for Dissolved Inorganic Carbon in a Coastal Setting: Results from a Time-series Station in Santa Monica Bay, CA
89743Submission Title: Foraminiferal Metabolism Under Hypoxia: Sub-Cellular NanoSIMS Imaging of Intertidal Ammonia tepida Feeding Behavior
88331Submission Title: An Investigation into Arctic Sea-Ice Dynamics and Energetics
90998Submission Title: Performance and Quality Assessment of the Forthcoming Copernicus Marine Service Global Ocean Monitoring and Forecasting Real-Time System
89338Submission Title: The Interaction Between Two Small Mountainous River Plumes Under Downwelling Wind Conditions in an Idealized Coastal Ocean Model
88482Submission Title: A New Family of Compact High Order Coupled Time-Space Unconditionally Stable Vertical Advection Schemes
90574Submission Title: Sea ice Forecast Verification in the Canadian Global Ice Ocean Prediction System
91752Submission Title: Modelling Biogeochemistry Across Domains with The Modular System for Shelves and Coasts (MOSSCO)
89536Submission Title: Carbonyl sulfide as a tracer for terrestrial net primary production: The oceanic perspective
87498Submission Title: Internal Solitary Waves off the Amazon River Mouth: coherence crestlengths and generation mechanism
92415Submission Title: Control of Diapause in Calanid Copepods: Identification of Regulatory Pathways using In Silico Data Mining
93890Submission Title: Community composition and metabolic potential of subseafloor sediment in the Tonga Trench differ with sedimentary patterns
93902Submission Title: Assessing Long-Term Seagrass Changes by Integrating a High-Spatial Resolution Image, Historical Aerial Photography and Field Data
91733Submission Title: Distributions and Sources of Bulk Organic Matter in Sediments of Five Estuaries in Todos os Santos Bay, Brazil.
91874Submission Title: Investigating the emission, dissolution, and oxidation of CH4 within and around a seep bubble plume in the Gulf of Mexico.
93799Submission Title: Short-term Changes in Marsh Edge Morphology: Constraining Mechanisms of Erosion and Expansion
87787Submission Title: Sustaining coupled social-ecological marine systems in Mexico's Gulf of California region
92882Submission Title: On the Importance of Lateral Nutrient Transport: A Shift in the New Production Paradigm for the Subtropical Ocean Gyres
93469Submission Title: 2014 & 2015 Loop Current Observations from a Gulf of Mexico Public-Private Ocean Observing Collaboration
92736Submission Title: A Latitudinally-Banded Phytoplankton Response to 21st Century Climate Change in the Southern Ocean across the CMIP5 Model Suite
90433Submission Title: The Global Water Cycle and Salinity in CMIP5
11238Submission Title: Deep Ocean Stewardship Initiative (DOSI) Town Hall,
87880Submission Title: (Tele)presenting Secrets from the Deep Southern California Margin,
93145Submission Title: Ecosystem Services: a Framework for Environmental Management of the Deep Sea,
93775Submission Title: I See the Light! …Or Maybe Not. Evaluating the Effects of Oxygen and Light on Highly Visual Marine Organisms,
ME026Submission Title: Ocean Deoxygenation: Integrating Coastal and Oceanic Perspectives
89163Submission Title: The Atlantic as a Driver of the Multidecadal ENSO-Tropical Pacific Annual Cycle Relationship
92825Submission Title: Impacts to Ecological Services: Buried Oil from the 2010 Deepwater Horizon Spill and Its Effect on Salt Marsh Denitrification
90346Submission Title: Modeling the Impact of Fine Temporal and Spatial Scale Processes on Large-scale Ecosystem Dynamics and Carbon Cycling.
89017Submission Title: A Comprehensive Approach to Evaluating Hazards of Microplastics in the Marine Environment
92309Submission Title: Improving remotely sensed fused ocean data products through cross-sensor calibration
93080Submission Title: Photophysiological adaptations of polar phytoplankton and the impact on satellite-derived primary production estimates
89280Submission Title: Physical factors connected to hypoxia in Long Bay
87998Submission Title: The Effect of Waves on the Tidal-Stream Energy Resource
88206Submission Title: ProVal : First data from a new Argo profiler dedicated to high quality radiometric measurement
88588Submission Title: Benthic Diatoms: What Makes Them Unique
91434Submission Title: OVIDE-A25, a Biennial Hydrographic Transect across the North Atlantic Subpolar Gyre since 2002: Overview of the Main Scientific Findings about the Variability of the Meridional Overturning Circulation and its Impact on the CO2 Physical Pump
88082Submission Title: SMOS Satellite Sea-surface Salinity Data: Impact on Upper-ocean Modeling
91016Submission Title: Eurasian winter cooling in the warming hiatus of 1998-2012
90043Submission Title: Summer Time Flushing of an Arctic Multi-inlet Lagoon under Storms from 2013 to 2015
88433Submission Title: Assessment of Surface Drag Coefficient Parametrizations based on Observation and WRF Model Simulation
90896Submission Title: Seasonality and dynamics of the North Equatorial Current and its linkage with Kuroshio: modeling study
86908Submission Title: Spatial-Temporal Variation of the Radiometric Color of the Largest Ten Lakes in China
88040Submission Title: North Atlantic Sea Surface Salinity as a Predictor of Sahel Rainfall
88997Submission Title: Uncertainties in the Water-leaving Spectral Radiance Derived from Extrapolation of Near-surface Underwater Measurements
92707Submission Title: Flood-Ebb and Spring-Neap Variations of Lateral Circulation in the James River Estuary
87441Submission Title: Probabilistic Mapping of Storm-induced Coastal Inundation for Climate Change Adaptation
90974Submission Title: Diversity and distribution of isiA-containing Cyanobacteria in the global ocean
91348Submission Title: Estimate of Mixing Driven by Internal Waves Propagating Through a Geostrophic Front
90554Submission Title: Langmuir Mixing Affects Global Climate
87962Submission Title: Gas Transfer Velocity in the Presence of Wave Breaking
89264Submission Title: Abundance and Transcriptional Activity of Thaumarchaeal amoA and ureC genes in North Pacific Ocean
89689Submission Title: Water leaving reflectance retrievals from MODIS, VIIRS, and Landsat8 data acquired over coastal waters
88532Submission Title: Large Eddy Simulation of turbulent kinetic energy budget affected by the wavy wall
92613Submission Title: High-Precision Measurements of 15N15N, 14N15N, and 14N2 in N2 and Potential Applications to Oceanic Nitrogen Cycle Research
92624Submission Title: Retrieval of Atmospheric and Marine Parameters in Coastal and Inland Aquatic Environments from Geostationary Platforms: Challenges and Opportunities
88812Submission Title: Macroecology: A Primer for Biological Oceanography
92999Submission Title: Atlantic Induced Pan-tropical Climate Variability in the Upper-ocean and Atmosphere
89190Submission Title: Seasonal and spatial changes of macrobenthic community structure and diversity in South Yellow Sea
87594Submission Title: Soil organic carbon accumulation and influencing factors at the saltmarsh of Yangtze Estuary
91834Submission Title: Adaptive observation in the South China Sea using CNOP approach based on a 3-D ocean circulation model and its adjoint model
87651Submission Title: Intraseasonal Sea Surface Salinity Variability in the Western Pacific Warm Pool Region
89564Submission Title: Horizontal Residual Mean Circulation: Evaluation of Spatial Correlations in Coarse Resolution Ocean Models
87639Submission Title: Impacts of Storm Surges on the Hoover Dike of Lake Okeechobee
92207Submission Title: Spatio-temporal Variability of Coupling between Ice Retreat and Phytoplankton Blooms in the Southern Ocean
92106Submission Title: Multiscale Data Assimilation for Very High Resolution Models
87520Submission Title: Brigantedinium majusculum is the cyst of Protoperidinium sinuosum (Protoperidiniaceae, Dinophyceae)
93287Submission Title: The effect of sea-ice dynamics on Net Community Production (NCP) at the western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) region
92776Submission Title: Transient evolution of bubbles and dissolved gases at moderate wind speeds
90611Submission Title: Mean-Eddy-Turbulence Interaction through Canonical Transfer Analysis: Theory and Application to the Kuroshio Extension Energetics Study
91545Submission Title: Global Ocean Vertical Heat Flux and Its Bidecadal Change
90210Submission Title: Coastal Ocean Response to the Global Warming Acceleration and Hiatus
93596Submission Title: Sizing submicron suspended particles by using oblique illumination to measure optical scatter
87338Submission Title: Particulate Trace Metal Composition in the Western Philippine Sea: the importance of anthropogenic aerosol deposition
90749Submission Title: Development and Verification of the Taiwan Ocean Prediction System
92443Submission Title: The OOI Ocean Education Portal: Enabling the Development of Online Data Investigations
91082Submission Title: Bedform Dimensions and Suspended Sediment Observations in a Mixed Sand-Mud Intertidal Environment
92444Submission Title: Variability in Phytoplankton Morphology and Macromolecular Composition With Nutrient Starvation and The Implications for Oceanic Elemental Stoichiometry
89065Submission Title: Fluctuations in the Atlantic Water Transport as a Source for Intra-seasonal Variability in the Barents Sea Ice Cover
93025Submission Title: The role of the Meridional Mode in ENSO diversity under greenhouse forcing
90682Submission Title: Towards Reducing Uncertainty in Historical XBT Data: An International Effort from the XBT Science Team.
HE011Submission Title: North meets South: an integrated perspective of high latitude ocean dynamics
92786Submission Title: Analysis of Inertial Oscillations in the Global Surface Drifter Dataset
90547Submission Title: Numerical study of sea level and kuroshio volume transport change contributed by steric effect due to global warming
89417Submission Title: Physical and Biogeochemical Characteristics of Hypoxia in the Jinhae Bay, South Korea
93647Submission Title: Genomic and Transcriptomic Analyses of Indole-3-Acetic Acid Biosynthesis in Diatoms
92917Submission Title: Forecasting sea cliff retreat in Southern California using process-based models and artificial neural networks
89384Submission Title: Losing Track of Time: Is Hypoxia In Part To Blame For Baltic Cod Aging Problems?
89007Submission Title: Mixotrophic dinoflagellate Karlodinium veneficum under variable nitrogen:phosphorus stoichiometry: feeding responses and effects on larvae of the eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica)
90734Submission Title: Tilt of Mean Sea Level Along the Pacific Coasts of North America and Japan
92152Submission Title: Normalized Diffuse Attenuation Coefficient of Downwelling Irradiance for Satellite Ocean Color Remote Sensing
90760Submission Title: Improved Efficiency in a Finite-difference, σ-coordinate, Free-surface Non-hydrostatic Ocean Model
88913Submission Title: Application of a new parametric wind field model for improving hurricane storm surge predictions of SLOSH
87235Submission Title: Seasonal Variation of the Beaufort Shelfbreak Jet and its Relationship to Arctic Cetacean Occurrence
92422Submission Title: Air-water CO2 Fluxes In Seasonal Hypoxia-influenced Green Bay, Lake Michigan
PO012Submission Title: Interactions between the open ocean and marginal/coastal seas in a changing climate
93770Submission Title: Time-dependent asymmetry of phytoplankton bloom in the wake of tropical cyclones
92993Submission Title: Simulation of Glint Reflectance and Determination of Water Surface Roughness over Turbid Coastal and Inland Aquatic Systems
89055Submission Title: A Laboratory Study of River Discharges into Shallow Seas
90509Submission Title: Developing Best Practices for Detecting Change at Marine Renewable Energy Sites
92330Submission Title: On the Nature and Origin of Water Masses in Herald Canyon, Chukchi Sea
93329Submission Title: Re-Emergence of Excess Bomb Radiocarbon in Upwelling Waters with High-Latitude Origins
92643Submission Title: Application of a Newton-Krylov Solver to Spin-up Biogeochemical Tracers
92431Submission Title: Context Dependency of a Marine Defensive Symbiosis over a Wide Geographic Distribution
92360Submission Title: Building the U.S. First Offshore Wind Farm-Applying EBM Approaches to Successfully Address Offshore Energy, Commercial Fisheries, and Recreational Boating interactions
92412Submission Title: Environmental and Microbial Features Affecting Denitrification and Anammox Hotspots in an Estuarine Ecosystem
87276Submission Title: Understanding Long-term, Large-scale Shoreline Change and the Sediment Budget on Fire Island, NY, using a 3D hydrodynamics-based model
92160Submission Title: Hydrodynamics and Sediment Transport Along and Across Shoreface-Connected Ridges: Fire Island, NY.
ME016Submission Title: Impacts of ecological interactions on marine ecosystem dynamics: New insights from models, theory, and field measurements
93428Submission Title: Quantifying Physiological, Behavioral and Ecological Consequences of Hypoxic Events in Kelp Forest
92561Submission Title: Effects of Dietary Fatty Acids on Juvenile Salmon Growth, Biochemistry, and Aerobic Performance: A Laboratory Rearing Experiment
90095Submission Title: Impacts of Ocean Coupling on HWRF Forecasts for Tropical Cyclones over the Western North Pacific Basin in 2015
89372Submission Title: Response of the Upper Ocean Temperature of the Equatorial Pacific Ocean to Vertically Varying Thermocline Mixing
91247Submission Title: Effects of Inertial Current on the Oceanic Surface Waves: HF Observed Current -Wave Buoy Measurements Matched Data, and Wave-Current Coupled Model
90761Submission Title: PDO Modulation of ENSO Effect on Tropical Cyclone Rapid Intensification in the Western North Pacific: a View from the Perspective of Atmospheric Dynamic Conditions and its Implication in the Future Projection,
PO023Submission Title: Ocean salinity and water cycle variability and change
90625Submission Title: Seismic geomorphology of the Lobed-channel System of Upper Miocene Huangliu Formation, Yinggehai Basin, Northwestern South China Sea
93784Submission Title: Phylogenetic and Pigment Phenotypical Diversification of Synechococcus Community in the Western Pacific Ocean
92568Submission Title: Effects of ecological interactions and environmental conditions on community dynamics in an estuarine ecosystem
91797Submission Title: Probabilistic Extra-Tropical Storm Surge Guidance
89916Submission Title: Impact of the Fraser River Geometry on Tides and the River Plumes in a Model of the Fraser River Plume
92919Submission Title: Effect of Offshore Wind Farms on Ocean Waves
91619Submission Title: The chemical charactor of the south Yellow Sea in spring.
90999Submission Title: The Environment Quality, Speciation and their Origins of Heavy Metals in Surficial Sediments in Central Bohai Sea, China
89195Submission Title: Interannual variability of circulation in the northern South China Sea
90194Submission Title: Formation of the modern Mekong subaqueous delta: a 3D view from Chirp sonar surveys
88939Submission Title: Seasonal Distribution and Activity of Ammonia-oxidizing Archaea in the South Atlantic Bight
88813Submission Title: A Modeling Study of the San Francisco Bay and Delta Ecosystem in High and Low River Flow Years
87617Submission Title: Interannual Variability of the Indonesian Throughflow Transport: A Revisit Based on 30-Year Expendable Bathythermograph Data
88365Submission Title: Change from Basin Mode to Dipole Mode in Tropical Indian Ocean
89682Submission Title: Effects of Chemical Structure on Hydrolysis Pathways of Small Peptides in Coastal Seawater
87081Submission Title: A Glacial-Interglacial Record of the North Pacific Biological Pump for the Past 600,000 Years
89084Submission Title: Monsoon and Salinity Variation in Bay of Bengal
91796Submission Title: Why is the AMOC Monostable in Coupled General Circulation Models?
89009Submission Title: Submesoscale Frontal Heterogeneity Enhances Phytoplankton Chlorophyll in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre
91424Submission Title: Reconstruction of Missing Pixels in Satellite Images Using the Data Interpolating Empirical Orthogonal Function (DINEOF)
93188Submission Title: Atmospheric Response to Mesoscale Ocean Eddies and Its Feedback onto the Ocean
89286Submission Title: Dynamics of Yellow Sea Warm Current under Intermittent Winter Monsoon
87932Submission Title: New metabolic insights into the microbial degradation of seawater-soluble crude oil components
93093Submission Title: High Phosphate Concentrations Accelerate Bacterial Peptide Degradation in Hypoxic Bottom Waters of the Northern Gulf of Mexico
89778Submission Title: A modeling study on formation and migration of waters in the South China Sea
90605Submission Title: Pathway from tides to turbulence: fission of internal solitary waves over rough topography
93044Submission Title: Modifying and Implementing an Inversion Algorithm for Shallow Water Wave Characteristics from a Broad-Beam HF Radar Network
91875Submission Title: Coastal Submesoscale Baroclinic Eddies in Cyclostrophic Balance in the Saguenay Fjord
93566Submission Title: High Resolution Net Ecosystem Metabolism in a Complex Estuary, Evaluated by Biogeochemical Modeling.
92246Submission Title: The instability of lenticular vortices
93132Submission Title: Growth and Survival of Larval Alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) in Southern New England Lakes
88740Submission Title: Observed decadal ocean warming (2005-2014) and its contribution to the top-of-the-atmosphere energy budget
ME011Submission Title: Exploration and Research of Complex Deep-Sea Environments: A Holistic Approach to Understanding Submarine Canyons and Seamounts
92493Submission Title: Chlorophyll Distributions in Relation to Physical Processes off Long Bay, South Carolina, USA, in the Winter of 2012
ED005Submission Title: Graduate Student Outreach: Students at the Interface of Their Ocean Science Career
92110Submission Title: Modeling Street-Level Inundation in Galveston, Texas City, and Houston during 2008 Hurricane Ike: Now and Implications for the Future
91904Submission Title: Towards Predicting Street-Level Inundation: using Operational Forecast Modeling Techniques during 2011 Hurricane Irene in Hampton Roads, VA
87422Submission Title: The Alaskan Stream: Zonal Evolution of Structure and Transport Quantified with Argo Data
87577Submission Title: Biophysical processes in Barrow Canyon influence fish distribution, age and growth
93073Submission Title: Tidal Marshes as Pulsing Systems: New Estimates of Marsh-Carbon Export and Fate
91587Submission Title: Seasonal Cycling of Dissolved, Soluble and Colloidal Iron in the Celtic Sea
88494Submission Title: Time-Series Hyperspectral and Multi-spectral Radiometric Measurements at the Martha’s Vineyard Coastal Observatory
93664Submission Title: Adaptive Sampling for the Coastal Ocean
91073Submission Title: Biogeochemical Stoichiometry of the Sargasso Sea
86877Submission Title: The Impact of Sea Surface Temperature on Organized Convective Storms Crossing over Coastlines
90327Submission Title: Exploring the Whiting Features of SW Florida Through Remote Sensing Techniques and Field Measurements.
90331Submission Title: Determining Air-Sea Exchange from the Sea-Side: A New Floating Aquatic Eddy Covariance Platform
89925Submission Title: The Effects of Ocean Acidification on Predator-Prey Interactions between Mya arenaria and Callinectes sapidus
89979Submission Title: Rapid instrument prototyping with open source hardware and software: Application to water quality in hypersaline estuaries.
92431Submission Title: Context Dependency of a Marine Defensive Symbiosis over a Wide Geographic Distribution
87094Submission Title: Linking the South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation and the Global Monsoons
90027Submission Title: Trophic Interactions in Louisiana Salt Marshes: Combining Stomach Content, Stable Isotope, and Fatty Acid Approaches
90228Submission Title: Relationship Between Zooplankton Distribution and Hydrography in Deep Waters of the Southern Gulf of México. A Seasonal Study.
88462Submission Title: Titan Submarine : AUV Design for Cryogenic Extraterrestrial Seas of Hydrocarbons
89244Submission Title: Can reef islands keep up with sea level? Exploring the interplay between sea-level rise, sediment supply, and overwash processes
93522Submission Title: Observations of Seasonal Morphological Evolution at a Moderately Energetic Beach in Rincón, Puerto Rico
90825Submission Title: Predicting Biological Information Flow in a Model Oxygen Minimum Zone
92436Submission Title: Photosynthetically Driven Cycles Produce Extreme pCO2Variability in a Large Eelgrass Meadow and Readily Measured Proxies Can Be Used to Estimate These Changes
91193Submission Title: On the Role of Mesoscale Eddies in the Long-Range Export of Carbon and Nutrients from the Canary Upwelling System into the Open North Atlantic
92047Submission Title: Storm Surge Modeling of Typhoon Haiyan at the Naval Oceanographic Office Using Delft3D
IS007Submission Title: Technological Advancements in Phytoplankton Ecology: Observation Techniques and Platforms, Data Analysis and Interpretation, and Model Development
88581Submission Title: Reduced Salinity Improves Marine Food Availability With Positive Feedbacks on pH in a Tidally-Dominated Estuary
EC016Submission Title: Observations and Modeling of Physical Processes Along Coral Reef-lined Coasts
89639Submission Title: (Sample) Size Matters: Best Practices for Defining Error in Planktic Foraminiferal Proxy Records
92937Submission Title: Does active convection within leads in sea ice delay phytoplankton blooms?
11255Submission Title: What’s Right and What’s Wrong with Graduate Education in the Ocean Sciences?
89521Submission Title: Internal Waves and Shear Instability in the Southern Bay of Bengal
91487Submission Title: Riverine and Sediment Processes in the Yangtze River – Modeling and Validation
87883Submission Title: Data-driven stochastic parameterization and dimension reduction in nonlinear dynamics
88657Submission Title: Baroclinic Instability and Energy Transfer underlying the Kuroshio eddy shedding process in Luzon Strait
90211Submission Title: Numerical Investigations of the Hydrographic Observations of Chukchi Sea Shelf Using ROMS Model Integrations
89019Submission Title: Variability of Salinity and Temperature Anomalies in South Pacific Tropical Water
89332Submission Title: ROMS-Based Modeling Study on PO4 and NO3 Limitation in a River Plume Ecosystem
88699Submission Title: Morphodynamic Evolution of Yangtze (Changjiang) Estuary in Decadal-timescale: Alteration from Natural Processes to Human Interferences
93247Submission Title: Effects of Submarine Groundwater Discharge (SGD) on the Growth of the Lobe Coral Porites lobata in Maunalua Bay, Hawaii.
90694Submission Title: Evolution of the Upper Ocean Salinity during the SPURS campaigns
89580Submission Title: Observations of the Evolution of Turbulent Dissipation within the Ocean Surface Boundary Layer: an OSMOSIS study
89311Submission Title: Beach Nourishment and the Sediment Budget in Southern California
92244Submission Title: Temporal, Spatial, Statistical Distribution of the Rate of Dissipation of TKE in Islay Sound
93340Submission Title: From Internal Gravity Waves to the Mesoscale: Potential and Kinetic Energy Frequency Spectra in Global Ocean Models versus Data.
92256Submission Title: Spatial Analysis of Abyssal Temperature Variations Observed From the ALOHA Cabled Observatory and WHOTS Moorings
87143Submission Title: Global characteristics of coherent eddies from drifter trajectories
88746Submission Title: Arctic Sea Ice Monitoring by Marine Radar
89107Submission Title: Proteomics as a tool to understand the distribution and activity of ammonia-oxidizing archaea
91269Submission Title: An assessment of vertical mixing schemes in comparison with observations in the European shelf.
91077Submission Title: Observation and Simulation of the Pearl River plume and its biological effects in a pre-flood season
88578Submission Title: Response of the Equatorial Pacific Ocean to A Uniform Energy Flux Forcing in A Fully Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean GCM
89984Submission Title: Bacterial succession across seasonal transitions in the coastal waters of the western Antarctic Peninsula
92727Submission Title: ‘Contamination’ of the Pelagic Linear Barotropic Tides by Nonlinear Barotropic Tides
88019Submission Title: Planktonic Marine Iron-Oxidizers Drive Iron(III) Mineralization Under Low Oxygen Conditions
ED007Submission Title: Integrating Ocean and Climate Science Across the Pipeline: K-Graduate Level and Informal Education Initiatives
89863Submission Title: Assessing the Diversity of Halimeda spp. on Pulley Ridge Mesophotic Reefs
91893Submission Title: Disease Ecology of the Blue Crab and its Parasite Hematodinium perezi in the Maryland and Virginia Coastal Bays
90245Submission Title: 3D Reconstruction and Approximation of Vegetation Geometry for Modeling of Within-canopy Flows
88116Submission Title: Assessing the Physical Drivers of Water Quality along Lake Superior's South Shore
87957Submission Title: On the Dynamics of Kuroshio Path Shifts near the Luzon Strait
93079Submission Title: Influence of Kuroshio Oceanic Eddies on North Pacific Weather Patterns
92235Submission Title: Molecular Features of Dissolved Organic Matter Produced by Picophytoplankton
88735Submission Title: Seasonality and the Response of the Thecosome Pteropod Limacina retroversa to CO2 in the Gulf of Maine
ME013Submission Title: Exploring the Spatial and Temporal Scales of Marine Animal Response to Global Change
89702Submission Title: Using Navigable Drifters to Optimize Distributed Measurements
B004Submission Title: From WOCE through CLIVAR to GO-SHIP: Results from Global Repeat Hydrographic Surveys
92007Submission Title: The General NOAA Operational Modeling Environment (GNOME) – Development and Applications
90950Submission Title: Chaos in Ocean Ventilation
92990Submission Title: Remobilization of heavy metals in sediments of the Thames Estuary (UK) from historic coastal landfills
92466Submission Title: Iron transport pathways in the Ross Sea: Physical processes affecting the supply of dFe in a regional ocean model
91640Submission Title: Circulation and mixing in the subpolar North Atlantic diagnosed from climatology using a Regional Thermohaline Inverse Method (RTHIM)
AH005Submission Title: Effects of Ocean Acidification on Carbonate Dissolution Processes and Rates in Reef, Bank and Shelf Sediments
93167Submission Title: Point Sal Inner Shelf Experiment (PSIEX): Spatial and Temporal Variability of Subtidal and Tidal Temperature and Current Structure
92066Submission Title: Lagrangian Statistics of GPS Surface Trajectories in Two Natural Rivers
88943Submission Title: Suppression of AMOC variability at increased CO2
87892Submission Title: Connecting Past to Present and Watersheds to Ocean: Modeling 165 Years of Incremental Changes to Flows into the San Francisco Bay Delta System
B003Submission Title: Bypassing the Sediment-Water Interface: Burial and Diagenesis of Organic Matter and Reactive Minerals in Quickly Depositing Sediments
93054Submission Title: Next Generation Science Partnerships
91045Submission Title: Nutrient and Trace Metal Controls on Alkaline Phosphatase in the Subtropical Ocean: Insights from Bioassays and Gene Expression
93459Submission Title: Influence of 1997/98 and 2006/2007 Indian Ocean Dipole on Phytoplankton Composition in the Eastern Tropical Indian Ocean
90814Submission Title: Australian Continental Shelf as an Inverse Estuary
90070Submission Title: Investigating microbial cycling of recalcitrant organic matter in marine sediments using natural isotope respirometry in a novel, carbon-free bioreactor
74682Submission Title: Behavioral Response of Hermit Crabs (Clibanarius digueti) to Dissolved Carbon Dioxide
88178Submission Title: Effect of Ocean Acidification on the Food Quality of the Coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi
92176Submission Title: Comparison of 210Po, 234Th and Sediment-Trap Based Export Fluxes in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
87771Submission Title: Environmental Drivers of Inter-annual Variability in Beaufort Sea Marine Fish Community Structure
91594Submission Title: An Observations and Model Based Analysis of Meridional Transports in the South Atlantic
88230Submission Title: Diagnosing ocean eddy diffusivities from eddy flux divergences
90366Submission Title: Regional Variations in Low Frequency Transport Variability of the Southern Ocean
93727Submission Title: Near-Inertial Waves on the Continental Shelf: Physics Based on Observations off the West Florida.
93389Submission Title: Contrasts in Seasonal Sea Ice Melt Processes in the Beaufort/Chukchi and Antarctic Marginal Ice Zones Observed by Autonomous Buoys
90588Submission Title: Daily Distributions of DIC and pCO2 over the Northwestern Pacific Ocean calculated by the high resolution tracer transport model
91161Submission Title: Modelling the Response of Shelf Waters to Agulhas Current Variability.
92830Submission Title: Controls on Iron Bioavailability in the Iron Limitation Mosaic of the California Current System
88904Submission Title: Merging and Visualization of Archived Oceanographic Acoustic, Optical, and Sensor Data to Support Improved Access and Interpretation
93732Submission Title: The Role of Cable Bacteria on Porewater Acidity in an Organic Rich Coastal Sediment
73213Submission Title: Does remote sensing help translating local SGD investigation to large spatial scales?
87990Submission Title: Using Expert Elicitation to Estimate the Impacts of Plastic Pollution on Marine Wildlife
90701Submission Title: Impacts of Declining Mississippi River Sediment Load on Subaqueous Delta Front Sedimentation and Geomorphology
EC009Submission Title: Coasts in Crisis: Sea Level Rise and Inundation and the Drivers for Adaptation
88395Submission Title: Tara Oceans: Eco-Systems Biology at Planetary Scale
91605Submission Title: Bioenergetic Approaches to Define Resilience Potential to Compounding Environmental Stressors
92555Submission Title: Modular Seafloor and Water Column Systems for the Ocean Observatories Initiative Cabled Array
89155Submission Title: Modification of Surf Zone Turbulence and the Undertow by a Submerged Canopy
90432Submission Title: On Using Adaptive Mesh Refinement and Riemann Solver Based Two-Layer Shallow Water Solvers to Model Internal Tides
91500Submission Title: Recent changes in the CO2 sink of the Southern Ocean inferred from ocean state estiamates
88556Submission Title: EarthLabs Modules: Engaging Students In Extended, Rigorous Investigations Of The Ocean, Climate and Weather
87692Submission Title: Biological Productivity and Air-Sea Gas Exchange in a Coastal Upwelling Zone from Oxygen Isotopes and Noble Gases
11201Submission Title: PACE: NASA’s Next Generation Ocean Color Satellite Mission Town Hall,
11210Submission Title: Benefits and Challenges of Diurnal (hourly) Ocean Color Remote Sensing - Science and Applications,
11253Submission Title: Update and status of the Arctic-COLORS (Arctic-COastal Land Ocean interactions) NASA Field Campaign Scoping Study,
89839Submission Title: Diurnal variability in carbon and nitrogen pools within Chesapeake Bay and northern Gulf of Mexico: implications for future ocean color satellite sensors,
ME014Submission Title: Frontiers in Ocean Color Remote Sensing: Science and Challenges
91244Submission Title: Observation of Moon Jellyfish Spatial Distribution Using a Scientific Echo Sounder and Underwater Camera
91380Submission Title: Simulating hydrodynamics and ice cover in Lake Erie using an unstructured grid model
92511Submission Title: Transient halocline and freshwater dynamics of the Arctic's Beaufort Gyre
88189Submission Title: Galápagos coral reef persistence after ENSO warming across an acidification gradient
PC009Submission Title: Mid-latitude Climate Dynamics and the Role of the Ocean
87345Submission Title: Observations of Water Mass Mixing in the Luzon Strait
89229Submission Title: Sustaining Broader Impacts through Researcher-Teacher Collaboration (A Model Based on Award Abstract #1334935: Collaborative Research: Investigating the Ecological Importance of Iron Storage in Diatoms.),
89284Submission Title: Altered Phytoplankton Dynamics Associated with the North Pacific Blob Provides a Glimpse of Future Warming Oceans
89939Submission Title: A Participative Tool for Sharing, Annotating and Archiving Submarine Video Data
88896Submission Title: Biogeochemical and physical controls on the distribution of dissolved organic carbon in the deep Gulf of Mexico and basins of the Caribbean
90943Submission Title: Impact of Wet Deposition of Black Carbon on Particle Dynamics in Surface Waters of Halong Bay, North Vietnam
87784Submission Title: Mnemiopsis leidyi Gut Harbors Seasonally Variant and Commensal Microbial Assemblages
90119Submission Title: Multivariate Analysis of Short Term Spatial and Temporal Variations in Plankton Communities and Marine Snow in the Offshore Gulf of Mexico as Estimated by the Video Plankton Recorder and MOCNESS
91667Submission Title: Observations of Surface Mixed Layer Variability in the Eastern South Pacific along the coast of Ecuador
90338Submission Title: Global decadal climate variability driven by Southern Ocean convection,
92750Submission Title: Remote Sensing of Phytoplankton Size Distribution: Phenology,
93010Submission Title: Increasing biomass in the global and warm oceans? Unexpected new insights from SeaWiFS data: 1997-2010,
PC006Submission Title: Global teleconnections and Southern Ocean Variability on Decadal to Centennial Timescales
88498Submission Title: Spatial patterns of cyanobacterial mat growth on sand ripples
EC014Submission Title: Nearshore Processes ..............................................
86848Submission Title: Challenges of Modeling Swell Propagation and Sea Waves over a Complex Bathymetry: Implication for Coastal Flood Mapping in Sitka, AK
EC013Submission Title: Moving the Mississippi River Delta towards Long-Term Sustainability: Opportunities and Limitations
90949Submission Title: SOCIB HF radar, a key contribution to multi-platform ocean observation
93062Submission Title: Towards the Olympic Games: Guanabara Bay Forecasting System and its Application on the Floating Debris Cleaning Actions.
90063Submission Title: Flow Splitting in Numerical Simulations of Oceanic Dense-Water Outflows
92758Submission Title: Observed Internal Tide Energy Fluxes in the Tasman Tidal Dissipation Experiment
93230Submission Title: Further Examination of Biogeochemical Consequences of Mesoscale Eddies in the Sargasso Sea
89273Submission Title: Increased Sediments, but Not Nutrients, May Facilitate Dominance of Halimeda opuntia Through Interactions With Light on Fringing reefs in the South Pacific
89774Submission Title: Atmospheric Deposition to the Arctic Ocean: Concentrations of Dissolved Trace Elements in Melt Ponds During US GEOTRACES Western Arctic Section
90187Submission Title: Population Dynamics, Distribution and Diet of Arctic Cod (Boreogadus saida) in the Eastern Chukchi Sea
88493Submission Title: Long-term trends of salinity along the AMOC upper branch, linked to changing surface freshwater fluxes and ocean freshwater transports
93564Submission Title: What's happening over the poles?
86950Submission Title: Earthquake Signatures in the Modern Sediment Record of Prince William Sound, Alaska
93363Submission Title: Simulation of Wave−Current Interaction Using a Three−Dimensional Hydrodynamic Model Coupled With a Phase Averaged Wave Model
93546Submission Title: Chasing Sources and Transports of Methane Plumes in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Using In Situ Sensors on Untethered Landers
EC011Submission Title: From watersheds to oceans – physical, ecological, and population models that cross boundaries
92331Submission Title: Energy dynamics of Chinook salmon as they migrate from rivers to the ocean
92452Submission Title: Combining urbanization and hydrodynamics data to evaluate sea level rise impacts on coastal water resources
86927Submission Title: Sargassum-associated mobile fauna communities in the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and Sargasso Sea
89885Submission Title: The Ocean or the Atmosphere: Diagnosing Forced Versus Intrinsic Low-Frequency Variability in an Idealized North Atlantic Ocean-Atmosphere Model
90527Submission Title: Investigating N cycle processes in the Arabian Sea oxygen deficient zone using paired N and O isotope measurements of nitrate and nitrite
90842Submission Title: Does sea ice retreat reduce or increase the momentum flux into the Arctic Ocean?,
HE002Submission Title: Dynamics of the Arctic Ocean and Sea Ice System in a Changing Climate,
PC006Submission Title: Global teleconnections and Southern Ocean Variability on Decadal to Centennial Timescales
89401Submission Title: Linking Optical and Molecular Properties of Dissolved Organic Matter in the Mediterranean Sea
91189Submission Title: Model projections of active transport by migrating zooplankton in the North Atlantic: consequences for the export of carbon and the biological pump.
88920Submission Title: Picoeukaryotes have their map: Global abundance in present and future climates,
89844Submission Title: Strong latitudinal and vertical biogeography of Synechococcus diversity in the equatorial Pacific Ocean,
B001Submission Title: Beyond Redfield - Elemental Ratios as Tracers and Drivers of Biodiversity and Biogeochemical Function in a Changing Ocean,
MM003Submission Title: Linking 'Omics Insights to Marine Microbial Ecology and Biogeochemical Functioning
89172Submission Title: EcoPrinciples Connect: A Pilot Project Matching Ecological Principles with Available Data to Promote Ecosystem-Based Management
92948Submission Title: A Chemical Approach to Mitigate Coral Bleaching
88656Submission Title: From North Africa to the North Atlantic Ocean via the Mediterranean Sea: a journey through high-resolution palaeorecords and sub-precessional numerical simulations
88923Submission Title: Momentum balance in the Southern Ocean
92086Submission Title: On verifying currents, eddies, and other features in the Hawaiian Islands region using fully Coupled Ocean/Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System COAMPS-OS compared to the global ocean model, stand-alone models, and ocean observations.,
PO002Submission Title: Advances in Operational Oceanography: Modeling, Product Services, and Skill Assessment
88890Submission Title: Respiration, and growth-efficiency of coastal prokaryote communities in continuous cultures under different growth rates and temperatures.
88637Submission Title: Investigating Typhoon Induced River-Surge Interactions in the Tamsui Estuary, Taiwan.
ME031Submission Title: Resolving OMZ processes: single-cells to ecosystems, coasts to open ocean
91027Submission Title: Impact of Shoot Density on Corg Accumulation in Seagrass Sediments
92025Submission Title: Mixed Layer Depth Variability in Coastal Waters of British Columbia, Canada
90737Submission Title: Sensitivity of ocean-atmosphere multiscale coupled model to oceanic parameterizations.
87232Submission Title: Hydrographic Structure of Overflow Water Passing through the Denmark Strait
87515Submission Title: Generation mechanisms and energetics of internal waves around an island
91116Submission Title: Interannual modulations of mesoscale oceanic imprints on the wintertime atmospheric boundary layer under the changing dynamical regimes of the Kuroshio Extension
92925Submission Title: XBT Fall-rate study in the Southern Ocean
90414Submission Title: Shelf/Deep-Ocean Exchanges in the South Georgia Region
90198Submission Title: Representing the propagation and far-field dissipation of internal tides in a global climate model
92900Submission Title: Model Analysis of Vertical Carbon Export in a Mesocosm Experiment
88418Submission Title: Elucidating the Relationship Between Phytoplankton and Primary Production in the Sargasso Sea Using New Observations of Nanoplankton and Picoplankton.
