Modeling Street-Level Inundation in Galveston, Texas City, and Houston during 2008 Hurricane Ike: Now and Implications for the Future
Derek Loftis, VIMS, Gloucester Pt, VA, United States
In the wake of Hurricane Katrina (2005), Hurricane Ike (2008) is the second most devastating tropical cyclone to make landfall in the Gulf of Mexico in recent history. The path of the eye of Hurricane Ike passing directly over the Galveston’s City Center requires the finesse of a street-level hydrodynamic model to accurately resolve the spatial inundation extent observed during the storm. A version of the Holland wind model was coupled with a sub-grid hydrodynamic model to address the complexity of spatially-varying hurricane force winds on the irregular movement of fluid though the streets of the coastal cities adjacent to the Galveston Bay. Sub-grid modeling technology is useful for incorporating high-resolution lidar-derived elevation measurements into the conventional hydrodynamic modeling framework to resolve detailed topographic features for inclusion in a hydrological transport model for storm surge simulations. Buildings were mosaicked into a lidar-derived Digital Surface Model at 5m spatial resolution for the study area, and in turn, embedded within a sub-grid layer of the hydrodynamic model mesh in a cross-scale approach to address the movement of Ike’s storm surge from the Gulf of Mexico through the Galveston Bay, up estuaries and onto land.
Model predictions for timing and depth of flooding during Hurricane Ike were compared with 8 verified water level gauges throughout the study area to evaluate the effectiveness of the sub-grid model’s partial wetting and drying scheme. Statistical comparison yielded a mean R2 of 0.914, a relative error of 4.19%, and a root-mean-squared error of 19.47cm. A rigorous point-to-point comparison between street-level model results and 217 high water mark observations collected by the USGS and FEMA at several sites after the storm revealed that the model predicted the depth of inundation comparably well with an aggregate root-mean-squared error 0.283m. Finally, sea-level rise scenarios using Hurricane Ike as a base case revealed future storm-induced inundation could extend 0.6-2.8 km inland corresponding to increases in mean sea level of 37.5-150 cm based upon IPCC climate change prediction scenarios specified in their 5th assessment report in 2013.