Temporal and spatial differentiation of the climate change at the East-South China Seas and Northwest Pacific for last 140 years

Jian-Cheng Kang, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai, China
Using multiple marine dataset (AIPOcean1.0 (1993-2006), Ishii (1945-2010), SODA (1871-2010)), contrast and analysis temperature change rate and trend from surface to the deep in the East-South China Seas and adjacent waters to the Northwest Pacific Ocean (NPO), for past 140 years, the results showed a larger differentiation at space and time: on the surface, the warming has emerged at the whole studying area for last 140 years; the warming rates appeared that over the 25 years > 50 years > 100 years > 140 years. But the largest rate was at the layer around the depth of 50m. In the continental shelf area of the East China Sea (ECS), the temperature was rising at upper layer to 100 meters, some area deeper than 120 meters has appeared cooling. In the Kuroshio of the ECS (the ECS Kuroshio) and the Okinawa trough region, from the entrance to export of the ECS Kuroshio, the sea was warming at upper 300 m, the warming rate decreased with depth; 500-700 meters in some areas appear to be cooling; the layer deeper than 700 meters appears warming trend again. At the NPO adjacent to the ECS, the upper 200 meters appear to warming, a cooling trend at 300-1200 meters, not change or appear weak warming below 1200 meters. In the South China Sea (SCS), the upper 200 meters has an emergence of warming, 200-1000 m cooling, the layer below 1000 meters has been warming again. In the NPO adjacent to the SCS, the upper 250 meters has heating, 250 -2500 m cooling, 2500 m below the change was no obvious. Throughout the study area, where deeper than 700 meters, the temperature changes show in the three layers structure, the temperature rise in the upper layer, the middle cooling, the deeper change is not obvious.