87354Submission Title: Ocean Acidification in the Surface Waters of the Pacific-Arctic Boundary Regions
92381Submission Title: Energy Transfer Into the Deep Ocean from Mixed Layer Near-Inertial Currents Generated by Storms in the Bay of Bengal
90105Submission Title: Hydrodynamics and thermal regime of a shallow reef-atoll rim
93888Submission Title: Assessing Deep Sea Communities Through Seabed Imagery
11253Submission Title: Update and status of the Arctic-COLORS (Arctic-COastal Land Ocean interactions) NASA Field Campaign Scoping Study,
90304Submission Title: Long-Term Observations of Atmospheric CO2, O3 and BrO over the Transitioning Arctic Ocean Pack-ice: The O-Buoy Chemical Network,
HE008Submission Title: Macroecological Approaches to the Arctic Ocean System: Changes and Implications on Biogeochemical Cycles
93109Submission Title: Intraspecific Adaptations to Thermal Gradients in a Cosmopolitan Coccolithophore
91886Submission Title: Satellite EARTH workshops increase reach, sustainability, and growth of EARTH (Education And Research: Testing Hypotheses): a truly collaborative workshop model between researchers and educators to get real data into the classroom.
93701Submission Title: Response of Volume Transport through the Taiwan and Tsushima Straits to the Wind Fields in the East China Sea
90171Submission Title: Multi-Scale Dynamics of Near-Surface Turbulence in a Numerical Wind-Wave Tank
92427Submission Title: Comparison of Data Assimilation for Biogeochemical Ocean Models of Different Complexities -- an Example Using Joint Physical-Biological Assimilation for a 3D Regional Model
92874Submission Title: Metagenetic Sequencing of Zooplankton Communities in the High-Diversity Central North Pacific
87507Submission Title: Assimilation of Satellite Data in a Regional Ocean Model for Generating High-Resolution Ocean Currents
89980Submission Title: Spatial Correlations: A Measure of the Relationship Between SST Fronts and Bottom Topography.
88186Submission Title: Variability of Tropical Cyclone Heat Potential and Barrier layers in the South Indian Ocean
90725Submission Title: Using the Data From Accidents and Natural Disasters to Improve Marine Debris Modeling
P001Submission Title: Dynamic Ocean Management: Managing at Finer Scales for Mobile Ocean Resources
89772Submission Title: Achieving high confidence protein annotations in a sea of unknowns
88867Submission Title: An Overview of the Naval Research Laboratory Ocean Surface Flux (NFLUX) System
ME036Submission Title: Biological-physical interactions at organismal scales from sediments to the water column
91431Submission Title: Growth and Mortality of Coccolithophores during spring in the Celtic Sea
88913Submission Title: Application of a new parametric wind field model for improving hurricane storm surge predictions of SLOSH
93549Submission Title: Distribution of Mysid species in Relation to Environmental factors in Maryland Coastal Bays
89137Submission Title: Two-component wind fields over ocean waves using atmospheric lidar and motion estimation algorithms
93826Submission Title: Ocean Acidification Monitoring Data Collaborations, Integration and Dissemination: The US Pacific NW Regional IOOS Experience with Local to Global Efforts
91180Submission Title: Phytoplankton traits over an annual cycle in the NW Mediterranean
89500Submission Title: Ocean Heat Content Structure Revealed by Un-Supervised Classification of Hydrographic Profiles
PC004Submission Title: Contemporary evidence of climate change effects on lake and estuarine ecosystems
90259Submission Title: An Analysis of Denitrification and Anammox Processes in Sediments Underneath Oyster Aquaculture
89508Submission Title: Prediction of Changes in Arctic Benthic Ecosystems on the Basis of Large Scale Study of Benthic Biomass Size Spectra
EC022Submission Title: The Dynamics of Buoyancy Driven Flows in Estuaries, River Plumes and on the Continental Shelf
90195Submission Title: Mixing Estimates of a Surface Trapped Coastal Current
88956Submission Title: Empirical knowledge engine of local governance Senegalese artisanal fisheries Empirical knowledge engine of local governance Senegalese artisanal fisheries
89754Submission Title: The Influence of Nutrient Availability on Trophic Energy Transfer Using Two-Stage Continuous Cultures
91530Submission Title: Evaluation of the Carbon Wave Glider as a Tool for Scientific Studies
92514Submission Title: Reexamining Flow across the Continental Shelf
EC006Submission Title: Coastal Oceanography through Integrated Data Analysis
93331Submission Title: Exploring Options for an Integrated Water Level Observation Network in Alaska,
93359Submission Title: Digging Back In Time: Integrating Historical Data Into an Operational Ocean Observing System,
OD003Submission Title: Integrating Ocean Observing and Animal Telemetry - the US Animal Telemetry Observing Network (ATN)
91135Submission Title: Sea-level fluctuations show ocean circulation impact on Atlantic multidecadal variability
90531Submission Title: Sources and Transformation of Dissolved and Particulate Organic Nitrogen in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre Indicated by Compound-Specific Nitrogen Isotope Analysis of Amino Acids
92563Submission Title: Analysis of Suspended-Sediment Dynamics in Gulf of Mexico Estuaries Using MODIS/Terra 250-m Imagery
89731Submission Title: Automated Sargassum Detection for Landsat Imagery
91957Submission Title: Monsoon Variability in the Arabian Sea from Enhanced and Standard Horizontal Resolution Coupled Climate Models.
93737Submission Title: SeaSketch: Implementation of a Decision-Support Platform for a Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary Multi-sector Working Group
88573Submission Title: The Turbulent Convective Plume at Ice Shelf Fronts and the Sides of Tabular Icebergs
93775Submission Title: I See the Light! …Or Maybe Not. Evaluating the Effects of Oxygen and Light on Highly Visual Marine Organisms
90215Submission Title: Accelerating Salinity Trends at Station ALOHA in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre
91849Submission Title: Developing a Technique to Determine Iron-Bearing Mineral Composition in Hydrothermal Plumes Using Optical Backscattering Sensors
89551Submission Title: Exploring relationships of calcification rate with respiration rate and predator cue presence in juvenile Crassostrea virginica
89969Submission Title: Linking Seasonal Variations in the Spectral Slope of Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) with Apparent Oxygen Utilization and Excess Nitrogen (DINxs) in the North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre
89201Submission Title: Large-scale Patterns and Drivers of the Biological Carbon Pump: Insights from in situ Camera Observations across the Pacific Ocean
93037Submission Title: Long Term Adaptation of a Marine Chlamydomonas sp. to Phosphorus Limitation
90319Submission Title: Abyssal Upwelling and Downwelling and the role of boundary layers
93427Submission Title: Floating Classroom Outreach as an Introduction to Ocean Studies
90786Submission Title: Effect of Orientation on Light Absorption by Colonial Diatoms
92258Submission Title: Changes in coral reef metabolism during the 2015 El Niño in the eastern Pacific
IS003Submission Title: Airborne Systems in Support of Oceanographic Research
93729Submission Title: On the pattern of WAIS retreat in eastern Ross Sea based on a regional synthesis of new geophysical and geological data acquired during NBP1502
90792Submission Title: Influence of Scale-dependent Processes on Capelin (Mallotus villosus) Distributions in the Gulf of Alaska
89559Submission Title: MeshAtlantic – Mapping Atlantic Area Seabed Habitats For Better Marine Management
87852Submission Title: Autonomous Vehicles for Wave Energy Site Characterisation and monirotring in the Atlantic areas: North Scotland and Portugal
92099Submission Title: Needles in the Blue Sea: Sub-species Specificity by Targeted Metaproteomics of the Vast Oceanic Microbial Metaproteome
91126Submission Title: Microbial utilization of nitrogen in cold core eddies: size does matter
87653Submission Title: Towards a Comparitive Index of Seaport Climate-Risk: Development of Indicators from Open Data
89940Submission Title: Wind Control of Circumpolar Deep Water Intrusions to the Western Antarctic Peninsula shelf: Weather-Band and Seasonal Variability
91652Submission Title: Merging glider and ocean color data to accurately estimate phytoplankton biomass in Oregon’s coastal waters
93488Submission Title: Flagging optically shallow pixels for improved analysis of ocean color data
92363Submission Title: A high-resolution hydrodynamic model of the Duplin River Estuary, Sapelo Island GA with groundwater as the major buoyancy forcing
92998Submission Title: Understanding the Relative Influence of Anthropogenic Versus Natural Nitrogen on Biogeochemical Processes in the Southern California Bight
11251Submission Title: The European Union-Canada-United States of America Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance: Implementing the Galway Statement - Progress, Next Steps, and Opportunities for Collaboration
88694Submission Title: Production and Isolation of Amphibactin siderophores in Iron-stressed cultures of the marine bacteria Vibrio spp.
93778Submission Title: Connecting Coastal Communities with Ocean Science: A Look at Ocean Sense and the Inclusion of Place-based Indigenous Knowledge
93002Submission Title: Millenial-scale Plankton Regime Shifts In The Subtropical North Pacific Assessed By δ13C And δ15N Compound-specific Stable Isotope Analysis Of Deep-sea Corals
89075Submission Title: Expanding the Analytical Window for Amino Acids in Marine Particles through tandem LC-MS
90512Submission Title: Measurements of the Rate of Dissipation of Turbulent Kinetic Energy in a High Reynolds Number Tidal Channel
87352Submission Title: Relationships between Climate and Biodiversity of Fish Assemblages in the Southern California Current Region
90034Submission Title: Establishing the Lifespan of the Marine Bivalve, Astarte borealis, From the White Sea, Russia using Isotope Sclerochronology: Implications for Biological Consequences of Climate Change
88404Submission Title: Pumping Iron and Silica Bodybuilding
93697Submission Title: AUV and Aircraft Measurements of an Internal Hydraulic Jump at the Mouth of the Columbia River
92775Submission Title: Understanding the Changing Global Distribution of Radiocarbon: What are we learning from the WOCE and CLIVAR Repeat Hydrography Results
90498Submission Title: Salmon on the Edge: Growth and Condition of Juvenile Chum and Pink Salmon in the Northeastern Bering Sea
90416Submission Title: Vertical convergence of sediment resuspended by internal waves and subducted phytoplankton to a persistent detached layer over the shelf of Monterey Bay, California.
92198Submission Title: A Cabled, High Bandwidth Instrument Platform for Continuous Scanning of the Upper Ocean Water Column
89908Submission Title: Modeling 3-Dimensional Sediment Transport Processes in Delaware Estuary
92521Submission Title: Developmental Effects of Ocean Acidification Conditions and Elevated Temperature on Homarus Americanus Larvae
93859Submission Title: Integrated Model of Ocean Acidification and Hypoxia to Support Ecosystem Prediction and Environmental Management in the California Current Ecosystem
92190Submission Title: Photorelease and Phototransformations of Sedimentary Bound Brevetoxin (PbTx-2) Upon Resuspension,
92576Submission Title: Undergraduates in the lab: Analyzing metal and organic contaminants in oysters and sediments from southeastern North Carolina,
B002Submission Title: Biogeochemistry of resuspended sediments in aquatic and coastal marine environments
88006Submission Title: An Experimental Study on Physical Factors Affecting Dispersion and Dilution of the Main Street Stormwater Outfall Pipe in North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
86991Submission Title: Dissolved Al in the A16S CLIVAR Repeat Hydrography Section and Its Implication for Aerosol Deposition in the South Atlantic
89997Submission Title: Stable AMOC off state in an eddy-permitting Coupled Climate Model
93683Submission Title: New Methods for Estimating Water Current Velocity Fields from Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
90357Submission Title: Using ATTO dyes to probe bacterial interactions with the marine diatom Pseudo-nitzschia.
PO002Submission Title: Advances in Operational Oceanography: Modeling, Product Services, and Skill Assessment
90428Submission Title: Laboratory Study Using Novel Imaging Techniques For Phase Resolved Wave Observations
93497Submission Title: Double-diffusive sedimentation
87082Submission Title: Deep Western Boundary Current Variability at 34.5°S During 2009-2015
87419Submission Title: Ocean Surface Salinity from the SMAP Sensor
92667Submission Title: High Temporal Resolution Characterization of the Carbonate Chemistry and the Relative Influence of Community Metabolic Processes on Controlling Coral Reef Dynamics at La Parguera, Puerto Rico,
93372Submission Title: Hydrodynamic observations in support of Moored Autonomous pCO2 buoy efforts at La Parguera Marine Reserve
91122Submission Title: Seasonal lipid dynamics of Calanus finmarchicus and C. helgolandicus in the Norwegian Sea: The role of energy for “decision making” in life-cycle events,
HE015Submission Title: The role of lipids in Arctic and sub-Arctic food webs and the fate of energy-rich copepods in a warming ocean
92260Submission Title: Organic Complexation of Dissolved Copper and Iron from Shipboard Incubations in the Central California Current System: Investigating the Impacts of Light Conditions and Phytoplankton Growth on Iron- and Copper-Binding Ligand Characteristics
90543Submission Title: Signature of Mesoscale Eddies in Satellite Sea Surface Salinity Data
92037Submission Title: Vertical profiles of the wave-coherent airflow over ocean surface waves
86900Submission Title: Interannual and Decadal-Scale Salinity variations in Oceanic Subtropical Gyres
89096Submission Title: Warming and Acidification Induced Mass Mortality of a Coastal Keystone predator
87847Submission Title: The link between CMIP5 model biases and the simulation of North Atlantic decadal variability
93594Submission Title: Reference independent species level profiling of the largest marine microbial ecosystem.
89734Submission Title: Same same but different - quantifying the importance of intra-specific variability to plankton biodiversity
91051Submission Title: Analysis of the interannual variability of tropical cyclones striking the California coast based on statistical downscaling
93262Submission Title: Ocean Surface Mixed Layer Property Quantification: A Comparison And Evaluation Of Results From Different Ocean State Estimates And Numerical Simulations,
93286Submission Title: Design and analysis of a global sub-mesoscale and tidal dynamics admitting virtual ocean.,
93722Submission Title: Impact of Argo Sampling and Cloud Cover on Ocean Mixed Layer Property Estimates,
A011Submission Title: The Ocean Surface Boundary Layer: Physical Processes and Roles in Weather, Climate and Biogeochemistry
90289Submission Title: Understanding the Dynamics of the South Indian Ocean Sea Surface Salinity Maximum Pool From Argo, Rama, Aquarius, SMOS & Other Satellites
88228Submission Title: Cod Collapse and Climate in the North Atlantic
87891Submission Title: Scaling Coastal Ecosystems to Oceanographic and Climatic Drivers: Making Sense of Community Variation on Rocky Shores Using the Comparative-Experimental Approach in Upwelling and Downwelling Systems
87733Submission Title: Material transport in a wind and buoyancy forced mixed layer
86899Submission Title: Changing Distributions of Sea Ice Melt and Meteoric Water to the West of the Antarctic Peninsula
ME022Submission Title: Modeling and observing the physical-biological interactions that organize the spatio-temporal distribution of biomass in marine ecosystems
91490Submission Title: Contribution of Increasing Glacial Freshwater Fluxes to Observed Trends in Antarctic Sea Ice
93423Submission Title: The Effect of Elevated CO2 and Temperature on the Hatch Rate and Survival of Estuarine Forage Fish
89770Submission Title: Summer U.S. Surface Air Temperature Variability: Controlling Factors and AMIP Simulation Biases
93335Submission Title: Pacific decadal variability associated with trade wind forcing: Evidence from tide gauge records
91787Submission Title: Upper Ocean Turbulent Processes in the Antarctic Frontal Zones
89091Submission Title: Climate change science education across schools, campuses, and centers: strategies and successes
90300Submission Title: Remote Sensing of Suspended Sediment Dynamics in the Mississippi Sound
90870Submission Title: Observations of circulation and transport in the northwestern subpolar North Atlantic
90562Submission Title: Morphologic and Ecologic Analysis of a Proposed Network of Mississippi River Sediment Diversions
91945Submission Title: High-resolution sampling of plankton diversity using fluorescence and bioluminescence sensors
PC007Submission Title: High-resolution geochemical proxies of global change: progress, problems, and utility
93578Submission Title: Using participatory agent-based models to measure flood managers' decision thresholds in extreme event response
87663Submission Title: Maintaining Consistency in the Atmospheric Forcing Applied to U.S. Navy Ocean and Ice Prediction Systems
87986Submission Title: Simultaneous application of multiple platforms (Glider, Scanfish, profiling mooring, CTD) to improve detection and quantification of temporal ocean dynamics
92354Submission Title: Transformation of model data to information - experiences with coastDat
92780Submission Title: Submarine Channel Association with Seamount Chain Alignment on the Ontong Java Plateau
90484Submission Title: Effect of ocean acidification on the nutritional quality of phytoplankton for copepod reproduction
EC010Submission Title: From coasts to the open ocean: global modeling of land –ocean fluxes and feedbacks on the continental shelf
90442Submission Title: Aluminum and Manganese Distributions in the Solomon Sea: Results from the 2012 PANDORA Cruise
90798Submission Title: LANDSAT-derived 28-year history of phytoplankton blooms in Western Lake Erie shows changes in peak bloom timing and challenges due to phytoplankton species variability
91792Submission Title: Connection between nitrogen and manganese cycles revealed by transcriptomic analysis in Shewanella algae C6G3
88371Submission Title: The Response of a Branch of Puget Sound, Washington to the 2014 North Pacific Warm Anomaly
89135Submission Title: Limiting iron concentrations early in the season off the West Antarctic Peninsula
92345Submission Title: Sheet flow measurements on a surf-zone sandbar under shoaling and breaking waves
92312Submission Title: The annual cycle of the North Atlantic phytoplankton
92492Submission Title: pCO2 Observations from a Vertical Profiler on the upper continental slope off Vancouver Island: Physical controls on biogeochemical processes.
87681Submission Title: Proteomic Assessment of Polar Bacteria Phylogeny and Functional Shifts During POM Degradation at 0°C
91432Submission Title: Statistical Evaluation of VIIRS Ocean Color Products
91975Submission Title: Glider observations of the Dotson Ice Shelf outflow and its connection to the Amundsen Sea Polynya
93263Submission Title: Internal Tide Generation at the Vitória-Trindade Ridge - South Atlantic
87761Submission Title: Fulfilling Schmidt Ocean Institute’s commitment to open sharing of information, data, and research outcomes: Successes and Lessons Learned from Proposal Evaluation to Public Repositories to Lasting Achievements,
ED008Submission Title: Sharing Ship-Based Ocean Research Through Innovative Technology and Hands-On Vessel Experiences,
IS004Submission Title: Innovative and Emerging Research Technologies with High Impact for Marine Sciences
88254Submission Title: The Pacific Decadal Oscillation, Revisited
93421Submission Title: An Experimental Comparison of the Effects of Zostera marina and Zostera japonica on the Diurnal Variability of the Carbonate System in the Context of a Pacific Northwest Estuary
90071Submission Title: Observations of phytoplankton response to submesoscale forcing in Southern California Bight
93122Submission Title: Lesson learned from monitoring the environmental effects of construction of the first offshore wind farm in the US
91922Submission Title: Variance in Dominant Grain Size Across the Mississippi River Delta
88105Submission Title: On Examining the Transport and Transformation of Dissolved Organic Matter in The Albemarle-Pamlico Estuarine System, NC USA
CT006Submission Title: Sources and Sinks of Reactive Oxygen Species in the Ocean: “Is seawater a radical solution?” (Zafiriou, 1987) Revisited.
87644Submission Title: Mixotrophy in Heterocapsa rotundata: A Mechanism for Dominating the Winter Phytoplankton Community
89110Submission Title: Effects of Sediment Concentration on Removal Rate and Settling Velocity of Particles in the Minas Basin, Bay of Fundy, Canada,
91574Submission Title: Temporal and Spatial Changes in Grain Size on a Macro-Tidal Channel-Flat Complex: Results from Kingsport, Nova Scotia, Bay of Fundy.
89561Submission Title: Ecological and management implications of climate-driven changes in spatial and temporal distributions of marine species,
92399Submission Title: Ocean observing systems support operational forecasts for the timing of Maine’s lobster fishery,
ME001Submission Title: Advances in interdisciplinary research to understand and sustain coastal and marine ecosystems
91820Submission Title: Differential Effects of Nitrate (NO3-), Ammonium (NH4+) and Urea on Phytoplankton Communities in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre.
91770Submission Title: Vulnerability of Deep-sea Hydrothermal Vent Communities to Disturbance: Evidence from Post-eruption Colonization on the East Pacific Rise
89617Submission Title: Key sources and distribution patterns of particulate material in the South Atlantic: data from the UK GEOTRACES A10 cruise
90388Submission Title: Developing a global ocean observing system that prioritises ecosystem variables from a political and societal point of view
93388Submission Title: Enzyme-mediated Nutrient Regeneration Following Lysis of Synechococcus WH7803
89022Submission Title: Satellite Remote Sensing of Sea-Surface Temperatures over the Great Barrier Reef.
11235Submission Title: CLIVAR- Climate and Ocean - the next 10 years of CLIVAR science as part of the World Climate Research Programme,
87808Submission Title: The influence of the Gulf Stream on Wintertime European blocking,
PC009Submission Title: Mid-latitude Climate Dynamics and the Role of the Ocean
91311Submission Title: The effects of turbulence on light exposure in a large-lake surface mixed-layer: a preliminary in-situ dual-dye study.
88586Submission Title: Diel vertical migration of zooplankton at the S1 biogeochemical mooring revealed from acoustic backscattering strength
91952Submission Title: Telepresence-enabled research and developing work practices
92646Submission Title: It’s in Their Bones: 2000 Years of Pacific Walrus Adaptability and Resilience
89004Submission Title: Toward Quantifying Shoreface Contributions to Littoral Sediment Budgets
87101Submission Title: Regional Ocean Climatologies: A New Line of Ocean Climate Research Tools
92010Submission Title: The Role of High-resolution Air-Sea coupling on the Indian Monsoon
91187Submission Title: Succession of Hydrocarbon Degradation and Microbial Diversity during a Simulated Petroleum Seepage in Caspian Sea Sediments
89307Submission Title: Colloidal Pumping as a Removal Process of Dissolved Iron: a Model Study
93565Submission Title: Inorganic Precipitation of Aragonite from Artificial Seawater at Low Oxygen Content and in the Presence of Methane.
93666Submission Title: A Statistical Simulation Model for Global Mean Sea Level from Altimetry and Tide Gauge Reconstructions
92072Submission Title: Balancing Methane Emissions and Carbon Sequestration in Tropical/Subtropical Coastal Wetlands: A Review
91547Submission Title: Using telepresence enabled remote-operated vehicles to assess hydrothermal outflow along a collapse scar near the Kick’em Jenny Volcano
90822Submission Title: On the importance of sea surface temperature front for the formation of low-level clouds over the South Indian Ocean
89673Submission Title: Speciation and Distribution of Trace Metals and Organic Matter in Marine Lake as In Situ Laboratory
93360Submission Title: Paleoecological Evidence for Late Holocene Range Shifting of Acropora palmata and Orbicella annularis on the Nearshore Southeast Florida Reef Tract
89708Submission Title: Is iron(II) an important form of bioavailable iron in seawater?
91870Submission Title: Decadal to centennial oscillations in the upper and lower boundaries of the San Diego, California margin Oxygen Minimum Zone,
AH007Submission Title: Predicting the ecological effects of multiple environmental changes: insight through the lens of existing natural gradients and proxy records
92971Submission Title: Oil Spill Hydrodynamics, from Droplets to Oil Slicks
90321Submission Title: Natural chemical tags reveal trophic resilience of demersal fish to hypoxia exposure
90885Submission Title: Seamount ecology and dynamics: A multidisciplinary data set from repeated surveys at different seamounts in the Northeast Atlantic and Mediterranean (2003 - 2013). ,
ME017Submission Title: Integrated Assessments of Vulnerable Deep-Sea Ecosystems: Methods, Recent Advances and Future Challenges
87402Submission Title: Distribution of TKE dissipation and turbulent mixing across at the central Namibian shelf
89128Submission Title: Modeling the propagation, transformation and the impact of tsunami on urban areas using the coupling STOC-ML/IC/CADMAS in nested grids - Application to specific sites of Chile to improve the tsunami induced loads prediction.
90420Submission Title: On the Use of Aerial SST Observations for Surface Submesoscale Flows
91810Submission Title: Towards predicting coral calcification responses to ocean acidification: A combined modeling and experimental approach
92929Submission Title: Tidally induced turbulence in the Bermuda underwater cave-system
91471Submission Title: Ambient & Vessel Noise Measurement and Marine Mammal Monitoring in the Stait of Georgia, British-Columbia, Canada.
90873Submission Title: Sustained ecological observing, how hard can it be?
A008Submission Title: Oceanic Whitecaps, their Significance to Air-Sea Exchange
93393Submission Title: A Climatic Gradient as a Proxy for Climate Change Effects
91216Submission Title: A Strategy to employ coordinated, autonomous Platforms for addressing long-term biochemical observing Tasks
88065Submission Title: Decadal variability in the oxygen inventory of North Atlantic Subtropical Underwater captured by sustained, long-term oceanographic time-series observations
91405Submission Title: An analysis of surface and bottom effects on CALIOP-derived waveforms in shallow waters of the Gulf of Saint Lawrence
92935Submission Title: Flavins in Coastal Marine Sediments: New Perspectives on Diagenetic Electron Transfer
91059Submission Title: Large-scale deep-water seafloor mapping from the Rockall to the Hatton basins, NE Atlantic
87666Submission Title: Effects of Phytoplankton Growth Phase on the Formation and Properties of Marine Snow
90192Submission Title: Examining the Importance of Submarine Groundwater Discharge (SGD) in a River Dominated Estuary: Example of Mobile Bay, AL
93009Submission Title: Deepwater Nitrogen Fixation: Who's Doing it, Where, and Why?,
ME020Submission Title: Microbial and geochemical dynamics of deep, hypersaline anoxic basins,
MG001Submission Title: Hydrocarbon seepage as a conduit connecting deep subsurface sediments, shallow sediments, the water column, and atmosphere
93476Submission Title: Investigation of model SST biases in southeastern tropical Atlantic through high-resolution regional climate simulations
91008Submission Title: Characterisation and Comparison of Aliphatic Hydrocarbons Extracted from Different Mangrove Species in Cochin estuary (South West Coast of India)
93429Submission Title: Say what? Coral reef sounds as indicators of community assemblages and reef conditions
MM007Submission Title: Proteomics and Lipidomics: Expanding the Macromolecular Toolbox to Understand Oceanic processes
93133Submission Title: Interactions Between the Diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana and Heterotrophic Bacterium Pelagibacter ubique Examined in Co-Culture
92840Submission Title: Spatial Patterns in the Efficiency of the Biological Pump: What Controls Export Ratios at the Global Scale?
87053Submission Title: Crossing the Shoreline Divide: Toward modeling the co-evolution of dune, beach and nearshore systems
90948Submission Title: Comparing Biological Iron Uptake and Particle Association Kinetics across Different Systems of the North Atlantic
93919Submission Title: Sediment and Nutrient Sources as well as Interspecific Competition Control Growth of 2 Common Species of Coral Reef Macroalgae
89751Submission Title: 5-Beam ADCP Deployment Strategy Considerations
90123Submission Title: Relations Between Coastal Catchment Attributes and Submarine Groundwater Discharge at Different Scales
EC010Submission Title: From coasts to the open ocean: global modeling of land –ocean fluxes and feedbacks on the continental shelf
90108Submission Title: Abyssal Circulation in the Panama Basin Driven by Geothermal Fluxes?
11246Submission Title: Promoting OceanSTEM and Blue Economy Workforce Development
93844Submission Title: Identifying organism involved in new and regenerated production using TAG-SIP
90082Submission Title: Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) geostrophic transport: Comparison of the RAPID time series with hydrography from 2004 to 2011
88094Submission Title: The Influence of Salmon Recolonization on Riparian Communities in the Cedar River, Washington, USA
92437Submission Title: Spatiotemporal Variability of Nutrients and Chlorophyll in the Chukchi Sea
92597Submission Title: Genomic analysis of two emergent Vibrio parahaemolyticus ecotypes
92599Submission Title: Mining big data sets of plankton images: a zero-shot learning approach to retrieve labels without training data
91891Submission Title: Recovery of Seamount Precious Coral Beds From Heavy Trawling Disturbance
89359Submission Title: Relationships between mercury concentration and food selectivity of many kinds of fishes in Minamata Bay
87697Submission Title: Development of new oxygen sensor for Argo profiling floats: Fast responsivity and long-term stability
91170Submission Title: Resuspension and Biogeochemistry in Coastal Environments: Results from a Coupled Model for Seabed-Water Column Fluxes
90839Submission Title: Impact Of Growth Stress On Diatom BSiO2 Structure And Recycling
88127Submission Title: Role of Antarctic Circumpolar Current in Decadal Climate Variability over Southern Africa
89861Submission Title: Doing More with Less? Toward Increasing the Resolution of Protistan Grazing-rate Measurements.
93268Submission Title: Aircraft Surveys of the Beaufort Sea Seasonal Ice Zone
91080Submission Title: Seasonal, interannual and decadal variability of heat and freshwater content in the Norwegian Sea
92083Submission Title: Response of Marine Taxa to Climate Variability in the Southeast U.S.
88373Submission Title: Bioconstructor Guild Analysis to Assess Maldivian Reefs Following Ocean Warming and Coral Bleaching
91935Submission Title: Denitrifying SUP05 Require Exogenous Nitrogen
90781Submission Title: Additive and Synergistic Impacts of Fishing and Warming on the Growth of a Temperate Marine Fish
89052Submission Title: Is denitrification driven by elevation or plant type at a Gulf coast Juncus roemerianus and Spartina alterniflora mixed saltmarsh?
93811Submission Title: Coastal Response to Latitudinal Shifts in Wave Climate in Southeast Australia using a Surrogate Buoy Approach
92656Submission Title: Halophila stipulacea: survival under adverse conditions.
92795Submission Title: The Marine Geoscience Data System and the Global Multi-Resolution Topography Synthesis: Online Resources for Exploring Ocean Mapping Data
90206Submission Title: The Coastal Squeeze: Rising seas and upland plant invasions differentially affect vertical exchange of greenhouse gases
EC008Submission Title: Coastal Wetlands as an Important Interface Between Land, Sea and Atmosphere: Capturing Temporal and Spatial Variability in Chemical Fluxes
89825Submission Title: Temporal Analysis of Bacterioplankton Community Structure in the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico
91924Submission Title: DMSP Uptake and Retention by Natural Marine Bacteria Relieves Osmotic Stress
90202Submission Title: Mercury Stable Isotopes Reveal Deep Methylation of Mercury and its Uptake into the Open Ocean Food Web
93366Submission Title: New Observations of the Slippery Near-Surface Layer in the Equatorial Indian Ocean
91926Submission Title: Description of the Marine Traffic inside the Pelagos Sanctuary for Mediterranean Marine Mammals: Key Information for Conservation Policy.
87427Submission Title: What controls the speed of rip currents? Comparing field observations, numerical simulations, and a parameterization
90497Submission Title: Oceanic Feedback to the Madden-Julian Oscillation: Mixing’s Critical Role
88633Submission Title: Major role of nutrient supply in the control of picophytoplankton community structure
91557Submission Title: Scattering of phytoplankton cells from cytometry during a microcosm experiment
91316Submission Title: Organic Carbon and Trace Element Cycling in a River-Dominated Tidal Coastal Wetland System (Tampa Bay, FL, USA),
EC020Submission Title: Records of Carbon Burial and Biogeochemical Cycling in Coastal Wetlands: Response to Past, Present, and Future Sea-Level Rise and Global Climate Change.
87699Submission Title: Spatial and temporal dynamics of nano- and pico-size particulate organic matter (POM) in a coastal megatidal marine system
91109Submission Title: Modelling the Effect of Large Submarine Sandslides on the Ocean Circulation
89899Submission Title: Circulation and Water Mass Variability in the South Atlantic Subtropical Gyre
91554Submission Title: Investigating the Role of Mesoscale Processes and Ice Dynamics in Carbon and Iron Fluxes in a Changing Amundsen Sea (INSPIRE)
PO026Submission Title: Shelf-slope exchange: physical, biogeochemical and biological processes at the interface of the continental shelf and the deep ocean
HE006Submission Title: High Latitude Air-Sea-Ice Interactions in a Changing Climate
92697Submission Title: Ocean Warming of Petermann Fjord and Glacier, North Greenland
HE001Submission Title: Biophysical processes at the Arctic-Subarctic interface
89182Submission Title: Response of the Ocean Biogeochemistry and Isotopes to Different Aerosol Iron Fluxes
90035Submission Title: Estimating Gulf Stream Position with HF Radar off Cape Hatteras NC
90959Submission Title: Decomposition of Spectral Signatures of Coloured Dissolved Organic Matter Absorption and its Spatial Distribution Along Southeastern Arabian Sea
88951Submission Title: Climate change, estuaries and anadromous fish habitat in the northeastern United States: models, downscaling and uncertainty,
ME010Submission Title: Evaluating short and long-term ocean model predictions for fisheries management,
PC003Submission Title: Climate Impacts on Marine Fish, Fisheries, and Protected Species
92119Submission Title: Evidence of the AMOC Interdecadal Mode Related to Westward Propagation of Temperature Anomalies in Climate Models.
93833Submission Title: Paleoceanographic and paleoclimatic changes during the Plio-Pleistocene of the Salaverry Basin, Peru Offshore: Evidences from Benthic Foraminifera, Carbon and Oxygen Stable Isotope Geochemistry and distribution of Gypsum grains
88465Submission Title: Observations of tidal flow, waves and drag within a fringing coastal mangrove forest in the Mekong delta,
88470Submission Title: Measurements of the Temporal and Spatial Distributions of Turbulence within the Fringing Region of a Mangrove Forest,
MG008Submission Title: Sediment Dynamics of a Tropical River-Marine Dispersal System: the Mekong from River Source to Ocean Sink
92701Submission Title: Antecedent Geologic Control on the Evolution of Fetch-Limited Barrier Islands in the Mississippi Sound.
89942Submission Title: Eddy-induced Temperature Exchange between the Subpolar and the Subtropical Gyre of the North Atlantic
88397Submission Title: A Demonstration Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON): Understanding Marine Life and its Role in Maintaining Ecosystem Services,
88458Submission Title: National Marine Sanctuaries as Sentinel Sites for a Demonstration Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON),
ME025Submission Title: Observations of Climate Change and Marine Ecosystem Biodiversity,
OD004Submission Title: MBON Voyage: Integrating marine biodiversity into ocean observing systems
88882Submission Title: Wave Dissipation over Nearshore Beach Morphology: Insights from High-Resolution LIDAR Observations and the SWASH Wave Model
88518Submission Title: The Resilience of Coral Reefs Across a Hierarchy of Spatial and Temporal scales
91929Submission Title: Abyssal Recipes II: Behind the Scenes
91210Submission Title: Modeling the Influence of Land and Sea Ice on Southern Ocean Salinity and its Recent Trends
90540Submission Title: Transcriptomic Analysis and Microscopic Observations in the Cyanobacterium UCYN-A during Diel Cycles
93013Submission Title: Recent evidence for a strengthening CO2 sink in the Southern Ocean from carbonate system measurements in the Drake Passage (2002-2015)
90159Submission Title: Investigation of Baseline Antioxidant Enzyme Expression in Pocillopora damicornis
93221Submission Title: Micro Unmanned Surface Vehicle for Shallow Littoral Data Sampling
93524Submission Title: Wave-Dominated Coastlines Responding to Climate Change: Large-Scale Morphodynamics, Human Involvement, and Possible Path Dependence
93765Submission Title: Coral Skeleton δ15N as a Proxy for Historic Nutrient Loading to a Coral Reef Ecosystem
89950Submission Title: How do we interest students in science?
11254Submission Title: Smithsonian’s MarineGEO: A global, collaborative network to document change in coastal marine biodiversity and its role in ecosystem resilience
87607Submission Title: How Do High School Students Respond to Opportunities to Collaborate with Authentic Scientific Researchers in At-Risk Environments?
10040Submission Title: National Science Foundation - Division of Ocean Sciences - Town Hall
88711Submission Title: Assimilation of High Frequency (HF) Radar Observations in the Chesapeake-Delaware Bay Region Using the Navy Coastal Ocean Model (NCOM) and the Four-Dimensional Variational (4DVAR) Method
91060Submission Title: High latitude internal tides
88180Submission Title: Extracellular carbonic anhydrase: Method development and its enrichment in the sea surface microlayer
91265Submission Title: Ecological equivalence of species within phytoplankton functional types
88801Submission Title: Immunity to community: what can immune pathways tell us about disease patterns in corals?
93707Submission Title: Mesoscale-eddy-induced variability of flow through the Kerama Gap between the East China Sea and the western North Pacific
91330Submission Title: Exploring Mesophotic Depths Off North Philippine Sea: Coral Reefs on the Benham Bank Seamount
88608Submission Title: Eddies on the boundary between the Kuroshio current and coastal waters observed by HF ocean surface radar
90643Submission Title: The Role of the Nordic Seas in Promoting Deep Water Formation in the Northern Hemisphere
90628Submission Title: Age Tracers and Residence Time in the Hudson River Estuary
91630Submission Title: Interior pathways to dissipation of mesoscale energy
88773Submission Title: Neural Network Technique for Global Ocean Color (Chl-a) Estimates Bridging Multiple Satellite Missions
87008Submission Title: Seaweed and Biomass production
87623Submission Title: Evidence of enhanced double-diffusive convection below the main stream of the Kuroshio Extension
87691Submission Title: Ocean Bottom Pressure Variation Associated with the Large Meander of the Kuroshio South of Japan in 2004-2005
90417Submission Title: Temporal Dynamics of Microbial Plankton Diversity at a Long-Term Ecological Monitoring Site
88836Submission Title: Changing Course - the Baird Team Solution: a Delta for All
93204Submission Title: Deposition of Atmospheric Nitrogen to Coastal Ecosystems (DANCE): A study in seasonally oligotrophic waters off the eastern U.S.
88692Submission Title: Role of Mid-latitude Oceanic Front Zones in the Ozone-induced Climate Change over the Southern Hemisphere as Revealed in Aqua Planet Experiments,
A001Submission Title: Air-Sea Exchange Processes in Western Boundary Current Systems and Marginal Seas: Their Local and Remote Climatic Implications
89650Submission Title: Development of Hybrid pH sensor for long-term seawater pH monitoring.
