High resolution profiling of ammonium and carbonate with solid contact ion selective electrodes

Rohini Athavale1,2, Bernhard Wehrli1,2, Christian Dinkel1, Gaston Crespo3, Eric Bakker3 and Andreas Brand1,2, (1)Eawag, Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology, Surface Waters – Research and Management, Luzern, Switzerland, (2)ETH Zurich, Institute of Biogeochemistry and Pollutant Dynamics, Switzerland, (3)University of Geneva, Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry
Biogeochemical processes involved in the carbon and nitrogen cycle are often confined to very narrow zones in aquatic systems. To study such processes, highly resolved measurements are required, which are not possible by conventional sampling and subsequent laboratory analysis. Potentiometric solid contact ion selective electrodes (SC-ISEs) are promising tools for high resolution in-situ profiling owing to their robustness to pressure changes, their improved detection limits (~10-6 M) and selectivity and the fast response (t95 ≤ 10s). Conventional SC-ISEs work well under controlled laboratory conditions but can fail to meet the challenges of natural water matrices. In-situ application requires SC-ISEs which are insensitive to changes in redox conditions, pH, and light and to reactive solutes such as high sulfide concentrations. To meet these criteria, we adapted a double layer design by using different combinations of transducing materials and membrane matrices for fabrication of SC-ISEs. We applied these sensors in an custom built profiling set up and demonstrated the potential of this system for high resolution in-situ measurements.