89260Submission Title: Horizontal circulation due to internal Kelvin waves breaking over a slope
88984Submission Title: Amundsen Sea ocean, sea ice, and thermodynamic ice shelf simulation with optimized model parameters
90055Submission Title: Interaction between Fresh and Sea Water in Tidal Influenced Navigation Channel
87943Submission Title: Rapid freshening of the upper ocean in the South China Sea since the early 1990s
93270Submission Title: The Madden-Julian Oscillation imprint on the Indonesian Throughflow
90726Submission Title: Improving Assessments of Chlorophyll Concentration From In Situ Optical Measurements
69794Submission Title: Bottom sediments affect Sonneratia mangrove forests in the prograding Mekong delta, Vietnam
91856Submission Title: Vulnerability Assessment of the Central Gulf of Mexico Coast Using a Multi-Dimensional Index Approach
88671Submission Title: 3D Depositional Model in a Complex Incised Valley Fill: An Example from the Late Messinian Abu Madi Formation, Nile Delta Basin, Egypt
93482Submission Title: Enhanced Energy Dissipation in the Equatorial Pycnocline in a Simple Model of a Tropical Ocean
89685Submission Title: Mixing at the fringes of a rapidly melting Antarctic ice shelf
89760Submission Title: On Mechanisms of Physical and Biological Links Between Coastal and Open-sea Waters in Marginal Seas
89177Submission Title: A Field Study of Particle Orientations in Shear Flows
87902Submission Title: Internal Wave Scattering in Continental Slope Canyons: A Parameter Space Study
88463Submission Title: Phytoremediation of Heavy Metal-Polluted Aquatic Ecosystem (Ologe Lagoon) By Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes [Mart.] Solms) and the Socio-Egological Implications
88406Submission Title: Vulnerability and Resilience of the Niger Delta Coastal Communities to Pollution and Environmental Degradation
91550Submission Title: The formation, evolution and interannual variability of Maine Intermediate Water in Jordan Basin
93560Submission Title: Variational Optimization of Observational Locations: Ensemble and Adjoint Approaches
91662Submission Title: Delft Dashboard: a quick setup tool for coastal and estuarine models
90053Submission Title: Field Testing of a Microfluidic Particle Counter for Oceanographic Applications
92798Submission Title: Evaluation of Bio-optical Models for Discriminating Phytoplankton Functional Types and Size Classes in Eastern U.S. Coastal Waters with Approaches to Remote Sensing Applications
90992Submission Title: Global Statistical Predictions of Tropical Cyclones Intensity: Regional Contrasts in most Efficient Atmospheric Predictors and Role of air-sea Coupling
92730Submission Title: PCR-Based Assessment of Freshwater Zooplankton Feeding on Edible and “Inedible” Prey In Situ.
91465Submission Title: Export of a Winter Shelf Phytoplankton Bloom at the Shelf Margin of Long Bay (South Atlantic Bight, USA)
92706Submission Title: Evaluating the Potential for Marine and Hydrokinetic Devices to Act As Artificial Reefs or Fish Aggregating Devices
90312Submission Title: Barrier Island Breaching in Response to Extreme Storms: Morphodynamic Evolution of the Fire Island Wilderness Breach
91291Submission Title: A Comparison of Linear and Non-linear Data Assimilation Methods Using the NEMO Ocean Model
92570Submission Title: Classification of Physico-Chemical Vertical Profiles in the Antarctic Ocean Using Elephant Seals as Samplers
93673Submission Title: The effects of variable front persistence and intensity on mesopelagic fish communities: a comparison of three fronts in the California Current Ecosystem
89081Submission Title: From Grazer Control to Carbon Export: Contrasting the Role of Synechococcus and Prochlorococcus in the Sargasso Sea.,
91910Submission Title: Marine Synechococcus Aggregation,
92024Submission Title: Export of Algal Communities from Land Fast Arctic Sea Ice Influenced by Overlying Snow Depth and Episodic Rain Events
90936Submission Title: The Influence of Life History Variability on Population Connectivity: Development and Application of a Trait-Based Biophysical Model of Individuals
88153Submission Title: Marine Litter in the context of ‘G7’ – Nothing but empty rhetoric?
11208Submission Title: Implementing Basin scale in-situ Ocean Observing Systems (OOS): Enhancing the efficiency and overall information content of integrated OOS for the Atlantic (EU project AtlantOS), the Southern Ocean (SOOS, OOI, SOCCOM), the Pacific (TPOS2020), the pan-Arctic (SAON) and the Indic (IndOOS),
88528Submission Title: An Observing System for the Southern Ocean
88254Submission Title: The Pacific Decadal Oscillation, Revisited
88806Submission Title: The role of Antarctic sea ice in abyssal ocean heat uptake
90508Submission Title: Synthesis of Observations and Real Time Views of Pacific Anomalies from the NANOOS Region
88394Submission Title: Water Quality Monitoring Around Submerged Wastewater Outfalls in Southern California: From Compliance Assessment to Impact of Climate Change
88597Submission Title: Nonlinear Processes Reinforce Extreme Indian Ocean Dipole Events
90667Submission Title: Interannual changes of the upwelling off the southern Vietnam in the South China Sea in summers of 1990-2013
89033Submission Title: Will the Advent of the Wide Swat Altimeter Contribute to Improving Ocean Analyses and Forecasts?,
89041Submission Title: On the Direct Assimilation of Along-track Sea Surface Height Observations into a Free-surface Ocean Model Using a Weak Constraints Four Dimensional Variational (4dvar) Method
PO009Submission Title: Developments and Ocean Applications of Data Assimilation, Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analyses
90623Submission Title: Investigation of the Dominant Processes controlling Volume, Heat, and Freshwater Transports through the Bering Strait
93057Submission Title: Internal Waves, Shear, and Mixing at the Equator
87413Submission Title: Surface-sediment grain-size distribution and sediment transport in the subaqueous Mekong Delta, Vietnam
88063Submission Title: Impact of shortwave radiation biases on ocean conditions in the Pacific Northwest waters: Results from the seasonal forecast system J-SCOPE.
89309Submission Title: Optical dating of Holocene sediments from the Changjiang (Yangtze) delta, China
93905Submission Title: Invesigating the Effect of the Dispersant Corexit 9500A on the Movement of an Oil-In_Water Emulsion Through an Alabama Beach Sand
90685Submission Title: Are whale prey euphausiids associated with steep bathymetric features in the California Current Ecosystem?
92139Submission Title: Predicting Coastal Deltaic Change on a Global Scale
92685Submission Title: Molecular Quantification of the Florida Red Tide Dinoflagellate and the Development of Low Cost, Volunteer-attended Handheld Sensor Networks
90603Submission Title: Nutrients, High Light and Shallow Depths Favor the Expansion of the Brown Macroalgae Turbinaria ornata in the Coral Reefs of Mo'orea, French Polynesia
87877Submission Title: Summertime Suspended Sediment Transport Patterns in the Partially-mixed Changjiang Estuary
93762Submission Title: Wind driven by a sea surface temperature front observed by 3-ship simultaneous atmospheric sounding in the Kuroshio Extension
93457Submission Title: Decadal Variability of North Pacific Subtropical Mode Water using a Long-term High-resolution Ocean Reanalysis Product
87904Submission Title: Does EMF Emitted from In Situ Subsea Power Cables Affect the Composition of Deep Benthic Fish and Invertebrate Communities?
92977Submission Title: On Boundary Mixing
88818Submission Title: Storm Driven Upwelling Responsible for pCO2-rich Water Intrusion in the South Atlantic Bight
89017Submission Title: A Comprehensive Approach to Evaluating Hazards of Microplastics in the Marine Environment
87224Submission Title: Seasonal to Mesoscale Variability of Water Masses in Barrow Canyon,Chukchi Sea
87396Submission Title: Annual Cycles of Deep-ocean, Biogeochemical Export Fluxes and Biological Pump Processes in Subtropical and Subantarctic Waters, Southwest Pacific Ocean
89927Submission Title: Gene expression analysis of a critical enzyme in intermediary metabolism in oyster pathogen Perkinsus marinus .
89188Submission Title: Modeling the drift of objects floating in the sea
91117Submission Title: Dynamic Changes of Photosynthetic Picoeukaryotes Composition in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean Revealed by High-Throughput Tag Sequencing of Plastid 16S rRNA Gene
88553Submission Title: Characteristics of near-inertial internal waves observed in the southwestern East/Japan Sea
89329Submission Title: Using Combined Marine Spatial Planning Tools and Observing System Experiments to define Gaps in the Emerging European Ocean Observing System.
89777Submission Title: The effect of optically active turbulence on Gaussian laser beams in the ocean
91075Submission Title: Massively Parallel Transport Model for Radioactivity from Produced Water on the Norwegian Continental Shelf
91006Submission Title: Is the molecular diversity of marine dissolved organic matter already imprinted in the exometabolome of single strains?
92708Submission Title: Fine-scale distribution of zooplankton is linked to phytoplankton species composition and abundance in a North Norwegian fjord system
88470Submission Title: Measurements of the Temporal and Spatial Distributions of Turbulence within the Fringing Region of a Mangrove Forest
93361Submission Title: OysterFutures: Integrating Stakeholder Objectives with Natural System Models to Promote Sustainable Natural Resource Policy
91066Submission Title: The Evolution of a Submesoscale Eddy from In Situ and Aerial Observations
93136Submission Title: Seasonal and high-frequency measurements of pH, oxygen and aragonite saturation state in a coral reef: Cabo Pulmo, Mexico.
HE011Submission Title: North meets South: an integrated perspective of high latitude ocean dynamics
90647Submission Title: Geochemical Response of Pocillopora Damicornis Coral to Changes in Temperature, Salinity, and Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Modern Seawater.
92276Submission Title: An Assessment Of Current And Future Methodologies For The Collection, Measurement, And Processing Of Discrete Particulate Organic Carbon (POC) Samples
88850Submission Title: EMODnet Physics: open and free marine physical data for science and for society
87195Submission Title: Response of Suspended-Sediment Fluxes to Storms in a Back-Barrier Estuary, Chincoteague Bay, MD/VA, USA
89547Submission Title: Multi-Decadal Decline in the Formation of Antarctic Intermediate Water: A High-Resolution Model Hindcast
93563Submission Title: Meltwater Pathways and Iron Delivery to the Antarctic Coastal Ocean
87127Submission Title: Consequences of Future Increased Arctic Runoff on Arctic Ocean Stratification, Circulation, and Sea Ice Cover
92523Submission Title: Do Clicker Questions Aid in Concept Learning in an Entry-level Oceanography Course? Is There a Dosage Effect?
92760Submission Title: Browser Based Electrochemical Ion Chromatograph for Oceanographic Research
90451Submission Title: Pollution of Nigerian Aquatic Ecosystems by Industrial Effluents: Effects on Fish Productivity
88810Submission Title: Seychelles Dome variability in a high resolution ocean model
87967Submission Title: The nonlinear equation of state of sea water and the global water mass distribution
90716Submission Title: Climate Change Effects on Respiration Rates of Blue Crab (Callinectes sapidus) from the Patuxent River, Chesapeake Bay
92451Submission Title: Numerical Circulation Model Skill Assessment from Observed Deepwater Currents Over 2 Years on the Continental Slope near the Macondo Spill Site
89823Submission Title: The Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas: Stewarding Underway Carbon Data from Collection to Archival
87087Submission Title: Data Management for Marine Biodiversity Observation Networks
92598Submission Title: Multivariate analysis of the influences of oceanic and meteorological processes on suspended particulate matter distributions in Mississippi coastal waters
91817Submission Title: Sediment infilling of Louisiana continental-shelf dredge pits: a record of sedimentary processes in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
90397Submission Title: Development of a wave-induced forcing threshold for nearshore impact of Wave Energy Converter arrays
91908Submission Title: Carbon Sequestration and Carbonate Preservation within Northeast Pacific Seagrass Beds
93451Submission Title: Simulation and Observation of the Bottom Stress Distribution in a Large Estuary
93829Submission Title: Processes Affecting the Time-Averaged Surface Divergence and Vorticity in the Northwest Atlantic
89587Submission Title: Impacts of Oceanic Eddy Resolution on the Wind-Driven and Nonlinear Spectral Sources of Kinetic Energy at Low Frequencies
91412Submission Title: Using Micro CT Scanning to Assess Pteropod Shells in the Modern Ocean
88419Submission Title: Dissolved zinc and its speciation in the coastal hydrothermal area of Japan
90882Submission Title: Proteolytic enzymes in seawater: contribution of prokaryotes and protists
90550Submission Title: Evolution of mud-capped dredge pits following excavation: sediment traps, submarine geohazards, or both?
90261Submission Title: Climatological Observations for Maritime Prediction and Analysis Support Service (COMPASS)
90946Submission Title: Maximum Drawdown of Atmospheric CO2 due to Biological Uptake in the Ocean and the Ocean Temperature Effect
91598Submission Title: SST/Wind stress mesoscale coupling in the Peru-Chile region : what drives its temporal variations ?
87622Submission Title: A Regional Climate Mode Discovered in the North Atlantic: Dakar Niño/Niña
92749Submission Title: Alongshore Momentum Balance Over Shore-face Connected Ridges, Fire Island, NY
90860Submission Title: Glycine as a potentially specific biomolecule of semi-labile dissolved organic matter in the ocean
93900Submission Title: Biodiversity Data Interoperability Issues: on the Opportunity of Exploiting O&M for Biotic Data Management
91298Submission Title: Linking research and education: an undergraduate research apprenticeship focusing on geologic and ecological impacts of the Elwha River Restoration,
MG008Submission Title: Sediment Dynamics of a Tropical River-Marine Dispersal System: the Mekong from River Source to Ocean Sink
92704Submission Title: Heavy metal (Pd, Cd, Fe, Zn and Mn) levels in sediments from Nigerian Coastal waters.
93675Submission Title: Sexual harassment within the marine sciences and the ethical dilemmas of collaboration: a case study in the education and reportino methods available to scientists, students, and staff on board a federal research vessel,
93847Submission Title: Marine mammal distribution in the open ocean: a comparison of ocean color data products and levant time scales
93371Submission Title: HF Radar Observations of Pressure-Driven Coastal Flows Opposing the Prevailing Winds
88987Submission Title: Basin-scale SST and Chl-a anomalies in the North Pacific in 2014-2015,
89151Submission Title: Zooglider - an Autonomous Vehicle for Optical and Acoustic Sensing of Marine Zooplankton,
ME027Submission Title: Pacific Ocean anomalies of 2014-2015: Consequences for Marine Ecosystems,
ME034Submission Title: Toward Mechanistic Understanding and Prediction of Abrupt Ecosystem Changes
92473Submission Title: Accumulation and speciation of Si by Synechococcus examined by single-cell synchrotron x-ray fluorescence and bulk x-ray spectroscopy
90670Submission Title: Formation and Variability of Antarctic Bottom Water off Cape Darnley: the Fourth Antarctic Bottom Water
88616Submission Title: Decadal variability of Subtropical Mode Water subduction and its impact on biogeochemistry
91398Submission Title: Wintertime atmospheric response to decadal SST anomalies in the North Pacific frontal zone and its relationship to dominant atmospheric internal variability
92863Submission Title: Experimental Design Considerations in Measuring pH for the Wendy Schmidt Ocean Health XPRIZE Competition to Improve pH-sensing Technologies
90391Submission Title: Variability of Marine CDOM and Chlorophyll Fields Near Barrow, Alaska
87371Submission Title: Tide-storm surge interaction at the apex of the South Atlantic Bight,
93245Submission Title: Baroclinic Effects on Tidal Propagation and Estuarine Circulation: an Idealized Modeling Analysis,
EC014Submission Title: Nearshore Processes ..............................................
87648Submission Title: The nature of soluble Mn(III) in oxygenated surface waters and in future oceanic O2 regimes
89427Submission Title: A Three Year Study of Four Species of Baleen Whales Occurrence in Faial-Pico Islands of the Azores and its Relation to Satellite-derived Surface Biophysical Products
89884Submission Title: Use of X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) in Atlantic Basin Paleotempestology
90744Submission Title: Dynamic of aragonite saturation horizon in waters of Baja California, Mexico
93377Submission Title: Deep water velocities and particle displacements induced by acoustic-gravity waves from submarine earthquakes
91415Submission Title: Modeling the sensitivity of coastal ocean Primary Production to Extreme Melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet
92206Submission Title: State-of-the-Art Optical Data Collection using the Compact-Propulsion Option for Profiling Systems (C-PrOPS)
11232Submission Title: Synoptic Arctic Survey – A fundament for future arctic research
92408Submission Title: Controls on Primary Productivity in the Strait of Georgia
88903Submission Title: Dead Sea Water Sources during Periods of Extreme Aridity: Insights from U Isotopes
ME030Submission Title: Plankton Grazing and Selectivity in Marine Food Webs
92491Submission Title: The Role of Local and Regional Atmospheric Forcing for Convection in the Subpolar North Atlantic
AH008Submission Title: Updates, Advancements and Projections on the State of the Ocean Carbon Cycle (SOCC) - How the Ocean is "SOCC"ing it to us!
93341Submission Title: Nearshore generation of internal waves at a coastal front by winds
89796Submission Title: Impact of oceanic front on the northern hemispheric coupled stratosphere/troposphere-system
90909Submission Title: Skillful Prediction of Barents Sea Ice Cover
89662Submission Title: Variability in Ocean Color Validation Measurements during the November 2014 NOAA VIIRS Cal/Val Cruise
88583Submission Title: Spatio-temporal variations of stratification and its factors in the Chukchi Sea
90975Submission Title: Estimates of the Attenuation Rates of Baroclinic Tidal Energy Caused by Resonant Interactions Among Internal Waves based on the Weak Turbulence Theory
91931Submission Title: Coupling Recruitment Forecasts with Economics in the Gulf of Maine's American Lobster Fishery
88228Submission Title: Cod Collapse and Climate in the North Atlantic
92599Submission Title: Mining big data sets of plankton images: a zero-shot learning approach to retrieve labels without training data
89410Submission Title: Radiometry from Bio-Argo Floats: a New Strategy to Validate Ocean Color Products at the Global Scale.
92546Submission Title: Differentiation of cyanophyte, algal and suspended sediment signatures in the 2015 CyanoHAB in Sandusky Bay, Lake Erie
88035Submission Title: Quantifying the Evolution of Melt Ponds in the Marginal Ice Zone Using High Resolution Optical Imagery and Neural Networks
93363Submission Title: Simulation of Wave−Current Interaction Using a Three−Dimensional Hydrodynamic Model Coupled With a Phase Averaged Wave Model
89970Submission Title: Modeling Small-Scale Physics of Waves and Ice in the MIZ
88392Submission Title: Subsurface structure of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation and its relation to the mode waters
93184Submission Title: Salinity Tolerance of H. stipulacea - Will H. stipulacea Survive the Impacts of Desalination Plants in the Ocean?
91513Submission Title: Patterns of deoxygenation - natural and anthropogenic driver
93870Submission Title: Long-term variations in the mass and heat transport in the oceanic regime of the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf, Antarctica
93430Submission Title: Are changes in the phytoplankton community structure altering the flux of CO2 in regions of the North Atlantic?
91531Submission Title: Shedding light on the Global Ocean microbiome with algorithms and data collection
92563Submission Title: Analysis of Suspended-Sediment Dynamics in Gulf of Mexico Estuaries Using MODIS/Terra 250-m Imagery
89186Submission Title: Preferential accumulation of particulate radioiodine in shelf-edge sediment off Fukushima, Japan
89293Submission Title: Accuracy Of Radiometric Calibration Of Ocean Color Satellite Sensors Using AERONET-OC Data
90400Submission Title: Observations of arrested internal lee waves at a tall, steep submarine ridge
89848Submission Title: Suitability of satellite derived and gridded sea surface temperature data sets for calibrating high-resolution marine proxy records
90410Submission Title: Weathering Patterns of Forensic Biomarker Compounds and PAHs in Coastal Marsh Sediment Samples since the 2010 Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill,
91552Submission Title: Tracking Macondo Oil in the Marsh: Sampling directly via sediment and indirectly via ants,
HI007Submission Title: Research findings and challenges in oil spill organic geochemistry studies
91384Submission Title: Examining the relative contribution of ‘blue carbon’ to coastal shelf environments via optical properties of dissolved and base-extracted particulate organic matter
93713Submission Title: Facilitymetrics for Big Ocean Science: Towards Improved Measurement of Scientific Impact
89234Submission Title: Effects of Petroleum Bunkering Activities on the Socio-Cultural and Eco-Economics of Majidun River, Ikorodu, Nigeria
90158Submission Title: Erosion of Earthen Levees by Wave Action
89768Submission Title: Model Development for the Black Sea Circulation and Mixing with Applications (2010-2014)
11232Submission Title: Synoptic Arctic Survey – A fundament for future arctic research
89092Submission Title: Sources of Nutrients to Nearshore Areas of a Eutrophic Estuary: Implications for Nutrient-Enhanced Acidification in Puget Sound
87079Submission Title: Hydrographic Structure and Modification of Pacific Winter Water on the Chukchi Sea Shelf in Late Spring
87723Submission Title: Seawater Respiration, Carbon Flux, Nutrient Retention Efficiency and Heterotrophic Energy Production in the Peruvian Upwelling
90354Submission Title: Activity and diversity of aerobic methanotrophs in a coastal marine oxygen minimum zone
89602Submission Title: When May Feeding Rates Cover Metabolic Expenses of Planktonic Nauplii?
89674Submission Title: Distribution, Abundance, and Potential Larval Connectivity of the Non-Native Bryozoan Watersipora on Offshore Oil Platforms and Natural Reefs
93297Submission Title: In Situ Observations of Shelf-Slope Exchanges Associated to Brazil Current Eddies
91920Submission Title: Seasonal and Inter-Annual Patterns of Chlorophyll and Phytoplankton Community Structure in Monterey Bay, CA Derived from AVIRIS Data During the 2013-2015 HyspIRI Airborne Campaign
93113Submission Title: Long-Term Trends in Migration Timing Based on Thermal Response of a Temperate Forage Fish
89354Submission Title: Alternate Function Bases for Global Scale Spectral General Circulation Models
88216Submission Title: Influence of the biological pump on carbon uptake over the annual cycle across the North Pacific Ocean
92006Submission Title: Response of a tidal freshwater marsh to changes in sea level and suspended-sediment concentrations,
93503Submission Title: Sediment Transport Processes over the Seasonally Vegetated Bayhead Delta of the Susquehanna River, Upper Chesapeake Bay,
ED004Submission Title: Ethical principles and practices in the Ocean Sciences
92617Submission Title: Horizontal distribution of near-inertial waves in the western Gulf of Mexico: Eulerian vs Lagrangian.
90176Submission Title: Structure Function Statistics to Detect Submesoscale Cascades
89381Submission Title: Turbulent Control Of The Ocean Surface Boundary Layer During The Onset Of Seasonal Stratification
88665Submission Title: Earth’s energy imbalance and the global warming ‘hiatus’: insights from climate models and ocean reanalyses,
90639Submission Title: Producing a Climate-Quality Database of Global Upper Ocean Profile Temperatures - The IQuOD (International Quality-controlled Ocean Database) Project.,
OD009Submission Title: Towards a Subsurface Ocean Climate Record and Applications that Improve Understanding of Climate Variability and Change
87870Submission Title: Using a Coupled 1-D Physical-Biological Model of the Chukchi Sea to Understand Recent Changes in Arctic Ocean Biogeochemistry
92295Submission Title: Abundance of genes involved in mercury methylation in oceanic environments
89153Submission Title: Modeling the Impacts of the Loop Current on Circulation and Water Properties in Pulley Ridge Area, Southwest Florida Shelf
89165Submission Title: Metabolic Energy Demand Is Not Increased during Initial Shell Formation of Bivalves Exposed to Aragonite Undersaturation
90853Submission Title: Mixed Layer Salt Budget over Different Sectors of the Indian Ocean
93874Submission Title: A 4D Variational Reanalysis of the Bering Sea Circulation in 2007-2010
88327Submission Title: Effects of Ocean Acidification and Flow on Oxygen and pH Conditions of Developing Squid (Doryteuthis pealeii) Egg Cases
89446Submission Title: Towards the determination of the CO2 system in sea ice: The stoichiometric dissociation constants of carbonic acid in seawater and seawater-derived brines at sub-zero temperatures
92881Submission Title: The role of subsurface currents in supplying the seasonal upwelling in the Eastern Equatorial Atlantic.
91660Submission Title: Genome and metagenome enabled analyses reveal new insight into the global biogeography and potential urea utilization in marine Thaumarchaeota.,
92559Submission Title: The complete genome of a new marine Thaumarchaea strain contains evidence of previous virus infection and a possible defense mechanism from infection
89425Submission Title: Processes analysis from EOF analysis of SMOS salinity data in the North Atlantic Ocean
93711Submission Title: Dynamics of bacterial community structure during blooms of Cochlodinium polykrikoides (Gymnodiniales, Dinophyceae) in Korean coastal waters
90661Submission Title: Seasonal and Interannual Variation of Currents and Water Properties off the Mid-East Coast of Korea
93589Submission Title: Long-term Trend of Satellite-observed Chlorophyll-a Concentration Variations in the East/Japan Sea
90036Submission Title: Reconstructing Export Production in the Subantarctic South Pacific during the Last Ice Age
91700Submission Title: Surface Currents and Tidal Ellipses from Hourly Variations of Suspended Sediment from Geostationary Ocean Color Imager Data
89285Submission Title: Long-terms Change of Sea Surface Temperature in the South China Sea
93305Submission Title: Effects of Ammonium-rich Wastewater Effluent on Phytoplankton Productivity in Experimental Mesocosms from the northern San Francisco Estuary
92060Submission Title: Evaluation of Bias Correction Methods for Nearshore Wave Modeling
90308Submission Title: Genome sequencing and analysis of a highly virulent Vibrio parahaemolyticus strain isolated from the marine environment
92556Submission Title: Subtidal Dynamics at Cape-Associated Shoals
93237Submission Title: Mass Mortality of Cassin’s Auklets, Assessing the Impact of a Warming Ocean
87756Submission Title: Key research questions of global importance for cetacean conservation
90332Submission Title: Ocean mesoscale eddies and vertical motion
87675Submission Title: 4DVAR with Ensemble Model Error Estimation in a Coastal Ocean Model
90502Submission Title: Iron control on global productivity: an efficient inverse model of the ocean's coupled phosphate and iron cycles.
92745Submission Title: Sensitivity of Horizontal Convection to Buoyancy and Wind-Stress Forcing
93802Submission Title: Influence of monsoonal variability on the potential recruitment of Sardinella lemuru in the Philippines
89414Submission Title: Multi-decadal trends in Southern Ocean eddy activity simulated by a high-resolution ocean model
93071Submission Title: Non-invasive 3D geometry extraction and robotic modeling of a Sea lion foreflipper
93076Submission Title: Deterministic and Stochastic Aspects of El Niño’s Impact on Atlantic Tropical Cyclones
11208Submission Title: Implementing Basin scale in-situ Ocean Observing Systems (OOS): Enhancing the efficiency and overall information content of integrated OOS for the Atlantic (EU project AtlantOS), the Southern Ocean (SOOS, OOI, SOCCOM), the Pacific (TPOS2020), the pan-Arctic (SAON) and the Indic (IndOOS)
93511Submission Title: Simulation of boundary currents around Australia
90572Submission Title: Estuarine Modeling: Does a higher grid resolution improve model performance?
88738Submission Title: Characterization of the intra-annual variability in the Oxygen Minimum Zone (OMZ) off Peru
91194Submission Title: Incorporating Prognostic Marine Nitrogen Fixers and Related Bio-Physical Feedbacks in an Earth System Model
89514Submission Title: A Linear Decomposition of the Southern Ocean Thermohaline Structure in only two Modes with Application to Frontal Detection
89499Submission Title: On sampling biases arising from insufficient bottle flushing
93479Submission Title: Microbial Composition and Adaptations in Oligotrophic Inland Seas
89504Submission Title: Continuous, Rapid Scavenging of Thorium and Protactinium During Westward Advection of the East Pacific Rise Hydrothermal Plume
90684Submission Title: Connecting roughness and hydrodynamics of tropical reefs
89776Submission Title: Salinity Anomalies in Coastal and Near-Shelf Waters
88641Submission Title: Why Can't We Resolve Recruitment?
93759Submission Title: Utilizing Highly Portable Lidar to Characterize and Model Intra-Annual Saltmarsh Dynamism
91301Submission Title: The Maine Coastal Current’s Role in the Movement of the Fall Algal Bloom
93425Submission Title: Expanding the Graduate Education Experience at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego
90335Submission Title: Calcification and Crystallography Responses of a Tropical Macroalgal Reef Sediment Producer, Halimeda spp., to Year 2100 pCO2 Levels Under High and Low Irradiance
88621Submission Title: Uncovering the Fine-Scale Connectivity of Coral Reefs via Lagrangian Coherent Structures.
11208Submission Title: Implementing Basin scale in-situ Ocean Observing Systems (OOS): Enhancing the efficiency and overall information content of integrated OOS for the Atlantic (EU project AtlantOS), the Southern Ocean (SOOS, OOI, SOCCOM), the Pacific (TPOS2020), the pan-Arctic (SAON) and the Indic (IndOOS)
90070Submission Title: Investigating microbial cycling of recalcitrant organic matter in marine sediments using natural isotope respirometry in a novel, carbon-free bioreactor
93374Submission Title: Observations of thermohaline sound speed structure in the Beaufort Sea in the summer of 2015
90630Submission Title: Mesoscale Ocean Large Eddy Simulations Using High-resolution Ocean Models
93296Submission Title: Development of a Short-term Suction-cup Tagging Method for Small Delphinids to Understand the Effects of Climate, Ecosystem, and Anthropogenic Change
89868Submission Title: Deep near-inertial waves
ED003Submission Title: Creative Ways to Connect Ocean Sciences to the Public
93824Submission Title: Seafood Wars: Reviving a Tired Sustainability Education Program with Pop Culture Techniques
90496Submission Title: Error and precision of deep-sea photogrammetric methods
91123Submission Title: Physiological-based modelling of marine fish early life stages provides process knowledge on climate impacts
93788Submission Title: Increasing ocean sciences in K and 1st grade classrooms through ocean sciences curriculum aligned to A Framework for K-12 Science Education, and implementation support.
90978Submission Title: Spatio-temporal evolution of two key processes impacting the observed vertical structure of the mesoscale eddies in the 4 major Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems.
93571Submission Title: Bioavailability of Riverine Dissolved Organic Matter in an Estuarine System: Evidence of the Priming Effect?
88378Submission Title: On How the Seasonal Variability of the ITCZ Drives Subtropical-Tropical Exchange in the Atlantic Ocean
92835Submission Title: Satellite tagging, remote sensing, and autonomous vehicles reveal interactions between physiology and environment in a North Pacific top marine predator species
90905Submission Title: Turbulence in the Pycnocline: Temporal and Spatial Scales
87313Submission Title: In Situ Raman Spectroscopic Observations of Gas-Saturated Rising Oil droplets: Simulation with Decane as an Oil-Equivalent Substitute
93694Submission Title: Where the Ocean Meets the Girl Guides, Exploring the Interface Between Teaching Science and Using Specialized Programs to Engage Girls in Ocean Literacy
88761Submission Title: Groundwater Discharge to the Southern Baltic Sea
87831Submission Title: Forced and Chaotic AMOC Variability at Various Timescales : Insights from OGCM Ensemble Simulations
88276Submission Title: Advancing Water Quality Monitoring and Hydrologic Optics Studies for Inland Waters through An Individual Particle Analysis Technique in Characterizing Suspended Mineral Particles
90675Submission Title: Impacts of tidal-mixing parameterization on the simulation of the South China Sea circulations
87152Submission Title: Seawater Sampling by an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle: ‘Gulper’ Sample Validation for Nitrate, Chlorophyll, Phytoplankton and Primary Production
86830Submission Title: Towards an Operational Hybrid Global Ocean Data Assimilation System (Hybrid-GODAS) at NCEP
91569Submission Title: The Adaptive Ecosystem Climatology (AEC): Implementation
88213Submission Title: Contribution of inertia in mesoscale eddies when deriving ocean currents from sea surface height.
91367Submission Title: Surfactant control of air-sea gas exchange from North Sea coastal waters and the Atlantic Meridional Transect
93232Submission Title: Collecting and Analyzing At-Sea and Coastal Avian Data to Assess Potential Effects of Offshore Renewable Energy Development
88827Submission Title: Satellite and Ocean Model Analysis of Thermal Conditions Affecting Coral Reefs in the Western Indian Ocean
89227Submission Title: Are Small Diatoms Capable of Positive Buoyancy?
92875Submission Title: Residence times and exchange pathways of surface waters in the southern Gulf of Mexico derived from drifters
87258Submission Title: The Atlantic Water boundary current north of Svalbard
92987Submission Title: The Atlantic Ocean: An Impassable Barrier for the Common Octopus, Octopus vulgaris
93672Submission Title: Evolution of long-term water quality monitoring buoys to ground truth Landsat 7 and 8 satellite observations in Boston harbor.
86852Submission Title: Ensemble Data Fitting
89561Submission Title: Ecological and management implications of climate-driven changes in spatial and temporal distributions of marine species,
92670Submission Title: Integrating Climate Science, Marine Ecology, and Fisheries Economics to Predict the Effects of Climate Change on New England lobster Fisheries,
92814Submission Title: Slow Adaptation in the Face of Rapid Warming Leads to the Collapse of Atlantic Cod in the Gulf of Maine,
ME001Submission Title: Advances in interdisciplinary research to understand and sustain coastal and marine ecosystems
88246Submission Title: Causes and Consequences of Air-Ocean Energy Fluxes During Arctic Freeze-Up
ME013Submission Title: Exploring the Spatial and Temporal Scales of Marine Animal Response to Global Change
87914Submission Title: Estimating δ15N of remineralized NO3- in water masses of the eastern tropical south Pacific using NO3- isotope measurements from the GEOTRACES Eastern Pacific Zonal Transect
92268Submission Title: Temporal Variation in Black Sea Bass (Centropristis striata) Abundance in the Maryland Coastal Bays
87420Submission Title: Impacts of effluent from Carlsbad Desalination Plant on the coastal biology and chemistry - a in-situ study of pre- and post-discharge.
86898Submission Title: Observations of Under-Ice Heat and Momentum Fluxes from Drift Stations North of Svalbard
93165Submission Title: Changes to the hydrography and zooplankton in the northern California Current in response to ‘the Blob’of 2014-2015
92896Submission Title: Examining recruitment paradigms under projected climate change with a global fish model
91188Submission Title: Atmospheric form drag over Arctic sea ice derived from high-resolution IceBridge elevation data
HI008Submission Title: Science on, with and for coastal indigenous communities
92390Submission Title: Turbulence at a symmetrically unstable front
88566Submission Title: The Errors Sources Affect to the Results of One-Way Nested Ocean Regional Circulation Model
92717Submission Title: The Rate and Process of Mangrove Forest Expansion on Above and Below Ground Carbon Relations in Coastal Louisiana
87466Submission Title: Turn up the lights: Deep-sea in situ application of a high-speed, high-resolution sCMOS camera to observe marine bioluminescence
92180Submission Title: Bio-Physical Coupling of Seabirds and Prey with a Dynamic River Plume
87215Submission Title: Airborne Laser Hydrography II
92203Submission Title: Watermass Distribution and Fluxes in the FRAM Strait for the Period 2007 – 2014
90134Submission Title: Long-term Variability of Beach Cusps
89176Submission Title: “Intrinsic” correlation and its temporal evolution between winter-time PNA/EPW and winter drought in the west United States
11242Submission Title: The Distributed Biological Observatory in the Pacific Arctic: A Community Status Report,
87164Submission Title: Circulation and Transformation of Winter Water in the Chukchi Sea,
87430Submission Title: Upstream Sources of the Denmark Strait Overflow: Observations from a High-Resolution Mooring Array,
91999Submission Title: Quantifying Inflows and Outflows to/from Barrow Canyon using Shipboard and Glider Data,
92330Submission Title: On the Nature and Origin of Water Masses in Herald Canyon, Chukchi Sea,
HE006Submission Title: High Latitude Air-Sea-Ice Interactions in a Changing Climate
88567Submission Title: Global Patterns of Turbulence and Diapycnal Mixing from CTD-Chipods on the Global Repeat Hydrography Program
93022Submission Title: The Role of Diatom Frustule Morphology in the Formation of Reverse Weathering Products
92461Submission Title: Investigating the importance of micro-scale physical processes on macro-nutrient release from suspended estuarine sediments
90329Submission Title: Underwater Glider Observations of the 2014-15 Northeast Pacific Warm Anomaly
88184Submission Title: Carbonate and Silica Cementation of the Siliciclastic Sediments of the New Jersey Shelf (IODP Expedition 313) : Relation with Organic Matter Diagenesis and Submarine Groundwater Discharge
91504Submission Title: Drifter measurements during the Alborex experiment in the Western Mediterranean
91213Submission Title: Estimations of Vertical Velocities Using the Omega Equation in Different Flow Regimes in Preparation for the High Resolution Observations of the SWOT Altimetry Mission
90541Submission Title: Sedimentary and Microfossil Record of the 2013 Typhoon Haiyan Deposit from the Leyte Gulf, Philippines
92016Submission Title: Drivers of the Seasonal Carbon Cycle in the Coastal Gulf of Alaska
91953Submission Title: Observing and Modelling Upper Ocean Mixing by Near-Inertial Oscillations
92733Submission Title: Drivers of Water Column Calcium Carbonate Fluxes and Dissolution in the Gulf of Maine: Impacts on the Carbon Cycle
90376Submission Title: Developing an Automated Machine Learning Marine Oil Spill Detection System with Synthetic Aperture Radar
93748Submission Title: A 60 years re-analysis of the Mediterranean Sea circulation
90828Submission Title: Spatial Heterogeneity in Zooplankton Distribution as a Result of Large-Scale Interactions of Water Masses in the Northeastern Chukchi Sea
88973Submission Title: Changes in size fractionation of metals in storm runoff following wildfires: implications for the transport of bioactive trace elements
89143Submission Title: The Tasman Tidal Dissipation Experiment: Tidal Mixing, Scattering, and Reflection on the East Tasman Slope
89922Submission Title: Genomic Analysis of Attenuation in Pandemic Vibrio parahaemolyticus
87710Submission Title: Open Vessel Data Management (OpenVDM), Open-source Software to Assist Vessel Operators with the Task of Ship-wide Data Management.,
87712Submission Title: Open Vessel Data Management (OpenVDM) - Open-source Middleware to Assist Vessel Operators Produce Consistent Cruise Data Packages for Archival and Monitor Data Quality.
91494Submission Title: Impacts of the Three-Dimensional Oceanic Thermal Structure and Translation Speed during North Atlantic Hurricanes Emily and Wilma in 2005
90234Submission Title: Transport Pathways and Residence Times of Biological Hot Spots Along the Shelf North of the South Shetland Islands and Bransfield Strait
91390Submission Title: Can We “Future-Proof” Marine Conservation Planning?
87156Submission Title: On The Role of Swash-Swash Interaction in Swash Zone Dynamics
92927Submission Title: Shipboard current and hydrographic measurements in the Southern Bay of Bengal during 2015 Summer Monsoon
87450Submission Title: Characteristics and Flow of Pacific Water in the Western Chukchi Sea:Effects of Strong Wind Forcing
92125Submission Title: Predictive habitat mapping and iterative planning of image surveys given existing bathymetry and imagery - a machine learning perspective.
91813Submission Title: Current generation by deep-water breaking waves
91233Submission Title: Evaluating the Ability of the Thorium-232 and Thorium-230 Isotopic Couple to Quantify Lithogenic Fluxes to the Ocean
MG003Submission Title: Morphological Evolution of Coastal Environments - Crossing the Land/Water Interface
92633Submission Title: Environmental and Spatial Influences on Biogeography and Community Structure of Benthic Diatoms
91639Submission Title: Mid-Shelf Hardground Fish Habitats off the Georgia Coast
92641Submission Title: Tracking Intact Phospholipids and Triacylglycerides in Bering Sea Euphausiids during Two Pulsed Feeding Experiments via Tandem LC-MS
93334Submission Title: Cryptic diversity in the estuarine copepod Acartia tonsa: reproductive isolation and lineage-specific divergence in transcriptomic response to salinity stress
93556Submission Title: Photochemical Degradation of Petroleum-Derived Water-Soluble Organics into the Background Dissolved Organic Carbon Pool
91113Submission Title: Evidence for abiotic sulfurization of marine dissolved organic matter in sulfidic environments
89684Submission Title: Direct Tracking and Compound-Specific Stable Isotope Analysis Identifies Dispersal Routes and Cryptic Latitudinal Trends in the Winter Distribution of Two Antarctic Penguin Species
87970Submission Title: Internal Wave-Driven Turbulent Mixing: an Argo-Based finescale strain approach versus the global internal wave model "IDEMIX"
90857Submission Title: Alexander Polonsky Global warming hiatus, ocean variability and regional climate change
89676Submission Title: Looking Inside Internal Tides – A High Resolution Modelling Study
91214Submission Title: Phosphite Utilization by the Globally Important Marine Diazotroph Trichodesmium
90267Submission Title: Understanding Patterns of Ocean Heat Content Change on Decadal Timescales Using a Global Ocean State Estimate
91867Submission Title: Spatial scaling of bacterial community diversity at shallow hydrothermal vents: a global comparison
93700Submission Title: Assessing the Role of Dissolved Organic Phosphate on Rates of Microbial Phosphorus Cycling
88565Submission Title: At the confluence of western boundary currents: A 3D Biophysical Nutrient-Zooplankton-Phytoplankton-Detritus (NPZD) Model for the Benham Rise
90678Submission Title: Evaluation of WAVEWATCH III Wave Model under Tropical Cyclone Conditions
92348Submission Title: STURM: Resuspension mesocosms with realistic bottom shear stress and water column turbulence for benthic-pelagic coupling studies: Design and Applications
89877Submission Title: Responses of Diverse Marine Heterotrophic Bacteria to Changing Copper Availability.
91997Submission Title: Improving the Arctic ice edge forecasts by assimilating high resolution sea ice concentration products in the U.S. Navy’s ice forecasting systems
91822Submission Title: Observations of Upper Ocean Response to Typhoons
92846Submission Title: Marshalling US Agency Resources to Investigate Atlantic Submarine Canyons
90771Submission Title: Surface Currents on the Northeastern Chukchi and Western Beaufort Sea Shelves as Detected by High Frequency Radars
90347Submission Title: Abiotic Addition of Sulfide to Dissolved Organic Matter
90092Submission Title: Diurnal Variations of Optical Properties of Four Species of Oceanic Phytoplankton and their Co-Varying Variables
91121Submission Title: Mechanisms Influencing the Stoichiometry of Phytoplankton Carbon to Phosphorus Uptake in a Shelf Sea from Spring to Fall
92143Submission Title: Phytoplankton biomass and composition variability within different biogeochemical regimes in the N. Atlantic during the 2014 Ship-Aircraft Bio-Optical Research (SABOR) experiment
92517Submission Title: Impact of Vitamin B12 and Nitrate on Transcript and Metabolite Abundances in Marine Diatoms.
92651Submission Title: Multivariate selection and the range limit of Alderia willowi: effects of salinity, interspecific competition and trait covariance.
92317Submission Title: Relating the Photochemical Production of Superoxide and Hydrogen Peroxide to the Photooxidation of Dissolved Organic Carbon in the Ocean,
CT006Submission Title: Sources and Sinks of Reactive Oxygen Species in the Ocean: “Is seawater a radical solution?” (Zafiriou, 1987) Revisited.
93557Submission Title: Decadal Prediction of Hypoxia along the US West Coast
93597Submission Title: A community engagement project in an undergraduate oceanography course to increase engagement and representation in marine science among high school students
86882Submission Title: Oceanic response to tropical cyclone ‘Phailin’ in the Bay of Bengal
92988Submission Title: Impacts of Non-Divergence-Free Flows on the Coalescence of Initially Distant Buoyant Scalars on a Turbulent Free Surface
89789Submission Title: Nitrogen Cycling In Shelf Seas: A Stable Isotope Approach
88269Submission Title: Fine Scale Phytoplankton Diversity of Galveston Bay: Imaging FlowCytobot Provides Insight into Microbial Community Dynamics
91838Submission Title: Mortality and Morbidity Associated with a New Ciliate Infection of Shrimp that Causes Shrimp Black Gill in the Coastal Southeast USA
92322Submission Title: Method of Measuring Dinoflagellate Grazing on Flagellate and Bacteria Communities
92656Submission Title: Halophila stipulacea: survival under adverse conditions.
91212Submission Title: Evaluation of the Accuracy of an Offline Seasonally-Varying Matrix Transport Model for Simulating Ideal Age
90076Submission Title: The origin of mean flows on Western Boundary continental shelves such as the Mid-Atlantic Bight
92708Submission Title: Fine-scale distribution of zooplankton is linked to phytoplankton species composition and abundance in a North Norwegian fjord system
87772Submission Title: Effects of Phytoplankton Growth Phase on Delayed Settling Behavior of Marine Snow Aggregates at Sharp Density Transitions
11208Submission Title: Implementing Basin scale in-situ Ocean Observing Systems (OOS): Enhancing the efficiency and overall information content of integrated OOS for the Atlantic (EU project AtlantOS), the Southern Ocean (SOOS, OOI, SOCCOM), the Pacific (TPOS2020), the pan-Arctic (SAON) and the Indic (IndOOS),
89173Submission Title: A 20-year collection of sub-surface salinity and temperature observations for the Australian shelf seas,
89184Submission Title: Bringing ocean observations to the classroom - integrating research infrastructure into education,
90873Submission Title: Sustained ecological observing, how hard can it be?
93823Submission Title: Linking Net Community Production and Hydrography Under La Nina and El Nino conditions in the Eastern Tropical South Pacific (ETSP)
90133Submission Title: The Effects of Mg and Al on Diagenetically Induced Phase Changes in Biogenic Opal-A: Implications for Biogenic Silica as Paleoenvironmental Proxy
88016Submission Title: Motion-Correlated Flow Distortion and Wave-Induced Biases in Air-Sea Flux Measurements From Ships
89356Submission Title: Integrated science in the European network of coastal marine infrastructure JERICO
93078Submission Title: Ocean Surface Layer Response Under Madden-Julian Oscillation Convective Systems in the Equatorial Indian Ocean
87533Submission Title: DT2014 Version of Ssalto/DUACS Altimeter Products: 21 Years Sea Level Products Reprocessed
91254Submission Title: Nested Coupled Air/sea Modeling for Multi-scale Processes in the Maritime Continent
P002Submission Title: Integrating Science And Management At The Coastal Interface: Landscape-Based Approaches And Application To Watershed, Coastal, And Ocean Resource Management
88536Submission Title: Satellite-derived Ocean Thermal Structure for the North Atlantic Hurricane Season
89288Submission Title: Modelled trends in Antarctic sea ice linked to underestimated changes in the westerly wind jet
89931Submission Title: Megabenthic Community Structure Within and Surrounding the DISCOL Experimental Area 26 Years After Simulated Manganese Nodule Mining Disturbance.
88562Submission Title: Incorporating Local Wisdom Sasi into Marine Zoning to Increase the Resilience of a Marine Protected Area Network in Raja Ampat, Indonesia.
90686Submission Title: The role of ocean mesoscale variability on upper ocean temperature flux and air-sea interactions in the Gulf of Mexico
93602Submission Title: Seasonal Variation of the Taiwan Warm Current Water and Its underlying Mechanism
92240Submission Title: Comparison between MODIS and GOES PAR data products
89238Submission Title: Impacts of eddy-mean flow decomposition on Lagrangian statistics in a barotropic double-gyre model
89385Submission Title: Regulation of South China Sea Throughflow by Pressure difference due to Thermohaline and Wind-driven circulations
87630Submission Title: Spatial and Temporal Variability in Thickness Fields of the Western Pacific Warm Pool Thermohaline Structure
87328Submission Title: Sea surface cooling in the Northern South China Sea observed using Chinese Sea-wing Underwater Glider measurements
91980Submission Title: Oceanic Emissions of Organic Very Short Lived Substances from the Indian Ocean and their Transport to the Stratosphere
90641Submission Title: Features and interannual variability of the South China Sea western boundary current from 1992 to 2011
91616Submission Title: Mesophotic and Deep-sea Demersal Fish Assemblages on Rugged Hardbottoms of the Greater-Lesser Antilles Transition Zone
60988Submission Title: Scaling up experimental ocean acidification and warming research: from individuals to the ecosystem
93097Submission Title: The Marine Radiocarbon Reservoir Effect and its correlation with the ocean dynamics
91982Submission Title: Vertical Variability of Anoxia Along the Northern Omani Shelf.
92286Submission Title: Competition between autotrophic and heterotrophic microbial plankton for inorganic nutrients induced by variability in estuarine biophysicochemical conditions,
93662Submission Title: Developing a Phytoplankton Biotic Index as an Indicator of Freshwater Inflow within a Subtropical Estuary
93799Submission Title: Short-term Changes in Marsh Edge Morphology: Constraining Mechanisms of Erosion and Expansion
89059Submission Title: Modeling the Wake of the Marquesas Archipelago : a First Step to Assess this Island Mass Effect
92059Submission Title: Wave Measurements in Landfast Ice in Svalbard: Evolution of Wave Propagation following Wind Waves to Swell Transition
HE002Submission Title: Dynamics of the Arctic Ocean and Sea Ice System in a Changing Climate
92783Submission Title: Scaling up marine nitrogen fixation: from growth processes to global models
90851Submission Title: Transport and storage of anthropogenic C across the Greenland-Portugal OVIDE section: Observations vs NEMO-PISCES
91020Submission Title: The compositional change of Fluorescent Dissolved Organic Matter across Fram Strait assessed with use of a multi channel in situ fluorometer.
89213Submission Title: Observations of internal waves and thermohaline structure on a drifting mooring in the Arctic Ocean during summer 2013.
88582Submission Title: The role of viable airborne microorganisms deposition in the southeastern Mediterranean Sea
87827Submission Title: Recruitment of invasive plant species in the Sundarbans following tropical Cyclone Aila
87620Submission Title: Assessing the Internal Consistency of the Marine Carbon Dioxide System at High Latitudes: The Labrador Sea AR7W Line Study Case
ME012Submission Title: Exploring biological-geological interactions in coastal and nearshore habitats
89687Submission Title: E/V Nautilus Detection of Isolated Features in the Eastern Pacific Ocean: Newly Discovered Calderas and Methane Seeps,
89750Submission Title: Spatial Variability and Structure of Hydrothermal Ecosystems at the Tempus Fugit Vent on the Galápagos Spreading Center,
90325Submission Title: Methane Seeps in the Gulf of Mexico: repeat acoustic surveying shows highly temporally and spatially variable venting,
ED001Submission Title: Accessing the Deep Ocean From Higher Ground: New Advances in Telepresence-Enabled Research.
87951Submission Title: Eroding islands of Gulf of Mannar - consequence of coral mining?
92537Submission Title: The 2014/15 Warm Anomaly in the Southern California Current - Physical and Biological Responses
92091Submission Title: Fine sediment trapping, deposition, and remobilization at in tidal salt wedge front
89048Submission Title: Submesoscale instabilities in the Bay of Bengal: Results from frontal process studies during the winter monsoon
90606Submission Title: A Lagrangian Analysis of Heat Uptake in the Tropical and Subtropical Atlantic During the Global Warming Hiatus
92603Submission Title: Modern Deposition Rates and Patterns of Carbon Burial in Southern Fiordland, New Zealand
92590Submission Title: Validation of Model Output versus ADCP Observations on the PR Insular Shelf, Part 2: Are all Sites the Same?
93302Submission Title: Cross-shelf transport of tracers induced by a submarine canyon
88423Submission Title: Soliton Arrival Patterns Over the Chinese Upper Continental Slope During June 2014: Reaffirmations and Exploded Myths
89330Submission Title: Links between the subtropical Indian Ocean sea surface temperature and the tropical cyclones in Australia
87901Submission Title: Turbulent heat exchange between water and ice at an evolving ice-water interface
93411Submission Title: Variation of Diatoms in the Sinking Particles and the Paleoceanographic Implication in the northern South China Sea: One-year Sediment Trap Mooring Observation
90350Submission Title: Drawing the line on the sand
92062Submission Title: Examining two epifaunal invertebrate communities using functional traits and environmental variables in and around Barrow canyon in the Chukchi and Beaufort seas
90615Submission Title: Novel Methods for Optically Measuring Whitecaps Under Natural Wave Breaking Conditions in the Southern Ocean
92725Submission Title: Where’s the P in Plankton? Phosphorus Allocation to DNA across Diverse Marine Picoplankton
93077Submission Title: Cryptic Coral Reef Diversity Across the Pacific Assessed using Autonomous Reef Monitoring Structures and Multi-omic Methods
90029Submission Title: The Paradox of the Prochlorococcus: A Trait-Based Approach to Modeling Ecotype Niche Differentiation Via Light and Nutrient Resource Competition
91763Submission Title: Distribution and flux estimates of soluble, colloidal, and leachable particulate trace metals in dynamic and oxygen depleted Mauritanian shelf waters
91946Submission Title: Changes in the Functional Potential of Diverse and Active Bacterial Communities in Arctic Deep-Sea Sediments along a Water Depth Gradient
90015Submission Title: The influence of decadal scale climactic events on the transport of larvae.
88283Submission Title: The Use of Ice Surface Temperature Observations in a Coupled Ocean and Sea ice model for the Arctic Ocean
91422Submission Title: Carbon recycling in deltaic sediments: variations at different timescales in the Rhone River delta
93441Submission Title: The importance of spatial fishing behavior for coral reef resilience
91458Submission Title: BCO-DMO: Providing Access to Trace Element and Isotope Data from the Atlantic Ocean and Beyond
92226Submission Title: The climatology of the Alaska Beaufort Sea shelf told by brittle star population dynamics
89241Submission Title: Organic Matter Sulfurization in the Water Column and Its Effect on Sedimentary Processes
88415Submission Title: In Situ Measurements of Nitrogen Cycling Across an Aquaculture Chronosequence
90598Submission Title: Not all oils photodegrade equally: The dependence of petroleum composition on photochemical production of hydroxyl radical and singlet oxygen.
90333Submission Title: Geography and Dynamics of Small-scale Coastal and Internal Tides from Exact Repeat and Geodetic Mission Altimetry
91654Submission Title: The Pacific Warm Pool Mixed Layer Heat Budget: Model versus Observations
92104Submission Title: The Use of the Regional Navy Coastal Ocean Model (RNCOM) by the US Navy in Operational Oceanography
89306Submission Title: Anoxia-mediated release of dissolved organic matter from Baltic coastal sediments stimulate further hypoxia.
93742Submission Title: Anisotropic Shear Dispersion Parameterization for Mesoscale Eddy Transport
63866Submission Title: Overflow Simulations using MPAS-Ocean in Idealized and Realistic Domains
92392Submission Title: Computing the Trait-Biogeography of Copepodid Diapause
93143Submission Title: Use of Marine Microalgae for Biofuels Production: Reduction in Ash Content for Potential Improvements in Downstream Processing
93657Submission Title: The Other Major 2010 Oil Spill: Oil weathering after the Kalamazoo River Dilbit Spill
91987Submission Title: Cultivation and Characterization of Oil-Degrading Microbes and the Environmental Controls on Hydrocarbon Biodegradation Patterns
90023Submission Title: Geoacoustic Characterization of the Mud Drape at the New England Mud Patch
89798Submission Title: Recent physical-chemical anomalies and associated ecological responses in southern California kelp forests
88128Submission Title: Bridging the low nitrogen Pacific with the high nitrogen Atlantic using Arctic N2/Ar and N* measurements
87190Submission Title: Assessing Environmental Drivers of DOC Fluxes in the Shark River Estuary: Modeling the Effects of Climate, Hydrology and Water Management
91215Submission Title: Exploring The Effective Resolution Of Copernicus Marine Service Eddy Resolving Systems With Spectral Analysis: A Metric To Evaluate High Resolution Forecasts
92049Submission Title: Challenges in modelling detailed surface circulation on the Korea / Tsushima Strait
88803Submission Title: Impact of Sea-State Dependent Langmuir Turbulence on the Ocean Response to a Tropical Cyclone
88409Submission Title: A Conceptual Model for Extratropical Atmosphere-Ocean Interaction
89835Submission Title: Methane Dynamics in two South Florida Mangrove Estuaries: Water-Air Fluxes and Export to the Coastal Ocean
93181Submission Title: The interacting effects of nutrient enrichment and ocean acidification on the growth and physiology of the macroalgae Ulva sp.
93416Submission Title: pCO2 time series ground truthing and internal consistency at the Gray’s Reef mooring (NDBC-41008) in the South Atlantic Bight
88959Submission Title: The Effects of Internal Waves Shoaling over a Mid-shelf Submarine Bank as Assessed by Eddy Covariance Measurements of Benthic Oxygen Exchange Rates
90491Submission Title: Dissolved elemental mercury and dimethylmercury in continental shelf surface waters west of the Antarctic Peninsula
93368Submission Title: Modeling the Impact of Climate Change on Lake Thermal Structure for Small Inland Lakes in the Mid-latitudes
89453Submission Title: Decadal to Centennial Southern Ocean Deep Convection Variability in CMIP5 Models and in the Kiel Climate Model
MM001Submission Title: Action! Microbial activity and interaction with organic and inorganic matter in the dark ocean
91895Submission Title: Nitrite Reductase (nirK) as an Alternative Molecular Marker for Ammonia-oxidizing Archaea: Quantification and Characterization of Thaumarchaeal nirK Genes in Estuarine Sediments from San Francisco Bay
93640Submission Title: A Comparison of DMSP Production in 3 Temperate Species of Phaeocystis (P. globosa, P. jahnii and P. cordata) at Saturating and Sub-saturating Irradiances.
90911Submission Title: Diatom Resting Spore Formation and Carbon Export in the Southern Ocean
89928Submission Title: Advanced ocean color sensor observations for retrieval of cloud, aerosol and water vapor properties
91089Submission Title: Observation impact studies with the Mercator Ocean analysis and forecasting systems
89050Submission Title: Separating Small-Scale Vortical Motions and Internal Waves in Sargasso Sea
92053Submission Title: Observations and Biogeochemical Model Results of Dissolved Oxygen off of Central California
89718Submission Title: Satellite Sea-surface Salinity Retrieval Dependencies
89710Submission Title: The influence of air-sea coupling on the path of the Gulf Stream
88281Submission Title: Impact of Episodic Oceanic Heat Flux Events on the Sea Ice Extent North of Svalbard
88788Submission Title: Parameterization of the Degree of Burial of Objects in the Coastal Ocean
87173Submission Title: Data Mining to Chart the Arctic: Analysis of Approaches to Incorporate Outside Source Data into NOAA Office of Coast Survey Workflow
93809Submission Title: Transport of Trace Fe from the Mariana Arc and Hydrothermal Exploration of the Mariana Back Arc Basin
86951Submission Title: Constraints on Oceanic Meridional Transport of Heat and Carbon from Combined Oceanic and Atmospheric Measurements.
89834Submission Title: Data support during an Arctic research cruise – lessons learned
92971Submission Title: Oil Spill Hydrodynamics, from Droplets to Oil Slicks
89056Submission Title: Long-Distance Delivery of Fine Sediment to Wetlands from a Bay-Head Delta: A Possible Analog for Large River-Sediment Diversions and Coastal Wetland Restoration.
91305Submission Title: Influence of the Decadal Variability of the Kuroshio Extension on the Atmospheric Circulation in the Cold Season
89095Submission Title: Freshwater Origin of the Upper Shelf and Slope Waters of Southern Labrador and Newfoundland
89274Submission Title: Fortnightly Variability of Sediment Dynamics in Tidal Freshwater and Saltwater marshes of the Chesapeake Bay
93632Submission Title: Influence of freshwater inflow on source of particulate organic matter in a subtropical estuary, Texas
93883Submission Title: Biodiversity and Complexity Influence Seagrass Functioning: A Comparative-Experimental Approach Across the Northern Hemisphere
92460Submission Title: Biogeochemical cycling of permeable sediments in a shelf sea environment: Celtic Sea, a seasonal study.
91747Submission Title: Modeling Hydrodynamics on the Wave Group Scale in Topographically Complex Reef Environments
93265Submission Title: Transport in the Nearshore: Linking Larval Vertical Distributions and Coastal Hydrodynamics
92338Submission Title: 2014 and 2015 anomalies in temperature and the epipelagic fish community in the eastern Gulf of Alaska and implications for juvenile fish.
90412Submission Title: A Better MOC Index: AMOC-θ/S in the North Atlantic Ocean: Spatial Circulation, Water-mass Transformation and Heat Transport on the Temperature/Salinity Plane
89196Submission Title: An Analysis of Sea Turtle Demographics along Maryland Shores, 1990-2015
88177Submission Title: An Autonomous Drifting Buoy to Measure Air-Sea CO2 Fluxes
91625Submission Title: Impacts of shrimp farming cultivation cycles on benthic assemblages and chemistry of sediments
92673Submission Title: Local Hotspots In The Gulf Of Maine: Spatial Overlap Between Dynamic Aggregations Of Primary Productivity And Fish Abundance
88840Submission Title: Precursors of ENSO Events from 27 Years of Satellite Data
89965Submission Title: Propagation and Dissipation of Internal Tides on the Northwest Shelf of Australia from Microstructure Observations and Numerical Simulations
87387Submission Title: Microbial Biofilms as a Mechanism for Metal Sorption on Plastic Debris
92162Submission Title: Perspectives on Watermass Transformation in the Lofoten Basin of the Nordic Seas; Integrating Mooring and Argo Measurements
92782Submission Title: Chromoproteins Protect Blue-pigmented Corals Under Normal Conditions But May Exacerbate Stress During Bleaching Events
87844Submission Title: The Effect of Mississippi River Discharge on the Concentration and Composition of Particulate Matter along the Texas-Louisiana Shelf during Summers 2012 and 2013,
87858Submission Title: Oceanography and Geoscience Scholars at Texas A&M University Funded through the NSF S-STEM (Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Program
91991Submission Title: Problems with Predicting Size-Fractionated Productivity from Chlorophyll Biomass in Marine Ecosystem Models
87250Submission Title: Impact of a mean current on internal tide energy dissipation at the critical latitude
92218Submission Title: Deep sea microbial fuel cell output as a proxy for microbial activity
92955Submission Title: A Molecular Survey of Diatom Communities in the Subpolar and Subtropical North Pacific
92440Submission Title: Observations of Upper-Ocean Thermal Structure in the Tropical Atlantic Ocean during Hurricane Danny and Tropical Storm Erika (2015)
AH002Submission Title: Assessing the Cumulative Effects of Complex Ocean Change on Marine Biota
B003Submission Title: Bypassing the Sediment-Water Interface: Burial and Diagenesis of Organic Matter and Reactive Minerals in Quickly Depositing Sediments
92849Submission Title: Urbanization and the Level of Microplastic Ingestion by Fish: A Comparison of Freshwater Sunfish (Centrarchidae) from the Brazos River watershed, and Pinfish (Sparidae), from the Brazos Estuary and Inshore Marine Sites, Texas, USA
67510Submission Title: Using Education as the Solution to Plastic Pollution. Plastic pollution is now considered one of the largest environmental threats facing humans and animals globally, yet our education system has not even embraced the concept. Teaching the next generation of leaders how to immediately start being the solution is vital to correcting the problem.
92905Submission Title: Response of the marginal marine environment to post-glacial warming in the Ross Sea, Antarctica
93104Submission Title: Global Patterns in Marine Phytoplankton Diversity inferred from Species Distribution Modeling
93307Submission Title: Responses of photosynthetic assemblage structure and physiology to variations in nitrogen substrates
CT009Submission Title: Trace Elements and Isotopes at the Interfaces of the Atlantic Ocean
92311Submission Title: Fronts and tidal straining in the mid-field plume of the Rhine ROFI
88407Submission Title: Quantifying mean-flow suppression of eddy-induced mixing in an idealized Southern Ocean simulation
89040Submission Title: Biodegradation of Emiliania huxleyi Aggregates by natural Prokaryotic Communities under Increasing Hydrostatic Pressure.
88709Submission Title: Tides mixing up deep Atlantic water heat in the Arctic Ocean
91686Submission Title: Conflict in the Currents: The Cross-boundary Consequences of Larval Dispersal
92197Submission Title: Long-term Stability and Erosion in Marshes of Three Large Estuarine Basins in Louisiana
93256Submission Title: Wave-Induced Pressure Under an Internal Solitary Wave and Its Impact at the Bed
90049Submission Title: Does Water Quality Affect Size-frequency Distribution and Population Abundance of Porites astreoides?
92054Submission Title: An analysis of wetland productivity and biomass in Coastal Louisiana: Current base line data and knowledge gaps for the development of spatially explicit models for restoration and rehabilitation programs
89003Submission Title: Multidecadal Increase in North Atlantic Coccolithophores and Potential Role of Increasing CO2
93059Submission Title: Discovering Deeply Divergent RNA Viruses in Existing Metatranscriptome Data with Machine Learning
91631Submission Title: Modelling of the impact of biofouling on hydrodynamics downstream of a tidal turbine
88107Submission Title: Hypoxia in the Chunsu Bay Bottom Water in Korea Induced by the Inland Fresh Water Discharge
89275Submission Title: Observations of the Surface Circulation over the Mid Atlantic Bight Continental Shelf
93117Submission Title: Thinking Strategically in the Aleutian Archipelago
92149Submission Title: Taking the Pulse of a Large Marine Ecosystem: An Inventory and Gap Analysis of Long-Term Recovery Monitoring Efforts in the Gulf of Mexico
92913Submission Title: Tidal forcing of ice stream subglacial drainage and the potential for delivery of ocean heat into an ice stream interior
92969Submission Title: A Possible Role for Vitamin C in Coral Calcification
92700Submission Title: Spatial patterns in water column respiration rates in the northern Gulf of Mexico hypoxic zone: results from four years of July shelfwide cruises
92609Submission Title: Transport contribution of the Good Hope Jet to the South Atlantic MOC
93004Submission Title: Ecological Functioning in Two Mid–Atlantic Bight Submarine Canyons: Macrofauna Community Trends and the Role of Canyon Specific Processes
88171Submission Title: Detailed observations and modelling highlight the importance of micro-siting of tidal-stream arrays: A case study off northwest Wales, UK
89271Submission Title: Prolonged Decline of Jumbo Squid (Dosidicus gigas) Landings in the Gulf of California is Associated with Chronically low wind Stress and Decreased Chlorophyll a after El Niño 2009–2010
93216Submission Title: A Tale of Two Crowds
91983Submission Title: A Landscape Disturbance Process in the Marine Environment: Revising Expectations of Climate Change Impacts.
91205Submission Title: Natural hydrocarbon seeps observation with underwater gliders and UV fluorescence sensor
89093Submission Title: Is the Ghost of Waste Management’s Past Coming Back to Haunt Us In Our Seafood?
88909Submission Title: Oil Oxidative Transformation Products Revealed by Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry
90917Submission Title: Impact of sea surface temperature anomalies on the Jet Variability and Atmospheric Blocking over the South America Sector,
PO018Submission Title: Observing and Modeling the Meridional Overturning Circulation in the South Atlantic: Causes of variability and impacts on climate, weather, and ecosystems
93458Submission Title: Seasonal variation of the phytoplankton in the Southern Atlantic Ocean (18°20'-21°S - 41-37°W)
87318Submission Title: Trace Metal Requirement of the Coral Symbiont Symbiodinium kawagutii: the Interactive Effects of Cu, Zn, Mn and Co
93021Submission Title: Low Cost Real Time Autonomous Remote Monitoring Platform
93240Submission Title: Towards a Predictive Model for Fecal Bacteria Contamination at Rincon Public Beach, Puerto Rico,
93372Submission Title: Hydrodynamic observations in support of Moored Autonomous pCO2 buoy efforts at La Parguera Marine Reserve,
93522Submission Title: Observations of Seasonal Morphological Evolution at a Moderately Energetic Beach in Rincón, Puerto Rico
93636Submission Title: Detection of Non-Photochemical Superoxide in Coastal and Open Ocean Seawater: Particulate Versus Dissolved Sources
88766Submission Title: Environmental Dynamics of Dissolved Black Carbon in the Amazon River
89480Submission Title: The Effect of Vegetation on Sea-Swell Waves, Infragravity Waves and Wave-Induced Setup,
90677Submission Title: Integrating 3D Modeling, In-Situ and Remote-Sensed Observations of Flow and Sediment Dynamics in the Hau River Estuary and Shelf, Mekong Delta, Vietnam. ,
MG003Submission Title: Morphological Evolution of Coastal Environments - Crossing the Land/Water Interface
93884Submission Title: Phytoplankton Functional Type (PFT) Ocean Color Inversion: Building A Model For Noctiluca Miliaris Detection In The Arabian Sea Based Upon Species-Specific Inherent Optical Properties (IOPS)
90371Submission Title: Observed Transport Variations of the Main Upper AMOC Branch in the North Atlantic
89543Submission Title: Response of Holobiont Compartments to Salinity Changes Indicates Osmoregulation of Scleractinian Corals
92299Submission Title: Microbial nitrogen sinks in the water column of a large coastal hypoxic area, the Gulf of Mexico “Dead Zone”
91757Submission Title: Predicting Nutrient Effects on Secchi Depth using the Tampa Bay Water Clarity Model (TBWCM)
88252Submission Title: Hydrodynamics of a Pacific Atoll System – Mechanisms for Flow and Ecological Implications
89046Submission Title: Carbon Composition of Particulate Organic Carbon in the Gulf of Mexico
91773Submission Title: Developing an Automated Method for Detection of Operationally Relevant Ocean Fronts and Eddies
89447Submission Title: Baltic Sea Blue Carbon: Role of environmental factors influencing the carbon sink capacity of eelgrass (Zostera marina) meadows.
92620Submission Title: Friend or Foe: Variability in How Sea Ice Can Both Hinder and Enhance Phytoplankton Blooms Across the Southern Ocean
89424Submission Title: Wind- and wave induced drift in the uppermost part of the ocean
89565Submission Title: Spatial and Seasonal Calcification in Corals and Calcareous Crusts in a Naturally Warm Coral Reef Region
92826Submission Title: Evaluation of Bajo Blanco Sandbar as a Potential Beach Nourishment Borrow Site for Eroding Beaches in Rincon, Puerto Rico
89948Submission Title: The Wire Flyer Towed Profiling System
90288Submission Title: Overheated and Out of Breath: Temperature Regulation of Respiration and Oxygen Supply in Coastal Zooplankton,
ME019Submission Title: Interactive Effects of Global Warming and Low Oxygen Stress: Temperature Regulation of Dissolved Oxygen Supply and Respiratory Oxygen Demand in Pelagic Food Webs
91218Submission Title: Electrochemical Sensors for In Situ Phosphate and Nitrate Measurements in Seawater
92880Submission Title: A Comprehensive Study on Current-Wave-Radar Backscatter Interactions in a River Mouth and Their Effect on Along-Track InSAR Data
68418Submission Title: Projections of daily extremes rainfall over Central Africa using CMIP5 models
92966Submission Title: Acquisition, processing, and visualization of big data as applied to robust multivariate impact models
92380Submission Title: Rivers and nitrate control DOC distribution in the upper Atlantic Ocean
93147Submission Title: Characterizing Stormwater Dispersion and Dilution from Small Coastal Streams
88125Submission Title: Evaluation of a Coastal Circulation Model for the Changjiang River Plume
92122Submission Title: Hydrodynamic and Environmental Controls on the Nitrogen Isotope Effect of Benthic N2 Production
92213Submission Title: Insight into the N-cycling in the North Sea
90252Submission Title: The Recent Role of the Indian Ocean to ENSO Diversity
90379Submission Title: The Sea Floor: A Living Learning Residential Community
92045Submission Title: Robust non-local effects of ocean heat uptake on radiative feedback and subtropical cloud cover
92966Submission Title: Acquisition, processing, and visualization of big data as applied to robust multivariate impact models
93881Submission Title: Modeling the population-level effects of hypoxia on a coastal fish: implications of a spatially-explicit individual-based model
93039Submission Title: Spatial variability of coastal flow along a coral reef-lined Pacific Island; implications for larval, nutrient, and pollutant dispersal and retention
88793Submission Title: Do Climate Models Simulate the Right Sea Ice Trends for the Wrong Reasons?
92196Submission Title: Overview of Operational Global Ocean Forecasting at the Naval Oceanographic Office
90576Submission Title: Export and transfer of Southern Ocean particulate organic carbon through the lens of ramped oxidation,
90595Submission Title: SUBMERGE! bringing the ocean closer to New York City,
ED005Submission Title: Graduate Student Outreach: Students at the Interface of Their Ocean Science Career
91181Submission Title: Regional correlation of improved radiocarbon dates from the laminated facies of Antarctic margin sediment from Anvers Trough, Antarctic Peninsula,
MG005Submission Title: Rates of ice retreat and insights into a warming Earth from Antarctic sedimentary and ice records - Dating, chronology, regional correlations, and environmental change
92969Submission Title: A Possible Role for Vitamin C in Coral Calcification
92984Submission Title: Free surface expression of shear instability in unidirectional canopy induced flows
90175Submission Title: The Past and Future Responses of Salinity in the Delaware Estuary to Sea-level Rise and River Discharge Variability
89596Submission Title: Comparison of in situ Particulate Organic Carbon Concentrations with Optical Properties in the Mesopelagic Regions of the Atlantic Ocean
91657Submission Title: The Physical Context of Seasonal and Inter-Annual Variability in Phytoplankton across the Scotian Shelf: Insights from Profiling Gliders
92441Submission Title: On the Long-term Stability of the Lofoten Basin Eddy
88167Submission Title: Dissolved organic matter (DOM) in pore water of Arctic Ocean sediments: linking DOM molecular composition with microbial community structure
92131Submission Title: Lagrangian Flow Network: a new tool to evaluate connectivity and understand the structural complexity of marine populations
90453Submission Title: A Regional Southern Ocean Carbon Budget
90692Submission Title: Observations of Inner Shelf Flows Influenced by a Small-Scale River Plume in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
88933Submission Title: Forecasting the effects of a developing El Niño event on chlorophyll and phytoplankton composition in the Equatorial Pacific
87636Submission Title: Impacts of meso- to submeso-scale features on the ocean circulation in the Coral Sea
89594Submission Title: Gyre-specific Ocean Heat Content Changes Controlled by the Meridional Overturning in the North Atlantic
90996Submission Title: Very high resolution simulation of the Storfjorden polynya in Svalbard
90181Submission Title: Developing Spatial Management Options for the Protection of Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems in the South Pacific Ocean Region.
91537Submission Title: Simulation of advection and vertical distribution of buoyant cyanobacterial colonies in Lake Erie with a Lagrangian particle model for short-term forecasts of harmful algal blooms
89734Submission Title: Same same but different - quantifying the importance of intra-specific variability to plankton biodiversity
89882Submission Title: Persistence and Bioavailability of DDT in a Coastal Salt Marsh
90457Submission Title: Copper Speciation Results From The U.S. GEOTRACES Eastern Tropical South Pacific Cruise
91940Submission Title: Frontal structure and transport in southern Drake Passage from ocean gliders
92438Submission Title: Application of the Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard to ROV Video Data for Enhanced Analysis of Deep-Sea Habitats in the Gulf of Mexico
93301Submission Title: High-Resolution Mapping of Kick‘em Jenny Submarine Volcano and Associated Landslides
92699Submission Title: How Do Density Fronts Interact with Zooplankton Distributions to Create Baleen Whale Prey-Fields in Roseway Basin?
89008Submission Title: Formation and maintenance of zonally-elongated transients in the ocean.
92061Submission Title: Underwater glider observations of the ongoing El Niño
91612Submission Title: Three-Dimensional In Situ Measurements of a Large Anticyclonic Eddy and Surrounding Waters in the Eastern Caribbean Sea
89470Submission Title: Towards a Multi-scale Montecarlo Climate Emulator for Coastal Flooding and Long-Term Coastal Change Modeling: The Beautiful Problem
89636Submission Title: Observations of Beach-Dune Interaction in Man-Made Trough Blowouts
87030Submission Title: Complex Hydrocarbon Seepages Along a Short Segment of the North Anatolian Fault (Sea of Marmara, Turkey).
84702Submission Title: Causes of Upper-Ocean Temperature Anomalies in the Tropical North Atlantic
EC019Submission Title: Progress in modeling seasonal to multi-decadal coastal change: A summary of the state of the art
91791Submission Title: Landscape scale ecology at the Porcupine Abyssal Plain
88172Submission Title: On the Suitability of North Brazil Current Transport Estimates for Monitoring Basin-Scale AMOC Changes
93381Submission Title: Boundary mixing along the Northern Deep Water Gulf of Mexico
88794Submission Title: Observational and numerical evidence for ocean frontogenesis inducing submesoscale processes and impacting biochemistry
88734Submission Title: Circulation in the Southwestern Atlantic Continental Shelf: satellite altimetry
92524Submission Title: Time Series Sampling of Gene Expression in Both Coral and Symbiodinium Under Field Conditions Reveals Environmental Transcriptional Plasticity
91313Submission Title: Investigating Triggers of North Atlantic Spring Blooms Using Gliders as a Part of the OSMOSIS Project
HE015Submission Title: The role of lipids in Arctic and sub-Arctic food webs and the fate of energy-rich copepods in a warming ocean
91253Submission Title: Direct visual observations of nanoparticles in the Celtic Sea
89833Submission Title: Impact of Lateral Mixing in the Ocean on El Nino in Fully Coupled Climate Models
93306Submission Title: Implications of High Ba/Ca and Mn/Ca Ratios in the Non-Spinose Planktonic Foraminifer Neogloboquadrina dutertrei for Water-Column Microenvironments and Cycling of Barite
11186Submission Title: Southern Ocean Town Hall: SOCCOM and other progress,
93007Submission Title: High-resolution Insight Into the Role of the Southern Ocean in a High-Carbon Future,
PC011Submission Title: Physical and Biogeochemical Processes in the Southern Ocean: Observations, State Estimation and Modeling
89058Submission Title: Recent Circulation Changes at Intermediate Depths (Upper Polar Deep Water) in the Beaufort Gyre Inferred from Water Column Distribution of 230Th
88170Submission Title: Source or Sink? A Modeling Study of Inorganic Carbon Cycling on the Scotian Shelf
90738Submission Title: High pCO2 conditions in San Francisco Bay originate from coastal upwelling from the California Undercurrent
93319Submission Title: Variable Molecular Weight Distribution and Bioavailability of DOP from Coastal and Open Ocean Waters Suggests Compositional Heterogeneity
64633Submission Title: Ontogenetic Responses of Calanus chilensis to Hypoxia from Northern Chile (23ºS), Humboldt Current Ecosystem
92671Submission Title: Topography of Ice in Nares Strait 2003 to 2012
88971Submission Title: Determining the Importance of Food Quality and Temperature on the Growth and Condition of Juvenile Southern Tanner crab (Chionoecetes bairdi) Using Complimentary Field and Laboratory Based Approaches.
91595Submission Title: Modelling Sea Ice in the Changing Arctic: A Combined Elastic-Viscous-Plastic and Collisional Rheology for Sea Ice
89214Submission Title: Patterns of Genetic Diversity and Co-Existence in Open Ocean Diatoms: the Effects of Water Mass Structure, Selection and Sex,
91718Submission Title: Hidden diversity: Resolving annual and seasonal community composition of a diatom genus in Narragansett Bay through long-term data and molecular analysis,
MM005Submission Title: Microbial interactions in ocean ecosystems: ecology to biogeochemistry
91850Submission Title: New Evidence of an Ancient Bald Cypress Forest on the Inner Shelf of Northern Gulf of Mexico
PC003Submission Title: Climate Impacts on Marine Fish, Fisheries, and Protected Species
89460Submission Title: Nutrient Dynamics in the Celtic Sea during the 18 Month UK Shelf Seas Biogeochemistry Programme
87449Submission Title: Natural Surfactant Enrichments in the Atlantic Ocean Between 50°N and 50°S: Data from the Atlantic Meridional Transect, Oct-Nov 2014
92172Submission Title: Variability and Uncertainties in Water Masses Formation Estimation from Space
90695Submission Title: Promoting climate, ocean and data literacy by hosting a CO2 buoy from NOAA’s Pacific Marine Environmental Lab at the Exploratorium
89261Submission Title: Boundary Layer Characteristics Under Surface Solitary Wave on Continental Shelf and Coastal Zone
92153Submission Title: Modeling the Relative Importance of Near-bottom Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen to the Distribution of Adult Pacific Halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis)
PO005Submission Title: Climate Trends, Hydrographic Variability, Circulation and Air-Land-Sea Interactions in the Marginal Seas of the North Atlantic.
93455Submission Title: Patterns of Macrozooplankton and Fish Occurrence Beneath McMurdo Sound Fast Ice during Spring/Summer 2014/2015
PO022Submission Title: Oceanic Energy Pathways: From the Global Circulation to the Sub-Mesoscale
88828Submission Title: Circulation and Thermal Structure in Michigan's Inland Lakes: A Comparative Analysis Across Lakes
91766Submission Title: Dynamics of Cross-Shore Thermal Exchange Over Nonuniform Bathymetry
87192Submission Title: Shoreface-connected sand ridges control on decadal-scale shoreline morphology
91111Submission Title: A Coral-based Reconstruction of Seawater δ18O at the Lakshadweep Archipelago in the Arabian Sea, Southwest India
92163Submission Title: Hydrocarbon-Based Communities in the Ultra-Deep Gulf of Mexico: Protecting the Asphalt Ecosystem
11171Submission Title: EarthCube’s Oceanography and Geobiology Environmental ‘Omics (ECOGEO) Research Coordination Network: A community focused on identifying technical challenges and developing plans for federated cyberinfrastructure that will enable ocean and geobiology environmental ‘omics research.,
92192Submission Title: Prevalence of Metalloenzymes in Oxygen Minimum Zones Extremities: Implicit Widespread Mesopelagic Nitrogen Cycling Activity and Potential Impacts of Deoxygenation on Nitrogen and Iron Biogeochemical Cycles
87805Submission Title: Sedimentary facies of distributary channels of the whole Mekong River delta
92912Submission Title: DNA Barcoding of Zooplankton in the Hampton Roads Area: A Biodiversity Assessment
90057Submission Title: Optics of the Offshore Columbia River Plume from Glider Observations and Satellite Imagery
90298Submission Title: A multi-parameter parameterization of ocean diapycnal mixing efficiency: global estimates inferred from Argo-float based profiles
88071Submission Title: Conserving archaeological sites as biological and historical resources in the Gulf of Mexico: the effects of crude oil and dispersant on the biodiversity and corrosion potential of shipwreck bacterial biofilms
89450Submission Title: In Situ Measurement of Surface Turbulent Exchange Over Arctic Sea Ice
90876Submission Title: Direct measurement of the cross-density overturning circulation in the Southern Ocean
92302Submission Title: Sub-diurnal Variation of SST Gradients in Infrared Satellite Data
ME034Submission Title: Toward Mechanistic Understanding and Prediction of Abrupt Ecosystem Changes
87158Submission Title: An Overview of Coral Community Development on Offshore Platforms in the Gulf of Mexico
91485Submission Title: High resolution modeling of tropical cyclones-ocean interactions in the South-West Indian Ocean.
92580Submission Title: Why Pulse If You Live in Turbulent Flow? Studying the Benefits of Pulsing Behavior in Xeniid Corals
93605Submission Title: The impact of branched coral morphological variation on downstream wake development and its influence on recruitment
87558Submission Title: Investigating the influence of Atlantic water inflow on primary production in a regional model for the Fram strait
90503Submission Title: Migration of Multiple Scale Bedforms in Energetic Tidal Environments
91969Submission Title: Upper-Ocean Temperature Observations Obtained during Tasked Hurricane Reconnaissance Missions: A Review of Impacts on Air-Sea Coupled Hurricane Model Predictions
93126Submission Title: Rhythmic Larval Release in the Crab Dyspanopeus sayi: Entrainment by Light:Dark and Temperature Cycles
92611Submission Title: Topographic Steering of the Mediterranean Outflow West of the Strait of Gibraltar
90296Submission Title: Paralarvae of the complex Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis - Dosidicus gigas (Cephalopoda: Ommastrephidae) in the northern limit of the shallow oxygen minimum zone of the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean.
93653Submission Title: Mapping Prevalence and Incidence of Coral Disease in reef-building corals at two Natural Reserves of the Southwest Puerto Rico
93128Submission Title: Impact of Hypoxia on Startle Response (C-start) of Fish in a Tropical Urban Estuary
93547Submission Title: Heat and salt budgets over the Gulf Stream North Wall during LatMix survey in winter 2012.
88619Submission Title: Anthropogenic impacts on deep submarine canyons of the western Mediterranean Sea
89794Submission Title: Trophic Ecology and Movement Patters of Tiger Sharks (Galeocerdo Cuvier) off the Western North Atlantic Coastal and Continental Shelf Waters
10170Submission Title: Towards a standard, user-friendly chemical speciation model for seawater and estuarine waters,
90521Submission Title: Metal Speciation Analysis and Modeling – How do we Best Estimate the Bioavailable Form,
CT011Submission Title: Trace metal speciation in seawater: measurements, modelling and impact on marine biogeochemistry
88843Submission Title: Bacterivory by a Summer Assemblage of Nanoplankton in the Ross Sea, Antarctica: Mixotrophic Versus Heterotrophic Protists
92578Submission Title: Underwater Hyperspectral Imaging (UHI) for Assessing the Coverage of Drill Cuttings on Benthic Habitats
92348Submission Title: STURM: Resuspension mesocosms with realistic bottom shear stress and water column turbulence for benthic-pelagic coupling studies: Design and Applications,
93503Submission Title: Sediment Transport Processes over the Seasonally Vegetated Bayhead Delta of the Susquehanna River, Upper Chesapeake Bay,
MG007Submission Title: Sediment Delivery, Transport, and Deposition in Coastal Aquatic Environments
89050Submission Title: Separating Small-Scale Vortical Motions and Internal Waves in Sargasso Sea
90456Submission Title: Dissolved Oxygen (DO) and Nutrients Analysis in the Río Piedras River, San Juan, Puerto Rico
90473Submission Title: MicroCAT/SeaCAT Sensor Calibration and Data Quality Control: Lessons Learned from 10 Years of WHOI-Hawaii Ocean Time-Series Site (WHOTS) Mooring Deployments
93326Submission Title: Multiscale modeling of internal waves and turbulence at rough, realistic topography with SOMAR-LES
90263Submission Title: Rain Impact Model V2.0 for Sea Surface Salinity: A Flag for Salinity Stratification
88849Submission Title: Seasonal and Interannual Variability of the Brazil - Malvinas Front: an Altimetry Perspective
87433Submission Title: Creating Student Engagement Through Immersion: Exploring the MT6 Shipwreck in Puget Sound via Submersible, Using a Team Challenge Format
92588Submission Title: Simulated and observed atmospheric response to oceanic mesoscale eddies in the Gulf Stream region
89319Submission Title: On Turbulence Losses at Rough Topography: LES results
90681Submission Title: Interannual variability of ring formations in the Gulf Stream region
88101Submission Title: Low-frequency changes in Southern Ocean ventilation quantified using an Atlantic sector model: A boundary-propagator approach
93783Submission Title: The Coastal Marine Biology Program at the University of Puerto Rico at Humacao
92187Submission Title: Toward Best Practices For Assessing Near Surface Sensor Fouling: Potential Correction Approaches Using Underway Ferry Measurements
90533Submission Title: Nano- and Macroscale Responses of the Deep Pink Sea Urchin, Strongylocentrotus fragilis, to Multiple Stressors Associated with the Oxygen Minimum Zone
92626Submission Title: Hypoxia Impacts on Food Web Linkages in a Pelagic Ecosystem
90010Submission Title: The Volumetric Variability of Subtropical Mode Water in the South Atlantic
92672Submission Title: Ecosystem Based Management in Transition: From Ocean Policy to Application
90501Submission Title: Nitrogen dynamics observed in high resolution: Understanding bulk sedimentary d15N using amino acid compound-specific nitrogen isotopes in the eastern tropical Pacific
91639Submission Title: Mid-Shelf Hardground Fish Habitats off the Georgia Coast,
91907Submission Title: Analysis of Complex Sand Waves in Raccoon Strait, San Francisco Bay,
91915Submission Title: Geomorphic Analysis of Deep Coral Habitat in the Kaiwi Channel, Hawaiian Islands,
92763Submission Title: Analysis of Gorda Escarpment Geomorphology, Mendocino Fracture Zone ,
92780Submission Title: Submarine Channel Association with Seamount Chain Alignment on the Ontong Java Plateau,
92911Submission Title: Deep Coral Habitat Characterization of the North End of Raita Bank, Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands,
93310Submission Title: Bathymetric Analysis of St. Croix Ridge, U.S. Virgin Islands,
93424Submission Title: Outcrop Geomorphology and Sediment Characterization in Killary Harbour, Ireland
89548Submission Title: Merging Ocean Color and physical Argo data to extend bio-optical properties to depth using neural networks: A global 3D view of phytoplankton biomass and phytoplankton communities composition
89626Submission Title: Internal gravity wave contributions to global sea surface variability
92533Submission Title: A Mesh Adaptive and Mass Conservative Three Dimensional Numerical Model For Ocean Hydrodynamics and Transport Simulations
88192Submission Title: Early report on field observations of Langmuir turbulence: from relevant forcing parameters, to multi-scale interactions, to impact on the mixed layer
91664Submission Title: Geographic and Oceanographic Information within Trace Metals in Moray Eel Otoliths
91361Submission Title: The effect of single versus multiple heat waves on seagrass communities growing under naturally fluctuating temperature conditions
91172Submission Title: Coral-based estimates of tropical Pacific climate during the Little Ice Age: Intercolony variability and the need for replication
90951Submission Title: Assimilation of High-Density Low-Precision GNSS-R Altimetry Observations to Constrain Simulations of the Ocean Circulation - Impact on SSH and Subsurface Processes
93852Submission Title: A Spatio-Temporal Model of Phenotypic Evolution in the Atlantic Silverside (Menidia menidia) and Its Implications for Size-Selective Fishing in a Warmer World
89764Submission Title: Water Temperature, Not Dissolved Oxygen, Linked to Nitrite Accumulation in Estuaries
11251Submission Title: The European Union-Canada-United States of America Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance: Implementing the Galway Statement - Progress, Next Steps, and Opportunities for Collaboration
92770Submission Title: “Using Satellite Remote Sensing to Derive Numeric Criteria in Coastal and Inland Waters of the United States”
90892Submission Title: Warming of Atlantic Waters in Fram Strait and Underneath the 79°N-Glacier
89612Submission Title: Cross-shelf Distribution of Dimethylsulfide in the South Atlantic Bight
87911Submission Title: A First Look at Satellite-Derived Sea Surface Density and its Applications
90596Submission Title: Salinity Tolerance of Early-Stage Oyster Larvae in the Choptank River, Chesapeake Bay, USA
88898Submission Title: A synthesis of loss-on-ignition measurements and remote sensing data to elucidate space-time variations in the organic fraction of total suspended matter in a coastal environmen
91977Submission Title: Estimating Mixing Rates and Turbulence from Glider-based Microstructure Measurements in the Beaufort Sea
89831Submission Title: Sedimentation Dynamics of a Sediment-laden River Intrusions in a Large Alpine Lake
87718Submission Title: Closing the salt marsh dissolved organic carbon (DOC) outwelling budget: sediment fluxes,
87719Submission Title: Science Cafes: Engaging graduate students one drink at a time!,
ED005Submission Title: Graduate Student Outreach: Students at the Interface of Their Ocean Science Career
88214Submission Title: King-Crab Invasion of the Antarctic Benthos
89571Submission Title: Determination of the side-reaction coefficient of the trihydroxamate siderophore desferrioxamine B in metal-free seawater
11240Submission Title: Defining priorities for NASA in Ocean Ecology and Biogeochemistry: 2017-2027
87930Submission Title: Global Compilation of Marine Varve Records
93866Submission Title: Detailed Spatial Analysis of Trends in Primary Productivity in the Ross Sea, Antarctica (1997-2013)
91860Submission Title: Toxicity of Desalination Brine of Varying Ionic Compositions on Embryonic Development of Japanese Medaka (Oryzias latipes)
11213Submission Title: Opportunities to Strengthen your Science (and Proposals) using GEOTRACES Data
89304Submission Title: Evaluating the role of inertial and tidal internal wave dynamics on a narrow continental shelf: An assessment of the dominant physical dynamics influencing mixing and the energy budget
87604Submission Title: Using Initial Condition Large Ensemble Experiments to Interpret Observed Trends and 21st Century Projections of Ocean Carbon Uptake
87225Submission Title: An Observations and Model-based Analysis of the Temporal Variability of the Brazil Curren
92397Submission Title: The nature and function of microbial enzymes in subsurface marine sediments
HI008Submission Title: Science on, with and for coastal indigenous communities
89465Submission Title: Modelling Ecosystem Dynamics of the Oxygen Minimum Zones in the Angola Gyre and the Northern Benguela Upwelling System.
92615Submission Title: Dissolved Oxygen Anomalies as Proxy for Variations in Ocean Circulation
93318Submission Title: Testing linear dynamics of frontal air-sea interaction
93689Submission Title: Extracellular Production of Reactive Oxygen Species by Marine Microbiota
89802Submission Title: Marine algae inform past calving rates of a tide water glacier in western Greenland.
91775Submission Title: Decadal variability in phytoplankton community structure along the West Antarctic Peninsula.,
91933Submission Title: RU COOL’s scalable educational focus on immersing society in the ocean through ocean observing systems,
OD005Submission Title: Ocean Observatory Science – Unprecedented Access to the Sea,
PO017Submission Title: New Insights on Continental Shelf and Slope Processes from the use of Autonomous Platforms
89255Submission Title: Climate-scale Chlorophyll Patterns in the Tropical Pacific from a Multi-decadal Statistical Reconstruction
92494Submission Title: Characterizing the Carbon Isotopic Composition of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon in Sea Ice Pore Water as a Carbon Source for Sea Ice Algae in the Arctic
88292Submission Title: Glider observations of the Mindanao Current: Geostrophic velocity, transport and thermohaline structure
93166Submission Title: Ocean Acidification Impact to Copepod Populations Mediated by Changes in Prey Quality
88775Submission Title: The Gulf Stream Separation and Topographic Wave Arrest
91514Submission Title: A Lethal Virus of the Blue Crab Callinectes sapidus May Be Present Throughout its Trans-hemispheric Range
91159Submission Title: Southern Ocean vertical iron fluxes; the ocean model effect
90763Submission Title: Observations of Baroclinic Coastally Trapped Waves Around Islands at Low Latitudes
93255Submission Title: Monitoring biodiversity using ecosystem assessment surveys and regional ocean models within the California Current
87673Submission Title: C-DEBI Community College Research Internship for Scientific Engagement: Effective Practices in Running a Non-Residential Research Program
90112Submission Title: What drives multidecadal variations in biogeochemical cycles and foodweb dynamics in regional seas: Comparative assessment of North Sea, Baltic Sea and Barents Sea?
90136Submission Title: Linking FRRF Derived Photophysiology with Carbon-based Primary Productivity: Insights from Concepts of Cellular Energy Allocation
91848Submission Title: New insights into the role of phosphate-free lipids in anaerobic environments
89317Submission Title: Bacterioplankton Populations within the Oxygen Minimum Zone of the Sargasso Sea
91604Submission Title: High-Resolution Simulation of Sea Ice and circulation in the West Antarctic Peninsula (WAP)
91960Submission Title: Using Bottle Incubation Experiments to assess Nutrient Limitations and Plankton Community Interactions in the Red Sea during different Seasonal Cycles
87526Submission Title: Residual Sediment Transport by Tidal Straining near Sloping Topography
PC002Submission Title: Assessing Ecosystem Variability from Paleoceanographic Archives
87532Submission Title: Freshwater fluxes in the Labrador Sea
89586Submission Title: Adsorption of Thorium-234 onto particles differing in surface area and surface quality
88762Submission Title: Quantifying the Available Offshore Wind Resource in North Carolina
88557Submission Title: Risk Analysis Reveals Global Hotspots for Marine Debris Ingestion by Sea Turtles
89068Submission Title: In Search of Submarine Groundwater Discharge into Seagrass Beds along the Gulf Coast of Northwest Florida
92456Submission Title: Accuracy of short term Sea Ice Forecasts using the Marginal Ice Zone Modeling and Assimilation System (MIZMAS)
90040Submission Title: Disturbance of Essential Fish Habitat by Commercial Passive Fishing Gear in the Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia region of the Mid-Atlantic Bight
87775Submission Title: Observations of wave-breaking turbulence and whitecap coverage, and the relation to wind stress and wave slope
93231Submission Title: Ecosystem-Based Management and the Sustainable Delivery of Marine Ecosystem Services,
P002Submission Title: Integrating Science And Management At The Coastal Interface: Landscape-Based Approaches And Application To Watershed, Coastal, And Ocean Resource Management,
P003Submission Title: Making National Policy Work Locally: Approaches For Implementing The National Ocean Policy At Regional, State, And Local Levels Through Ecosystem-Based Management
92188Submission Title: Impacts of Bottom Fishing on Sediment Biogeochemical and Biological Parameters in Cohesive and Non-cohesive Sediments
92961Submission Title: The Role of Carbon Concentrating Mechanisms in the Varied Response of the Green Macroalga, Ulva Lactuca, To Ocean Acidification
ME028Submission Title: Physical-Biological Interactions at Ocean Fronts: from Processes to Predators
92297Submission Title: The Response of the Ocean to Short-Term Cooling
86901Submission Title: Improvements and Advances to the Cross-Calibrated Multi-Platform (CCMP) Ocean Vector Wind Analysis (V2.0 release)
92209Submission Title: Is it Always True that the Mixing Efficiency Decreases for Large (>400) Values of the Buoyancy Reynolds Number?
87903Submission Title: Anomalous δ13C in POC at the chemoautotrophy maximum in the Cariaco Basin
89700Submission Title: Observations of the Transfer of Energy and Momentum to the Oceanic Surface Boundary Layer Beneath Breaking Waves
89890Submission Title: Chemical Contaminants Found in the Gastrointestinal Tract of Loggerhead Sea Turtles (Caretta caretta)
88975Submission Title: Assessing the Roles of Iron, Macronutrients and Wet deposition in Controlling Phytoplankton Growth in Seasonally Oligotrophic Waters of the Mid-Atlantic Bight
88376Submission Title: Shelf-sea gross and net production estimates from oxygen-to-argon ratios and triple oxygen isotopes.
91182Submission Title: The molecular geography of dissolved organic matter in the Atlantic Ocean can largely be explained by a simple two-source mixing model.
90875Submission Title: Molecular Transformations of Dissolved Organic Matter in the Lower Amazon River
92043Submission Title: Oxygen Balance and Net Ecosystem Production in a Florida Subtropical Estuary
90581Submission Title: The Influence of Predator-prey Interactions on Climate-induced Range Shifts in Marine Communities
91299Submission Title: Atmospheric Aerosol Emissions Related to the Mediterranean Seawater Biogeochemistry
90620Submission Title: Ice Algal Contributions to Pelagic Production
88412Submission Title: A Compact Fluorescence Lifetime Instrument for In Situ Chemistry Measurements
88515Submission Title: Assessing tidal energy resource in the Iroise Sea using High Frequency radar and in situ velocity measurements
91928Submission Title: Predominant nonlinear atmospheric response to meridional shift of the Gulf Stream path from the WRF atmospheric model simulations
89240Submission Title: Estimation of vertical mixing with Thorpe scale on the continental slope of the southwestern East Sea
91744Submission Title: Total Water Level Fun Facts: The Relative Contribution of Extreme Total Water Levels Along the US West Coast
89527Submission Title: Strong effects of thermodynamic ice-shelf/ocean interactions in a globalsea-icea-ocean isopycnal model
92910Submission Title: Water Quality Monitoring in the Execution of Canal Remediation Methods in the Florida Keys
89806Submission Title: Enhanced Ahead-of-Eye TC Coastal Ocean Cooling Processes and their Impact on Air-Sea Heat Fluxes and Storm Intensity
88611Submission Title: On the predictability of North Atlantic ocean state
91464Submission Title: Ice Floe Breaking in Contemporary Third Generation Operational Wave Models
90249Submission Title: A Two-Timescale Response of the Southern Ocean to Ozone Depletion: Importance of the Background State
93706Submission Title: Interannual Drivers of Circulation and Heat Exchange in the Coral Triangle
93499Submission Title: Archaeal- and Bacterial-Specific Predation in the Deep North Atlantic
91507Submission Title: Characterization and Modeling of Settling, Consolidation, and Suspension to Optimize Sediment Retention of Sediment Diversions for Coastal Restoration
89526Submission Title: Long-term variability of the South Adriatic circulation in relation to North Atlantic oscillation
92995Submission Title: Seasonality of biological and physical controls on surface ocean CO2 from hourly observations at the Southern Ocean Time Series site south of Australia.
91935Submission Title: Denitrifying SUP05 Require Exogenous Nitrogen
90794Submission Title: Formation and disappearance of salt plug in response to changes in river discharge in multi-channel tropical estuary
89027Submission Title: Early Life-Stage Responses of a Eurythemal Estuarine Fish, Mummichog (Fundulus hetereoclitus) to Fixed and Fluctuating Thermal Regimes
87236Submission Title: Spontaneous Wave Generation from Submesoscale Fronts and Filaments
93403Submission Title: Net Ecosystem Calcification by a Coral Reef Community under Natural Acidification
93517Submission Title: Water clarity in the Bohai Sea during 2003-2014
89860Submission Title: Effect of Nitrogen Form and N:P Ratio on Phytoplankton Bloom Formation in Florida Bay, USA: A Mesocosm Study
92740Submission Title: Spatial and Temporal Variation in DeSoto Canyon Macrofaunal Community Structure
92195Submission Title: Evaluating the use of tracer methods to infer changes in ventilation variability
88995Submission Title: Multi-sensor Observations of Grid Generated Turbulence
90227Submission Title: Using Vocal Dialects to Assess the Population Structure of Bigg’s Killer Whales in Alaska
92759Submission Title: Comparison of Experimenal Photooxidation Rates and Patterns in Glass- and Water-Based Oil Slicks with Daily Weathering Observed in the Gulf of Mexico
93342Submission Title: Flow patterns and bathymetric signatures on the delta front of a prograding river delta
93873Submission Title: Dynamics of Under Ice Boundary Layers Below Floating Ice Shelves
93130Submission Title: Maiden Voyage of the Under-Ice Float
93863Submission Title: Structure and Variability of the Loop Current along the Yucatan Slope and Shelf Break.
90253Submission Title: Satellite Monitoring of Boston Harbor Water Quality: Initial Investigations
88012Submission Title: Preliminary evaluation of the effective viscoelastic parameters for the Arctic marginal ice zone under various sea states
92648Submission Title: Effects of Ocean Acidification on Fish Eggs and Larvae in Laboratory Experiments and Naturally High-pCO2 Upwelling Systems
90631Submission Title: Overburden-driven Late Holocene Compaction in the Mississippi Delta
91496Submission Title: Niche separation of nitrifier and phytoplankton by light in the sunlit ocean
92375Submission Title: Ligand-Iron Dynamics and their Influence on Dissolved Iron Distributions in a Global Model
93835Submission Title: The 3D Distribution of Dissolved and Colloidal Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Ni, Cd and Pb in the Western Antarctic Peninsula Shelf Region; Implications for Natural Fe Fertilization
93541Submission Title: Can Biomass Burning Explain Isotopically Light Fe in Marine Aerosols?
90054Submission Title: Investigating the Effect of Ocean Currents on the Surface Stress and Heat Fluxes over the Gulf of Mexico Using a Two-way Coupled Modeling System
92781Submission Title: Ecosystem Changes in the Diminishing Aral Sea Observed by Satellites
89841Submission Title: Transcriptomic Analysis of Grazing by Marine Nanoflagellates
92118Submission Title: An investigation of anaerobic methane oxidation by consortia of methanotrophic archaea and bacterial partners using nanoSIMS and process-based modeling
91506Submission Title: A Basin-Wide Examination of the Arctic Ocean's Double-Diffusive Staircase
92750Submission Title: Remote Sensing of Phytoplankton Size Distribution: Phenology
89807Submission Title: Temporal and Spatial Variations in Transcriptional Patterns among Closely Related Marine Microbial Taxa
88028Submission Title: Flowering and fruiting of the Tropical Intertidal Seagrass H. stipulacea under Controlled ex- situ conditions: Understanding the Effect of Climate change on Sexual reproduction of World’s seagrasses using Ex-situ set ups- A case of Tanzanian coast
87176Submission Title: Elucidating Mechanisms by which Invertebrate Larval Settlement is Affected by Biofilm Ciliates
90534Submission Title: Nonlinear interaction of internal solitary-like waves in three-dimensional simulations
87925Submission Title: Organic matter amount and types affect sediment microbial community in the Larsen A embayment after ice shelf disintegration
91037Submission Title: Evaluation of surface wind over the western North Pacific simulated by CMIP5 global and CORDEX regional climate models
87595Submission Title: Morphology and phylogeny of Pentapharsodinium jinhaense sp. nov. (Dinophyceae) producing a calcareous resting cyst
90739Submission Title: Dominant plankton sizes in response to various upwelling events.
89845Submission Title: Large-scale Oceanic Variability associated with the Madden-Julian Oscillation during DYNAMO Predicted by a Global Coupled Model
93543Submission Title: Integration of in-situ chemical sensors and ocean observation platforms
88572Submission Title: Marine monitoring at seawater desalination brine discharge sites: The challenge of doing it right
92579Submission Title: Modeled Atoll Shoreline and Run-up Changes in Response to Sea-level Rise and Changing Wave Directions under Large Wave Conditions: Wake and Midway Atolls, Northwestern Hawaiian Islands
93865Submission Title: ITAG: A fine-scale measurement platform to inform organismal response to a changing ocean
89748Submission Title: Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative Information and Data Cooperative (GRIIDC): Developing a Data Sharing Culture in the Wake of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
89568Submission Title: Impact of modifying the wind stress to include high resolution sea surface temperature and ocean currents
88807Submission Title: Persistent, Energetic Bottom Trapped Topographic Rossby Waves Observed in the Southern South China Sea
89531Submission Title: Impact of physical-biological interactions on spatio-temporal distribution of bioluminescence potential.
88958Submission Title: Stable pelagic vertebrate community structure through extreme Paleogene greenhouse conditions
92886Submission Title: Seasonal Variation in Copepod Community Structure in the Central Red Sea
61563Submission Title: Climatic Alterations of Wetlands: Conservation and Adaptation Practices in Bangladesh
92711Submission Title: Ocean Acidification of the Pacific Northwest Coastal Waters: A Modeling Study
90802Submission Title: Assessment of Ocean Carbon Export and Sequestration From Satellite Data: New Approaches and a Plan for the Future
93351Submission Title: Wave dissipation due to spatially varying bottom roughness: Observations from Oahu, Hawaii
ME021Submission Title: Microbial Biogeochemistry of Hydrothermal Vents in Shallow and Deep Waters: Commonalities and Differences
89509Submission Title: Estuarine Export of Dissolved Organic Carbon to the Mid-Atlantic Bight
91280Submission Title: Monitoring the Baltic Sea: Using Bathymetry to Guide Argo Floats
91883Submission Title: Temperature and Ecotype Affect the Quality and Quantity of Prochlorococcus-Derived DOM
92489Submission Title: The coral reef balancing act: a multi-scale analysis of accretion and erosion along a natural environmental gradient
91899Submission Title: An Accurate Absorption-Based Net Primary Production Model for the Global Ocean
89477Submission Title: Observations of a Diapycnal Shortcut to Adiabatic Upwelling of Antarctic Cirumpolar Deep Waters
91003Submission Title: Oceanographic Setting Dominates Methane Transport Through the Water Column in the Shallow Area West of Prins Karls Forland, Arctic Ocean
88304Submission Title: Where Do All the Phytoplankton Go? Challenges in Keeping Track of Viable Cells in Phytoplankton Communities Using Flow Cytometry and Cell Staining
88781Submission Title: Utag for iTAG: Putting the “U and me” in the Integrated Tracking of Aquatic Animals in the Gulf of Mexico
90525Submission Title: Circluation of the Lau Basin
90375Submission Title: Assimilation of Wave Imaging Radar Observations for Real-Time Wave-by-Wave Forecasting
88974Submission Title: Remineralization ratios in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current using profiling float data
93926Submission Title: Detection of Chronic Stress in Corals Exposed to Invasive Algae Mats
92355Submission Title: Using Autonomous Technologies to Expand Observations of Fish, Invertebrates, and their Associated Habitats.
CT002Submission Title: Integrating approaches to understanding the distribution and transfer of trace elements in the upper water column
88055Submission Title: Probing the Timescales of Mesoscale Eddy Equilibration
91165Submission Title: A Molecular MST Approach to Investigate Fecal Indicator Bacteria in Bioaerosols, Bathing Water, Seaweed Wrack, and Sand at Recreational Beaches,
93840Submission Title: Metagenomic Investigation of the Microbial Community Structure and Diversity for Sentinel Coral Reefs and Urbanized Coastal Waters in Southeast Florida, and Molecular Microbial Source Tracking to Characterize Potential LBSP Microbial Contaminant Influences
88921Submission Title: Surging Non-Linear Internal Waves Deliver Cold Inner-Shelf Water to the Surfzone
90066Submission Title: The Impact of Horizontal Sea Surface Temperature Gradients on Long Island Sound Sea Breezes
92474Submission Title: Habitat of calling blue and fin whales in the Southern California Bight
93492Submission Title: Multi-bacterial influences on diatom bloom and toxigenesis
93523Submission Title: Unprecedented Proliferation of Novel Pelagic Sargassum Form has Implications for Ecosystem Function and Regional Diversity in the Caribbean,
93663Submission Title: Marine Spatial Planning Applied to the High Seas – Process and Results of an Exercise Focused on the Sargasso Sea
91079Submission Title: Implications of a More Comprehensive Nitrogen Cycle in a Global Biogeochemical Ocean Model
90078Submission Title: Propulsion of the Water Flea, Daphnia magna: Experiments, Scaling, and Modelling
88695Submission Title: Towards a General Turbulence Model for Planetary Boundary Layers Based on Direct Statistical Simulation
HI008Submission Title: Science on, with and for coastal indigenous communities
89812Submission Title: Rapid Amplification of the Global Water Cycle with Warming Inferred from Changes in the Width of the Salinity Distribution in Observations and CMIP5 Models
93717Submission Title: Persistent tidal mixing fronts as a key habitat feature for the harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena)
92166Submission Title: Photolytic Release of Dissolved Vanadium and Copper from Resuspended Coastal Marine Sediments
89887Submission Title: Large-eddy Simulation of Ekman Layer Instabilities in the Ocean Mixed Layer: Comparison with Theory
93280Submission Title: Laser Scattering Instrument for Measurement of Oceanic Particle Size Distribution from Submicron to Mesoplankton
90309Submission Title: Simultaneous Observations of Beach and Surf-Zone Topography from a sUAS
11228Submission Title: GO-SHIP update of the current decadal (2012-2023) Hydrographic survey and activities,
11252Submission Title: Essential Ocean Variables: a Common Focus for Sustained Global Ocean Observing,
89207Submission Title: Direct observations of the East Australian Current and Property Transport at 27 oS from 2012-2013,
PO007Submission Title: Connecting Coastal Seas and Deep Oceans: Processes, Observing Systems, and Modeling
91036Submission Title: Variations in the Summer Phytoplankton Community Structure in Atlantic sub-Arctic and Arctic Waters
92928Submission Title: Effect of including high-resolution ocean models in climate simulations of the north-west Atlantic and US East coast,
A001Submission Title: Air-Sea Exchange Processes in Western Boundary Current Systems and Marginal Seas: Their Local and Remote Climatic Implications,
PC009Submission Title: Mid-latitude Climate Dynamics and the Role of the Ocean
90126Submission Title: Seawall Fronted Barrier Island Response to Hurricane Forcing under Rising Sea Level
89750Submission Title: Spatial Variability and Structure of Hydrothermal Ecosystems at the Tempus Fugit Vent on the Galápagos Spreading Center
91114Submission Title: Ground-truthing the Foraminifera-bound Nitrogen Isotope Paleo-proxy in the Modern Sargasso Sea
92448Submission Title: Source to Sink: Broad and fine scale observations of terrestrial vs marine derived carbon in a Scottish sea loch (fjord).
91333Submission Title: Measuring the AMOC at 26°N: the record so far and the potential for real-time data in the future
92396Submission Title: Advective and Mixing Time Scales for Transport of Denmark Strait Overflow Water from the Labrador Sea to the Western Subtropical Atlantic Ocean Determined from 129I, CFC and Hydrographic Time Series Observations
87898Submission Title: Maritime Aerosol Network as a Component of AERONET - a Useful Tool for Evaluation of the Global Sea-Salt Aerosol Distribution
88999Submission Title: Diffusion by Infragravity Stokes Drift Fluctuations
89374Submission Title: The community and function shift of ammonia oxidizers across terrestrial and marine (soil/sediment) boundaries in two coastal bay ecosystems
92880Submission Title: A Comprehensive Study on Current-Wave-Radar Backscatter Interactions in a River Mouth and Their Effect on Along-Track InSAR Data
92112Submission Title: Early benthic successional processes at implanted substrates in Barkley Submarine Canyon affected by a permanent oxygen minimum zone
90418Submission Title: Energy flow and trophic partitioning of contrasting Cold Water Coral ecosystems of the NE Atlantic.
90090Submission Title: Use of Airborne Infrared Remote Sensing to Characterize Submesoscale Eddies
91385Submission Title: What Role do Hurricanes Play in Sediment Delivery to Subsiding River Deltas?
93057Submission Title: Internal Waves, Shear, and Mixing at the Equator
93460Submission Title: The structure of baroclinic turbulence in an idealized family of baroclinically-unstable flows
93618Submission Title: Internal wave shoaling in Mamala Bay, Oahu, Hawaii
88219Submission Title: Durophagous Predation by King Crabs on the Continental Slope off Antarctica
89158Submission Title: Scaling Observations of Distance Limited Waves in the Seasonally Ice-Covered Beaufort Sea
91746Submission Title: The Ocean Observatories Initiative: Data Acquisition Functions and Its Built-In Automated Python Modules
91533Submission Title: Impact of Surface Forcing on the Forecast Skill of NCOM-4DVAR
89630Submission Title: SAMOS – A Decade of High-Quality, Underway Meteorological and Oceanographic Data from Research Vessels,
89640Submission Title: Observational Requirements for Underway Observations from Research Vessels,
92340Submission Title: The NOAA Scientific Computing System Data Assembly Center,
OD007Submission Title: Science at Sea: Marine Data Stewardship from Proposal to Preservation
88360Submission Title: Modeling the Effects of Trait Diversity on Short-term Adaptive Capacity and Long-term Productivity of Phytoplankton Communities,
ME022Submission Title: Modeling and observing the physical-biological interactions that organize the spatio-temporal distribution of biomass in marine ecosystems
93776Submission Title: Stable Isotope Signatures Suggest Different Feeding Strategies for Atlantic and Gulf Menhaden
88792Submission Title: Verification and Validation of COAMPS: Results from a Fully-Coupled Air/Sea/Wave Modeling System
92142Submission Title: Assessing the impacts of deoxygenation on marine species using blood-oxygen binding thresholds as proxies for hypoxia tolerance in the water column
EC020Submission Title: Records of Carbon Burial and Biogeochemical Cycling in Coastal Wetlands: Response to Past, Present, and Future Sea-Level Rise and Global Climate Change.
93248Submission Title: Beaufort Sea Zooplankton Communities 2010-14 and Relation to Hydrography
88659Submission Title: Bacteria Interactions with Dying Diatoms
90505Submission Title: Deep Cycle Turbulence and Oceanic Heat Uptake in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific
89230Submission Title: Sensitivity of Antarctic Bottom Water to Changes in Surface Buoyancy Fluxes
90836Submission Title: The Impact of Salinity on the Seasonal and Interannual Variability of the Upper Ocean Structure and Air/Sea Interaction in the South Eastern Tropical Indian Ocean
92997Submission Title: Investigating the Differences in the Total and Active Microbial Community of Mid-Atlantic Ridge Sediments
91467Submission Title: Continuous Silicate Utilization Over Multiple 14L:10D Day:Night Cycles Confirms Night Metabolism in Lake Michigan Diatom Enrichments Using Either Nitrate or Ammonium as a Nitrogen Source
88476Submission Title: Monsoon-driven variability in the southern Red Sea and the exchange with the Indian Ocean
92288Submission Title: Direct Measurements of Pathways of Overflow Water in the Nordic Seas
89713Submission Title: Predicting drifter trajectories and particle dispersion in the Caribbean using a high resolution coastal ocean forecasting system
92068Submission Title: Heat stress dictates microbial lipid composition in hydrothermal marine sediments
88772Submission Title: The Impact of the Ozone Hole on the Temperature and Salinity of the Southern Ocean
88332Submission Title: Short-term sea ice forecasts with the RASM-ESRL coupled model: A testbed for improving simulations of ocean-ice-atmosphere interactions in the marginal ice zone
92644Submission Title: The Warmer The Ocean Surface, The Shallower The Mixed Layer. How Much Of This Is True?
89373Submission Title: Ocean Biogeochemical Feedbacks Limit the Impact of Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition on Marine Productivity
87365Submission Title: Sea Surface Salinity budget in the North Atlantic subtropical gyre during the 2012-2013 Strasse/SPURS experiment and from the SMOS salinity mission.
91276Submission Title: Water Properties in the Great Lakes from Satellite Ocean Color Measurements
90832Submission Title: Variation of subsurface chlorophyll maximum layer from the vertical profiler and in-situ observation in the eastern coastal region of Korea (the East/Japan Sea)
88343Submission Title: Mediation of air-sea CO2 fluxes by mesoscale eddies in the Southern Ocean
88976Submission Title: Near-Surface Salinity Stratification from Satellite SSS Observations and an Advanced Ocean Model
90402Submission Title: Contributions of the atmosphere-land and ocean-sea ice model components to the tropical Atlantic SST bias in CESM1
87656Submission Title: How do Ocean Heat Fluxes Depend on Bottom Pressure Torque?
88168Submission Title: Spatial and Developmental Effects on the Accumulation of Mercury in Antarctic Krill (E. superba) Along the West Antarctic Peninsula (WAP)
90290Submission Title: Mixing and Deep Water Renewal in a Numerical Model of the Strait of Georgia
91065Submission Title: Interannual variability of diatom phenology in the Southern Ocean
91227Submission Title: Fate of the key Arctic copepod Calanus glacialis in a changing environment
92548Submission Title: Climate Adaptation Training for Natural Resource Professionals
92664Submission Title: Vertical structure of the mesoscale eddies in the Gulf of Mexico
89152Submission Title: Bacterial Degradation of Phosphonates Bound to High-Molecular-Weight Dissolved Organic Matter Produces Methane and Other Hydrocarbons
90323Submission Title: High Resolution Time Series of Plankton Communities: From Early Warning of Harmful Blooms to Sentinels of Climate Change,
OD002Submission Title: Evolving Biologically-Enabled Ocean Observing Systems: Integrating Biological Observations with Physicochemical Measurements for Informed Ecosystem-Based Decision Making
91608Submission Title: Characterization of the 3-Dimensional Mississippi River Plume Using a High Resolution Circulation Model Coupled with Ocean Color Imagery and Field Data
89077Submission Title: Sensitivity analysis in an assimilative System
91958Submission Title: Internal tide generation in the Gulf of Mexico and its impact on the Yucatan Channel and Florida Strait exchanges
89644Submission Title: On the Offshore Decay Scale of Coastally Upwelled Cold SST
92550Submission Title: Development of a Low Cost, Compact, Spectrophotometric pH Sensor
93383Submission Title: Hydrocarbon Degradation Pathways used by Coastal Sediment Microbial Communities exposed to Crude Oil
92411Submission Title: Symbiotic bacterial communities of corals across two thermally distinct environments on the Belize Barrier Reef System
91197Submission Title: A New Insight on the Indo-Atlantic Exchange Achieved by Indian Ocean Eddies Assessed by Satellite Altimetry and Argo Profiling Float Data.,
91277Submission Title: Recent Daily MOC Variability Estimates at 34.5°S from in situ Observations and Comparisons with Estimates at 26.5°N
93440Submission Title: Rapid Subsurface Warming of West Antarctic Peninsula Waters by East Antarctic Coastal Winds
CT005Submission Title: Linking Optical and Chemical Properties of Organic Matter
AH007Submission Title: Predicting the ecological effects of multiple environmental changes: insight through the lens of existing natural gradients and proxy records
87783Submission Title: Biodiversity Response to Natural Gradients of Multiple Stressors on Continental Margins
93614Submission Title: A Hybrid Particle-Ensemble Kalman Filter for Assimilating Lagrangian Data into a High-Dimensional Model
88036Submission Title: Applying Multi-Model Superensemble Methods to Global Ocean Operational Systems
89448Submission Title: Tidally-Driven Exchange at the Shelf Break
92535Submission Title: Temperature response of a salinity stratified ocean to air-sea heat fluxes
89879Submission Title: Planktonic blooms from the Patagonian Shelf to the Open Waters of the Atlantic Sector of the Southern Ocean,
92116Submission Title: A Numerical Modeling Study of Mesodinium Bloom Formation and Retention in a River-Dominated Mesotidal Estuary,
PO026Submission Title: Shelf-slope exchange: physical, biogeochemical and biological processes at the interface of the continental shelf and the deep ocean
ED007Submission Title: Integrating Ocean and Climate Science Across the Pipeline: K-Graduate Level and Informal Education Initiatives
91243Submission Title: Saltwater Ponds: Biogeochemically Dynamic Components of Salt Marsh Ecosystems
EC019Submission Title: Progress in modeling seasonal to multi-decadal coastal change: A summary of the state of the art
P005Submission Title: Policy Impacts of Aquatic Science: Communicating Science to Policymakers
89693Submission Title: Lidar observations of wind- and wave-driven morphological evolution of coastal foredunes
93622Submission Title: Creating Research/STEM Opportunities for Students – A Case for Collaboration
93350Submission Title: Parameterizing the Surfzone Cross-shore Diffusivity
92063Submission Title: Quantifying temporal and spatial variability of nearshore processes around a nearshore kelp forest rocky reef with the KFA cabled observatory
87958Submission Title: A Three-Dimensional Model of Ice Floe Breakup by Ocean Waves in the Marginal Ice Zone
92327Submission Title: Varieties of submesoscale dynamics in the south-west Pacific.
93718Submission Title: Internal tides and waves: Interactions and global probabilistic dynamical analysis
91925Submission Title: Turbulence and Biological Productivity at Dongsha Reef in the S. China Sea.,
A006Submission Title: Interactions between the Kuroshio and Asian marginal seas,
PO028Submission Title: The Ocean's Energy Cascade: Measuring and modeling of instabilities, internal waves, and turbulence at the sub-mesoscale and smaller
92095Submission Title: Transport pathways of nutrients in the Amundsen Sea, Antarctica
92437Submission Title: Spatiotemporal Variability of Nutrients and Chlorophyll in the Chukchi Sea
90573Submission Title: Acoustic detections of summer and winter whales at Arctic gateways in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans
90507Submission Title: Zooplankton Grazing Effects on Particle Size Spectra under Different Seasonal Conditions
89479Submission Title: The 2015 Autumn Ice-Edge Advance during the Sea State Field Campaign as Compared to Ongoing Variability and Trends in Atmosphere-Ice Interactions in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas
92447Submission Title: Remote sensing of aerosol and marine parameters in coastal environments: Exploring the advantage of using polarized radiative transfer simulations of the coupled atmosphere-water system to analyze ocean color measurements
91112Submission Title: Numerical Simulations of the Competition Between Restratification and Mixing Induced by Submesoscale Instabilities
91846Submission Title: Improvements of German Bight Coastal Ocean Predictions: Integration of Models and Observations
89371Submission Title: How do changes in plankton community structure influence the biological pump? A mesocosm study
91237Submission Title: Inferring Large-Scale Bottom Velocities from Sparse Data
90859Submission Title: Multiyear record of rates of Arctic biological production offers a glimpse of the possible response of the biological pump to changing sea ice cover
92602Submission Title: Evaluating Pacific and Atlantic Ocean-driven Late Glacial and Holocene climate fluctuations in the tropical Peruvian Andes using high resolution geochemical profiles of lake sediments and surface exposure ages of moraines
91669Submission Title: Modeling and analyzing the statistics of sonar echoes from marine organisms
89085Submission Title: The Role of Late Summer Melt Pond Water Layers in the Ocean Mixed Layer on Enhancing Ice/Ocean Albedo Feedbacks in the Arctic
91429Submission Title: Dissolved Organic Phosphorus In Shelf Sediment Pore-waters
92522Submission Title: Spring High Tides and Inundation Risk at Four Northeastern Coastal National Parks
92897Submission Title: Project CONVERGE: Initial Results From the Mapping of Surface Currents in Palmer Deep
89515Submission Title: Offshore Deterioration in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam
88811Submission Title: Decoupling of Environmental Conditions, Primary, and Secondary Producers within Cold Regimes in the Southeastern Bering Sea: Insights from a Mooring Time-series and Ship-based Studies
89072Submission Title: Optical and Gravimetric Partitioning of Coastal Ocean Suspended Particulate Inorganic Matter (PIM)
92618Submission Title: Quantification of calving rates and iceberg size distribution in West Greenland
89306Submission Title: Anoxia-mediated release of dissolved organic matter from Baltic coastal sediments stimulate further hypoxia.,
90699Submission Title: Sediment extracted organic matter fluorescence: an archive of organic matter flux and origins?,
CT005Submission Title: Linking Optical and Chemical Properties of Organic Matter
88483Submission Title: Loitering of the Retreating Sea Ice Edge in the Arctic Seas
88225Submission Title: Claw Strength of Lithodid King Crabs in Antarctic Waters
92210Submission Title: Observation of Tropical Cyclone Self-Induced Barrier Layer
93905Submission Title: Invesigating the Effect of the Dispersant Corexit 9500A on the Movement of an Oil-In_Water Emulsion Through an Alabama Beach Sand
93662Submission Title: Developing a Phytoplankton Biotic Index as an Indicator of Freshwater Inflow within a Subtropical Estuary
92772Submission Title: Terdecadal Observations of Western Boundary Currents in the Coral Sea
88832Submission Title: Influence of top-down control in the plankton food web on vertical carbon flux: a mesocosm study in the Chesapeake Bay,
92084Submission Title: Diel, Seasonal, and Interannual Variability in Abundance of Major Mesozooplankton Taxa in the Sargasso Sea as Related to Changing Environmental Parameters,
92328Submission Title: Environmental Factors Influencing Antarctic Krill Recruitment along the Western Antarctic Peninsula
92695Submission Title: The Evolution of a California Undercurrent Submesoscale Eddy (Cuddy)
88727Submission Title: Succession of free-living and particle associated prokaryotes in the northern Adriatic Sea
89507Submission Title: Storage of Anthropogenic Carbon in the Atlantic over the last 30 Years
91148Submission Title: The Surface Ocean Carbon Dioxide Atlas (SOCAT) – A Solid Data Base for Carbon Related Research
87706Submission Title: Variability of Salinity in the North Atlantic Using High Resolution Data Set that Combines Argo and Satellite Altimetry Data
89757Submission Title: VIIRS validation and algorithm development efforts in coastal and inland Waters
89012Submission Title: Suspended and Bedload Sand dynamics in the Mekong River Channel and Export to the Coastal Ocean
89487Submission Title: Quantifying the bias in estimates of the baroclinic energy flux in shelf seas
89364Submission Title: Remote Sensing of Coastal and Inland Waters
88481Submission Title: Swimming under the Influence: Effect of Algal Toxins on the Behavior of the Marine Ciliate Favella sp.
93579Submission Title: The Floe Size Distribution in the Marginal Ice Zone of the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas
11250Submission Title: Innovative Graduate Curriculum in Limnology and Oceanography
88312Submission Title: Physical and Biogeochemical Factors Affecting Deep Oxygen Minimum Zone Variability at the Bermuda Atlantic Time Series Site
93652Submission Title: Observed foraging behaviour of killer whales (Orcinus orca) in the northwest Atlantic
88274Submission Title: Externally Forced ENSO Diversity Changes in CESM: From the Last Millennium to the 21st Century
ME031Submission Title: Resolving OMZ processes: single-cells to ecosystems, coasts to open ocean
89139Submission Title: Mode and Intermediate Water Formation Processes Captured by the ARGO Array.
91296Submission Title: Iron isotopes in bottom waters from the Bransfield Strait: Implications for deep water Fe supply
89981Submission Title: Coastal and Estuarine Mangrove Squeeze in the Mekong and Saigon Delta
91365Submission Title: Plankton Production, Fish Catch, and the Potential for Sharp Regional Catch Trends Under Climate Change,
92746Submission Title: Assessing the Utility of Seasonal SST Forecasts to the Fisheries Management Process: a Pacific Sardine Case Study,
ME034Submission Title: Toward Mechanistic Understanding and Prediction of Abrupt Ecosystem Changes
93227Submission Title: Improving In Situ Absorption Measurement Uncertainties for Ocean Color Remote Sensing Validation
90693Submission Title: Linking interannual variability in shelf bottom water properties to the California Undercurrent and local processes in the Pacific Northwest
93380Submission Title: The Effects of Environmental Factors on Marine Micro-Phytoplankton Community Composition in the Summertime Western North Atlantic Ocean During WACS II.
88832Submission Title: Influence of top-down control in the plankton food web on vertical carbon flux: a mesocosm study in the Chesapeake Bay
92264Submission Title: Waves in the Arctic Ocean 1992-2014
91154Submission Title: Mechanisms of calcification and its relation to photosynthesis and respiration in the coral Seriatopora hystrix at a volcanic carbon dioxide seep
90470Submission Title: Improved protocol for determining the spectral absorption coefficient of aquatic particles using the filter-pad technique
HE010Submission Title: North Atlantic warming and its impact on the Greenland Ice Sheet and Arctic glaciers
88402Submission Title: Ontogenetic shifts in energetic content and diet of juvenile Yukon River Chinook Salmon
92789Submission Title: A Population-Based Approach to Restore and Manage Ruppia Maritima (Wigeongrass) in the Highly Variable Everglades-Florida Bay Ecotone
92856Submission Title: Artificial Reefs as Surrogate Habitats for Red Snapper in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico: A Fishery-Independent Comparison of Artificial and Natural Habitats
93481Submission Title: Integrated Coastal Data at NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)
MM006Submission Title: Oceans and Human Health: Improving Ecological Forecasting of Marine Microbes
90299Submission Title: The effect of visible light stress on chemical signaling in two life stages of Emiliania huxleyi
91911Submission Title: Hydrostatic Modeling of Buoyant Plumes
92401Submission Title: The response of San Francisco Bay Delta phytoplankton communities to experimental ammonium, nitrate, and wastewater effluent additions and changes in irradiance
90369Submission Title: Satellite-Derived Shelf-Slope Exchanges in the Southern Benguela Coastal Current
93264Submission Title: Who's your daddy? Using RADseq to explore survival and paternity in the clownfish, Amphiprion clarkii.
CT007Submission Title: The biogeochemistry of dissolved organic matter (DOM)
86865Submission Title: Metabolic responses of the Nereid polychaete, Alitta succinea, to hypoxia at varying temperature.
88417Submission Title: Evaluation of a Petition Requesting National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) to List the Smooth Hammerhead Shark (Sphryna zygaena) as a Threatened or Endangered Species Under the Endangered Species Act (ESA)
89397Submission Title: DUSTTRAFFIC: Transatlantic Transport and Deposition of Saharan Dust and its Effects on the Marine Environment
88857Submission Title: Laboratory Investigation of Combined Wave and Current Bottom Boundary Layer Flows on a Planar Beach
88092Submission Title: Evaluating UAS hyperspatial RGB imagery and textures for identifying beach areas along the south Texas Gulf Coast
89042Submission Title: Modeling multi-scale interactions on the inner shelf: the effect of alongshore variability
92536Submission Title: Investigating the environmental and socioeconomic impacts of sea level rise in the Galveston Bay, Texas region
93236Submission Title: Dissolution Kinetics of Biogenic Carbonates in Seawater
92808Submission Title: Energy Optimal Path Planning: Integrating Coastal Ocean Modelling with Optimal Control
PC012Submission Title: Representation of Physical Processes in Global Climate Models
88774Submission Title: Ramped PyrOx 14C With a Twist: Improving Radiocarbon Chronologies on Highly Detrital Marginal Antarctic Sediments
93132Submission Title: Growth and Survival of Larval Alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) in Southern New England Lakes
92340Submission Title: The NOAA Scientific Computing System Data Assembly Center
93567Submission Title: Impact of bacterial DMS production on [DMS/P] under ocean acidification (KOSMOS_2.0): insights from the subtropics.
90291Submission Title: B-Vitamin Competition: Intracellular and Dissolved B-Vitamins Provide Insight into Marine Microbial Community Dynamics
89456Submission Title: Cross-Mean Flow Spreading of North Pacific Central Mode Water: Property Transport by Mesoscale Eddies
86884Submission Title: Interactive Effects of High CO2 and Temperature on Growth and Elemental Composition of the Western and Eastern Subarctic North Pacific Phytoplankton Communities
88144Submission Title: Impact of SST anomalies on winter turbulent heat fluxes in the eastern Kuroshio-Oyashio Confluence region
87941Submission Title: Coarse-grained sensitivity for multiscale data assimilation
11246Submission Title: Promoting OceanSTEM and Blue Economy Workforce Development
88814Submission Title: Cold Filament Frontogenesis and Arrest by Ocean Boundary Layer Turbulence
90273Submission Title: Environmental Stress and Pathogen Dynamics in the Blue Crab Callinectes sapidus
89871Submission Title: Supply of Natural and Industrial Aerosols to the Indian Ocean
93437Submission Title: Changing Ocean, Changing Economics: Impact of Rising Temperatures on the American Lobster Landings and on the US-Canada Lobster Economics in the Emerging Chinese Market
87792Submission Title: Oxygen uptake and vertical transport during deep convection events
90910Submission Title: Analysis of the Global Swell and Wind Sea Energy Distribution Using WAVEWATCH III
90127Submission Title: Global Ocean Currents Database
93045Submission Title: Lagrangian data assimilation of surface drifters using the Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter (LETKF)
88950Submission Title: Improving the Representation of Estuarine and Shelf Processes in Earth System Models
93763Submission Title: Spatial and temporal variation of Shelf Water and its connection with Antarctic Bottom Water in Prydz Bay, East Antarctica
89657Submission Title: Tara Oceans' approach and new challenges in studying the ocean microbiome at global scale
87899Submission Title: High Iron Requirement for Growth, Photosynthesis, and Low-light Acclimation in the Marine Cyanobacterium Synechococcus bacillaris
92983Submission Title: Observations of Dye Dispersion in the Gulf Stream Core and North Wall
90034Submission Title: Establishing the Lifespan of the Marine Bivalve, Astarte borealis, From the White Sea, Russia using Isotope Sclerochronology: Implications for Biological Consequences of Climate Change,
92236Submission Title: Sr Isotope Ratios in the Estuarine Bivalve, Rangia cuneata, as a Proxy for Salinity, Neuse River Estuary, North Carolina
89851Submission Title: Seabird Community Responses in the Northern California Current to the 2014-2015 NE Pacific Warm Anomaly
89874Submission Title: Redox Conditions and Microbial Particle Association: A Multi-Year Study in the Cariaco Basin
88486Submission Title: Energy Cascade from Internal Modes in Non-uniformly Stratified Fluid through Excitation of Superharmonic Disturbances
90915Submission Title: Enhanced turbulence associated with the diurnal jet in the ocean surface boundary layer,
92059Submission Title: Wave Measurements in Landfast Ice in Svalbard: Evolution of Wave Propagation following Wind Waves to Swell Transition,
A010Submission Title: The Dynamics of the Air-Sea Interface: Application to Oceanic Mixing and Transports
90702Submission Title: Quantitative Analysis of Flow through Free-swimming Appendicularians
91486Submission Title: Temporal and Spatial Patterns of Plankton and Microbial Dynamics in the Offshore Gulf of Mexico After the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
92384Submission Title: Using present day observations to detect when ocean acidification exceeds natural variability of surface seawater Ωaragonite
89229Submission Title: Sustaining Broader Impacts through Researcher-Teacher Collaboration (A Model Based on Award Abstract #1334935: Collaborative Research: Investigating the Ecological Importance of Iron Storage in Diatoms.)
91549Submission Title: The Dynamics of Vertical Migration in the Oceanic Gulf of Mexico after Deepwater Horizon: Active Linkage of Large Vertebrates and Deep-Pelagic Nekton
93859Submission Title: Integrated Model of Ocean Acidification and Hypoxia to Support Ecosystem Prediction and Environmental Management in the California Current Ecosystem
89910Submission Title: A Baroclinic Eddy Mixer: Supercritical Transformation of Compensated Eddies
88450Submission Title: Biogeochemical responses to meso- and submesoscale oceanic variability in the Kuroshio region
88122Submission Title: Distributions and Geochemical Cycles of Platinum in Estuaries and Rivers of Tokyo and Otsuchi Areas, Japan
88159Submission Title: Evaluation of a GPS Wave Buoy for Wind Stress Measurements using Large Wave Tank
90563Submission Title: Submesoscale Fronts Are Torqued and Energized by Surface Gravity Waves, Turbulence, Larger Scales, and Time Evolution
87921Submission Title: Application of Dredged Materials and Steelmaking Slag as Basal Media to Restore and Create Seagrass Beds: Mesocosm and Core Incubation Experiments
93328Submission Title: Investigating the Role of the Atlantic and Pacific in the Early 20th Century Warming
92755Submission Title: Comparing changes in the SAM, westerly jet and Southern Ocean fronts
93657Submission Title: The Other Major 2010 Oil Spill: Oil weathering after the Kalamazoo River Dilbit Spill
EC013Submission Title: Moving the Mississippi River Delta towards Long-Term Sustainability: Opportunities and Limitations
89727Submission Title: New ways to measure waves and their effects at NOAA tide gauges
92066Submission Title: Lagrangian Statistics of GPS Surface Trajectories in Two Natural Rivers
92085Submission Title: Raffinate waste as a nitrogen replacement to increase the sustainable use of marine microalgae for biofuel production
90671Submission Title: Determining Internal Wave Energy Flux from Density Perturbation Measurements
92970Submission Title: Inferring physical parameters from Lagrangian trajectories using stochastic processes
88548Submission Title: Generation of Free Infragravity Waves by Time-Varying Breakpoint with Real Wave and Bathymetry Conditions
93854Submission Title: Modelling Extreme Events (Hurricanes) at the Seafloor in the Gulf of Mexico:
92475Submission Title: Sediment accumulation and carbon burial rates in subpolar fjords of Svalbard, European Arctic
93159Submission Title: Improved Statistical Method For Hydrographic Climatic Records Quality Control
92639Submission Title: Carbon Metabolism of Prochlorococcus sp. Under Nitrogen Limitation
90504Submission Title: Changes of Florida Current Temperature and Salinity Transport and Impact on North Atlantic Circulation
88761Submission Title: Groundwater Discharge to the Southern Baltic Sea
93573Submission Title: Modelling the variation in larval dispersal of marbled rock crab Pachygrapsus marmoratus in the Gulf of Cadiz
92445Submission Title: Modeling Nitrogen Cycling in Delaware Estuary
88446Submission Title: Near-inertial resonance, upper-ocean stirring and impacts on the Kuroshio path due to typhoons in the northwestern Pacific Ocean
89665Submission Title: Long-term Spatial Distribution Patterns of Protozoa in Connected Microhabitats
88469Submission Title: The Interannual Variability of Oxygen in the Labrador Sea
11213Submission Title: Opportunities to Strengthen your Science (and Proposals) using GEOTRACES Data,
88648Submission Title: How do local and remote processes affect the distribution of iron in the Atlantic Ocean?,
CT003Submission Title: Kinetics: the force driving trace metal distributions in marine waters,
HE016Submission Title: Variability in Southern Ocean Productivity over Different Timescales
93900Submission Title: Biodiversity Data Interoperability Issues: on the Opportunity of Exploiting O&M for Biotic Data Management
91150Submission Title: Low-frequency Variability of Upper Ocean Heat Content Associated with Meridional Shifts of Western Boundary Current Extensions in the North Pacific
93846Submission Title: A Numerical Study on Wave Evolution in Interaction with Flexible Vegetation
91488Submission Title: Importance of Microbial Iron Reduction in River-Dominated Continental Margin Sediments
91013Submission Title: Thermodynamic neutral density: A new physically-based, energy-constrained, materially conserved neutral density variable for quantifying mixing and tracking water masses in the ocean
90727Submission Title: A numerical study on the evolution of the wind-driven circulation in the Yellow Sea in winter
89246Submission Title: Terrigenous fluxes of pollen, insect scale and land plant palynodebris observed by sediment traps deployed in the subarctic Pacific
89237Submission Title: Uncertainty in future open-ocean deoxygenation reflects the imbalance between ventilation and remineralization
90635Submission Title: Response of benthic foraminifera to 4.2 ka cooling event in the Nakdong River delta, southeast Korea
88290Submission Title: The Atmospheric Response to Surface Stress Induced by Ocean Currents
93205Submission Title: Net community calcification and production rates from Palmyra Atoll using a boundary layer gradient flux approach
A013Submission Title: Understanding Air-Sea Coupling in Tropical Cyclones for Improving Model Intensity Forecasts
89922Submission Title: Genomic Analysis of Attenuation in Pandemic Vibrio parahaemolyticus
89670Submission Title: Zooplankton regulation of surface ocean POC:PON ratios
88979Submission Title: Upscaling Local Submarine Groundwater Discharge Fluxes to Long Island Sound Using Radionuclides and Thermal Infrared Imagery
89501Submission Title: Prokaryotic degradation of high molecular weight dissolved organic matter in the deep-sea waters of NW Mediterranean Sea under in situ temperature and pressure conditions during contrasted hydrological conditions
88429Submission Title: Impact of Ocean Surface Waves on Air-Sea Momentum Flux
90665Submission Title: Downward lee wave radiation from tropical instability waves in the central equatorial Pacific Ocean: a possible energy pathway to turbulent mixing
93234Submission Title: Characteristics of organic carbon accumulation in subtropical seagrass meadows
93736Submission Title: Interannual Variability in the Global Meridional Overturning Circulation Dominated by Pacific Variability: Possible Implications for ENSO Variability
88859Submission Title: Intracellular carbon isotope distributions of continuous-culture Allochromatium vinosum grown on acetate vs. CO2.
92743Submission Title: Detecting the influence of ocean process on the moisture supply for India summer monsoon from Satellite Sea Surface Salinity
88953Submission Title: The Relationship Between Particulate Composition and 210Po and 210Pb Content along Three GEOTRACES Transects
92845Submission Title: CORA 4.2: A Delayed Mode Validated Temperature and Salinity Dataset Available for Copernicus Marine Service Reanalysis
92531Submission Title: Resolving Microzooplankton Functional Groups In A Size-Structured Planktonic Model
89069Submission Title: Modeling the Impacts of Phytoplankton Plasticity in Buffering Anthropogenic CO2 Increase
87853Submission Title: Variability of Particle Distribution Using Optical Measurements within the Columbia River Estuary
90173Submission Title: Evaluating the effects of cohesive processes on sediment distribution in an idealized, partially-mixed estuary using a numerical model.
88497Submission Title: Photochemical Production of Aldehydes and Ketones from Petroleum Films on Seawater
90359Submission Title: Transcriptomic Markers of Lipid Synthesis and Deposition in the Arctic Planktonic Copepod Calanus glacialis
90972Submission Title: Transmittance and Energy Deposition in Ponded Sea Ice
91546Submission Title: Understanding Aggregation and Estimating Seasonal Abundance of Chrysaora quinquecirrha Medusae from a Fixed-station Time Series in the Choptank River, Chesapeake Bay
91797Submission Title: Probabilistic Extra-Tropical Storm Surge Guidance
89601Submission Title: Effects of acidifying ocean conditions on growth and survival of two life stages of the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus.,
89909Submission Title: The Effects of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on Blue Crab Embryos,
92003Submission Title: Investigation of Petroleum and Wastewater Contaminants in Blue Crab, Callinectes sapidus, Megalopae in the Northern Gulf of Mexico using GC-MS,
ME018Submission Title: Integrating research on the blue crab (Callinectes sapidus): interdisciplinary approaches to investigating a widespread and commercial important marine species.,
ME024Submission Title: Networks in Marine Sciences: New Developments and Applications
87897Submission Title: Dynamics of SQG Vortices and Passive Scalar Transport
91973Submission Title: Submesoscale Wrinkles in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current
88259Submission Title: Moored Current Observations in the Southern Bay of Bengal
AH008Submission Title: Updates, Advancements and Projections on the State of the Ocean Carbon Cycle (SOCC) - How the Ocean is "SOCC"ing it to us!
90654Submission Title: Using in-situ Glider Data to Improve the Interpretation of Time-Series Data in the San Pedro Channel
92583Submission Title: Large-eddy Simulation of a Coastal Ocean Under the Combined Effects of Surface Heat Fluxes and Langmuir Supercells
93185Submission Title: High Frequency Fluctuations in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific Oxygen Minimum Zone During the Last 1200 Years
90274Submission Title: The Effect of Solar Radiation on Diurnal Mixed Layer Dynamics
60329Submission Title: Development of the Fully Adaptive Storm Tide (FAST) Model for hurricane induced storm surges and associated inundation
89492Submission Title: Observations of internal tidal reflection from a supercritical corrugated slope
93435Submission Title: Subtidal Hydrodynamics in a Tropical Lagoon During the Transition from Dry to Wet Seasons
92545Submission Title: Interaction of anticyclonic eddies with the topography in the western Gulf of Mexico
87403Submission Title: Detailed physico-chemical characterization of microplastics from North Atlantic Gyre
88160Submission Title: Regional Sea Level Rise until the end of 23rd century over the North Western Pacific in CMIP5 models
89467Submission Title: Eddy Mediated Nutrient Pattern in the North Eastern Arabian Sea
91986Submission Title: Factors Affecting Moulting Patterns of Atlantic Lobster (Homarus americanus) in the East Coast of Canada
92532Submission Title: Mixed Layer Heat and Fresh Water Balance in North Bay of Bengal (18N, 90E) Using a Seaglider and Mooring
90733Submission Title: A Regional Coupled Model Study on the Circulation Features and Ocean State Reprenentations of Bay of Bengal Region
91342Submission Title: Lagrangian Measurements, Simulation, and Theory for Incipient Motion in Oscillatory Flows
89582Submission Title: The Seabed and Shallow Geology Mapping of the Porcupine Bank, West of Ireland
92634Submission Title: The BP Blow-out Oil Material, Steady-state, Deepwater, Horizontal Plume: Analysis of this Opportunistic, Mesoscale, Hydrocarbon-tracer Field Data for Isopycnal and Diapycnal Eddy Diffusion Coefficients.
89715Submission Title: Argo float observations of basin-scale deep convection in the Irminger Sea during winter 2011-2012
91859Submission Title: SST Anomalies, Seasonality and Phenology Changes on the NE U.S. and Scotian Shelf
93172Submission Title: Variability in the Coastal Response of the Baroclinic Basin Mode Generated by Direct Forcing from the Barotropic Tide Generating Potential in an Idealized Ocean Basin
93420Submission Title: Interactions between inertial oscillations and geostrophic flows in the upper ocean
92018Submission Title: Ocean carbon and heat uptake in response to an ozone perturbation
92146Submission Title: Rapid Energy Exchange Between Balanced Eddies and Near-Inertial Waves at Fronts.
93081Submission Title: A Lagrangian Perspective of the Tropical Cold Bias in Climate Models
93527Submission Title: Shared Physiological and Molecular Responses in Marine Fish and Invertebrates to Environmental Hypoxia: Potential Biomarkers of Adverse Impacts on Marine Communities
90258Submission Title: Connectivity Between Surface and Subsurface Phytoplankton Blooms from High-Resolution Ocean Glider Transects in Southern Drake Passage,
91679Submission Title: A Multi-Basin Residual-Mean Model for the Global Overturning Circulation,
93056Submission Title: Classifying Submesoscale Instabilities in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current using Seagliders,
HE007Submission Title: Ice-ocean interactions and circulation around the Antarctic margins
87382Submission Title: Single Cell Fluorescence Action Spectra for the Targeted Study and Isolation of Phytoplankton Within Complex Assemblages
87394Submission Title: Low Frequency Variability of Surface Circulation in the South China Sea
90220Submission Title: Prediction of Surface M2 Tidal Currents by a Global Ocean Model and Evaluation Using Observed Drifter Trajectories
PO025Submission Title: Satellite-data based studies of heat and freshwater budgets and the air-sea interface: From diurnal to decadal timescales
93338Submission Title: A Reversal of Decadal Trends in the Equatorial and North Indian Ocean
88714Submission Title: Do submesoscale frontal processes ventilate the oxygen minimum zone off Peru?
90079Submission Title: The current system east of the Ryukyu Islands as revealed by a global ocean reanalysis
91165Submission Title: A Molecular MST Approach to Investigate Fecal Indicator Bacteria in Bioaerosols, Bathing Water, Seaweed Wrack, and Sand at Recreational Beaches
93456Submission Title: Short-finned Pilot Whales (Globicephala macrorhynchus) Target Gulf Stream and Shelf Break Waters in the U.S. Mid-Atlantic Bight
93434Submission Title: Tracing Carbon Flow Through Food Webs on Isolated Coral Reefs in the Central Pacific Ocean Using a Compound-Specific Stable Isotope Approach
93644Submission Title: Seasonal Variations of Atmospheric Black Carbon Concentrations and Implications for Nutrient Inputs and Organic Carbon Partitioning in the Marine Coastal Ecosystem of Halong Bay, North Vietnam
93470Submission Title: Generation and Propagation of Internal Waves in a Network of Fjords
92403Submission Title: Vertical Kinetic Energy Observed With LADCP/CTD Systems
90292Submission Title: Exploring the lipid profiles of three marine fungi
P004Submission Title: Marine Renewable Energy Policy, Assessment, Research and Development in the USA.
90990Submission Title: Tidal Farm Array Optimization: Dynamics, Engineering, And Environment
93513Submission Title: Anthropogenic and climatic controls on carbon and nitrogen exports from Mississippi river basin to Gulf of Mexico during 1800 – 2100: Implications for hypoxia and ocean acidification
87924Submission Title: Nonlinear dynamical and kinetic edge-wave equations
91936Submission Title: Zooplankton Community in Delaware Bay During Summer: Spatial Distribution and Environmental Correlates
91721Submission Title: Are existing size-fractionated primary production models appropriate for UK shelf Seas?
90973Submission Title: Assessing Shelf Sea Tides in Global HYCOM
88393Submission Title: Comparing primary production methods to better constrain historical, current and future rates
90559Submission Title: Impact of tropical cyclone activity on future wind-wave climate
87563Submission Title: Vertical Scales and Dynamics of Eddies in the Arctic Ocean’s Canada Basin,
89773Submission Title: An examination of double-diffusive processes in a mesoscale eddy in the Arctic Ocean,
89898Submission Title: Amplitude and Coherence of Inertial Motions in Arctic Sea-Ice for a Range of Sea-Ice States,
90264Submission Title: The Impact of Stored Solar Heat on Arctic Sea Ice Growth,
91506Submission Title: A Basin-Wide Examination of the Arctic Ocean's Double-Diffusive Staircase,
HE005Submission Title: Heat transport processes in the Arctic Ocean's Atlantic and Pacific water layers
89772Submission Title: Achieving high confidence protein annotations in a sea of unknowns
87980Submission Title: Overflow induced Turbulence in a Deep Ocean Channel
90087Submission Title: Understanding Coral's Short-term Adaptive Ability to Changing Environment
87959Submission Title: Characterization of Optical Attenuation by Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) in the Red Sea
91046Submission Title: Contemporary Southern Ocean CO2 Sink as a Constrain for Reducing Uncertainty of Future Ocean Carbon Sink
93857Submission Title: What Role Does Photodegradation Play in Influencing Plant Litter Decomposition and Biogeochemistry in Coastal Marsh Ecosystems?
90657Submission Title: Age and residence time of terrestrial source water in the northwest Atlantic shelf seas
91538Submission Title: Computing Eddy-Driven Effective Diffusivity Using Lagrangian Particles
91136Submission Title: Organic Exudates Enhance Iron Bioavailability to Trichodesmium (IMS101) by Modifying Fe Speciation
90390Submission Title: The Importance of Being Uncertain: The Influence of Initial Conditions and Parameter Settings in Ocean Models
87629Submission Title: Evaluation of the eddy covariance method for the assesment of coastal CO2 flux
92746Submission Title: Assessing the Utility of Seasonal SST Forecasts to the Fisheries Management Process: a Pacific Sardine Case Study
91916Submission Title: Assessing the accuracy of drift prediction products at the Naval Oceanographic Office
92055Submission Title: Seismic evidence of glacial-age river incision into the Tahaa barrier reef, French Polynesia
90278Submission Title: Rapid Progradation and Land Creation by a Major River Subdelta
93613Submission Title: Size really does matter: effects of filter fractionation on microbial community structure in a model oxygen minimum zone.
93367Submission Title: The impact of the submesoscale features in the transitional region of the California Current System off Baja California
91798Submission Title: Birth, life and death of an Anticyclonic eddy in the Southern Ocean
92547Submission Title: Nearshore Costal Dynamics during Intense Winds: Local and Synoptic Scale Events
88798Submission Title: Evaluation and Application of Wave and Ocean Circulation Models to Understand Coral Reef Processes
90107Submission Title: The role of the complete Coriolis force in weakly stratified oceanic flows
92414Submission Title: The interactive effects of nutrient and salinity stress on corals from distinct environments on the Belize Barrier Reef System
89654Submission Title: EnKF vs. EnOI in the Red Sea and Sensitivity to Atmospheric Forcing
87927Submission Title: Interannual‑decadal variability of wintertime mixed layer depthsin the North Pacific detected by an ensemble of ocean syntheses
91579Submission Title: Sea fan immunity and disease is influenced by metal pollution, host demography, and multiple stressors
88217Submission Title: Variability of Surface Salinity within the Southeast Asian Seas
92533Submission Title: A Mesh Adaptive and Mass Conservative Three Dimensional Numerical Model For Ocean Hydrodynamics and Transport Simulations
93454Submission Title: Seasonal Progression and Interannual Variability of Nutrient and Chlorophyll-a Distributions in the Northern Gulf of Alaska, 1998-2010
89624Submission Title: Bias correction of Sea Surface Salinity from space in a Global Ocean Forecasting System at 1/4°.
93305Submission Title: Effects of Ammonium-rich Wastewater Effluent on Phytoplankton Productivity in Experimental Mesocosms from the northern San Francisco Estuary
93818Submission Title: Decadal Variation of Mesoscale Eddy Activity in the South Pacific Subtropical Counter-current
92378Submission Title: Mechanisms for eco-immunity in a changing enviroment: how does the coral innate immune system contend with climate change?
90138Submission Title: Reproducing Sea-Ice Deformation Distributions With Viscous-Plastic Sea-Ice Models,
93399Submission Title: Abrupt Reduction in Summer Arctic sea ice and the Partitioning of Ocean Heat Flux Between the Fram Strait and Barents Sea Gate,
93828Submission Title: Regional Forecast of the Minimum Sea Ice Extent: a Lagrangian Approach
93345Submission Title: Subsurface phytoplankton layers in the Arctic Ocean
92334Submission Title: Living across an estuarine transition zone: ecophysiological response of the cryptic species complex, Eurytemora affinis (Copepoda)
88760Submission Title: Presence and Pathways of Atlantic water inflow to Northwest Greenland fjords: collaborative science with the Ocean Research Project
11246Submission Title: Promoting OceanSTEM and Blue Economy Workforce Development
92183Submission Title: Anammox from head-water streams to ocean sediments - different strategies for different systems
91061Submission Title: Scatterometer-based High Resolution Ocean Wind Forcing
86824Submission Title: Satellite Remote Sensing Detection of Coastal Pollution in Southern California: Stormwater Runoff and Wastewater Plumes
92497Submission Title: The Mesoscale Eddy Field in the Northern North Atlantic and its Relationship to Linear Baroclinic Instability
88707Submission Title: Sensitivity of Inverse Box Model Estimates to Mesoscale and Interannual Variability
87548Submission Title: Physical Conditions during Hypoxic Events in Long Bay, South Carolina: 2006-2014
93315Submission Title: Fluid Mechanics of Inhalant Siphon Flows
89296Submission Title: Mean current – eddy interaction in the Japan Sea, as derived from satellite altimetry
90799Submission Title: The Development of High-speed Full-function Storm Surge Model and the Case Study of 2013 Typhoon Haiyan
90011Submission Title: Impacts of Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction in the Pacific Asian Marginal Seas on the Variability of the North Pacific Oscillation/Victoria Mode
87795Submission Title: Chemical characterization of detrital sugar chains with peptides in oceanic surface particulate organic matter
89246Submission Title: Terrigenous fluxes of pollen, insect scale and land plant palynodebris observed by sediment traps deployed in the subarctic Pacific
93680Submission Title: Observations of internal tides and associated turbulent mixing in a shallow estuary
92243Submission Title: Comparing present (DNA) and active (RNA) marine ciliate communities across depth gradients
89788Submission Title: Sensitivity analysis of the main methods (ΔC*, ΦCTO, TTD) used to infer the anthropogenic carbon (Cant) along the RAPID line (26°N North Atlantic latitudinal transect) on 2010.
93509Submission Title: Monitoring the Northern San Francisco Bay Water Quality with Landsat-8. Nicholas B. Tufillaroa , and Curtiss O. Davisa. aOregon State University, Corvallis, OR, 97331, USA,
90314Submission Title: Metabolic Potential of Microbial Genomes Reconstructed from a Deep-Sea Oligotrophic Sediment Metagenome
90214Submission Title: Verification of Band Pair Counts on Vertebral Centra of Atlantic Stingrays
91740Submission Title: Response of ocean acidification to ENSO in the California Current System in two fully coupled climate models
89590Submission Title: Inorganic Carbon in High Latitude Estuary-Fjord system, Cumberland Sound on Baffin Island, Eastern Canadian Arctic
10170Submission Title: Towards a standard, user-friendly chemical speciation model for seawater and estuarine waters,
91373Submission Title: Increasing the Accuracy of pH Measurements in Estuarine and Brackish Water: the Need for an Improved Pitzer Model for TRIS in Seawater ,
CT011Submission Title: Trace metal speciation in seawater: measurements, modelling and impact on marine biogeochemistry
89440Submission Title: In situ monitoring using Lab on Chip devices, with particular reference to dissolved silica.
90358Submission Title: Processes Determining the Spatial Distribution of Optically-Imaged Particles in the Gulf of Alaska
11221Submission Title: Hyperspectral Infrared Imager (HyspIRI) Coastal and Inland Water Remote Sensing Town Hall
11221Submission Title: Hyperspectral Infrared Imager (HyspIRI) Coastal and Inland Water Remote Sensing Town Hall,
89607Submission Title: The Hyperspectral Infrared Imager (HyspIRI) and Global Observations of Tidal Wetlands ,
EC018Submission Title: Present and Future Coastal and Inland Aquatic Remote Sensing for Science and Societal Benefit
91573Submission Title: Characterization of the Oceanic Particulate Volume Scattering Function
89094Submission Title: Changing Course - The Moffatt & Nichol Team Solution- A “Systems Approach” to a consolidated and sustainable Lower Mississippi River Delta.
93767Submission Title: Response of Phytoplankton Iron Contents to Gradients in Iron Availability in the California Current System,
CT008Submission Title: The role of particles in the cycling of trace elements and their isotopes in the ocean,
ME033Submission Title: The Individuality of the Plankton: Single-cell analysis and agent-based modeling
88334Submission Title: Data Processing for a Small-Scale Long-Term Coastal Ocean Observing System Near Mobile Bay, Alabama - A Geoscience Paper of the Future
91343Submission Title: Spatial and temporal scales of satellite sea surface salinity variability in the Tropical Atlantic
11210Submission Title: Benefits and Challenges of Diurnal (hourly) Ocean Color Remote Sensing - Science and Applications,
11253Submission Title: Update and status of the Arctic-COLORS (Arctic-COastal Land Ocean interactions) NASA Field Campaign Scoping Study,
93110Submission Title: Biogeochemical exchanges, carbon fluxes and dynamics at the wetland-estuary interface.,
93161Submission Title: Satellite Observations of Coastal Processes from a Geostationary Orbit: Application to estuarine, coastal, and ocean resource management
87788Submission Title: Global Estimate of Seasonality in Scales of Oceanic Turbulence
87946Submission Title: Paleo-environment Simulation using GIS based on Shell Mounds
89591Submission Title: Holocene tidal changes around the Mekong River Delta, southern Vietnam
89805Submission Title: The diurnal Sea surface temperature variability observed by tropical mooring array in the western Pacific warm pool
88139Submission Title: Distribution of Nitrogen Compounds in Marine Aerosol and Their Deposition Over the Pacific Ocean
93303Submission Title: Bayesian estimation of observation error covariance matrix in the equatorial Pacific
AH008Submission Title: Updates, Advancements and Projections on the State of the Ocean Carbon Cycle (SOCC) - How the Ocean is "SOCC"ing it to us!
88196Submission Title: Air-Sea Observations in Hurricane Edouard of 2014 and Comparison with Operational Coupled Numerical Model Forecast
87414Submission Title: Tropical Cyclones, Derelict Traps, and the Future of the Florida Keys Commercial Spiny Lobster Fishery
91477Submission Title: Determining the Effect of the Lunar Nodal Cycle on Tidal Mixing and North Pacific Climate Variability
91593Submission Title: Flushing Time Estimates for Estuarine Sub-Regions using Numerical Circulation and Box Models
92685Submission Title: Molecular Quantification of the Florida Red Tide Dinoflagellate and the Development of Low Cost, Volunteer-attended Handheld Sensor Networks
92564Submission Title: Morphological Dependence of Element Stoichiometry in the H. americanus Exoskeleton
91591Submission Title: Characterization of Mercury Particle Flux Using 238U:234Th Disequilibria in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre
88827Submission Title: Satellite and Ocean Model Analysis of Thermal Conditions Affecting Coral Reefs in the Western Indian Ocean,
89746Submission Title: Multi-Decadal Indian Ocean Variability Linked to the Pacific,
PC012Submission Title: Representation of Physical Processes in Global Climate Models
89312Submission Title: Exploring the Microbial Community of Shell Disease in Homarus americanus
93308Submission Title: High Frequency Radar Observations of Tidal Current Variability in the Lower Chesapeake Bay
91750Submission Title: Sedimentary Phosphorus Dynamics in a Coastal Louisiana Prograding Delta
11247Submission Title: Launch of the Second International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE-2)
92847Submission Title: Monthly zonification of surface biophysical features of Gulf of Mexico using a dynamic classification approach of satellite derived information
93595Submission Title: Mechanism of interannual to decadal sea level variability along the Japanese coast
88296Submission Title: Wintertime convection in the Iceland Sea under changing atmospheric conditions
92904Submission Title: Increase in Dominance of Eukaryote Over Prokaryote Phytoplankton Biomass Between the Surface and the Deep Chlorophyll Maximum in the Summertime Western North Atlantic Ocean
89822Submission Title: Nitrogen excretion by copepods and its contribution to the ammonium oxidizing activity in the upwelling zone off central-southern Chile (36ºS)
93379Submission Title: Smal-Scale Spatial Differences in Supply-Side Ecology of Barnacle Larvae Involves a Complex Suite of Factors (Including Surface Tide, Internal Tides And Surface Winds) in Baja California
88579Submission Title: Distribution of Pacific Sardine Spawning Habitat within Waters of the Mexican and U.S. EEZs
90299Submission Title: The effect of visible light stress on chemical signaling in two life stages of Emiliania huxleyi
90688Submission Title: Coastline Protection by a Submerged Breakwater
91483Submission Title: Response of Muddy Sediments and Benthic Diatom-based Biofilms to Repeated Erosion Events
MM006Submission Title: Oceans and Human Health: Improving Ecological Forecasting of Marine Microbes
91141Submission Title: Seasonal and Interannual Variability of Sea Surface Salinity in Bay of Bengal
89078Submission Title: 230Th and 231Pa: Tracers for Deep Water Circulation and Particle Fluxes in the Arctic Ocean
90246Submission Title: Intense Mixing and Recirculations of Intermediate and Deep Water in the Northwest Argentine Basin
88584Submission Title: Anomalous Sea Level Rise in the Southeastern United States From 2011 To 2015,
92014Submission Title: Tidal and subtidal interaction between riverine and ocean forcings in a subtropical estuary
ME029Submission Title: Plankton diversity: patterns, processes, and methods
92064Submission Title: Using metagenomic and metatranscriptomic observations to test a thermodynamic-based model of community metabolic expression over time as space
91353Submission Title: Remote Impacts on Caribbean Coastal Sea Level Variability
92349Submission Title: Migrating Shoals on Ebb-tidal Deltas: Results from Numerical Simulations
91921Submission Title: Observations of a summertime phytoplankton bloom in the northeastern subtropical Pacific
87320Submission Title: Identifying hotspots of coastal risk and evaluating DRR measures: results from the RISC-KIT project.
93876Submission Title: Multi-criteria Resource Mapping and its Relevance in the Assessment of Habitat Changes
88940Submission Title: Phytoplankton Functional Diversity and New Production during Spring and Summer Blooms in the Subarctic Atlantic Ocean
93837Submission Title: Morphodynamic modelling of the Fire Island Wilderness Breach
88104Submission Title: A Sense of Place: Integrating Environmental Psychology into Marine Socio-Ecological Models
91407Submission Title: A framework for evaluating simulated mixed layer depth biases as applied to MPAS-Ocean
89480Submission Title: The Effect of Vegetation on Sea-Swell Waves, Infragravity Waves and Wave-Induced Setup
91497Submission Title: Thinking Outside of the Blue Marble: Novel Ocean Applications Using the VIIRS Sensor
91986Submission Title: Factors Affecting Moulting Patterns of Atlantic Lobster (Homarus americanus) in the East Coast of Canada
90790Submission Title: Coastal and Inland Water Applications of High Resolution Optical Satellite Data from Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2
90629Submission Title: Illuminating the Relative Contribution of Different Diatom Genera to Whole-Assemblage Silica Production in the Surface Ocean
93240Submission Title: Towards a Predictive Model for Fecal Bacteria Contamination at Rincon Public Beach, Puerto Rico
91677Submission Title: 3D Tracking of Diatom Motion in Turbulent Flow
89435Submission Title: Wave Shape and Impact Pressure Measurements at a Rock Coast Cliff
87080Submission Title: The perfect storm: match-mismatch of bio-physical events drives larval reef fish connectivity between Pulley Ridge and the Florida Keys
90593Submission Title: Genomic Variation, Host Range, and Infection Kinetics of Closely Related Cyanopodoviruses from New England Coastal Waters
93783Submission Title: The Coastal Marine Biology Program at the University of Puerto Rico at Humacao
88614Submission Title: Seasonal varability of the Canary Current
88862Submission Title: The role of host sex in parasite dynamics: individual based model simulations of host-parasite interactions in a semi-enclosed embayment.
92472Submission Title: Effects of Shading on Environmental Parameters, Population Dynamics and Copper Tolerance in the Marine Copepod Tigriopus californicus
PC011Submission Title: Physical and Biogeochemical Processes in the Southern Ocean: Observations, State Estimation and Modeling
89383Submission Title: Glacial- deglacial bottom oxygen condition in the western Bay of Bengal and its relation to the monsoon related export productivity
HE008Submission Title: Macroecological Approaches to the Arctic Ocean System: Changes and Implications on Biogeochemical Cycles
89528Submission Title: Assimilation of Cryosat 2 Arctic Sea-Ice Freeboard in an Ensemble of Coupled GEOS5
90821Submission Title: Numerical Modelling of Freshwater Inputs in the Shelf Area of the Ofanto River (Southern Italy)
91475Submission Title: Exploring image data assimilation in the prospect of high-resolution satellite data
93376Submission Title: Coastal Marsh Longevity, Ecological Succession, and Organic Carbon Dynamics During Early Holocene Sea-Level Rise
93593Submission Title: Simple Methods to Extract Analytical Solutions for Rossby Waves on Continuously Stratified Zonal Background Flows
88642Submission Title: A Coastal Risk Assessment Framework Tool to Identify Hotspots at the Regional Scale
87448Submission Title: Eddy-topography interactions and the fate of the Persian Gulf Outflow
90186Submission Title: Evidence of micro-debris ingestion by Sargassum-associated fishes in the northern Gulf of Mexico
89709Submission Title: Wavelet Based Representation of Observation Error Covariance
93056Submission Title: Classifying Submesoscale Instabilities in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current using Seagliders
93098Submission Title: Biodiversity, Community and Trophic Structure of the Suprabenthos of the Gulf of Cádiz–Guadalquivir Estuary Coupled System: Linking Pelagic-Benthic and Terrestrial-Marine Ecosystems.
89415Submission Title: Chlorophyll shifts associated with the North Equatorial Current bifurcation latitude in Lamon Bay and off eastern Luzon, Philippines
MM002Submission Title: Advances in Biogeochemical and Molecular Microbial Ecological Exploration of Oxygen-Depleted Pelagic Ecosystems
92558Submission Title: Minimal Similarity between Biogeographic Patterns of Morphological Disparity and Taxonomic Richness in Extant Coccolithophores
91892Submission Title: Characterization of the surface wave variability in the California Current region from satellite altimetry.
88271Submission Title: Vitamin B12 Production by Marine Bacteria in Organic Substrate Limited, Slow Growth Conditions
89018Submission Title: Are Surface Waters Around Greenland Getting Saltier in a Warming Climate?
89793Submission Title: The Role of Disturbance, Larval Supply, and Native Community on the Establishment of a Non-Native Species on Oil Platforms in the Santa Barbara Channel
90939Submission Title: The ocean mixed layer under Southern Ocean sea-ice: seasonal cycle and forcing.
11244Submission Title: Oh, the places we’ll go!: Exploring the ocean with technology
11208Submission Title: Implementing Basin scale in-situ Ocean Observing Systems (OOS): Enhancing the efficiency and overall information content of integrated OOS for the Atlantic (EU project AtlantOS), the Southern Ocean (SOOS, OOI, SOCCOM), the Pacific (TPOS2020), the pan-Arctic (SAON) and the Indic (IndOOS),
87896Submission Title: Circulation and Mixing in the Core and Oxycline of the Tropical North Atlantic Oxygen Minimum Zone as inferred from two TREs.,
OD006Submission Title: Regional and Thematic Innovation Supporting Global Sustained Ocean Observing
93720Submission Title: Metatranscriptome sequence analysis reveals diel periodicity of microbial community gene expression in the ocean’s interior
92963Submission Title: Development and Application of a Long-term Shoreline Change Model for Assessing Climate Change Impacts
88491Submission Title: Modern Dust Deposition and Dissolved Iron Residence Times in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean
93213Submission Title: The effects of light, primary production, and temperature on bacterial production at Station ALOHA
91125Submission Title: An Analysis of the Southern Ocean's Barotropic Response to the Wind During the Past 20 Years: Contributions to Sea-Surface Height Variations
93585Submission Title: Setting an Upper Limit on Gas Exchange Through Sea-Spray
92421Submission Title: Climate Change and Arctic Issues in the Marine and Environmental Science Curriculum at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy
91129Submission Title: Numerical Modeling of Tidal Dynamics and Transport in the Multi-channel Estuary of the Mekong River
90341Submission Title: Hydrodynamic Impacts on Coastal Erosion and Deposition Processes in Cu Lao Dung (Soc Trang) and Rach Goc (Ca Mau)
93636Submission Title: Detection of Non-Photochemical Superoxide in Coastal and Open Ocean Seawater: Particulate Versus Dissolved Sources
89912Submission Title: Energetics of Wind-Induced Internal Wave Radiation from the Base of the Mixed Layer in the North Atlantic
91463Submission Title: Observed energy and momentum budget of a hydraulically controlled dense overflow in the Samoan Passage
86833Submission Title: Fish distribution during smolt migration in the Penobscot Estuary, ME
93624Submission Title: The Relationship Between Environment and Nutritional Condition of Arctic Forage Fish
91618Submission Title: Diurnal cycle of phytoplankton carbon and chlorophyll during the 36-hour experiment in the Adriatic Sea.
90201Submission Title: The Two Branches of the Recirculation of Atlantic Water in Fram Strait
91851Submission Title: Upwelling and Other Environmental Influences on Growth of a Nearshore Benthic Fish
90879Submission Title: Inertial Gravity Waves in Eddying Flows
92107Submission Title: Enhanced Primary Production, and Altered Biogeochemical Patterns in the German Bight in Response to the Extreme June 2013 Elbe Flood
90544Submission Title: Dissipation and Mixing in Circulation forced by Differential Surface Heating in a Rotating Basin
90283Submission Title: Spatial Extrapolation Of In Situ Observations of Suspended Sediment Via Remote Sensing Imagery in the Mekong Delta Region
87803Submission Title: The relation of tropical cyclone heat potential to tropical cyclone intensity in the western North Pacific and the simulations by an atmosphere-wave-ocean coupled model
92605Submission Title: Adult Uca spp. (fiddler crab) Chemical Cue Presence and Effect on Molting Rate of Uca spp. Megalopae into Juveniles
90227Submission Title: Using Vocal Dialects to Assess the Population Structure of Bigg’s Killer Whales in Alaska
90193Submission Title: Measuring and Modeling Temporal Changes in Beach and Swash Stratigraphy
88644Submission Title: Coupled Evolution of Near-inertial Waves and Quasigeostrophic Flow
90766Submission Title: Preliminary Analysis of a Submerged Wave Energy Device
90766Submission Title: Preliminary Analysis of a Submerged Wave Energy Device
OD006Submission Title: Regional and Thematic Innovation Supporting Global Sustained Ocean Observing
91696Submission Title: Can small zooplankton enhance turbulence in a lake during vertical migration?
93494Submission Title: Seasonal Variation of Phytoplankton and Primary Production in the Thames River, Southeastern Connecticut
91847Submission Title: Four dimensional variational reanalysis of Western North Pacific Ocean - system configuration, performance and validation
89593Submission Title: Annual biological organic carbon export estimated from the annual carbon budget observed in the surface waters of the western subarctic and subtropical North Pacific Ocean
91216Submission Title: A Strategy to employ coordinated, autonomous Platforms for addressing long-term biochemical observing Tasks
89755Submission Title: Annual and interannual variation of the Atlantic inflow in the Faroe-Shetland Channel from 1993 to 2014
92608Submission Title: Exploring the Microbial World of the Arctic benthos
93202Submission Title: Sources and Cycling of Dissolved Organic Carbon in the Gulf of Mexico: Insights from Stable (δ13C) and Radiocarbon (Δ14C) Signatures
92153Submission Title: Modeling the Relative Importance of Near-bottom Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen to the Distribution of Adult Pacific Halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis)
90437Submission Title: New culturing studies of various haptophyte algae: The role of phylogeny on the alkenone paleothermometer
92838Submission Title: Otolith Length-Fish Length Relationships of Eleven US Arctic Fish Species and Their Application to Ice Seal Diet Studies
86853Submission Title: Increasing global accessibility and understanding of water column sonar data
93050Submission Title: The tropical corals’ pH microenvironment examined under changing seawater pCO2 conditions,
ME003Submission Title: Between a Rock and a Soft Place: Interfacial Dynamics on Reefs and Their Consequences for reef processes,
ME006Submission Title: Ecological Consequences of Internal Waves, Internal Tides and Solitons in the Ocean
93839Submission Title: DORADO/DOLPHIN: A Unique Semi-submersible Autonomous Vehicle for Ocean Field Experiments.
92844Submission Title: On improving the accuracy of the M2 barotropic tides embedded in a high-resolution global ocean circulation model
90130Submission Title: Linking ocean acidification and warming to the larval development of the American lobster (Homarus americanus)
89813Submission Title: Measuring and Modeling Microbe-Enrichment in Bubbles Bursting at the Air-Sea Interface
92236Submission Title: Sr Isotope Ratios in the Estuarine Bivalve, Rangia cuneata, as a Proxy for Salinity, Neuse River Estuary, North Carolina
91580Submission Title: Advances in bio-optical sensing on robotic platforms to elucidate ecosystem production in the interior ocean
90878Submission Title: Mid-depth mixing under the subpolar front at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
92329Submission Title: Molecular Gut Content Profiling to Investigate the In Situ Grazing and Selectivity of Dolioletta gegenbauri in Summer Continental Shelf Intrusion Waters of the South Atlantic Bight, USA
91108Submission Title: Advances of a Brillouin Scattering Lidar System for the Detection of Temperature Profiles in the Ocean: Laboratory Measurements and Field Test
89212Submission Title: Long-term Iron and Phosphorus Co-limitation Fundamentally Restructures Protein Biochemistry of High CO2-adapted Trichodesmium
84406Submission Title: Selenium Cycling in Low Oxygen Waters of the Equatorial Pacific Ocean
92839Submission Title: Challenges and Opportunities for Developing Robust Annually Resolved Paleoenvironmental Reconstructions from the Oceans
90806Submission Title: Sediment Transport and Dispersal Pattern from the Bohai Sea to the Yellow Sea
91565Submission Title: Evaluating the Roles of Intertidal Salt Marshes to the Coastal CO2 System and Coastal Carbon Budget,
92039Submission Title: Development of Fast Response In-situ Sensors for Simultaneous Measurements of Seawater Carbon Dioxide Parameters,
EC008Submission Title: Coastal Wetlands as an Important Interface Between Land, Sea and Atmosphere: Capturing Temporal and Spatial Variability in Chemical Fluxes,
IS006Submission Title: Recent Advances in In-Situ Biogeochemical Instrumentation, Sensors, and Observatory Science
93508Submission Title: Diatom bloom derived summer bottom water hypoxia off the Changjiang Estuary and its variation
88670Submission Title: Effects of tides on the cross-isobath movement of the low-salinity plume in the western Yellow and East China Seas in winter
89572Submission Title: Behavior of gas seep bubbles below the hydrate stability zone
87044Submission Title: Long-term Sediment Accumulation in Mid-channel Bars of the Upper Reach of the Lower Mississippi River.
88478Submission Title: The fate of aerosol Fe in the surface water of the northwestern Pacific Ocean
91362Submission Title: Are Sediments a Source of Fukushima Radiocesium for Marine Fauna in Coastal Japan?
87432Submission Title: Impacts of the Nutrient Inputs from Riverine on the Dynamic and Community Structure of Fungal-like Protists in the Coastal Ocean Ecosystems
92468Submission Title: Shelf-Slope Exchanges near Submarine Canyons in the Southern Mid-Atlantic Bight
90746Submission Title: Comparison of fCO2 trends in river dominant and ocean dominant ocean margins
87956Submission Title: The sediment-starved Yellow River Delta as remotely controlled by human activities in the river basin
87759Submission Title: Modeling five Great Lakes ice-circulation system using an unstructured-grid coupled model,
91380Submission Title: Simulating hydrodynamics and ice cover in Lake Erie using an unstructured grid model,
PO006Submission Title: Comparing Physical Processes in Shallow Seas, Large Lakes, and Semi-Enclosed Basins
89225Submission Title: Mechanisms for Occurrence of the Frontal Phytoplankton Bloom in the Taiwan Strait in Winter
76710Submission Title: The effect of discharge, tides, and wind on lift-off turbulence
87798Submission Title: Variability of the Equatorial Currents in the Western Pacific: Two Mooring Observations at 2°N and 4.7°N, 140°E
89646Submission Title: Bottom Boundary Layer Sediment Transport Processes in Fourleague Bay of Louisiana and Their Implication to Sediment Diversion and Coastal Restoration
93561Submission Title: Summer nutrient dynamics and biological carbon uptake rate and their indications to hypoxia in the Changjiang River Estuary
91843Submission Title: Predicting the spatial and temporal distributions of marine fish species utilizing earth system data in a MaxEnt model framework
93544Submission Title: The 3-D evolutions of a deep-reaching anticyclonic eddy in the northeastern South China Sea
91276Submission Title: Water Properties in the Great Lakes from Satellite Ocean Color Measurements,
91424Submission Title: Reconstruction of Missing Pixels in Satellite Images Using the Data Interpolating Empirical Orthogonal Function (DINEOF),
91432Submission Title: Statistical Evaluation of VIIRS Ocean Color Products,
91437Submission Title: VIIRS Ocean Color Products over Turbid Coastal and Inland Waters,
91442Submission Title: Surface currents in the Bohai Sea derived from the Korean Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI),
92781Submission Title: Ecosystem Changes in the Diminishing Aral Sea Observed by Satellites,
HI001Submission Title: Advancing Water Quality Monitoring and Forecasting in Urban Coastal and Inland Waters
90704Submission Title: On the recurrent Sargassum blooms in the central Atlantic
87226Submission Title: Spiral inertial waves emitted from geophysical vortices
87671Submission Title: The Fate of Crude Oil during Photooxidation under Natural Sunlight
90553Submission Title: Total exchange flow, entrainment and turbulent mixing in a partially stratified estuary
91498Submission Title:
Determination of Sea Surface Wind Speed Using High Frequency Radar
90213Submission Title: Using Maximum Likelihood Statistical Methods and Pigment Flux Data to Constrain Particle Exchange and Organic Matter Remineralization Rate Constants in the Mediterranean Sea
89369Submission Title: A new variable for estimating total heat content anomalies of the global oceans and its applications
89941Submission Title: Interaction of Pipeline and Saturated Sandy Seabed under Progressive Waves
88808Submission Title: Different Responses of Sea Surface Temperature in the South China Sea to Various El Niño Events during Boreal Autumn
91992Submission Title: A Study of Horizontal and Vertical transport Timescales in the Changjiang Estuary and its Adjacent Regions
89291Submission Title: The Seasonal Cycle of Meridional Currents in the Upper Layers of Central Equatorial Indian Ocean: Observations and Dynamics
88058Submission Title: How was the deep scattering layers (DSLs) influenced by the Deepwater Horizon Spill? --- Evidences from 10-year NTL oil/gas ADCP backscattering data collected at the spill site
88119Submission Title: Quasi-biennial Oscillation of the Kuroshio intrusion at Luzon Strait
91447Submission Title: “The Coral Reef Micro-Canopy”: A New Concept in Coral Ecophysiology
11228Submission Title: GO-SHIP update of the current decadal (2012-2023) Hydrographic survey and activities
89002Submission Title: Bottom scavenging in coastal Lake Michigan and the use of 234Th and 90Y as tracers of particle flux in shallow aquatic systems
B007Submission Title: New Orleans 30 Years On: What’s the Future for the Marine Nitrogen Cycle?
93220Submission Title: Seasonal Variation in Coastal Air-Sea CO2 Exchange from the Scripps Pier in San Diego, California
89031Submission Title: Methane and carbon dioxide exchange in two Gulf of Mexico coastal wetland environments—Apalachicola and Barataria bays
87768Submission Title: Assessing El Niño Variability on the Coast of Peru Using Two Short-Lived Bivalve Species, Donax obesulus and Mesodesma donacium, From Archaeological and Modern Contexts
87191Submission Title: Application of a Coupled Ocean Wave Sediment Transport Modeling System to Investigate Morphological Changes during Hurricane Sandy.
93679Submission Title: An Interior Pathway for Ventilation of the Abyssal South Pacific Ocean?
91636Submission Title: Identification and characterization of deep sea mesopelagic scattering layers in the Gulf of Mexico using multiple-frequency, broadband acoustic backscatter
91472Submission Title: The Effect of Temperature on Key Aspects of the Nitrogen Cycle: Comparisons Across Systems
90709Submission Title: Real-Time Ocean Prediction System for the East Coast of India
EC010Submission Title: From coasts to the open ocean: global modeling of land –ocean fluxes and feedbacks on the continental shelf
87682Submission Title: Overwinter Transport of Subsurface Warm Water around the Arctic Chukchi Borderland
87799Submission Title: Carbon Sequestration Processes in a Shallow Seagrass Meadow: Isotopic Approaches
89952Submission Title: Remote and local forcing of tropical linear Rossby waves
11258Submission Title: Diapycnal mixing in the ocean: Newly available data and parameterizations from the Climate Process Team,
90777Submission Title: Improving the parameterizations of internal wave driven mixing from small scale turbulent observations to global climate model implementations,
90801Submission Title: Observations of an internal tide beam in the Tasman Sea
87252Submission Title: Traceable Reference Standards for Seawater pH
91758Submission Title: Variability in Global Deep Ocean Circulation from GRACE
ME009Submission Title: Eulerian Versus Lagrangian Perspectives on Marine Ecosystem Change
89063Submission Title: Variability in ocean ventilation from three decades of transient tracer measurements.
91420Submission Title: The Role of Ocean Acidification on Estuarine Phytoplankton Growth and Organic Contaminant Uptake
90164Submission Title: Examining the association of DDX compounds to sedimentary organic matter
89339Submission Title: A 20-Year High-Resolution Wave Resource Assessment of Japan with Wave-Current Interactions
92339Submission Title: Mechanisms Modulating the Ocean Forcing of Pine Island Glacier
92922Submission Title: Release from limitation: Exploring phytoplankton nutrient limitation and community shifts in the Gulf of Mexico
93514Submission Title: Tracer constraints on organic particle transfer efficiency to the deep ocean
86825Submission Title: Chlorophyll concentration forecasts during tropical cyclones using satellite remote sensing imagery
92077Submission Title: A Novel Scoring Metrics for Quality Assurance of Ocean Color Observations
89341Submission Title: An investigation of potential roles of the South China Sea Throughflow on the Indonesian Throughflow seasonal and interannual variability
90106Submission Title: Scientific assessment of accuracy, skill and reliability of ocean probabilistic forecast products.
92132Submission Title: Evaluation of sea surface temperatures and wind fields in WRF coupled simuations
90211Submission Title: Numerical Investigations of the Hydrographic Observations of Chukchi Sea Shelf Using ROMS Model Integrations
93365Submission Title: Layered lake: Ecosystem Dynamics in a Freshwater Estuary During the Growing Season with Respect to Climate Change, Stratification, and Episodic Mixing Events
90039Submission Title: The Control of West Florida Continental Shelf Material Property Distributions by a Combination of Deep-Ocean and Local Forcing
89832Submission Title: Elemental Ratios of Bioactive Trace Metals in the Bay of Bengal
93157Submission Title: Ocean Sciences Sequence for Grades 6–8: Climate Change Curriculum Developed Through a Collaboration Between Scientists and Educators
92354Submission Title: Transformation of model data to information - experiences with coastDat
90408Submission Title: Ice Thickness, Snow Depth, and Surface Temperature in the Chukchi Sea Ice Edge from a Vessel-mounted Sea Ice Measurement System
91837Submission Title: Pathways of Atlantic Waters in the Nordic seas: locally eddy-permitting ocean simulation in a global setup
11208Submission Title: Implementing Basin scale in-situ Ocean Observing Systems (OOS): Enhancing the efficiency and overall information content of integrated OOS for the Atlantic (EU project AtlantOS), the Southern Ocean (SOOS, OOI, SOCCOM), the Pacific (TPOS2020), the pan-Arctic (SAON) and the Indic (IndOOS),
89529Submission Title: OceanSITES: Sustained Ocean Time Series Observations in the Global Ocean. ,
89663Submission Title: A Time Series View of Surface Forcing and Upper Ocean Variability in the northern Bay of Bengal
93422Submission Title: Three-dimensional Effects on Formation of a "Tiger Tail" of Turbidity in Lake Biwa, Japan, following a Typhoon.
88475Submission Title: Frequent Water Levels Fluctuations Drive Exchange Between a System of Coastal Embayments and a Large Lake
88601Submission Title: Molecular Weight Distribution of Dissolved Organic Phosphorus in Euphotic Zone at South China Sea
87916Submission Title: The Time-Dependent Vertical Structure of Mixed-Layer Currents
88575Submission Title: Variability of Circulation in the Pearl River Estuary: Observation and FVCOM Modeling
92358Submission Title: A new momentum integral method for approximating bed shear stress
89898Submission Title: Amplitude and Coherence of Inertial Motions in Arctic Sea-Ice for a Range of Sea-Ice States
11201Submission Title: PACE: NASA’s Next Generation Ocean Color Satellite Mission Town Hall,
90115Submission Title: Evaluating long-term changes in phytoplankton community composition using an ocean reflectance inversion model: A case study in the northern Arabian Sea to explore the emerging frontier of hyperspectral ocean color,
93884Submission Title: Phytoplankton Functional Type (PFT) Ocean Color Inversion: Building A Model For Noctiluca Miliaris Detection In The Arabian Sea Based Upon Species-Specific Inherent Optical Properties (IOPS),
ME014Submission Title: Frontiers in Ocean Color Remote Sensing: Science and Challenges
92416Submission Title: Effect of pH on the precipitation of synthetic CaCO3 polymorphs and determination of Mg/Ca ratios in synthetic low-magnesium calcite: An experimental investigation
87259Submission Title: Boundary Layer Rolls Derived From SAR Wind Fields in Typhoon Megi
91956Submission Title: Modulation of residual currents in Rhode Island Sound by stratification and the spring-neap cycle
90033Submission Title: Plastic Beaches: occurrence and accumulation of marine debris on barrier islands in the Gulf of Mexico
91183Submission Title: The Effect of Tides and Storm Surges on the Sediment Transport during Overwash Events
90714Submission Title: Oceanic Rossby Wave Influence on Madden-Julian Events from 1998—2012: An Observational Study
93698Submission Title: Phytoplankton Physiology from Satellite Chlorophyll Fluorescence
91295Submission Title: Polychaete Engineers: Transport, Extinction, Juvenile Mortality At Range-Edge Sites
92756Submission Title: An Analysis of Fish Communities on Structured Habitat in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico: Potential Impacts of "Rigs-to-Reefs" Programs and a Comparison with Natural Banks,
92819Submission Title: Trophic and reproductive ecology of Red Snapper, Lutjanus campechanus, on natural and artificial reefs in the western Gulf of Mexico
EC003Submission Title: Autonomous systems for study of coastal and estuarine processes
MG002Submission Title: Mapping the oceans: co-ordinating seabed and habitat mapping for maritime spatial planning.
93178Submission Title: The Role of the Wind and Mesoscale Eddies in Internal Wave Driven Mixing at Midlatitudes
87643Submission Title: Bacterial Infochemicals are Drivers of Algal Lysis
91949Submission Title: Reorientation and Swimming Stability in Sea Urchin Larvae
87850Submission Title: Identifying Marine Copper-Binding Ligands in Seawater
93606Submission Title: Primary productivity (PP) in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre: Understanding drivers of variability via 14C-tracer incubations and PP diagnosed via the diurnal cycle of particulate carbon.,
ME015Submission Title: Hot or Not? Interdisciplinary investigations of the drivers and variability of marine biodiversity and productivity: how do we detect and model change?
88967Submission Title: Influences of Hurricanes, Floods, and Organic Production on River‐Delta Evolution
89581Submission Title: Metagenomic Analysis of the Microbial Degradation of Polar Oil Compounds
ME017Submission Title: Integrated Assessments of Vulnerable Deep-Sea Ecosystems: Methods, Recent Advances and Future Challenges
92361Submission Title: Calcium Carbonate Dissolution Above the Lysocline: Implications of Copepod Grazing on Coccolithophores
92600Submission Title: Non-Destructive Measurements of Reef Coral Respiration, Photosynthesis and Calcification Using A Newly Developed Diver-Deployed In Situ Respirometer: CISME
93180Submission Title: Resilience of the Eastern Chukchi Sea Food Web to Mortality Based Perturbations and Identification of Ecologically Important Species
93454Submission Title: Seasonal Progression and Interannual Variability of Nutrient and Chlorophyll-a Distributions in the Northern Gulf of Alaska, 1998-2010
88963Submission Title: Dissolved methane in the US GEOTRACES Arctic section
93275Submission Title: Picoeukaryote Diversity and Spatial Distribution Patterns in the North Atlantic
92513Submission Title: Investigating the Influence of Coastal Islands on River Water Distribution and Mixing in Western Long Island Sound,
92567Submission Title: Engaging Local Organizations in Science-Driven Oceanographic Data Collection: Summer 2015 in Norwalk and Westport, CT,
93047Submission Title: Ocean Connections with the Historic Whaling Ship Charles W. Morgan,
93312Submission Title: Forecasting the Human Pathogen Vibrio Parahaemolyticus in Shellfish Tissue within Long Island Sound
92424Submission Title: An Annually-Resolved, Shell-Derived Oxygen Isotope Record Since the Late Little Ice Age from the Gulf of Maine: Implications for Ocean Circulation Changes in the Northwestern North Atlantic,
PC007Submission Title: High-resolution geochemical proxies of global change: progress, problems, and utility
90154Submission Title: The Ocean Tracking Network and its contribution to ocean biological observation
93752Submission Title: Wave attenuation by oyster reefs in a shallow coastal bay
92281Submission Title: A Facility for Near-Real Time Estimation and Evaluation of Diurnal Warming of the Sea Surface
92976Submission Title: A Novel Anoxic Pathway for Urea and Cyanate in Marine Oxygen Deficient Zones Revealed by Combined Microbiological and Biogeochemical Tools
88372Submission Title: Upward Nitrate Flux and Downward Particulate Organic Carbon (POC) Flux along a Gradient of Stratification and Turbulent Mixing in an Arctic Shelf Sea (Barents Sea)
90632Submission Title: Spatial Distribution and Effects of Sewage in Coastal Hawaiian Waters
92373Submission Title: Immersed Boundary Conditions in a General Circulation Model.
11246Submission Title: Promoting OceanSTEM and Blue Economy Workforce Development,
92434Submission Title: Deep Sea Gazing: Making Ship-Based Research Aboard RV Falkor Relevant and Accessible,
ED008Submission Title: Sharing Ship-Based Ocean Research Through Innovative Technology and Hands-On Vessel Experiences
91717Submission Title: A New Perspective on Changing Arctic Marine Ecosystems: Panarchy Adaptive Cycles in Pan-Arctic Spatial and Temporal Scales
91762Submission Title: Physical-Biogeochemical Interaction Linkages associated with the Arabian Sea Monsoons: Climate Trend or Decadal Variablity?
89606Submission Title: The Impact of Internal Wave Seasonality on the Continental Shelf Energy Budget
93896Submission Title: Finding the missing plastic –resolving the global mass (im)balance for plastic pollution in the ocean
90435Submission Title: Embryonic Developmental Stages of African Giant Catfish Heterobranchus longifilis (Valenciennes, 1840) (Teleostei, Clariidae)
92042Submission Title: Nutrients and Phytoplankton Productivity in the Sacramento River and San Francisco Bay Delta Region Under Drought Conditions
93708Submission Title: DNA Barcoding of Ichthyoplankton in Hampton Roads Bay Estuary
88455Submission Title: Resource use of an aquacultured shellfish in the reverse estuary Bahía San Quintín, Baja California, México
HE009Submission Title: Marginal Ice Zone Processes
92286Submission Title: Competition between autotrophic and heterotrophic microbial plankton for inorganic nutrients induced by variability in estuarine biophysicochemical conditions
90969Submission Title: Shelf Sea Oxygen Dynamics: A year of Glider Measurements
89967Submission Title: Understanding the Effects of Diet on Larval Crassostrea virginica: A Comparison of Commercial Concentrates and Live Algal Feed
93766Submission Title: Response of the Predatory Bacterium, Halobacteriovorax, and Virus to an Influx of a Prey Bacterium in a Natural Water Microcosm and a Three Membered Artificial Sea Water Microcosm.
93223Submission Title: Numerical Instability in a Viscous Plastic Sea-Ice Model Arising from Unresolved Plastic Deformation
EC009Submission Title: Coasts in Crisis: Sea Level Rise and Inundation and the Drivers for Adaptation
91439Submission Title: Seasonal Variation in Sediment and Oxygen Fluxes in Shelf Seas
92852Submission Title: Empirical Algorithms to Predict pH and Aragonite Saturation State on SOCCOM Biogeochemical Argo Floats in the Pacific Sector of the Southern Ocean
93768Submission Title: The Ocean Acidification Curriculum Collection – sharing ocean science resources for k-12 classrooms
91441Submission Title: Improved Climate Simulations through a Stochastic Representation of Ocean Eddies
89391Submission Title: Climate sensitivity to ocean sequestration of heat and carbon
88661Submission Title: Reconstructing Sea Surface Temperature in Southwest Greenland Using Long-lived Coralline Algal Buildups
93027Submission Title: Changing ecosystem response to nitrogen load into Buzzards Bay, MA
11219Submission Title: Marine Industries Science & Technology (MIST) Cluster Industry Town Hall
88062Submission Title: What insights can satellite data provide about the subsurface?
93821Submission Title: Inorganic and organic deposition and preservation in the Ganges-Brahmaputra (G-B) delta: trends through the Holocene and with recent anthropogenic perturbations
92464Submission Title: An Update to the 'Barrier or Blender' Model of the Gulf Stream, Based on Lagrangian Analysis of Aviso Altimetry
11244Submission Title: Oh, the places we’ll go!: Exploring the ocean with technology
88396Submission Title: A Changing Coastline: Using GIS to Evaluate the Primary Causes of Increased Coastal Erosion in the Minas Basin, Nova Scotia.
91308Submission Title: Acoustic Measurement of Suspended Sediment Flux Over Ripples and Dunes in Unidirectional Flow
90141Submission Title: Microbial Community Dynamics, Community Respiration, and Net Community Production in Monterey Bay, a Nearshore Upwelling Kelp Forest Environment
88175Submission Title: Development of a Probabilistic Decision-Support Model to Forecast Coastal Resilience
92482Submission Title: Observations of Upper-Ocean Thermal Structure in the Central North Pacific during Hurricanes Guillermo, Hilda, and Ignacio (2015)
92924Submission Title: Global Environmental Leadership and Sustainability: High School Students Teaching Environmental Science to Policymakers,
93259Submission Title: Physical and Biogeochemical Variability of Upwelling Events Measured by Long-Term, Multi-Disciplinary Moorings in the California Current System
89780Submission Title: A marine biogenic source of atmospherically relevant ice nucleating particles
88853Submission Title: Sea temperature fiducial reference measurements for validating satellite SST data products
92796Submission Title: Revising the release of fixed carbon in coastal phytoplankton: the role of transparent exopolymer particles (TEP)
93040Submission Title: Seasonally non-uniform responses to climate change in temperate lakes
93842Submission Title: The Contiguous Panarctic Riverine Coastal Domain: A Unifying Concept
92731Submission Title: Structural Mapping and Geomorphology of Ireland’s Southwest Continental Shelf Using High Resolution Sonar
89649Submission Title: Habitat Parameters for Oxygen Minimum Zone Copepods from the Eastern Tropical North Pacific
88029Submission Title: Ocean Color Hyperspectral Satellite Observations of Chlorophyll a Fluorescence, Phytoplankton Functional Types and Light Penetration Depth with SCIAMACHY
88729Submission Title: Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Amino Acids on the Surface Sediment of the Segara Anakan Lagoon, Java, Indonesia
90386Submission Title: Using Argo-O2 data to examine the impact of deep-water formation events on oxygen uptake in the Labrador Sea
92020Submission Title: Intrinsic interannual oceanic variability and its impact on decadal predictability
91147Submission Title: Going Organic In The Shelf Sea: Where Has All The Carbon Gone?
93163Submission Title: Determining the Effect of Growth Rate on Hydrogen Isotope Fractionation of Algal Lipids in Two North Pacific Sites
92244Submission Title: Temporal, Spatial, Statistical Distribution of the Rate of Dissipation of TKE in Islay Sound
91137Submission Title: Analysis of Phytoplankton Communities Using Hyperspectral Absorption Measurements
89218Submission Title: A data-derived forecast model of surface currents in a semi-enclosed bay (Yeosu Bay, Republic of Korea)
90936Submission Title: The Influence of Life History Variability on Population Connectivity: Development and Application of a Trait-Based Biophysical Model of Individuals
88955Submission Title: Modelling coral larval dispersal across the world’s greatest marine barrier
89717Submission Title: Hydrocarbon Seepage in the Deep Subsurface Inferred from Seismic Data in the Bering Sea
11171Submission Title: EarthCube’s Oceanography and Geobiology Environmental ‘Omics (ECOGEO) Research Coordination Network: A community focused on identifying technical challenges and developing plans for federated cyberinfrastructure that will enable ocean and geobiology environmental ‘omics research.
91295Submission Title: Polychaete Engineers: Transport, Extinction, Juvenile Mortality At Range-Edge Sites
88824Submission Title: Application of a predator-prey overlap metric to determine the impact of sub-grid scale feeding dynamics on ecosystem productivity,
90526Submission Title: The Influence of Mean Trophic Level on Biomass and Production in Marine Ecosystems,
ME016Submission Title: Impacts of ecological interactions on marine ecosystem dynamics: New insights from models, theory, and field measurements
89460Submission Title: Nutrient Dynamics in the Celtic Sea during the 18 Month UK Shelf Seas Biogeochemistry Programme
93432Submission Title: Modeling Diffusion as a Result of Observing Salinity, Water Temperature and Mixing of the Norwalk River into Long Island Sound
90917Submission Title: Impact of sea surface temperature anomalies on the Jet Variability and Atmospheric Blocking over the South America Sector
87150Submission Title: Rapid Anthropogenic Changes in CO2 and pH in the Atlantic Ocean: 2003-2014
89555Submission Title: Zooming into Molecular Biomarker Distribution through Spatially Resolved Mass Spectrometry on Intact Sediment Sections
93487Submission Title: Eddy Stirring and Horizontal Diffusivity from Argo Floats: Global Patterns and Suppression by Strong Currents
93291Submission Title: The Organic Matter Molecular Characteristics of Pyrogenic Solids and Their Aqueous Leachable Fractions
93153Submission Title: Effect of Extremes: How El Niño Events Affect Reef Fish Population Connectivity in the Hawaiian Islands
86832Submission Title: Aspects of the Physiology and Behavior of an Endothermic Fish, the Opah, Lampris guttatus.
92581Submission Title: A Regional Model Guidance for Forecasting Rip Currents
90041Submission Title: Evaluation of the Precision of Satellite-Derived Sea Surface Temperature Fields
87078Submission Title: Fate of Multiple River Discharges into China Seas
PO012Submission Title: Interactions between the open ocean and marginal/coastal seas in a changing climate
89014Submission Title: Biogeochemical processing of nitrogen transformation including nitrogen fixation and nitrification in the western part of the South China Sea
89308Submission Title: The Recent Microrelief Features of the Yangtze Estuary
87830Submission Title: Sediment dispersal and accumulation off the present Huanghe (Yellow River) subdelta as impacted by the Water-sediment Regulation Scheme
89321Submission Title: Factors controlling concentration and decomposition of dissolved organic matter in pore water on the shelf of the East China Sea
87605Submission Title: Potential Sources Affecting Seawater Nd Isotopes in the Southwest Atlantic Ocean
90104Submission Title: Physical and ecological processes at a moving ice edge in the Fram Strait as observed with an AUV.
11204Submission Title: Sustaining Ocean Observations to Understand Earth's Climate
90933Submission Title: Quantum Yields of Natural Organic Matter and Organic Compounds: Implications for the Fluorescence-based Interpretation of Organic Matter Composition
90740Submission Title: Concentrations and Fluxes of Reactive Oxygen Species on the Mauritanian Shelf
87683Submission Title: Ecological and Biogeochemical Impacts of Internal Waves on Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems: Testing Eddy Covariance and Isotope Approaches, Iriomote, Japan
93327Submission Title: A low-cost and reliable technique to monitor the spread of an invasive seagrass in the Caribbean Sea
88865Submission Title: Impacts of an underwater high voltage DC power cable on fish migration movements in the San Francisco Bay.
91916Submission Title: Assessing the accuracy of drift prediction products at the Naval Oceanographic Office
90510Submission Title: Simulation of the circulation in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea using a high resolution wave-circulation-tide coupled model
91571Submission Title: Biologically-associated Nitrous Oxide Accumulation in the Euphotic Zone
92505Submission Title: Object-Based Sea Ice Ridge Detection From High Spatial Resolution Imagery
87912Submission Title: Rossby Waves propagating from the Pacific to the South China Sea derived from cruise observations in 2005
93699Submission Title: The Comparison of Different Heterotrophic Bacteria on the Decomposition of DOC molecule
90330Submission Title: Observations of Internal Solitary Waves in a Coastal Plain Estuary
77798Submission Title: Spatial distribution of δ15N of chlorophyll-a in surface sediment of the northern Benguela Upwelling System
90660Submission Title: Morphodynamic Modeling of the Song Hau (Mekong) River Channel in Vietnam
90532Submission Title: Impacts of the North Atlantic Oscillation on Sea Surface Temperature on the Northeast US Continental Shelf
89738Submission Title: Observation and Modelling of Turbulent Mixing in a Northwestern Pacific Ocean Trench
88202Submission Title: The Upgraded Lake Erie Operational Forecast System (LEOFS)
88358Submission Title: A Synoptic Overview of Turbidity Distribution in Bohai and Yellow Seas,China
92154Submission Title: Validation and Inter-comparison Against Observations of GODAE Ocean View Ocean Prediction Systems
88543Submission Title: CMIP5 Projections of Two Types of El Niño and Their Related Tropical Precipitation in the 21st Century
87047Submission Title: Mesoscale eddy effects on the subduction of North Pacific mode waters
91455Submission Title: Wave transformation and alongshore sediment transport due to obliquely oriented shoreface-connected ridges
90779Submission Title: Decadal Variability of Climate and Winter Phytoplankton Bloom in the Mid-Atlantic Bight
89190Submission Title: Seasonal and spatial changes of macrobenthic community structure and diversity in South Yellow Sea
90776Submission Title: An Investigation to the Interaction between Typhoon-induced Near Inertial Wave and Tide in the South China Sea
92741Submission Title: Numerical Investigation of Interactions between Surface Waves and Upper-Ocean Turbulence
92184Submission Title: Coupling a Regional Climate Model with a 3-D Hydrodynamic Model over the Great Lakes
89865Submission Title: Connecting the Mississippi River with Carbon Variability in the Gulf of Mexico
93407Submission Title: Climate-sensitive carbon cycling on the western Antarctic continental shelf: results from the Amundsen Sea Polynya International Research Expedition (ASPIRE),
93444Submission Title: ASPIRE: Teachers and researchers working together to enhance student learning,
ED009Submission Title: Teacher-Researcher Partnerships: working at the interface of science and education to enhance student learning
87845Submission Title: The Suess Effect in the Eastern Mediterranean Basin 1988-2010
88451Submission Title: Mechanism of Interannual Variability in Western Boundary Currents along Madagascar and their Relation with the ENSO
90531Submission Title: Sources and Transformation of Dissolved and Particulate Organic Nitrogen in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre Indicated by Compound-Specific Nitrogen Isotope Analysis of Amino Acids
OD005Submission Title: Ocean Observatory Science – Unprecedented Access to the Sea
89392Submission Title: Impacts of mean dynamic topography on a regional ocean assimilation system
PC013Submission Title: US CLIVAR Session on Oceanic Heat Uptake, Earth's Energy Imbalance, and the Global Warming 'Hiatus'
86881Submission Title: The subduction and propagation of subsurface salinity anomalies in the northwestern Pacific
93072Submission Title: Annual Net Community Production in the Western Subtropical North Pacific Determined from Argo-O2 Measurements
89300Submission Title: Assessment of Arctic and Antarctic Sea Ice Predictability in CMIP5 Decadal Hindcasts
89597Submission Title: Declines in Both Redundant and Trace Species Characterize the Latitudinal Diversity Gradient in Tintinnid Ciliates of the Microzooplankton,
90886Submission Title: Microzooplankton grazing on the picophytoplankton and bacteria in the Chukchi Sea and East Siberian Sea, Arctic Ocean
87171Submission Title: Characteristics, Vertical Structures and Heat/Salt Transports of Mesoscale Eddies in the Southeastern Tropical Indian Ocean
88339Submission Title: Role of the South China Sea in Regulating the North Pacific Double-gyre System Using Two-layer Quasi-geostrophic Model
93410Submission Title: Observations of Water Mass Flux at the North Channel of Dongsha Atoll
89276Submission Title: Mesoscale and Submesoscale Eddies Identified from Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery in the Luzon Strait and Adjacent Waters
89316Submission Title: Formation of ferromanganese crust in Western Pacific Magellan Seamount: Variations in redox state of Fe/Mn
88560Submission Title: Anomalous Tropical Cyclone Activity in the Western North Pacific in August 2014
89060Submission Title: Climate-driven Shifting in Distribution Patterns of Calanus sinicus Brodsky in the Continental Shelf Waters of the Northwest Pacific Ocean
88747Submission Title: Direct microstructure observation in the northern South China Sea
90608Submission Title: Land-Sea Sedimentary Facies Transition at the Mouth of a Small Mountain River on the West Coast of Taiwan Since 50,000 yr BP
88157Submission Title: Prevalence of potential nitrogen-fixing, green sulphur bacteria in the skeleton of reef-building coral Isopora palifera
90467Submission Title: Processes controlling Cadmium isotopic fractionation in the surface water of the northern South China Sea
91220Submission Title: The nitrogen cycle during the Anthropocene
91399Submission Title: Eddies Impact on the Kuroshio in the East of Taiwan Observed by HF Radars
93798Submission Title: Nitrogen isotopic composition of nitrate in the South China Sea: A clue to the origin of nitrogen
88605Submission Title: Effect of typhoon Maemi on the hydrographic regime and sediment resuspension along the cross-shelf transect PN in the East China Sea
90342Submission Title: Hydrographic Climatology in the Gulf of St. Laurence: Its Recent Trends and an Estuarine Regime of Its Interannual Variability,
PO005Submission Title: Climate Trends, Hydrographic Variability, Circulation and Air-Land-Sea Interactions in the Marginal Seas of the North Atlantic.
88222Submission Title: A Modeling Study of Deep Water Renewal in the Red Sea
92275Submission Title: Seasonality of Carbonate Chemistry and CO2 Flux in a Northwestern Gulf of Mexico estuary
87793Submission Title: Analysis of Wintertime Currents in the Middle of Northern Yellow Sea Based on a Direct Observation
91978Submission Title: Recurrence of Seagrass Mortality in Florida Bay: The Role of Climate Change and Implications for Carbon Sequestration
87290Submission Title: Inverse Regional Modeling with Adjoint-Free Technique
PO005Submission Title: Climate Trends, Hydrographic Variability, Circulation and Air-Land-Sea Interactions in the Marginal Seas of the North Atlantic.
88366Submission Title: Vertical structure of turbulent mixing in the Bussol’ Strait and its impact on water masses in the Okhotsk Sea and the North Pacific
92000Submission Title: Mechanisms underpinning skillful decadal prediction in the North Atlantic
89342Submission Title: Connections of Arctic Oscillation and warm pool SST variations during boreal winter
89494Submission Title: Spatial and Seasonal Distributions of Frontal Activity over the Continental Shelf in the Bay of Biscay - Focus on Density Fronts in Winter
90706Submission Title: Eddy Driven Chlorophyll Bloom in Northeastern Red Sea during early Spring , 2015
92185Submission Title: Propulsion and perception in intermediate Re regimes: aquatic microcrustacean copepod responses to wake structures.
88342Submission Title: On the Mechanisms of Decadal Variability of the North Pacific Gyre Oscillation Over the 20th Century
87381Submission Title: Tidal Mixing over Rough Topography: Sensitivity to Topographic Length Scale and Steepness
87398Submission Title: The marine mixotroph, Mesodinium rubrum is far more than a greenhouse ciliate
89098Submission Title: Extreme Sea Level Rise Event Linked to 2009-10 AMOC Downturn
91171Submission Title: Distributions of Heavy Metals and Their Variations over the Past Three Decades in the Bohai Sea of China
88121Submission Title: Impact of Mesoscale Eddies on Kuroshio Intrusion Variations at Northeast of Taiwan
93144Submission Title: Growth laws for delta crevasses in the Mississippi River Delta: observations and modeling
87741Submission Title: A Shifting Baseline: Higher Degrees and Career Options for Ocean Scientists
93396Submission Title: Mesobot: A New Class of Robot for Investigating the Ocean’s Interior
87627Submission Title: Seasonal changes in zooplankton swimmer community collected by sediment trap moored in the western North Pacific Ocean
90588Submission Title: Daily Distributions of DIC and pCO2 over the Northwestern Pacific Ocean calculated by the high resolution tracer transport model
89305Submission Title: Spatio-temporal variability of Asian dust and its impact on biological productivity in the East/Japan Sea
87953Submission Title: Long-term Variation of Ventilation System in the East Sea (Japan Sea) Revealed by Heat Content Change and Water Mass Analysis
93832Submission Title: Trophic Resources to Subtidal Suspension Feeders in Kelp Ecosystems
92078Submission Title: Fukushima Cs pathway in the western North Pacific
93189Submission Title: Phytoplankton change in the Kuroshio region of the East China Sea associated with the Kuroshio frontal eddy
88111Submission Title: Insight into nitrous oxide production processes in the western North Pacific based on a marine ecosystem isotopomer model
92452Submission Title: Combining urbanization and hydrodynamics data to evaluate sea level rise impacts on coastal water resources
88875Submission Title: Tidally-driven Surface Flow in a Georgia Estuarine Saltmarsh
87981Submission Title: Degrees of Isolation: The Impact of Climate Change on the Dispersal and Population Genetic Structure of Two Antarctic Fish Species
90128Submission Title: CDOM Effects on Spectral Quality and Phytoplankton Community Composition in North Inlet and Winyah Bay, SC
87578Submission Title: How Are Fishing Patterns and Fishing Communities Responding to Climate Change? A Test Case from the Northwest Atlantic
90184Submission Title: Geometric Stability Analysis of Antarctic Circumpolar Current Meanders
88191Submission Title: The Separation of the East Australian Current: A Lagrangian Approach to Potential Vorticity and Upstream Control
90067Submission Title: Assessing the spatial and temporal distribution of harmful algal blooms in Western Lake Erie
87506Submission Title: The Early-1990s Climate Shift and the ENSO Diversity
90913Submission Title: Spatial Distribution and Isotopic Signature of Organic Carbon and Nitrogen in Surface Sediments from Bohai Sea
93676Submission Title: Changes in Energy Imbalance at the Ocean Surface during the “hiatus” period
87676Submission Title: Surface gravity wave and double diffusion effects to the upper ocean dynamics:an improved MY2.5 turbulence closure model and it's verification
OD006Submission Title: Regional and Thematic Innovation Supporting Global Sustained Ocean Observing
88592Submission Title: Influence of Ambient Current on the Temperature Increasing Rate of Bottom Cold Water in a Shelf Sea: a Case Study of the Seto Inland Sea, Japan
88764Submission Title: An Annual Cycle of Vertical Flow and Restratification in the Upper Ocean
93886Submission Title: Retrieval of the Diffuse Attenuation Coefficient from GOCI Images Using the 2SeaColor Model: A Case Study in the Yangtze Estuary
91376Submission Title: Impacts of External Forcing on the Decadal Climate Variability in CMIP5 Simulations
87654Submission Title: Seasonal Cycle of Volume Transport through Kerama Gap Revealed by a 20-year Global HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model Reanalysis
90804Submission Title: Distribution of Surface Sediment in the Bohai Sea and its Relationship with Sediment Supply and Sedimentary Dynamic Environment
93879Submission Title: The role of sea surface salinity over the Indian Ocean in the South Asian Summer Monsoon
91149Submission Title: Comparison of Productivity, Plankton Types and Carbon Export Mechanisms in two Different Regimes of Subtropical North Atlantic: a Modeling Study
90583Submission Title: The 2014-2015 Warming Anomaly in the Southern California Current System: Glider Observations
88618Submission Title: Transcriptomics Provide Insight Into Mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) Mantle Function And Its Role In Biomineralization
92950Submission Title: A Theoretical Basis for the Transition to Denitrification at Nanomolar Oxygen Concentrations
86844Submission Title: Introducing MergeBathy
92326Submission Title: Development of the Coupled Northwest Atlantic Prediction System (CNAPS)
89025Submission Title: Evaluating Ocean Models
91621Submission Title: The Impact of Oscillatory Currents and Stratification on Turbulent Dissipation in the Marginally Stratified Celtic Sea, U.K.
89524Submission Title: Biogenic Characterisation of the Sea Surface Microlayer in the Peruvian Upwelling Regime
90924Submission Title: Spreading of Antarctic Intermediate Water in the Philippine Sea
93187Submission Title: Using passive acoustic remote sensing to measure the current speed in the Florida Straits
88468Submission Title: Dynamics of Large River-Derived Sediments in the Yellow Sea
88730Submission Title: A Tale of Two Timescales: Weddell Polynya Pathways in the Global Abyssal Oceans
93258Submission Title: Observations of whitecaps during HiWinGS, their dependence on wave field, and relation to gas transfer velocities
89466Submission Title: Physical and biological response of mesoscale eddies to wintertime forcing in the north central Red Sea (22˚N-25.5˚N)
90333Submission Title: Geography and Dynamics of Small-scale Coastal and Internal Tides from Exact Repeat and Geodetic Mission Altimetry
90430Submission Title: Impact of Vitamin B12 and Nitrate Availability on the Concentration of Particulate Dimethylsulfoniopropionate in Phytoplankton
91223Submission Title: Vortices and Lagrangian Dispersion in the Western Gulf of Mexico
88085Submission Title: An Integrated Study of the Degadation of a Reefscape in the Florida Keys
88844Submission Title: The calcium carbonate counter pump: Fundamentals, evolution through time, and future feedbacks
88008Submission Title: Diagnosing large Gulf Stream meanders in the South Atlantic Bight using adjoint sensitivity analysis
90345Submission Title: Numerical Investigations of Subduction of Eighteen Degree Water in the Subtropical Northwest Atlantic Ocean
87974Submission Title: Work Done by Atmospheric Winds on Mesoscale Ocean Eddies
87886Submission Title: Adjoint sensitivity studies of a semi-permanent eddy in the central Red Sea
89171Submission Title: Variation of Archaeal Populations Along a Salinity Gradient in the Pearl River Estuary, China: Implications for Synergy Between Different Metabolic Processes
92469Submission Title: Assessing surface heat fluxes in two new generation atmospheric reanalyses with a decade of buoy measurements at the Kuroshio Extension Observatory (KEO),
A001Submission Title: Air-Sea Exchange Processes in Western Boundary Current Systems and Marginal Seas: Their Local and Remote Climatic Implications
92182Submission Title: Near Inertial Waves Generated by Hurricane Arthur on the Mid-Atlantic-Bight Shelf
87447Submission Title: Estimation of Nutrients Flux of Water-sediment Interface in the Chukchi Sea, the Western Arctic Ocean
92629Submission Title: Towards a real-time forecasting system for the San Francisco bay/estuary and rive delta
91755Submission Title: The Equatorial Signatures of the Meridional Modes: Dependence on the Mean Climate State
89941Submission Title: Interaction of Pipeline and Saturated Sandy Seabed under Progressive Waves
90817Submission Title: Water exchange across isobaths over the continental shelf of the East China Sea
93912Submission Title: Water mass analysis and origins of bottom water nutrient enrichment in the East China Sea shelf using rare earth elements
87616Submission Title: Dynamics and Mechanisms of Decadal Variability of the Pacific-South America Mode over the 20th Century
89108Submission Title: Internal Wave Generation by Random Distributions of Seamounts in the Ocean
91411Submission Title: Low Frequency Variability of the South Pacific Subtropical Gyre as Seen from Satellite Altimetry and Argo
92785Submission Title: Compound-specific amino acid isotopic analyses of invertebrates in the Chukchi Sea: New insights on food web dynamics
88944Submission Title: Short-term Changes of Apparent Optical Properties in a Shallow Water Environment: Observations from Repeated Airborne Hyperspectral Measurements
90815Submission Title: An Ocean Biology-induced Negative Feedback on ENSO in the Tropical Pacific Climate System
90627Submission Title: N2 Fixation in the North Equatorial Current of West Pacifc
87876Submission Title: A Numerical Investigation of the Interannual-to-Decadal Variability of the Along-shelf Transport in the Middle Atlantic Bight
88076Submission Title: Across-isobath Energy Fluxes in Semidiurnal Kelvin Waves Encountering Variations in Shelf Geometry
89309Submission Title: Optical dating of Holocene sediments from the Changjiang (Yangtze) delta, China
87597Submission Title: Dynamical Processes within an Anticyclonic Eddy Revealed from Argo Floats
88674Submission Title: Projecting the Effects of Climate Change on Northwest North Atlantic Shelf Hydrography and Biological Productivity
90687Submission Title: Alteration of Chemical Composition of Soil-leached Dissolved Organic Matter under Cryogenic Cycles
92410Submission Title: Alteration of wind flow by an oil film on the sea surface
90523Submission Title: Downscaling Future Changes of the Global Warming Hot Spots in the Western Boundary Current Systems
86867Submission Title: Effects of Ice-induced Wave Attenuation on Surface Waves in the Arctic Ocean: An Application of FVCOM-SWAVE
88517Submission Title: Building Single-Cell Models of Planktonic Metabolism Using PSAMM
90004Submission Title: Toward Improved Application of SMOS and Aquarius Level-2 Sea-surface Salinity Products
65330Submission Title: Seasonal and Interannual Variability of the Arctic Sea Ice: A Comparison between AO-FVCOM and Observations
88564Submission Title: The Effect of Alternative Wind Forcing from Operational Analyses on the Simulations of Antarctic Coastal Sea Ice
88349Submission Title: The combined effect of transient wind-driven upwelling and eddies on vertical nutrient fluxes and phytoplankton dynamics along Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia
88628Submission Title: The South China Sea Mesoscale Eddy Experiment (S-MEE) and Its Primary Findings
90827Submission Title: Seasonal variation of the water exchange through the Bohai Strait
88409Submission Title: A Conceptual Model for Extratropical Atmosphere-Ocean Interaction
87593Submission Title: A Method for Streamlining and Assessing Sound Velocity Profiles Based on MOV Algorithm
90085Submission Title: Internal wave generation by tidal flow over random topography
93201Submission Title: Dynamics of the Basin-wide North Atlantic Deep Water Flux and Deep Western Boundary Current at 26.5°N
87563Submission Title: Vertical Scales and Dynamics of Eddies in the Arctic Ocean’s Canada Basin
88594Submission Title: Rectification of the intraseasonal wind forcing on ENSO and the interannual long equatorial waves
87405Submission Title: Understanding Bjerknes Compensation in Atmosphere and Ocean Heat Transports Using a Coupled Box Model
88335Submission Title: Variability of deepwater currents at the South-China-Sea-side of the Luzon Strait
PO019Submission Title: Observing and predicting historic and future surface and internal tides
92949Submission Title: Global Internal Tide Energy Flux and Dissipation from Satellite Altimetry
90884Submission Title: Modulation of Bjerknes feedback on the decadal variations in ENSO predictability
90251Submission Title: Remote sensing of chlorophyll concentration in the Chesapeake Bay through discrimination of phytoplankton contribution to total light absorption coefficient
90910Submission Title: Analysis of the Global Swell and Wind Sea Energy Distribution Using WAVEWATCH III
90324Submission Title: A High Resolution Tampa Bay Hydrodynamic Model and its Application to Residence Time Estimation and Salt Balance Diagnosis
89350Submission Title: DOC Molecule Transporter and Transformation in Marine Microbes
93281Submission Title: Changes in ENSO amplitude under global warming in CESM Large Ensemble project: the uncertainty due to internal variability
90558Submission Title: Ribosomes in the sea: a window on taxon-specific lysis
89346Submission Title: Observations of Submesoscale Processes in an Anticyclonic Eddy in the South China Sea
89611Submission Title: Subpolar North Atlantic glider observations for OSNAP
87807Submission Title: State-Dependence of Atmospheric Response to Extratropical North Pacific SST Anomalies
91271Submission Title: Long-term variabilities of meridional geostrophic volumn transport in North Pacific Ocean
B009Submission Title: Physical-biogeochemical coupling in oceanic eddies and fronts: from submeso- to mesoscale processes
88291Submission Title: Diapycnal Diffusivities over the Southwestern Indian Ocean Ridge
89320Submission Title: Ocean Predictions with ACCESS-S
92455Submission Title: Magnitude of the Suess Effect in North Atlantic - a Study of Foraminifera and Transient Tracer Simulations
93721Submission Title: Spatiotemporal variations in chromophoric dissolved organic matter in the Saint Louis Bay, northern Gulf of Mexico
89993Submission Title: Large-Eddy Simulation of Wave-breaking Induced Turbulent Coherent Structures and Suspended Sediment Transport on a Barred Beach
87601Submission Title: The mechanism of freshwater extension from the North Channel to the North Branch in the Changjiang Estuary in dry season
90668Submission Title: Parameterization for Submesoscale-Permitting Simulations: From Ideal to Traditional to Novel Including Symmetric Instabilities
89277Submission Title: A Hybrid Discontinuous/Continuous Galerkin Approach to Non-Hydrostatic Euler Model for Water Waves
93666Submission Title: A Statistical Simulation Model for Global Mean Sea Level from Altimetry and Tide Gauge Reconstructions
87935Submission Title: Iron and temperature interactive effects on diatoms and Phaeocystis antarctica from the Ross Sea, Antarctica
92476Submission Title: Underway sensing of radiometric properties utilizing a novel sub-hull installation on R/V SONNE
92957Submission Title: Cycling of marine dissolved organic carbon: New insights from radiocarbon distribution within carboxylic-rich alicyclic molecules and acylated heteropolysaccharides
93049Submission Title: Estimating the Velocity and Transport of the East Australian Current using Argo, XBT, and Altimetry
92936Submission Title: AUS approaches for non-tidal high-water delineation
93502Submission Title: Nitrification Processes, Conversion Kinetics, Physical Substrate Preferences and Source Function Analysis for an Aquatic Nitrification Model System
90058Submission Title: Mechanisms Controlling Hypoxia Data Atlas: High-resolution hydrographic and chemical observations from 2003-2014
89558Submission Title: Exploiting In Situ Lidar To Retrieve Particle Distributions and Characteristics Of The Upper Ocean
90422Submission Title: The Effects of Ice and Currents on Wave-driven Turbulence at the Ocean Surface
89915Submission Title: Potentiometric Electrodes in Ocean Monitoring: Past, Present, and Future
87698Submission Title: Sampling in the Middle Adriatic Sea – Relations Between Mercury and Microbial Species
88550Submission Title: Modeling study of a hypoxia event off the Yangtze Estuary
89976Submission Title: Nursery Habitats for Early-Life Stages of American Horseshoe Crabs in Great Bay-Little Egg Harbor, NJ
91524Submission Title: Contradictory Pathways between Labrador Sea Water Advection and Property Propagation
93648Submission Title: Composition and Significance of Pteropod Ooze Deposits from Deep-Water Lophelia Reefs, Blake Plateau, NE Florida.
89566Submission Title: The role of calcareous and biosiliceous organisms in the organic carbon export rates of the NW Iberian coastal upwelling system
90344Submission Title: Budgets of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon in the Eastern Subpolar North Atlantic in the 2000s from In Situ Data
90517Submission Title: Bulk and Compound Specific Isotope Analysis Provide Insights into Habitat Use and Diet Variability Among Female Sperm Whales (Physeter macrocephalus) from the Eastern Tropical Pacific
91229Submission Title: Lead Concentrations and Stable Lead Isotopes in the North Atlantic and Labrador Sea
90088Submission Title: Interdecadal Changes in Mediterranean Evaporation Variability and its Links to Regional Teleconnections
89921Submission Title: Centered On The Pole: NCEI Interdisciplinary Arctic Data Stewardship
93155Submission Title: Fish Behavior, Presence, and Distribution in a Tidally Dynamic Region, with and without a Tidal Energy Device
11244Submission Title: Oh, the places we’ll go!: Exploring the ocean with technology,
ED008Submission Title: Sharing Ship-Based Ocean Research Through Innovative Technology and Hands-On Vessel Experiences,
IS004Submission Title: Innovative and Emerging Research Technologies with High Impact for Marine Sciences